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Monday, October 22, 2018


Sourav’s haldi ceremony starts. Golu seeing fish asks Dev who marries a fish. Dev says it is kep as bengali ritual. Golu says let us go and play with Suhana. Dev says Suhana is unwell, he can go and play. Golu goes to balcony and plays with ball. Bejoy shouts to keep quiet Asha says let the kid play. Golu drops ball in haldi balll and haldi splashes on wedding sari. Bejoy shouts to come down right now. Golu comes down and Bejoy yell t him. Dev says he is a kid. Bejoy continues. Dev says if he had played with Golu, ball would have fallen on something else. Their argument starts. Asha drags them both and locks them in a room and warns to sort out their issues soon, else they will miss Sourav’s functions. She returns. Sona asks where are Dev and baba. Asha says she
locked bad kids in a room, let us restart haldi ceremony.
Bejoy yells at Dev that because of him, he is missing his son’s rituals. Dev says he is stuck here and is not interested to stay here, he will go from here with his daughter in 2 days. After haldi ritual, Sona asks Asha to open door now. Asha says no, she is tired of their drama, she cannot tolerate more, if anyone else tries to misbehave, they will also be locked in a room.
Elena returns home with Golu. GKB sees Golu crying and asks what happened to him. Elena sends Golu to his room and says he fell. GKB yells he does not cry if he falls, if bengalis pushed him. Elena leaves ignoring her. GKB takes ice cream for Golu and starts brainwashing him that big cha used to take him for ice cream daily, but he will not. Golu asks why. GKB says he came here crying, but he did not come to console him as he has his daughter and big chi now.
Bejoy thinks it would have been nice if he had alcohol to tolerate Dev. He reminisces scotch bottle in cupboard and makes a lid peg. Dev gulps half bottle and says we should drink like this. Bejoy finishes remaining half. They both sit and think how will the spend time. Dev says let us play truth or daring and rotates bottle. He asks Bejoy why he hates him so much. Bejoy says a father loves his daughter so much and if someone hurts her, he feels very helpless. Dev made his daughter cry and he could not protect her, he hates Dev. Dev say sorry. Bejoy rotates bottle next. Dev says he feels they are carrying an issue since 7 years, he came here after forgetting everything, but Mr. Bose did not forget anything. He dares Bejoy to stop hating him. He wanted Bejoy to forgive him, but Bejoy does not want to. Bejoy says he means there is no solution for this problem. Dev says yes, he does not want to understand him. Bejoy says his daughter is still small and once she grows up and loves someone like Dev, he will realze his condition. They both at once says what a bad game this is. Dev says nobody is perfect in this world, even Bejoy is. Bejoy says everyone talk big after a drink, if he has any idea how to get out of this room. Dev says if they convince their family they are friends now and have forgotten their past. Bejoy nods no. Dev says he has to smile at him, he will call him uncle, smile at him, they have to do this for their loved ones. Bejoy says yes. They both make a deal. Bejoy says his family is very smart. Dev says they will do something that they will not speak at all.
In the morning, Asha wakes up Sourav. Sourav says let me sleep, why did you play loud music. Asha says she did not. They both walk out to check. Sona joins them. They all 3 open room door and see Dev and Bejoy dancing happily. Dev drags Sourav for a dance. Sona sees empty scotch bottle. Bejoy dances vigorously and collapses holding his chest.
Precap: Doc says Bejoy’s blood pressure has shot up and his condition is critical. Dev apologizes Sona. Sona says no need for sorry, if something happens to baba, she will not forgive him and even Soha may not.
Bejoy collapses while dancing with Dev. Whole family and Dev takes him to hospital. Soha asks what happened to Daadu. Sona says he is just tired. They all reach hospital. Doc comes out after checking Bejoy and says his BP is very high and his condition is very critical. Everyone get worried. Sona starts lashing Dev that Sona considers him superman, but he is not. If something happens to baba, she will not spare him.
Elena tries to leave home. GKB asks where is she going. Elena says Soha worriedly called Golu and informed that Mesho/Bejoy is in hospital. GKB asks what happened. Mesho’s BP shot up after Dev gave him alcohol. GKB laughs he did not give poison. Elena says she is wasting her time here and tries to leave, but GKB stops her and in her irritating broken
English and accent starts yelling.
Asha stands outside Bejoy’s hospital room worried and Sona tries to calm her down. Doc comes out and says Bejoy is fine now and they can meet him. Family walks in. Bejoy says they thought he would die so easily, he will not. Asha asks him to keep quiet. Dev stands near Dev. Bejoy singals him to come in and says Dev told him not to drink, but he did not listen. Dev apologizes. Sourav comes with Ronita. Bejoy tries to get up. Ronita asks him to sleep. Bejoy says football is getting his bahu against him. Asha asks him not to call Sourav as football at least now. Ronita says he can call football as she calls him panda. Sourav asks Bejoy that he will aask doc to keep him under observation. Bejoy says so that he can finish his marriage food alone. Dev walks out.
Asha feeds soup to Bejoy. Bejoy asks if he is a good, better or bad father. He cannot be bad as he took care of his family well. He asks why he is telling this. He says Dev told even he must have made mistake in life. Asha says what Dev told is not important. Their relationship is continuing as they got adjusted to each other, but Sona and Dev are unable to. It is their duty now to get Dev and Sona reunited.
Sona gets him coffee and apologizes. He says she does not have to, even he reacted similarly when maa took medicine overdose and tried to suicide. He asks if she remembers what happened that day. She says no. He says he overreacted that day and blamed her and when she broke up with him. She says he broke up. He says she remembers everything then. Their problem is they find ways to blame each other more than trying to understand each other.
Bejoy is taken home. Soha greets him and asks if he is fine. He says yes. Soha says he is also superman like her papa. He says it all happened because of her papa. Sona and Asha look along. He says her papa took him to hospital on time and saved him. Soha says her papa is best. Asha asks Sona where is Dev. Sona says she scolded him in tension, so he went home. Asha says it is not about her and Dev, it is about Soha now.
Elena tries to feed Golu and he does not. She asks Vicky to convince Golu. Vicky yells if he is not eating, let him, he will eat later. Golu says he will not eat until Big cha comes. Dev says he is here itself. GKB tries to brainwash him that he should get Soha here itself permanently instead of staying at Bose house for Soha. Dev says he is returning back and just came here for Golu. He feeds food and gets Golu on bed. Golu insists him to tell a story like he does to Soha. Dev says soon Soha will be with them and he will recite story to them both. Golu says it will be a fun with his sister. Golu starts story.
Sona goes to Soha’s room and recites story. She then tells she will tell her papa’s story. Soha asks if she remembers papa’s story, then she remembers all his stories. Sona reminisces scolding Dev and feels guilty.
Precap: Sona gives to do list to Dev. Dev says after a few hours, they will be in his house and there it will be only his rules.

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