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Monday, October 22, 2018


Part 1
RK asks Madhu if she is looking for these?? [the Divorce papers]??
Madhu asks to return the papers to her but RK doesnt..and says.. changed my mind and decision
Madhu fumes… RK says.. told ya.. changed my mind..!
RK says when she said..she loves HIM he thot to end HER ..who is his life..and then he thot.. this is 2012 RK .. but 2013 .new year new RK ..who has control on his emotions..!
RK says… a pretty girl said.. no one can force their love on other coz love is a poison created in the heart..and it ends the heart first..! RK says..want freedom? Would have let her leave. .but at night .. he looked at moon n he felt peaceful ..
RK says.. thot a lot… about that moment.. when she said dun love u.. n then slapped those moments…
Madhu din love me. .why she din leave the day of their wedding?
If Madhu din love me…why was she dying to marry me?
Madhu says old things..and RK says . wine and love.. the older they get.. they become more intense!
RK says.. after wedding.. he saw his happiness on her face…when he got hurt..why she helped him? Became.. his shadow in sun … mere dard me meri dawa. .mere dukh me ..meri dua kyun bani ??
RK asks..why put herself at stake to save him before Sultan? Madhu says was drama..! RK says. .or this is a drama? Madhu glares.. gimme the papers so can go..! RK says stop the drama…!
Madhu says u . .n RK says..yes ME … who is on her mind and heart.. n she does all this to surprise him … its a welcome gift.. for him on his return! Madhu says.. WANT A DIVORCE And thats a FACT ..! RK says dun believe..!
RK says.. Meri Madhu mujhse kabhi alag nahi ho sakti. .n Madhu is teary eyed..! She asks what to do to make him believe? RK says…to admit.. this is a drama… n then he will give her a return gift… he puts divorce papers on fire! Madhu almost burns her hand to stop the papers from burning and RK splashes water on the fire to douse it…!
He walks anger! Radha asks the matter but RK fumes off..! Radha asks Bittu what is going on? Bittu says Madhu is divorcing RK …Radha is shocked
Dips says.. Toot gaye sare rishte..sare nate… pack up devrani ji..goodbye Chawlbala..!
Radha says. .cant understand and Bittu says.. this was her decision ..from hosp ..! Radha asks if RK did something?
Bittu says..that something is amiss.. Madhu loves RK a lot. .but dunno what is going on..! Radha is confused too .. n Bittu says let the storm pass on.. we will do something..! Radha goes to talk to Madhu!
Part 2
Radha comes to Madhu n finds her packing..! Madhu says.. she should have told her the details. .but.. its between Rishbala… so din wanna say..! Madhu says.. did all compromises..that i could.. but understood that cant live with RK like this…
Madhu asks Radha how long will she keep praying? Keep waiting for him? Thats why decided to separate from him..!
Dips smirks n says.. fantastic Sultan ..some thing there in ur brains along with brawns..!
Madhu says.. he keeps fighting.. beating people up .how long to live like that? One can dream in darkness. but cannot live..!
Part 3
Radha says REALLY??? Since when Madhu matured overnight? Tongue Dips smirks..! Radha asks.. Madhu.. she could have separated from RK long back. .but din. .so why now??
The wedding day is not long gone.. back then fought to get RK .. but now..saying such things…?? WHY??? Answer…
Madhu says.. then thot.. that i loved RK ..but now.. now.. love Sultan and stops midway…!
Precap —- Madhu says gotta go… and Radha says stop . .u r not going anywhere ..! Madhu says told u gonna do… wont change the decision! Radha sa
Part 1
Radha asks Madhu to answer… and she says.. she thot..she loved RK but now she loves Sult..and stops midway! She says.. love myself more now.. n wanna live my life.. by myself.. n not the life.. which she is leading forcibly!
Madhu says gotta go.. n Radha says STOP Dips fumes…n Radha says she is not going anywhere.. Madhu says wont change my decision..! Radha says.. till i say not going anywhere. .just sign on papers doesnt do anything.. legal process is left… so she is still her D-i-L …! Madhu opposes .. but Radha says..still she finds out a reason for this …divorce wont let her leave..!
Madhu says told u n Radha says.. can see her eyes.. which are telling another story! Dips rues.. CRUEL SAANS
Dips taunts Madhu about her shifting back to chawl and
Madhu fumes why here? Dips says.. today she is with Madhu in her every decision! Madhu is teary eyed Dips says …check my excited that there is no one between her n RK anymore!
Dips spots the burnt divorce papers. ..n says. burnt like Rishbala relation! She says.. oh not just burnt. but turned to ashes..! Dips sings.. zindagi ek safar hai suhana.. yahan kab mil jae pyaar purana..!
Dips lies down by RKs side of the bed and Madhu asks what is she doing? Dips says practising be in bed.. for RK…! Madhu says she is a shoe.. which is not allowed .. neither in bed nor room!
Dips asks..if she is talking out of her fear? Madhu says. no telling truth..! Dips says.. one time they said…Rishbala wont separate but see now! Dips again taunts Madhu n then walks off..!
Madhu is walking in the hall wondering about Radha-Dips words.. She trips and is about to fall when RK holds her in time.. ! Rishbala eyelock.. Radha watches..!
Radha comes in kitchen and watches Dips cooking n asks what she is doing n Dips says.. making dinner for RK …to take care of him n Radha says even Sikky hasnt eaten ..take care of him! Dips opposes but Radha takes the dinner tray for RK from Dips n gives to Madhu to take care of RK..!
Radha reminds.. that Madhu asked for divorce.. she hasnt got yet.. so fulfill ur duty! Dips cribs about Sultan n Radha asks what? She diverts!
Madhu brings dinner for RK and RK says when there is no love..GET LOST..! Madhu stays mum RK asks what is she trying to prove? Why the care? Madhu says..they had a relation …
Madhu turns to leave n RK says.. it hurts.. but hurt that much that i can bear on ur name!
Part 2
Madhu says they had a bond.. wanted to stay together .. but n RK says she fell .. TOO LOW … in LOVE n Madhu says yes..! She says love has no right or wrong.. n he knows it well!
Madhu says… she fell in love at wrong time.. with wrong person ..
She says. .feel suffocated.. knowing that the person standing in front of her.. is the reason for keeping her separate from her love.. n she cant forget her duty just coz she is in love with Sultan!
RK says enouf… shut up …! Dips smirks and says.. finally some respect for Madhu for this reason ..n wow Sultan..what an idea.. he will die with happiness!
RK says.. want to be safe..dare not take that mans name..!
Part 3
RK says.. Madhu is taking revenge.. by hurting him .. RK says. .fine .. hurt me.. she will remember that there was someone who loves her so much that he tried to find love in her revenge. .but just for few days..!
After that.. there will be only hurt.. n her cheating.
RK opens the door of the room n see Dips! He asks Dips why standing like doorbell to my door? Dips stammers .. n says touf times thot he will need help …n he says.. so why enemy is standing?
Dips offers him a drink. n says.. maybe ..coz he cheated drinks… he was cheated on .. n offers him the bottle n RK takes!
Precap —-RK is drinking ..n tells Bittu to tell Radha to leave n if she is free to talk to Mangesh etc ..! Radha says they are not my kids.. u are..! She says he cribs that she din tell him about MK ..well here is one truth… stop Madhu coz if she leaves… he will be over forever..!

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