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Monday, October 29, 2018


Sagar’s mum doesn’t listen anything. Niranjan was going to tell her, but Sagar stops him. Sagar and Pulkit handle the situation and Pulkit takes her away from there. Sagar tells Niranjan not to tell anything to his mum as she is very sensitive and won’t be able to deal with this.
Other hand, Maharaj asks Amma why she swore on their God and lied. He was there when Rahat came. Amma says she had to think about her bahu as well. She can take sin of lying on her, but can’t see her house collapsing.
Ganga comes to take Niranjan’s sign on some papers. Niranjan sees Zoya’s date of birth and thinks how that is possible. He recalls Rahat’s words that Zoya is his daughter. Outside, Ganga shows high court appeal papers to Sagar and says she will make sure Rudra
gets punished. They can’t buy justice. Sagar says in her stubbornness and ego, she is not able to see the truth and she says he doesn’t want to see the truth in his selfishness, but she will make sure truth is out to everyone. She leaves and Rudra comes. He tells Sagar that he met Zoya yesterday as she called him and he recorded everything they talked. He shows Zoya’s confession video to Sagar. Sagar is stunned. He can’t believe someone can go so low. She betrayed her husband too and Ganga is supporting such a woman. Why wouldn’t she? She’s also same. Rudra says he doesn’t know Ganga knows anything about Zoya. Zoya can make anyone fool. Ganga is straight forward so she thinks others are same too. She just believed on Zoya’s stories. He knows both Ganga and Zoya very well. Ganga will never support wrong. Sagar says if that is the case, then they must stop Ganga. She’s going to appeal in high court. If they show this video in court, then it will be proved that Zoya is a fraud, but for supporting her, Ganga’s career will be spoiled. Sagar calls Ganga. She disconnects. He keeps calling her and she finally picks up. Sagar asks her to listen it’s important. She is not ready to listen and refuses to meet him. She turns off her phone. Sagar says Ganga is creating mess for herself, not knowingly she is supporting wrong people. Sagar and Rudra leave to go to Ganga’s house.
Niranjan comes to Amma and says he wants some answers. Amma says go ahead. Niranjan shows Ganga’s birth certificate and says he went to London same year. If Zoya is Dr. Sameer’s daughter, then how she can born in that year. Amma says how she would know. She wants to go to Ashram. Niranjan tells her to answer him. Was Rahat right? She is hiding something for sure. Amma tries to ignore him, but he doesn’t let her go and demands answers. Amma says she’s saying the truth. Rahat never came. Maharaj comes from behind and says, she came many times. Amma asks Maharaj to shut, but he apologises her and tells the truth to Niranjan that Rahat came many times and gave letters to Amma as well, but Amma threw them away. Niranjan is shocked. Maharaj says he has 2 letters of hers and goes to get them. Niranjan stares Amma in shock and anger.
Rudra and Sagar come to Ganga’s house. Only Zoya is there. Zoya starts her drama to tell her what’s the matter. Rudra tells her to stop her drama, Sagar knows her truth. He shows her the video that he recorded. Zoya begs him to delete the video and she will go away from his life. If he shows this video to everyone, then Rahat will break down. Rudra says he won’t come in her talks now. When she gets chance, she snatches the phone and deletes the videos. This angers Rudra and he grabs her. Sagar tells Rudra not to take matters in his hands. Ganga also comes there. Rudra says he had only that video as proof of his innocence and she deleted it. Now he won’t spare her. He takes a knife and asks Ganga and Sagar to step back. Rudra puts Zoya in car and takes her somewhere. Rahat sees it and asks Ganga to do something else he will kill Zoya. Ganga says police won’t be of any help after what happened in court. Now only blood will save blood.
Precap: Rudra has tied Zoya. Sagar tells him to leave her, but he asks Sagar to stay out of this else he will kill him as well. Amma asks Niranjan why he will go everywhere for that Zoya. Rahat says because Zoya is his daughter as well. Sagar’s mum, Madhvi, hears it and is shocked.
Sagar runs behind the car in which Rudra drives Zoya. Sagar pants badly and steals a cycle of a stall man. Zoya was trying to resist the kidnap, requesting to stop the car.
Niranjan fell on the seat after reading the letters. Amma was crying, Niranjan complains why Amma hid a huge news from him. Rahat had written she was pregnant and wanted to meet him; when all doors were closed she married Dr. Sameer to get a legitimate name to her child. Amma replies Rahat didn’t belong to their cast. Niranjan shouts if she hid such a great news only for this matter, whom this lie proved fruitful. He turns to leave, but Amma stops his way and tells him to think peacefull about her Bhao’s sentiments. Niranjan gets her out of the way and come out.
Ganga and Rahat come crying, Ganga was ready to take their
case back and leave the city as well but Niranjan must save her. Rahat cries that he will kill her. Niranjan was clueless, and asks what happened. Ganga qualifies Rudra took Zoya and will kill him. Ganga says Rudra has high links, but Niranjan is also has approach. Niranjan calls the commissioner to find about a girl Rudra took along, he was taking Ganga and Rahat along when Amma interrupts what Zoya is to him. Rahat insists that Zoya is Niranjan’s own daughter. An aarti thaal fell off Madhvi’s hand who stood behind and heard this all. They come to confrontation, she confirms if what she heard is a true. Amma insists that this lady is a liar. Madhvi questions Niranjan again, if it’s true. Niranjan replies yes, Zoya is his daughter. Ganga comes to take Niranjan. Madhvi warns if he leaves with this lady today, she will break all his relations with him. Niranjan turns to look at her in shock, and tries to explain but she interrupts as she doesn’t want to listen or understand anything. She doesn’t know who this woman is, if Zoya is his daughter or not because she has no right over his past. She is only aware that today, he is her husband and a father to her children. She won’t question why he heard this all from him, why she was kept in dark for years; but if brings his past between their present today, she won’t bear it. Amma compels Niranjan to think again, Niranjan questions Amma if she had thought twice before rejecting his relation with Rahat. He turns to leave, but Madhvi reminds him again if he leaves today, their family, relation and home will come to an end. Today, he must choose any one, either Rahat or Madhvi.
There, Rudra had tied Zoya on the chair and shouts at her to speak, as he made a video. Zoya was confessing her mistake, Sagar comes there and comes to untie Zoya. Rudra stops Sagar while Sagar wasn’t ready to let Rudra take laws in his hands. Ganga joins her hands to Madhvi, but Rahat stops Ganga saying they didn’t come to beg. Niranjan is a father, but if he can’t fulfil his responsibilities she will think again that he must have some liability. She takes Ganga to leave, Niranjan stops Rahat. He tells Madhvi that he has never been disloyal to his relation with her, he never turned to look towards his past. But right now, it’s important for him to go with Rahat, it’s about the life of a girl, he would have done the same for anyone. Madhvi fell on the floor, when Rahat leaves.
Rudra brings about a knife and deters to kill Sagar also, if he moves forward. Sagar offers him to kill him, but reminds he is the only one to believe Rudra is innocent. He takes the knife off Rudra’s hand, and tries to calm him down. The knife fell on floor, Zoya was finally successful to free her hands. Rudra insists that Zoya is really cunning. Sagar promises to drag her to court. Zoya takes the knife, turns the video off and asks them to let her go. Sagar asks the knife back from Zoya, but she runs away. Sagar stops Rudra but he runs behind her.
In the police mobile, inspector gets an information about Rudra. They watch Zoya running towards the car, she stops at once watching the mobiles of police.
PRECAP: Rahat watches the video about Zoya’s confession that she was the one who took Akhtar’s life and accused Rudra falsely. She was angry and tells Zoya will be punished for sure. Zoya snatches the camera off her hand, in quest of which Rahat fell off the balcony.

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