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Tuesday, October 23, 2018


Scene 1:
Location: Sagar’s residence
while rudra tries to talk to zoya, and ganga, raahat enters with the police. ammaji recognises raahat and wonders how did she land here. the police says that they shall have to arrest rudra on ground of possible rape and murder. all are shocked. madhvi begs them to reconsider. ammaji hope that noone knows raahat and that niranjan shouldnt at all know she is here, after remembering how they were linked in the past and how they cant afford at all, raahat in their lives, now that niranjan is married. how after the police is gone, sagar confrotns ganga, and they start hurling accusations at each other. sagar continues to try and point out that rudra hasnt been proven innocent yet and whether she has any proof implicating in the crime. ganga says that she
doesnt have right now but soon she shall and is determined that she shall get zoya justice. he too swears that he shall prove rudra is innocent. ganga watches tensedly. thereafter she leaves.
Later, amaaji is in her room, sitting tensedly about raahat’s sudden apearance. she thinks that rudra’s mistake shouldnt implicate her and her family too in all this. she goes out. Meanwhile, in the drawing room, in front of madhvi and pulkit, sagar vows to be by rudra’s side and help him. madhvi complies, saying that rudra has always been by their side, and enumerates various instances when he helped them, and now they have to reciprocate. ammaji hears all this. pulkit wonders why is zoya and ganga unnecessarily accusing him then, if there is no substance. she comes and says that pulkit is right, and sits down. she tries to instigate them, saying that they have no clue what rudra is capable of, and has turned into, after all these years of lost touch. madhvi asks her if she is doubting him. she says that she merely doesnt want to complicate things by being involved. sagar gets frustrated. he asks how can they desert him like that, and not help him. she says that they shall but from outside, and begs sagar to think about his father’s reputation, and what shall they do, if rudra’s case is true. he rubbishes it off, saying that he would also side with rudra. Just then, supriya gets the food back, from ragini’s room. Madhvi gets to know that ragini didnt eat, because rudra isnt here. all are frustrated.
In her room, ragini is extremely upset and crying, when sagar comes and asks her to eat. she expresses how attched she is to him, and asks him to get him. madhvi comes and assures too that rudra shall come, and that till then, she can stay with she herself. she manages to successfully distract ragini, by giving her stories, and feeding her, diverting her mind. he looks on appreciatively.
Scene 2:
Location: Ganga’s residence
As raahat stands tensedly, ganga gets food for her, and she refuses to eat, thoroughly tensed. raahat continues to deny, while ganga continues to vehemently insist that she needs to eat, to fight the long battle ahead, and eat for her daughter’s sake if not herself. she starts feeding her. raahat gets emotional, and thanks her for what she is doing for her and her daughter, as it isnt easy to fight against one’s own people, specially sagar, and thanks yet again. ganga says that its true, but people should always side with the truth. she says that it would be difficult and the worse part is that she says that she was hurt to see the person who she believed in the most, betray her like that. she says that her fight shall continue till zoya gets justice. she also asks raahat to not be so formal. she smiles and complies. Raahat asks ganga to eat too, as she knows that she also hasnt eaten food, or anything else all day. ganga complies. hesitatingly, ganga says that she wished to talk too, and asks if she wouldnt tell zoya’s father about it. raahat is shocked and taken aback, as she denies.
Scene 3:
Location: Sagar’s residence
The next morning, sagar and pulkit are ready for their day at the court, while a concerned madhvi packs their tiffin, and sends them off. she finds ammaji rushing in.
MAdhvi asks whats the matter, as she didnt go to the ghat for bathing, and ammaji gives an excuse. she then asks madhvi about niranjan’s flight, and gets to know that
he would arrive late morning. madhvi gets back to work, while ammaji keeps muttering that she simply couldnt have wanted raahat to meet niranjan, and hence she didnt go to the ghats.
Scene 4:
Location: Court room
When sagar and pulkit arrive for rudra, they find that ganga is already there with her court papers. sagar presents the bail papers to the clerk. the clerk says that all accusations are no bailable, and hence the reason for denial of bail to rudra. he understands that ganga is behind this, and asks how can she misuse the law. she says that she is merely doing justice, and using it, doesnt mean violation of other rights, as she just wished. she says that she needed to set an example. Sagar asks ganga not to get happy, as rudra’s bail denial doesnt imply that she won, but it does ensure that he wants her to fall flat on her wrong assumptions. she says that she knows there is a long fight ahead, but she is ready to fight against him yet again. the screen freezes on their faces.
Precap: Sagar finds ganga going dizzy in front of the court, and she falling on the ground. he immediately rushes to her, for helping her out. Meanwhile, niranjan knocks on ganga’s door, oblivious that this is where rahat stays. when raahat opens the door, they are both aghast as they see each other.
Scene 1:
Location: Court
sagar asks ganga to have some sense, as due to her carelessness, he also had to hear the lecture, as the doctor presumed that he is the father and they are a couple. she taunts that he is definitely not a couple wioth her, or the father. he asks her to take care then. she asks why does he care so much and let it go. he says that hates her and hwer child so much so, and he wouldnt have anyone to give her hatred too. he says that he loves her ardently, and hence grew to hate her ardently. just then, pulkit and zoya arrive, while sagar leaves hastily. ganga is tensed.
Scene 2:
Location: Sagar’s and ganga’s residence
all are tensed for rudra and the solid case that ganga made for her, but pulkit is tensed for ganga, and explains what happened
in the morning. they all look at sagar, while he says that he had no other option. he leaves from there. they think that he is still tensed for whats going on and hasnt forgotten her completely. then niranjan enters and he too goes in without listening to ayone. he rushes in and locks the door. they are all boggled. Meanwhile, inside, niranjan, sagar, raahat and ganga, in their respective rooms, have severe despair, as they realsie the latest turn their lives have taken. supriya gets back the plate of food, and ammaji sees it. she gets to know that noone ate last night. ammaji is tensed.
The next morning, ammaji finds from madhvi that niru has still got the room locked, and is tensed. ammaji is tensed. she sends madhvi to prepare for puja, while she herself is tensed. she hopes that niru isnt taken back to the past and that she cant afford to take the risk of him meeting raahat and decides to do something about it.
Scene 3:
Location: Ganga’s residence
ammaji lashes at raahat as she coems on her doorstep, thropwing money at her face, asking her to get lost and leave the city. as they spill out truth, about zoya’ being niru’s illegitimate daughter, Ganga hears and is thoroughly shocked. ammaji says that the world knows something else, and that she has been married to that commoner guy. they keep taunting and accusing one another. she explains how he had gone abroad, and she had sent letters, but he didnt respond. ammaji asks her to think then. she asks raahat if niru sent back any answer and says that he didnt tell her, because niru knew her truth, and asks if she is trying to cast off her illgitimate affair, on niru. ammaji is furious. ganga who is hearing all this, shocked and distraught, claps and taunts her, saying that she did the same with sagar and now with niru,. and she thinks her money can buy everything. ammaji lashes at her, while ganga reminds her, and says that ammaji cant go on, and that its enough. she goes to raahat and holds her hand. ganga says that she is Raahat Mirza, who wont leave the town, at all, and asks her if her money can buy all the relations, but she is mistaken, as everything isnt for sale, in the world. she asks her to keep her money. ammaji says that she made a big mistake to have brought her up, as she knew she would bring ruin for them, and she did exactly that. ammaji leaves rushedly. Inside, raahat tells ganga not to ask questions as she wouldnt be able to answer them. ganga asks her to take the pain out, as the truth is already out of the closet, and asks her to share. the screen freezes on ganga’s tensed face.
Precap: Madhvi asks niru, whats the matter and why does he always keep her out, of his deepest emotions, and never lets her in. she says that it feels he is hiding a secret. ammaji hears this from a distance. He asks what and how can she think so. ammaji intervenes, and they both are surprised. she asks her to go down, as she wishes to talk to her son in private. they are both tensed.

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