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Tuesday, October 16, 2018


Ramiro wakes up and is surprised to see Valentin and Facundo. He's even more surprised to realize that he can't feel his legs. Valentin laughs and says bwahahaha, before you marry Ana Laura you ought to see for yourself what it is to be "differently-abled."
AnaLu and Ana Laura are chatting intensely when AnaLet barges in, strikes a pose, and demands, "why are you suddenly all quiet? Am I interrupting something?" Ana Laura solemnly lets Leticia know that yes, she is interrupting. AnaLet asks what they were talking about. AnaLu smiles and says, "about you." Leticia continues to stand there like a department store mannequin.
Mariano asks Marcelo to leave, but Marcelo doesn't want to leave without AnaLu. He warns that AnaLet could have an attack of hysteria at any moment, and since he's signed the divorce papers, she's no longer Marcelo's problem. AnaLu's love is all he wants in the world, and he won't give her up.
Valentin gloats some more about Ramiro's paralysis, "your legs have become a burden," and says he and Ramiro will now be on equal footing (no he didn't say it that way) in their fight for Ana Laura's affection, though I don't think it's really a fair competition unless Ramiro drinks a fifth of tequila too.
Ana Leticia tells her sisters that she's used to people talking about her, either in front of her or behind her back. In fact, she likes it and even gives them reason to talk, because the one thing she can't stand is not to be noticed.
Ana Laura lets Leticia know that her little stunt, posing as AnaLu, has in fact been noticed. AnaLet says it's Laura's own fault, for being so stupid. AnaLu protests at AnaLet's rudeness. AnaLet replies, "quiet, kitty! Animals don't speak." Ana Laura agrees that she was stupid not to suspect, since she knows that posing as Ana Laura is AnaLet's favorite hobby. AnaLet claims that she first met with Valentin as Ana Laura to find out what he was up to, and with Marcelo to find out what kind of zorra had stolen him from her.
"I won't let you talk to me that way," AnaLu objects, but AnaLet dares her to deny that she didn't care that Marcelo was a married man. Ana Laura defends AnaLu. AnaLet accuses them of ganging up on her and says that Ana Laura always did like AnaLu more, even now when she's a total stranger.
"You know why?" Ana Laura asks rhetorically. "Because in five minutes AnaLu gave me more understanding and affection than you have in your entire life." AnaLet makes as if to attack Ana Laura; AnaLu holds her off.
Now Valentin is asking Ramiro, if Gina were still alive, would she dump Ramiro as fast under these circumstances as she dumped Valentin? Ramiro reminds Tin that Gina cheated on both of them, but Tin is sure that Gina loved Ramiro much more.
Tin shows Ram the dossier on Gina that they found at Ratmundo's house. He says it doesn't tell the whole story. Ramiro can only say that he wasn't the reason Gina took her own life. Tin says Evaristo thought otherwise. He proudly shows off Evaristo's little notebook. No, it's not the one Ev tore up after he killed his grandthug. It's a new notebook - on which every page he wrote "Don't forget, Ramiro Fuentes must pay, must die."
Marcelo tells Mariano all about how he and Ana Lucia are totally in love. Mariano is skeptical. He thinks AnaLu is in love with a mirage. Marcelo says that's not true, because Santiago is part of himself, and with Santi he's discovered true love. He denies that he was ever really the love of AnaLet's life, because he never could make her happy. There was someone else in her heart: Mariano. She never did admit that it was Mariano, but Marcelo is convinced of it.
AnaLet hurls some trash talk and AnaLu, who responds by calling her a killer. AnaLet tries to hit her, but AnaLu blocks the slap. Ana Laura asks if it's true that AnaLet hired someone to cause Marcelo's accident and death. AnaLet accuses Ana Laura of making that up and scolds AnaLu for believing it (or possibly the other way around), but AnaLu says she heard it from Marcelo. "I don't know who you are, Ana Leticia," Ana Laura says sadly.
Mariano can't believe that AnaLet sees him that way, but Marcelo says she's sick. Mariano thinks Marcelo is the sick one, and he doesn't approve of his relationship with AnaLu. "I'm not asking for your approval, much less your permission," Marcelo replies.
At the same time, Ana Laura is reminding AnaLet that she's asked her many times to go to a psychiatrist because she needs help. This doesn't really improve AnaLet's mood. (AnaLu looks back and forth between them, bemused by their odd dynamic.) Ana Laura wants them to calm down and have a nice talk, but AnaLet says she can do just fine without either of them and flounces out of the room. Laura and Lucia comfort one another.
AnaLet makes a big point of letting Marcelo and Mariano know that she's generously allowing her sisters some time to get acquainted, and she's giving up the fight for Marcelo even though it pains her very much to do so.
This convinces Mariano that Marcelo was all wrong about AnaLet. Marcelo angrily follows her down a long hallway and calls her a hypocrite. Since when does she step aside so graciously? AnaLet is angry with him for telling AnaLu that AnaLet tried to have him whacked. She says she'd rather see him dead than in AnaLu's arms. He calls her a snake and asks why she didn't say that in front of Tio Mariano. AnaLet promises that she'll destroy AnaLu's love for him, break it into pieces and be a queen in front of her family.
Javier is packing some things in his room when Inaki shows up for a visit. (He says his "business trip" was called off again.) Inaki tries to make small talk, but Javier is very abrupt with him. Finally, Inaki says he needed to talk to his brother. Javi mentions their mother's married name. Inaki plays dumb, but Javier knows who she is. He's crying over her now, and Inaki keeps telling his brother that she doesn't deserve his tears.
At a nice restaurant, Ghoulieta is telling Viridiana all about the two boys she left behind. Supposedly, she used to look at their drawings and imagine what her boys would look like now, etc. and telling herself they were better off without her. Viri calls her out on this: Ghoulieta was telling herself that she was better off without
them. Ghoul says no, she was the worst mother in the world. She didn't know how to raise Daniel, and he turned out to be a spoiled brat. If she'd abandoned him too, he might still be alive today!
Viri isn't impressed with Ghoulieta's self-flagellation and tells her not to make a victim of herself. She should face the truth. Ghoul is like, why bother, she's already lost everything. Viri says they might not welcome you with open arms right away, but you can work hard to earn their forgiveness. No promises; it might not work out. But if she doesn't try, she'll never find peace.
Javier shows Inaki their mother's diary, in which she wrote something for each of them every day. (Every day? Those daily statements must have been very brief to fit 20 years' worth in such a slim volume.) Inaki doesn't believe it. Javi says her nickname for him was "little big boy." Inaki doesn't want to hear any of this. She ABANDONED them because they were the sons of a CLOWN and she loved Daniel because he wasn't. But guess what? It says in the diary that Daniel was Tadeo's son too!
Inaki snatches the diary from Javi and tries to tear it up. They scuffle briefly, both crying, and Inaki falls to the floor, landing on his injured shoulder. Javi wants to see their mother, but Inaki doesn't know where she is and doesn't want to know. He staggers out of there, and Javi doesn't notice his brother's physical pain.
Rodrigo considers texting his mystery woman, but now that he knows she's Ernestina, he doesn't think it's worth it. Meanwhile, Ernestina is trying to reach Ratmundo, who is now in a place where the only allowed phone is a Samsung Galaxy 7. She wants to change her will, but she can't do it without him. And she can't reach Ramiro, either. Leonor suggests calling Rodrigo instead, but Ern doesn't want to give him the wrong idea.
Flashback: Young Ernestina meets with young Rodrigo on the sly. "We can't keep meeting this way," he says, but she's afraid of her father's disapproval. He asks her to run away with him. "I can't keep this immense love to myself," he says.''
In the present, Ernestina gets a text: "I can't keep this immense love to myself." But she doesn't get to do more than sniffle sentimentally, because Valeria has come for a visit.
It turns out that the anesthetic they gave Ramiro is only good for three hours, and the feeling is beginning to return to his feet. No problem! Valentin is ready with a booster shot. (Amusingly, Ram says, "No, it's not necessary." LOL, Ram, none of this nonsense is necessary!) "I swear you'll be sorry," Ram vows. But Tin hints that if he gives Ram enough of the anesthetic, Ram could be in a wheelchair forever.
Upon seeing Valeria, Ernestina begins reading her the riot act for stealing from the foundation. Finally Valeria gets a chance to say that she's been proven innocent; haven't they spoken to Ramiro yet? So it ends up being Valeria who tells them about Ratmundo stealing the funds and shooting himself.
Now Ernestina is feeling pretty badly for poor Ramiro, who's been mourning his father all alone. She apologizes to Valeria for all that's happened to her and wants to make it up to her. All Valeria wants is to be reinstated at the foundation.
No one has asked Valeria the reason for her visit. She's actually here to talk about Soledad.
Mariano wants AnaLu to stay at his house, but she says she won't unless Soledad is let out of jail. Mariano says he wasn't able to agree with her. So, AnaLu's going back to the rooming house. "And I'm going with Ana Lucia," Ana Laura announces. They'll never be separated again.
Tin gloats to Ramiro that although Ana Laura has moved in with her uncle, she'll soon be moving out now that she knows what a rotten guy he is, and because everybody lies to her, including Ramiro. And she still doesn't know yet about the time Marcelo and Mariano pointed a gun at Gina and made her write a suicide note to Ramiro. Tin was in Gina's apartment and saw the whole thing. After Ramiro canceled their wedding, Gina came back to Valentin and said she was sorry for everything. Everything was perfect. Tin takes credit for forcing this situation on her, with no one to turn to except Valentin.
After she finished writing the letter that M&M had dictated to her, Mariano asked Marcelo for a moment alone with Gina. Mariano introduced Mr. Martinez and had him get the suitcase of money from under the bed.
Flashback: When it was finally just Gina and Ramirez, she asked Ramirez to wait outside her bedroom until it was time to go to the airport. She let Tin out of the closet, and he grabbed her by the neck and confronted her about her affair with Mariano. She claimed that she was just trying to get him a raise at work! Supposedly all she had to do was spend one night with Mariano, and he'd give Tin a raise. "You sold yourself for me?" Tin asks, and that's the story she tries to stick to, but Tin knows that it was more than a night - they'd already been together for years. Mariano threatened her, Gina says. And then she says he threatened Tin too. In fact, he caused Tin's accident, and threatened that if she told Tin, he'd kill her too. Gina starts kissing Tin and suggests that they take the money and run away together.
In the present, Tin admits that Gina fooled him again, but then along came Ana Let and opened his eyes.
Flashback: We've seen this before - AnaLet screaming at Gina, throwing Gina's clothes and jewelry around, and calling her a prostitute. And then the business with the pills.
In the present, Tin says no, Ana Leticia didn't kill Gina. Tin didn't let her.
Flashback: As AnaLet tries to shove the pills into Gina's piehole, Valentin stands up and bonks AnaLet on the head!
He stands up in the present too, and walks over to the bed to sit next to Ramiro. Tin nonchalantly crosses his legs.

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