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Wednesday, October 10, 2018


Mi Nyeo stands in front of her old house. She has no idea Jae Wan is behind her and Jae Wan has no idea what is she thinking. Mi Nyeo wants this to end with Joong Goo while he begs for his sins. She is shocked to see Jae Wan. At that moment this many colors cross her face in which one of it wanted him to be her son. She asks if he is following him. Jae Wan says he wanted to see what kind of place it was where she and her nephew were meeting for their plans and discussions. He asks her didn’t her son tell her that he will fight. She asks him not to touch Loman. Jae Wan says he heard Loman is not her real son. He leaves and she calls Loman.
Joong Goo arrives late at the meeting. He watches Mi Nyeo talking to the couple. The couple thanks her for giving them the money because Mi Nyeo is using her name. Joong Goo asks a woman about Mi Yeon’s house and the woman says no one lives there.
Jae Wan is playing detective on his own. He has the info about the house’s owner. He asks flirty guy to look into it. Flirty guy reports it to Mi Nyeo. She tells him to go ahead say they have no connection. Flirty guy sees spy girl going into the Ciel’s library. She is getting some business books for Mo Ne. He asks her to take care of Jae Wan as he trusts her. Mommy is angry at Loman why didn’t he tell that Jae Wan and Joong Goo were bothering him. He says he didn’t want mommy to worry. She says its true she was there in the room that night when the late chairman died but she didn’t kill him. Loman says he knows. Mommy tells him they have to take care of Jae Wan. Loman says he will look into it.
Chae Kyung’s tummy hurts because she saw Mo Ne and Jae Wan kissing. -Lady have you no shame? Why were you peeping in someone’s house and why were you at the back door?- she calls her bitch friends and calls Mo Ne as the maid. Her friends show that how rich people can be losers. – I wanted to smack everyone of them- Woo Hyun comes in the room and Mo Ne shakes her head as in not to do or say anything. He goes to Jae Wan and tells her the treatment she is getting by Chae Kyung and bitches. Mo Ne is wiping a bitches shoe. Jae Wan enters and takes Mo Ne is what I was hoping for but Jae Wan cleans the shoe and pours the wine for the other bitch. Chae Kyung’s plan has backfired she tells that the party is over and the bitches leave. Chae Kyung leaves too saying they are making a mistake. Mo Ne asks Jae Wan to go after him as she was hurt because of them and he asks her to come to him if something like this ever happens.
Jae Wan the good guy that he is catches up to Chae Kyung. She is crying. She asks why did he use her. What is so good about Mo Ne. Jae Wan says Mo Ne saved him when he thought about ending his life. Chae Kyung threats him that now he has broken the promise and if she can’t have him, she will hate him to death and today he made another enemy. As she walks away she regrets saying it and thinks if she had apologized and begged him to let her stay by his side. Loman crosses her path. He says he will pretend he didn’t saw anything. Chae Kyung’s regret a moment ago again turns into anger and she tells him, she will help him to torment Jae Wan as she knows every weakness of him.
Jae Wan’s kitty has gone missing and a wild cat appears before her. No, not Mo Ne but spy girl. She hands over the books to him to give to Mo Ne. Woo Hyun finds a dejected Mo Ne and to cheer her mood, he asks her to play basket ball or go climbing or cycling. Mo Ne says she knows he cares about her but she is not the one. Woo Hyun asks if she doesn’t like it and Mo Ne answers no. Woo Hyun says not now but later he would say what is in his heart. Jae Wan comes from behind and tells him not to. Jae Wan wants to talk to Mo Ne but she leaves. Woo Hyun says he is being tolerant all this while but from now on he doesn’t believe in Jae Wan anymore. Woo Hyun goes to Mo Ne and tells her that Jae Wan is waiting for her in the garden. He tells her his own hearts desire that he would like if she wouldn’t go.
Jae Wan is waiting for her and Mo Ne comes to meet him but she stops on the bridge. Mi Nyeo’s words that she still has Jae Wan in her mind and not revenge stops her from going forward. She texts him and goes back. Jae Wan reads her message that she is afraid that he will get hurt if she held his hand. She wants to stand on her own. He replies back that he lied about not having to want her back, he is being selfish but wants her and this time he will wait for her.
Joong Goo wonders if Mi Nyeo or Mi Yeon are the same person or sisters. His lackey tells him that Mi Yeon never died and Joong Goo has an attack of craziness.
Jae Wans picture frame is now behind on the shelf. He looks at the books spy girl gave him for Mo Ne and a light bulb flashes on. The serial numbers on the books make Jae Wan look at the code the late chairman wrote. He runs to the Ciel’s library and asks for the book but because its old it’s in the basement and Jae Wan finds it and Mo Ne is written on it.
Joong Goo is at Chae Kyung’s restaurant. He asks her to make a deal with him, even though he doesn’t have money but he has one thing she is longing for, his son Jae Wan. She reels from the shock for a moment but gathers herself quickly and I’m surprised she believed he is saying the truth. At first it looked like she wont sell herself like that but when Jae Wan’s the bait its difficult not to drool.
Joong Goo meets James Howard, Harvard, Oxford. Jae Wan is with flirty guy and team leader. Flirty guy asks why did spy girl went to L.A. Jae Wan say she went for a private matter and at that moment his cell phone rings and its spy girl. Jae Wan slides away. Team leader asks flirty guy if he is into spy girl. -Okay stop, no way in hell I ‘ll let that happen. I ‘m saving her for Loman.-
Hwang is scolding the maids for spreading the rumors that Ciel will be sold and Mi Nyeo’s nephew is the one behind it. Mi Nyeo says they are just groundless rumors.
Joong Goo give James a deal to sell the hotel to her, Chae Kyung. Mi Nyeo meets with James and her son. Him going back on his words makes Mi Nyeo suspicious. Someone sends Mi Nyeo pictures of James meeting with Joong Goo. Mi Nyeo says she will take care of Joong Goo. He needs to speed up the investigation on Jae Wan.
Joong Goo goes back home and calls for his wife and daughter and what he finds are the divorce papers. His wife calls him to ask if its true that he gave the medicine to the late chairman and Joong Goo again goes it’s a misunderstanding. His wife says to let go of them and his daughter doesn’t want to see him anymore. Joong Goo finds a voice recorder which has his confession.
Joong Goo takes Mi Nyeo out for a ride. On the bridge where the car accident happened. Mi Nyeo starts to have a panic attack and she asks Joong Goo to stop the car. He speeds up and stops at the same spot. He drags Mi Nyeo out. He knows she is Mi Yeon. He asks her how long would she wanted to fool him. He lost his leg because of her. She goes crazy and says she lost her life and hits Joong Goo with his cane. She pushes him and strangles him saying he should have died then. Because of him her son Hyun Woo died. Loman comes to where mommy is. He tries to stop her but Mi Nyeo keeps screaming they should just die and Loman yells then what about him. This brings her back to her senses and Joong Goo runs for his life. Mi Nyeo cries and screams Woo Hyun’s name saying she is sorry. Loman can’t do anything but look at her in pain.
Maids ask Mo Ne if they rumor are true. Mo Ne says if they are they will be fired first. Kitty wanted to meet Mo Ne so she is at the employees building. Mo Ne tells him to go back Jae Wan will be worried but he won’t go so she takes him to Jae Wan’s place.
Jae wan is talking to spy girl, she asks if he told Mo Ne about the diary. He says not yet and sees Mo Ne with the kitty. Mo Ne asks kitty not to leave Jae Wan as he will be alone. Jae wan asks Mo Ne to come to play and feed him. She asks about spy girl and he says he has something he wants to return to her so she just has to wait.
Customers are driven from their rooms as the hotel is being renovated. Jae Wan tells the employees that he will stop it with his power as a general manager and everything will go back to as it was. Loman joins them and says they shouldn’t listen to him as he can leave the general managers position and can go to other hotel. Jae Wan asks him does he know how many employees work her or how many rooms are there. Mi Nyeo is telling someone to get the names of the employees who support Jae Wan. She is going to set an example.
Chae Kyung calls maids as she made a mess in the kitchen. Is she in Jae Wan’s house? She gives Mo Ne a plane ticket and Mo Ne thinks she is trying to send her away but Chae Kyung says its Jae Wan’s.
Woo Hyun gives consent to the customers. Mi Nyeo tells him just because he is the son of the farm chairman he can change the chairwoman’s decision? Jae wan says at least he knows what is best for the hotel. Loman tells him and mommy to stop as there are many people around. Joong Goo’s happy voice calls Jae Wan’s name telling him not to bother the chairwoman. He apologizes to Mi Nyeo as his son is lacking. Everyone is shocked including Jae Wan himself.

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