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Sunday, October 21, 2018


Scene 1
Bindu ask Ashok to not leave the grip of rock, sushim thinks that if dont help Ashok then Bindu will doubt me that i did this with AShok, bindu ties rope to rock and ties other end to his body, he says i am coming, Ashok says no dont put your life in danger, Bindu jumps from cliff, he hangs beside Ashok with help of rope, he ask Ashok to give his hand to him, Ashok is not able to reach him, he says to Ashok that jump towards me, Ashok says no, Bindu says you trust me, Ashok says no, bindu says jump towards my side, i will hold you, Ashok jumps, Bindu catches him, soldiers pulls the rope upside.
Ashok and Bindu comes to top of cliff, Bindu hugs Ashok, Sushim is jealous, he comes to Bindu and hugs him, Sushim says what was the need to put life in danger, Bindu says you
should have been cautious, why did you both come alone here, Sushim hugs AShok too, and says sorry to not bring help for you, if anything has happened to you then i would have not forgiven myself.
all queens of palace are sitting together, Noor says to Helena that i have listened many jewelers are coming in palace, whats the occasion? Helena says its impossible o hide things from you, i am making jewelry, i will show you now.
Sushim comes to Ashok, he thinks if Ashok has doubt on me? Bindu comes there and says to AShok how did you fall? Sushim says because of me, i asked ashok to show him some sights and Ashok fell from cliff, AShok recalls how Sushim had pushed him, Ashok says i slipped and fell, Bindu says Ashok i didnt expect this mistake from you, Ashok angrily looks at Sushim and says you are right, i should have been cautious, Bindu says if anything has happened to you then i would have not forgiven myself, Ashok says i cant repay you back, what you have done for me is great, i have realized today that we are not equal, you are way much elder to me in every sense so our friendship is not possible, Bindu says if this is not friendship then what is it? Ashok says i cant name it but from today, i have strong trust on you, Bindu says if you have trust on me then retutn to Patliputra with me, AShok says no i will never return to Patliputra.
Scene 2
Helena shows neck pieces to queens, she brings best gold neck piece, Charu thinks she will gift it to her but Helena goes to Noor and says this is for you, Noor is surprised and says this is for me? its very nice, Helena says i wanted to give you on right time but you were curious so giving it now, she makes her wear it and says go to my son after wearing this, he gets spell bound around you, Noor is shocked to know that she knows about her affair with Justin, Helena says aloud that Bindu will like it on your Noor, Helena says now other wives can take other neckpieces which are remaining, Charu says i dont take remaining things, she leaves, Helena ask Subhrasi you have problem too? Noor says i you want then you can take my necklace too, Subhrasi says if i need it then i will ask for it, she leaves too, Helena smirks.
Noor is making Justin drink wine, he is inebriated, he ask Noor did you forgive me? she says yes, Justin says i didnt want to shout on you that day but you were giving pain to Siamak, Noor says you never talk to me like this, there is something which you are hiding from me, Justin says no problem is there, Noor says i can sense it, tell me your problem, i will help you, Justin says you will help me? Noor says just tell me, Justin says when i saw you with Siamak, i remembered Helena, she used to force me, she used to give me pain saying she is doing all this for my good only, sometime i feel that she is not doing all this for me but she want to fulfill her dreams, how can mother hurt her son, Noor ask what she is doing with you? Justin says she is waiting for Bindu to return so with Ujjain’s king, she can fix my… he falls unconscious, Noor says this means Ujjain’s king and Helena are planning something but what?
Scene 3
Ashok is sadly sitting by river side, Bindu comes to him and says it must have been good, if you had come with me, i am feeling sad too leaving you here but you must have reasons too for not coming with me and i respect that, Helena have always taken me as my mother but i still used to feel my mother’s absence, i used to get hurt, i lost my faith on God, everything was blurred, one day i found a letter of my father which he wrote for me, he shows that letter.
Chanakya makes Dharma meet Kasturi, he says Kasturi works in kitch of Patliputra’s palace, he says to Kasturi that Dharma wil work in kitchen of palace and nobody should know about her, nobody should know that i have brought her here, Kasturi says you dont worry, Chanakya says to Dharma that nobody comes in kitchen, only few people are allowed to enter the kitchen so you are safe from Khurasan and Ashok both.
Bindu reads letter of Chandragupt that your mother was great lady, she had to leave us soon but wherever she is, she is seeing you and she must be feeling sad seeing you in pain, if she was alive she would have made sure to make you happy, i am trying hard to give you good life but you have to try too, if you set example with your good behavior then people will say that look he is son of Durdhara, if you want to make your name then follow the right path, and be happy, Ashok cries listening the letter, soldier comes and says we are ready to leave, Bindu says to Ashok that you are always welcome to Patliputra, i should leave now, he says to Ashok will you not say anything? Ashok is silent, Bindu leaves from there, Ashok recalls his good times with Bindu, he recalls how Bindu saved him, he stops Bindu and says i will come with you too, bindu smiles broadly, Ashok smiles too.
PRECAP- Bindu alongwith Ashok comes back to Patliputra. later Dharma is walking in palace when Ashok calls her from saying Maa, Dharma is shocked and turns back.

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