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Monday, October 22, 2018


Part I (Julie)
Everyone's come home from Facundo's cabin. AnaLet is missing. Ernestina is worried, but doesn't want them to keep anything from her.
Up in AnaLet's room, Leonor shows Mariano the blood-soaked dress (bosom bandage, per Jardinera) that AnaLet left behind. Just then, Mariano receives word that Claudia... "what?" Mariano asks his lawyer Samuel.
Ghoulieta receives a large envelope with a note from Inaki: "Here is the truth about the death of your son, Daniel." It's a tablet, with Inaki's confession ready to play. Ghoul and Viridiana watch, horrified, as Inaki says he killed Daniel out of spite for all that Daniel had and Inaki didn't.
Mariano goes home and finds Inaki waiting for him; an employee let him in. Inaki says he did everything for Ana Leticia. She promised to marry him if he would get Ana Lucia out of AnaLet's life... and Mariano's. And AnaLet pushed Jennifer off of that building, too. He hands over a laptop so Mariano can hear AnaLet's confession for himself. She says she fought with Jennifer over Mariano, and killed her. (I think there's also something about trusting Jennifer with secrets, but my captions are messed up.) "I killed her for you, Uncle, I did it for your love." With a roar, Mariano hurls the laptop to the floor. It doesn't actually get very far, so he has to kick it a few times too. He stomps on the keyboard for good measure.
Facundo visits Marcelo in the hospital. Upon seeing that the patient is indeed Marcelo and not Santiago, Facundo tells Marc that from now on he'll be working under his (Facundo's) orders. Marc says what he'd really like is to she's going to devote himself to putting Facundo in prison for the rest of his life. Facundo says no, you are made in my image; you're a killer. Marc says that's not true - he won't end up like Facundo, and he's never killed an innocent person. Facundo disagrees and hands Marc an envelope, the contents of which he claims will change Marc's loyalty. All we see is a small piece of paper, perhaps a photo - we can't tell. But whatever it is, Marcelo reluctantly agrees to be on Facundo's side. And he wants to be brought to Ana Leticia - so he can kill her with his own hands.
And now for a confusing jumble of flashbacks mixed together with the present. I will do my best to untangle things:
AnaLet remembers telling Marcelo that she had been pregnant when he died. In the flashback, Marcelo says something that isn't in the captions, I think he's just saying he got the doctor to verify it. In another flashback, AnaLet tells him that a woman in love is a thousand times more spiteful than a man, and a wounded woman even worse still. In what I assume is a very recent flashback, AnaLet (wearing a clean dress) is telling Facundo he'd better not shoot her.
We see older flashbacks of AnaLet finding out that Marcelo is dead; then she's holding the pregnancy test; later she tells her family she's just buried her husband and she needs to go away for a while. Later, giving birth; she doesn't want to hold the child or even look at it; all she wants is for the baby to shut up.
In the present, Ana Leticia (wearing yet another outfit, this time blood red) visits a big mansion, signs some papers, and goes upstairs to meet her son. He is OMGCUTE, blond, with little glasses. She smiles and says "hola, I am your mama." The boy is lethal with cuteness. I don't know how AnaLet doesn't drop dead on the spot.
Now Inaki's having a flashback: AnaLet meets him in a hotel room. She's wearing what she wore in the flashback with Facundo. Inaki is wild-eyed with desperation. He can't use his credit cards; he has no one to call and no one to go. He's alone. She betrayed him. (They argue over who betrayed whom first.) But AnaLet's got one more option, the perfect way to get revenge on everyone and live as the queen she is.
However, outside of the flashback, Inaki is waiting for AnaLet outside the big mansion. She's bringing the boy (no glasses now) with her: his name is Ignacio, named after AnaLet's father. (We can call him "Nachito.") He's their ticket to freedom, because people are going to fall into diabetic comas when they see him.
Marcelo meets Soledad at the prison. She asks which one he is, just as Facundo asked earlier and Remedios asked Friday night. (After so many months of trying to convince everyone that he's two people, he now has to deal with everyone asking him who he is.) She tries to make him feel guilty/sorry for finally getting his wish to see her in jail. He tells her that he learned important lessons from Santiago. Yawn, sorry, FF, finally Santiago says: "Love doesn't need to be perfect; it only needs to be true." Ana Lucia comes in to see her. They make up. "You are my mama," AnaLu says, and promises to get her out of jail. But Soledad is willing to pay the price for what she did.
Everybody who thought Claw survived, it's time to pay up: Nerina is visiting the twin tombs of Claudia and Valentin. Tadeo and Javier have come along for company. Tad puts his arm around Rina's shoulders.
Also at the cemetary, Ghoulieta looks like she's been living behind a bus station for three weeks. She is crying at Daniel's tomb when Javier approaches. They make up.
At the pension, Remedios, Chana, and Maribel are getting ready to go to a wedding. (Everybody who thought Maribel was dead, it's time to pay up: She's using a cane, but she's alive.) Nerina, Tadeo, and Javier come home with Ghoulieta, who needs somewhere to stay. (Did Viri kick her out? I find that hard to believe.) Rem offers a hot bath and some chicken soup. Javier wants to stay home with his mother while Maribel - who is now his novia - goes to the wedding.
Part II (Ria)
Maribel decides that she will stay with Javier - she is his novia and will support him in everything.
In a slightly different child-parent reunion, Marcelo is visiting Facundo, who wants to know if Marcelo is following his directions. Sounds like he is, and Facundo says he always knew Marcelo will return to him. Before he gets too excited, Marcelo points out that while he hates Ana Le, he also loves Ana Lu. Daddy dearest reminds that Marcelo is also now a father. That should make him understand better why Facundo never gave up on Marcelo (just what every little boy wants to hear we imagine...). Marcelo wants to know where his son and Ana Le are, but Facundo feeds him an "everything in its own time" line and needs a proof of loyalty from him: leave Ana Lu, no later than tomorrow.
Ana Lu shows up at the mansion fresh from her visit to Sole, and right in time to help Ana Laura (she gets her full name today) prepare for the wedding. She calls Leonor 'aunt' and Leo is overjoyed. Ana Lu promises she will love her new family very much and runs off to see Ana Laura, who has been waiting for her. Family idyllic picture culminates in a beautiful wedding of Ana Laura and Ramiro, followed by what seems to be an exciting wedding night for them, and Ana Lu and Marcelo are not far behind. Elsewhere, Ana Le is having her usual half-kinky fun with Inaki. Music plays in the background.
In the morning Ana Lu wakes up to find a picture of Nachito and a note from Marcelo saying that this boy is his and Ana Le's son and Marcelo has to find him. After he does, he will do everything he can to return to Ana Lu, that is - if she will take him with the son, and forgive for hiding him from her.
Ana Laura wakes up to an already dressed Ramiro, who supposedly has work affairs to put in order before their honeymoon trip. (We actually think he is going to play Robin to Marcelo's Batman.)
At the Convention of Murderous and Clinically Insane, which is happening at some super lavish mansion, Ana Le and Inaki are discussing their plans. She is off to see Facundo and, with any luck, tomorrow they will be very far away. Inaki advises her not to trust her father-in-law, but Ana Le isn't worried - they have the same common goal: destruction of the whole family. Besides, Facundo has everything to lose: his precious grandson. Inaki is surprised that Ana Le does not even appear to love the child at all. This boy to her means millions, more money than they've ever seen. Inaki reminisces that his own mother exchanged him for money (we are beginning to smell redemption cooking on the nearby stove). Ana Le tells him to be less sensitive and to bring the boy to her when she instructs to do so. She turns to leave and Inaki stops her. She ought to give the boy a kiss - maybe this will be the last time she will see him. That ain't happening though - Ana Le already has lipstick on (and she is not reapplying for anybody!).
Marcelo is back at Facundo's. He left Ana Lu and satisfied Facundo pours them a drink. Marcelo wants him to remember that he promised him Ana Le's head and hasn't yet delivered. Also promised him the return of his son. Facundo remembers - after all, the boy is his grandson. Marcelo plays along and says he is very proud of that, and happy that Santiago, along with all his weaknesses, is gone forever. There is only hate left in Marcelo's heart. These words are music to Facundo's ears.
Marcelo needs to know what exactly Facundo's plans are. Facundo needs Marcelo to take care of that idiot Ramiro - after what happened at the cabin, he will not stop until he destroys Facundo. Little does Ram know though, that Facundo prepared him an excellent wedding present - his wife is about to die, and he won't be able to do anything. He wouldn't even want to live after that. Outside in the Batmobile, equipped with latest surveillance tech, Robin (Ramiro) and Alfred (Rodrigo) are listening in. Concerned Ram is off to see Ana Laura, and Rodrigo informs him that Mariano just phoned in to say everyone is at the pension. Commissioner Gordon nearby gives green light for an assault and off they go!
Apparently Mexican SWAT team has not learned covert operations yet and they turn on the sirens as they storm the house. Facundo thinks Marcelo was followed, but Marcelo scoffs at the suggesion: he doesn't make mistakes. So it was a treason then? Marcelo points a gun at him: Facundo betrayed him first. He knew Ana Le ordered the kill on him and could have stopped Evaristo, but he didn't. Facundo wants them to go, he can explain everything, but Marcelo no longer has any interest in a low-life, such as Facundo. This prompts Facundo to draw a gun as well - fine, he doesn't need Marcelo either. He has his grandson and he will not make the same mistakes with that boy. The loud SWAT team finally made it in, they break through and shoot Facundo dead amid Marcelo's screams. He needed him alive, ¡Imbeciles!, he needed to know where his son was!
Ana Le, dressed as Ana Laura to get through the security, shows up at the mansion to begin her master destruction plan. First target is Abue. She quickly reveals herself to a scared Abue and throws an Oscar-deserving schizophrenic fit: Abue never loved her as she should have, she spent all her time on crippled Ana Laura and lost Ana Lu, and Ana Le needed the most love, because she caused the accident. And now Ana Laura and Ana Lu must die - they should have died in that accident. Abue doesn't feel so well and needs her pills. Ana Le grabs them and taunts her with them, but won't give them, because she doesn't believe in Abue's love. She leaves and locks the door behind her, while wishing Abue an eternal rest. Abue collapses on the floor.
While outside Abue's door, Ana Le calls Mariano, pretends to be Ana Laura and lures him to the house under the pretense that everyone is dining with Rem at the pension and Abue forgot her pills. They need him to stop by the house and bring them.
Next our maniac goes to the kitchen and mixes some poison with the orange juice. She then goes to Leonor's room and, while pointing a gun at her, forces her to drink it.
Finally she is off to see her sisters. They came back from somewhere and Ana Lu is telling Ana Laura the story of Nachito. Ana Le walks in as they are discussing it and says that, if all goes according to her plan, Marcelo will never see his son again. Ana Lu wants to reason with Ana Le and that gets her a gun pointed right at her. They are ordered to sit down ("I am a mentally unstable woman with a gun and that's not a good combination", - says Ana Le) and after some more manic speeches, which included monologue on her impossible love that Ana Laura never even noticed, Ana Le produces some silk ropes for Ana Laura to tie Ana Lu with. Behind the scenes she also ties Ana Laura and tells them both how much she hates them. Ana Lu's voice annoys her and she stuff a scarf in her mouth.
Mariano is finally home. He is on the phone with Ramiro: the security left the house, because nobody is there and Ana Laura called him to tell everyone is at the pension. (Hmm...Security is needed exactly when few people are at the house, especially when you are trying to hide/escape from an insane person! Another tip is to check IDs when you anticipate people entering will look alike). Ana Laura and Ana Lu try to scream as Mariano comes in the house, and Ana Le decides to help them - what else are sisters for? Oh, tio Mariaaaano! Help!
Mariano runs in: who did this?? (Good one, Mariano!) Ana Le comes out and tells him to stay away from Lu and Laura. Mariano tries to calm her down, and calls her daughter. Whoa. She needs to explain a couple things to him before they proceed: she hates it when he calls her daughter. She is not his daughter, screams Ana Le, madly wielding the gun. One would think this would be enough for Mariano to catch the drift, but in the next ten minutes, he will continue calling her 'daughter' several times, inciting yells and air shots. But for now, he asks her to calm down and she wants to talk to him alone in her room.
When they enter Ana Le's room, between Mariano's inability to get with the program and play along, and Ana Le's craziness, they are not moving in a good direction. She is pointing the gun at him, screaming to stop calling her daughter, asks him to take off his coat, shirt and shoes and put the handcuffs on. Mariano kneels to do that, he is in hysterics. Ana Le wants a passionate kiss and kisses a disgusted Mariano. (Again, not to pick at what was surely an extremely stressful situation, but probably cringing when a crazy schizophrenic lady tells you she loves you and will kill everyone if you don't reciprocate, is not the best course of action.) Mariano looks like he is about to lose it and asks about Ana Lu and Ana Laura, which almost prompts Ana Le to lose it herself. She, Ana Le, will love him for the both of them. Incidentally we find out her overly revealing outfits were carefully selected for Mariano's benefit and he never even paid attention (the rest of us certainly did though, Ana Le.) Anyway, after this kiss, Ana Le will do anything Mariano wants her to do.
Suddenly police is at the mansion doors and breaking in. They go in and rescue Ana Lu and Ana Laura. Paramedics are helping Abue and Leonor. Leonor is taken to the hospital, but it is too late for Abue.
Viridiana receives a call from Mariano thanking her for her love and saying that the most important in the world to him is Ana Le. Viridiana is in panic.
Mariano, in the car with Ana Le, is finally pulling himself together, or slowly going crazy as well, and tells her they will always be together. Ana Le knew he loved her too. She kisses him and doesn't notice the expression of pained disgust as he turns away. They drive away.
Inaki plays with Ana Le's son and, without realizing it, mimics Tadeo's clown tricks. He remembers his dad and suddenly realizes he can't go through with this. He calls Tadeo and asks for his help. Tadeo shows up and Inaki asks him for forgiveness. Tadeo has nothing to forgive, but Inaki needs to do the right thing. Inaki promises that he will turn himself in, right after he does what he needs to do (we are assuming it's returning the boy).
At the pension Inaki and Tadeo show up with the boy. Inaki is taken into custody and everyone is overjoyed at having Nachito with them. Chana predicts a period of peace and love.
Next we see a scene "several months later". Ana Le is standing by the swimming pool, out of which emerges Mariano. They toast and he tells her that even though he didn't think this would work, he knows they will be together forever. Suddenly we see a scarred Ana Le on the floor in a white room, so this previous moment was a dream. She remembers what actually happened. After they drove away, Mariano gives her a long look and steps on the gas. They crash.
In the present Mariano, bound to a wheelchair, and Viridiana are visiting Ana Le. She notices them and leaps towards him, kissing and licking the glass and screaming. Mariano says she will always be his niece, his daughter. Viridiana knows that.
When they get back to the mansion, life there seems to be continuing. Ana Laura is playing the piano and is revealed to be pregnant. Leonor is pensively looking at Erni's picture, listening to Ana Laura. Mariano brings his wheelchair closer to listen as well. He looks older and haunted.
In jail Sole is talking to a picture of Ana Lu. It is Ana Lu's "birthday" - the day Sole found her. Sole is pretty sure Ana Lu will never again celebrate this day, as the day she was "born" to Sole, is also the day her real parents died. Sole will always have memories of Ana Lu with her - they will last her the rest of her life. As she is speaking, we watch Ana Lu climb the silk ropes and Marcelo, Nachito and Rem watching her. Marcelo comes up to kiss her. The Fin!

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