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Tuesday, October 23, 2018


Scene 1
Ashok comes in royal school, he gets angry seeing Sushim recalling how he pushed him from cliff, he then imagines Dharma there, she says to him that win over your enemies with love, kill anger with calmness, kill hatred with peace, do welfare and dont fight, Ashok smiles at Sushim then, Sushim leaves, Siamak comes there and meets Ashok, Siamak says you will not leave now, Ashok says no i will not go from here from today as Samrat has hopes with me, Sushim is fighting with one guy in school and says i called you my friend so you are thinking that you are of my standard, he is about to beat him, Siamak ask what are you doing, stop before he gets hurt, sushim throws away Siamak, Ashok get angry on him., professor comes and ask what is happening here, professor says to Sushim
that it was good that i had seen all this not Acharaya sristh else he would have told Samrat, Sushim leaves from there, Ashok is hurt.
Chanakya thinks Helena want justin to marry Ujjain’s daughter but reason must be something else, khurasan comes there and says you must be happy now that Samrat Bindu has brought Ashok here, why you have so much soft corner for that guy? Chanakya says you are army head and bothered with one kid? you should concentrate on security not on kids, Khurasan says you cant raise finger at my work, Chanakya says fingers are raised when there is some mistake and you must have done some mistake too, dont force me to find it else it wont be good for you.
Scene 2
Charu is eating sweets, she says its very tasty, who made it, cook says new new cook(dharma) has come, she made it, Noor also likes it, she says call the new cook, i will gift her, dasi comes and says there is good news, Justin is getting married, Charu says he is marrying in this age, dasi says he is marrying Ujjan’s king’s niece, Justin agreed for marriage, Bindu also agreed, Noor is shocked and angry listening this, Subhrasi says Justin must have married before only. Charu says thats why jewelers were coming in palace so it was decided from before, Noor leaves from there, Charu thinks what happened to her listening this news.
Noor comes to Justin and says i didnt thought, i will get your marriage news from dasi, you hided things from me, what you thought, you will marry and i will not know it, you didnt even tell me about it, Justin says nothing like that, Bindu comes ther and finds them together, Justin looks at him.
in school, class is going on, sushim says we know each other but Ashok is new here, he is not from royal family so he should introduce himself as this way rift between common guy and royal guys will lessen, professor ask Ashok to introduce himself, Ashok comes infront of students, he says i am Ashok and my mother died some days back but her thoughts are alive in me, Sushim says what about your father? Ashok says i dont wanna talk, Sushim says you dont want or you cant? Inderjeet ask did your father leave you and your mother or you are orphan? Ashok gets angry.
Scene 3
Justin finds Bindu coming there, he says to Noor that i was waiting for Bindu’s return as i cant marry anyone without Bindu’s permission, he greets Bindu, Nor gets silent, Bindu comes to Noor and says that i know you are good friend of Justin but when it comes to marriage, we discuss it and then decide but you have right on things so you have to prepare for Justin’s marriage and help Helena, Noor angrily leaves, Justin is tensed.
kids ask Ashok to tell about his father, Sushim says maybe his mother didnt tell him who is father is or maybe his mother doesnt even know who is his father, AShok fumes in anger and is about to hit Sushim when professor stops him, he says you cant hit son of bindu with whose permission you study here, you study here but that doesnt mean you are king, Ashok says you are stopping me? have you not listened what rubbish they are talking? professor says you talk to elders like this, i can rusticate you for this behavior, dont look in my eyes, look down and ask forgiveness from prince Sushim else i will feel that you have insulted me, Ashok says i am sorry Sushim, Sushim says be loud, i am not able to listen, Ashok gets in tears and says sorry again, Sushim says good but i still feel you have not realized your mistake so say sorry again taking my name too, Ashok says forgive me prince sushim, Suhim smirks and says dont ever talk to me in high tone, you must have come here buttering Bindu but i will keep reminding you your standard and the wasy you were insulted today, you will keep getting insulted everyday, Ashok is in tears, Siamak is angry on Sushim.
Scene 4
Noor is breaking things in her room, Justin comes there and ask her to stop, Noor says i loved you putting myself in danger but you ditched me, you have cheated me for that common princess AgniShika, who is she, whats her worth is infornt of me. otherside AgniShika’s entry is shown, she dances around fire. Justin says to Noor that helena forced me and i had to agree to marriage to save our love, that Agni is nothing for me, i loved you and will always love you, i will respect you always and will make that Agnishika a doormat, Noor says and one day if she gets to know about us and she tell to Samrat then.. Justin says she will not do anything like this as we have talked to ujjain’s king, she cant even speak without my permission. Agni is dancing when soldier comes there, she puts dagger on his neck and says how dare you stop my dance. Noor says to Justin that what you are saying, if that doesnt happen then you dont even imagine what will happen and i have one secret that will destroy you, Justin ask which secret? Noor says will tall you on right time.
PRECAP- In school, Ashok comes to get water, some kids says that only royal kids can get water from here, on kid taunts him that first he made school dirty with his presence and now will make water dirty, he is cheap guy, Sushim comes and says i have given him name cheap guy so only i will call him cheap, he throws water on Ashok, then throws Ashok in dirty water(mud), Ashok feels disgusted.

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