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Sunday, October 14, 2018


Refridito: Alone in her jail cell, a pensive Soledad misses and mourns her wrecked relationship with Ana Lucia and recognizes, finally, how selfish she was to have kept the girl as her own all these years; Ana Lucia, meanwhile is having another nightmare, but this time she dreams of the accident and awakes to the realization Ana Leticia didn’t try to help keep her from floating away in the river. (Now, let’s see if it sticks in her craw or not like it does Viewerville.)
El Nuevo:
Ana Lucia hears Javier sobbing in the sheets and learns he’s crying over having seen his mother in Iñaki’s apartment a few weeks earlier and wasn’t even aware of it. She abandoned them when they were tiny boys and he’s missed her and is angry at her but needs her in his life still. They ask each other if either of them will ever forgive the mother figures in their lives.
The next morning Marcelo watches in amazement as Ana Lucia dangles in the fabric ropes.
Speaking of spellbinding, Mariano and Viewerville listen, enchanted by the piano music supposedly coming from Ana Laura’s adroit digitery along the ivories. He heads outside and finds Valentin waiting for “his BFF,” Ana Llora, Queen of the quivering upper lip. They argue and Mo tells him to roll his sorry assets down the lane and never darken his niece’s door again! A Llora comes out and objects to her only friend in the world’s rough and unfair treatment. Mo tries warning her that Violentin has ulterior motives—“--he is not who he appears to be”-- but TinTin moves in for a kill shot. “—And you, puritanical Uncle Mariano. Are you who you appear to be?”
At Remedios’s Rooming House, Marco and A Lucha discuss his real reason for remaining there with the rest of them: to impress upon her the danger Ana Leticia presents to her because of her insane greed and need to be the center of attention and the object of all others’ affection. The woman put a contract out on his life years ago, after all. Why? Because of Ana Lucia and the fact he was hot on her trail and that his wife never wanted her found.
Meanwhile, breathy-voiced (and at times inaudibly so!!) Ana MiMi pays Yaki a visit to see how he’s healing. She tells him how she ran into Javier and he thought she was Ana Lucia.
Back at Mo’s, TinTin whines to A Llora that her uncle is the reason he’s now in a wheelchair.
Yaki informs A MiMi that Javi and A Lucha are acrobats who work together. He mentions they’re giving a performance and she should come see them perform. She tells him seductively that it would be a perfect opportunity for him to prove his love for her.
Meanwhile, A Llora gets mad at both “her men” for not telling her the truth about their relationship. TinTin whimpers pathetically that he didn’t want to upset her image of her uncle and Mo forbade him to tell. Mo challenges his version. He tells him to come out with it all, especially how it was a plan to make Mo’s life Hell. TinTin lies about Leo and A Llora approaching him in the park while he was simply playing for tips. Mo counters with the fact that Ramiro found a whole wall of stalker photos of him and A Llora dating back years, proving it was a planned encounter. TinTin plays dumb if not dumber than dirt.
Across town, Ram finds the file on Nerina and invites her over to apologize because his daddy robbed her blind during her weakest hours. When Nerina is told the truth she tells him the money is nothing compared to the way it tore her family apart. The only way Ram could ever make up for his father’s crimes is to back off his relationship with Ana Llora and leave the road clear for crippled Violentin to make her his wife. (Now, as Viewerville knows, via our former resident medico, Carlos, marital obligations for the man are nigh to impossible to comply with regarding consummation. This begs the question: WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING, YOU STUPID BROAD???  Ana Llora deserves a normal and FULFILLED sex life if she can have one. Why wreck her life any more than it already is, you silly fool?)
Uncle Mo warns TinTin not to use his niece to get back at him. Tinny lies again and almost convinces A Llora as well, that he’s really in luhhhhv with his niece; that Mo and Ram are trying to destroy his life—uh, even worse than it was already. “—Wasn’t it enough to have broken my spine to bits?” Mo tells him it’s time he recognize it was simply an on the job accident for which he took responsibility.
Mo paid his hospital bills and paid his workman’s compensation/damages. “--No, not that check you tried giving me at the funeral home while I was mourning the love of my life, Gina!!”  Mo tells him that he better realize how Gina 'was a con artist, who bamboozled you, me, Ramiro, everybody!! What happened was that she left you high and dry. She took everything you had. I NEVER robbed you!” No, because you didn’t have to did you, answers Tinny. “--You gave her everything. You loaded her with jewelry and luxuries galore. You even bought her an apartment so you could have a daily roll in the sheets with her!! Oh, it surprises you that I know this? At first I thought it was Ramiro when she told me she’d left me for another man. But Ana Laura made it clear that Ramiro and she met much later on. She had left me for you, Mariano!!”
end parte 1~~
Parte 2~~
Violintin makes Mo admit that he and Gina were lovers and cheated on both Ram and Jennifer till the day she died, throughout even knowing she was going to marry Ramiro. He cannot deny it, despite Ana Llora’s pleas. TinTin tells him to admit he and Gina planned a way to injure him and left him in a wheelchair. He is adamant, however, that he had nothing to do with Tin’s accident. Then, why did he have Marcelo go to his home and threaten him and beat him up, asks TinTin. Because he wouldn’t just leave him the heck alone! Because he came to Mo’s office all drunk and waved a gun in his face. That’s why!! Ok, then Violintin will prove that he and Marc killed Gina. No way was it a suicide!! Mo doesn’t deny it. (Ruh-Roh! What does Mo know and when did he know it????) A Llora wants a break from the both of them. She’s outta here-now and how!! She leaves to pack up and TinTin sports another mischievously triumphant grin. (No wonder Marcelo knocked him out of his wheelchair that time and left him lying on the ground. The snake deserved it!)
Ram, meanwhile, advises Nerina that she’s been blinded by her love and guilt, that her son isn’t who he appears to be. He doesn’t love Ana Laura and he’s only using her to get back at him because of Gina. He’s sick in the head, full of hatred and bitterness. He needs help—professional help.
Rem visits Sole in the slammer. (ZZZZZ FF>>FF>>)
Julieta is now working as a seamstress for Viridiana. (We suppose it was a skill she gave up when she married her philandering, floozy-flipping, whore-hopping, two-timing, hoochie-kooing hubby. Hard, honest work is good for reclaiming the soul. Now, to reclaim Javier, who I DESPERATELY wish would GET.A.GRIP!!)
Ram enlightens Nerina on how Gina took TinTin for everything he had and more, how it was a workplace accident that crippled him, that Mo paid for everything and the compensation for damages, how Gina stole that from him and then when she found out he could no longer walk, she abandoned him. Nerina, knowing Gina, doesn’t doubt a word of it. However, A Llora has called off the engagement. Ram says she had a right to be angry because he kept quiet about her sister being alive. But both of them are guilty of covering up for third parties. Yes, she agrees. She even refused to tell Dona Ernestina—though Nerina declares it wasn’t her place to. Ok. Well, now, she has a chance to do right. Stop her son before he harms Ana Laura, because he’s warning her nothing will stop him from payback if TinTin dares lay a hand on a single hair of her head, y punto.
Mo tells TinTin ok, he’s gotten him back. Now get rolling and call it a day. Violentin laughs in his face and says, he’s only just begun!
Marcelo professes his love to Ana Lucia—once it’s clear to her that Santiago is only a part of Marcelo’s subconscious and one he’s now ready to make peace with. They kiss. She falls under the spell of his macho magic.
Inside, A Llora stops her return trip to play the piano again. Mo moves her suitcases back into the guest room and calls Ram to come over to get A Llora out of her funk. She’s had a bad day emotionally and needs Ram’s attentions desperately.
Marcelo arrives with Ana Lucia so she can finally meet her sister, Ana Laura. The two mellow out and go upstairs together to get to know each other better. Marc and Mo argue a bit over the divorce papers. It was Santi who signed them and agreed to stay away from Mo’s nieces, not Marcelo. Marcelo refuses to do this, though he agrees to the divorce. He also tells Mo it’s up to him to see that Ana MiMi signs the divorce papers as well.
Nerina confesses to Rem that TinTin is sick at heart with bitterness and hate and it scares her to confront him. Rem advises motherly love.
On his way over to Mo’s, Ram is ambushed by Facundo and his guerreros. They tranq him and shanghai him to parts unknown—er, wherever that cabin in the woods is. There Facundo and Violentin oversee a secret back operation on an unconscious and unknowing Ramiro. When he finally wakes up, Ram is tied to a bed. Ram starts screaming that he cannot feel his legs. TinTin laughs drunkenly over at him and says, “--Welcome to my world!! Bwahahahahaha!"
Ana MiMi walks in on Mo and Marco. She learns Marcelo has brought Ana Lucia there and the two other sisters are upstairs getting to know each other. She goes upstairs and enters the room where the other two are getting along fine and imperiously interrupts. “—Finally, all three together.” Ana Llora knows that tone of voice and her eyes go wide with fear while Ana Lucia looks up as innocently as a newborn babe.

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