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Monday, October 22, 2018


Scene 1
Dasi infomrs Noor and Charu that Bindu is coming to Patliputra nd Ashok is coming with im too, Subhrasi says how Bindu met Ashok? Charu says Bindu went to meet Ashok, i dont know why Bindu si so much concerned about that common kid, Subhrasi says even if he likes the kid then whats the problem, Charu says you are innocent, he gave royal treatment to his mother’s deadbody and now bringing him here, Noor thinks to do something of that Ashok.
Kasturi brings Dharma in royal kitchen, she introduces her, she says to Dharma that you have to check veggies here, dasi informs that Bindu is coming back with Ashok, some dasies talk abotu how Ashok helped them, how Ashok didnt believe that his mother died, how he stood on one feet for her mother but the one who has died will
not return, Dharma cries listening this.
Bindu comes in palace alongwith Ashok, Dharma smiles seeing them, Charu looks at Ashok and thinks that now i have to bear consequences of Sushim failure, Helena will not leave me now, Helena thinks now bindu will removed from my way soon. Justin thinks that i have wasted time and didnt tell Noor about my marriage, she will be hurt, Noor thinks what Sushim is doing with Ashok? there is something Charu planning, i am not feeling good. Subhrasi thinks that everything is fine now, Bindu is looking happy too, i pray that his happiness always remain. Chanakya says to Dharma that see whenever Ashok is suppressed, everytime he has showed his strength and has risen above all, you still doubt his fate? kids are happy to see Ashok back.
Scene 2
dharma comes in Mandir, she cries and says whenever i lost anything in life, i thought that there is some reason behind it and i trusted you always, i am agreeing to all situation thinking this is what you want, i want Ashok to get closer to his father, she is about to leave when Ashok calls her from behind Maa, she turns to see Ashok addressing lord, Ashok says to lord that Maa you must be happy to see me living without you, i am trying to live without you, i know if i get miffed with God then you will feel bad so i am asking sorry to him, he says sorry lord, you took precious thing my mother from me so i was angry, it will take time to lessen my angry, when we were in Vann, we used to live happily, from today, i will start new life, if you want me to pray to you then send my mother’s blessing to me through any way, cant you do that? Dharma listens all this hiding behind pillar, Ashok bows his head to God, Dharma cries and is about to leave when she finds her dupatta stuck in pillar, she pulls it and flower fall from pillar on Ashok’s head, Dharma smiles seeing how her blessing reached her son, Ashok takes the flower and kisses it, he is about to leave when Chanakya comes there, Ashok is angry seeing him, Chanakya says i am happy to see you back, Ashok says i dont know why you brought me here for first time but when i have come here again then it is for my mother, Chanakya says i meant same, Ashok says you brought us here and my mother has to lose her life, i dont want to know why you brought us here but i will not forgive you, i have accepted the fact that my mother is gone and now i am thinking about my future, its my request to you to not involve in my life from now, on, i will set my destination myself, Chanakya nods, Ashok leaves, Dharma is stunned.
Scene 3
in court, the case Subhrasi’s dasi(lakshmi) who was killed by Charu is presented, prime minister says i had seen marks on Lakshmi’s hand and i thought it was murder but there should be some reason for killing her, after investigation, i have realized that she fell from window, Bindu ask what you think Chanakya? Chanakya says i dont know anything about this incident, i was not told, i didnt see the deadbody, i didnt see the place where she fell so i cant say anything, Bindu ask prime minister that you didnt talk to chanakya? prime minister says i thought she was dasi so i didnt talk about it, chanakya says question is not that she was a dasi, question is who can dare to kill someone in palace, and how she was killed? definitely there is some enemy, the way Subhadrangi was killed and it was shown as accident, same way this murder is trying to be shown as accident, he says to prime minister that security was your responsibility, you failed, minister says you are doubting my work, Chanakya says i am questioning you, a incident happened in palace and you are saying it was mere accident, Khurasan ask chanakya that these days you are interested in common people, Chanakya says if common people are there only then we are, its our duty to protect them, Bindu says investigate about matter, any other topic to tell, prime minister says there is vacancy for army head, Chanakys thinks army head was removed, why?
Scene 4
Sushim tells Charu how bindu saved Ashok putting his life in danger, Bindu has brought Ashok here, what he see in Ashok, i will kill that Ashok, Charu says i am already in problem, dont do any mistake, sushim says what about my anger? Charu says use it on your enemies, if he has doubt that you threw him then he will try to take revenge, he will wait for you to attack him so he can show Bindu that you are against him and he was your friend but you were not loyal to him, dont give any chance like that.
Bindu says i think we should end court session, Helena comes and says there is one more topic remaining to be discussed, Helena says i want to talk about Ujjan’s king, Bindu says i was going to come to you, any problem? Helena says its a good news, Ujjan’s king has sent proposal of his niece for Justin, all are stunned, Helena says justin has agreed for proposal too, she ask Bindu arent you happy? Bindu says his niece means she is daughter of Shakti who was our enemy and i killed him, if they are planning for revenge? Helena says i have investigated about it and there is no plan behind it, prime minister says this relation will strengthen Magdh, Khurasan says if Justin is ready then whats the point discussing it and Ujjain’s king know how much powerful we are, he cant go against us, Chanakya says shakti was our enemy and betrayer, he says to Helena that you didnt find any other girl for Justin? Helena says i am thinking about Magdh’s good too, if we make good relations with Ujjain then India will strengthen, years back you asked my hand for Chandragupt, that time nicator was against Magdh and with my marriage things changed, Chanakya says if you have taken decision then why not, go for this marriage, Bindu says if Helena has agreed for this marriage then i have no problem, he ask prime minister to send letter to Ujjain’s king to come here to discuss about marriage, he congrats Justin who is not so happy.
Ashok comes in royal school, he says i will serve my country, my soil and it will feel like i am serving my mother, he take blessing of soil.
PRECAP- Sushim is fighting with one guy in school and says i called you my friend so you are thinking that you are of my standard, Siamak ask what are you doing, stop before he gets hurt, sushim throws away Siamak, Ashok get angry on him.

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