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Wednesday, October 10, 2018


Scene 1:
Location: Sagar’s residence and Widow Ashram
Sagar and ganga oblivously consume the paan, while prabha watches sagar amusedly from a distance. Prabha thinks that they have no idea that their paan is poisoned, and they shall die before they can marry, and no one shall doubt them at all, and people shall say that sagar had to pay the price of being married to a widow.
Supriya watches sagar amusedly, as he is getting ready, while others giggle. the ladies leave, while sagar finds ganga as a child widow, coming upto him, and guffawing loudly.
while, Ganga is ready, when sudha comes and excitedly tells her that its time for her to leave, as the palenquin is ready. she happily complies, as she remembers ganga’s plight when she became a widow. she gets emotional and
says that this is the first time, this is happening, as all the torturous woman have stepped in, but for the first time, a palenquin is leaving the ashram, and that too her ganga’s. she is overwhelmed, and blessing her to be happy, she hugs her, and takes her out. ganga makes her journey till the gate with the widows, emotional and reminiscient of her widow days spent here. ganga then sees sagar in his childhood days, as they remember their entire journey of romance since childhood. she finally sits in the palenquin as it takes off, while sagar has ganga’s hand held all the while. Then they drive off. she starts getting a dizzy spell. Meanwhile, the young ganga too takes sagar’s hand, and leads him out into the balcony, and points towards their house, which contains innumerable memories of theirs since childhood. she then points out that ganga’s palenquin has arrived, supriya and others rush out, asking him to be ready when the priest calls him down. he silently complies. Ganga steps out of the palenquin, looking pretty as a picture, dressed as a bride. a widow asks why is she sweating so much. she says that its all okay, and she is fine. Prabha comments to ammaji about her beauty. sagar’s family stands happily, eager to welcome her in. suddenly, she sways and they all rush to her. ganga says that she is fine, merely some tension and groggy feeling. the widow says that its merely pre wedding jitters and nervousness. madhvi asks maharaj to get water for ganga. they do the tilak and then welcome her in. Inside, guests say tat the bride seems ill. the priest beckons for sagar, and he steps down with the guys. ganga looks upto see him, as they both have eyes only for each other. they both are made to stand together. he compliments her. she blushes. he too gets groggy. they both take their position at the aisle. the priest asks for the jaimala to start. all watch as the ritual starts amidst chants. ganga tries to do, but is pulled back by supriya. sagar helps ganga do it, and then does so himself. both smile at each other. they are then made to sit down, while prabha is boggled. then for th gadhbandha, when arises a question as to who shall do, ammaji asks one of the widows to do it, who is overwhelmed to do it. after the gadhbandhan, the riatuls continue, while ganga starts getting dizzy yet again. sagar asks if she is fine. she complied. then its time for kanyadaan. the priest says that if there isnt any father, then anyone fatherly can do so. sagar and madhvi turn to his father, but he stoically refuses. madhvi asks him, and he says that he is the father of the groom, and instead asks maharaj to do so. he is highly overwhelmed at this honour. ganga too enphatically asks him. he then complies and the ritual is completed. gnga gets dizzy headed yet again, as the priest asks the pheras to start. he then helps her get up, and the pheras start, whil prabha thinks that soon the poison starts working on them, and she shall see how this marriage culminates. she starts getting nauseous, as the pheras continue, and she feels groggy. next its the bride’s turn to come ahead, for the remaining rituals. ganga complies groggily, and she has difficulty walking ahead. Finally, falls on the ground, unconscious. they are all shocked and aghast, while prabha smiles evilly. all rush to her care, attending to her. The screen freezes on ganga’s unconscious face.
Scene 1:
Location: Sagar’s residence
All rush to ganga, as she collapses on the floor, while taking the pious circles around the fire. sagar is incredibly tensed for her. prabha smirks evilly, but then she is forced to think as to why is it only affecting ganga and not him. they rush ganga to the room, and call for the doctor. The doctor comes and then goes into check up on ganga, while all wait outside in anticipation, particularly sagar who paces arpund nervously. Meanwhile, maharaj remembers about his goofup, with the paan, when he had accidentally spilled water on the paans that were laced with poison by prabha earlier. to avoid being scolded for his mistake, he had replaced the paans, with noraml ones, obliviously averting the danger that prabha had put ganga and sagar in. Later, Prabha
comes to the kitchen, while the Maharaj is busy pretending to be working in the kitchen. she asks him about the paan. he finally blurts out, what has happened. prabha is disappointed.
Meanwhile, all wait for the doctor to come out. when he does, sagar and his family anxiously ask if everything is okay. The doctor informs them that ganga is fine, and so is the child. they are boggled as the doctor proclaims that ganga is pregnant. they are all shocked, including sagar who is unable to understand whats going on. they are all baffled. after the doctor leaves, sagar goes in, while the widow leaves, as ganga sits on the bed, in anticipation and nervousness, shy as a bride and would be mother, oblivious of sagar’s dilemma. she comes and hugs him, while he is too disgusted and frustrated, as she goes on a rant as to how happy she is, to start this new phase in their lives, with their own child. he asks her to please say that it isnt true. she is taken aback, and says that this must be, as the doctor himself said so. he is boggled and baffled. she asks whats the matter. he says that when nothing happened between them then how did this happen. she is boggled, and tries and reminds him tha night that they consummated their love. but he has no recollection of that memory whatsoever. she is apalled, and then tries to find out ways to make him remember, but he has no memory, as the last thing he remembers is dozing off in unconscious state. she asks how can he even forget those beautiful moments they have of the other night. he too says that if it had happened, then its impossible for him to forget any such memories, but the truth is there arent any memories like that. she reminds of the party, but he doesnt remember what happened after that. he continues to present his dilemma to her, while she doesnt know how to react. as he continues to second guess, unable to believe her, she asks what is he trying to say, that she is pregnant, and if he didnt come to her, then is she with anyone else. he says that he isnt suggesting it, and says that if anything happened, why doesnt he remember, and if anything didnt, then how is this happening. he is furious and asks how is this possible, as they were getting married, and everything was perfect, and now this problem arose. she asks if he feels this is all a problem. she asks him if he is doubting that this isnt his child. he asks her to stop asking questions. she continues to badger him, if he has doubts about her and the child, and frustratedly, finally he blurts out saying that he does have doubt. she is shocked and aghast. she says that she liked it. he asks her to try and understand as he doesnt remember anything, and begs her to try and make him remember and understand everything. she walks out, in a huff, while he screams at her to listen to him, but in vain.
Outside, ammaji is ashamed of their behaviour, lamenting as to how they couldnt have waited till after marriage, as pre-marital consummation isnt allowed in their culture. madhvi is tensed and shocked. ammaji asks them to hurry up with the rituals, as the guests are waiting outside, and they need to hush up this matter now. Meanwhile, Ganga steps outside, while all eye her tensedly. she tells sagar’s father that this marriage cant happen, and asks ammaji to cancel this marriage rightaway. all are shell shocked, including Sagar. as she walks out, he is tensed. ammaji asks whats this madness, and asks them to stop this girl. madhvi rushes after her. sagar’s father asks him whats the matter, and he says that he doesnt know and is equally boggled, as to how ganga got pregnant. they are stunned into silence to hear this coming from sagar. he explains whats ganga’s stance, but how none of this has happened, and he doesnt remember anything. his father asks if he even understands whats he suggesting. ammaji asks whats this nonsense, as people are waiting down, and they are mocking the institution of marriage, where noone has a clue of whats going on. sagar is frustrated and doesnt realise what to do. his father stoically turns around and views the guests from the balcony, waiting for answers. he descends down the stairs. Sagar’s father comes amidst the guests, and with folded hands, apologises that their time has been wasted, but cites that due to personal reasons, this marriage cant happen today, and apologises for the inconvenience caused. guests start hushedly talking amongst themselves, as they disperse out, while he stands embarassed and mortified, with his head hung low. The screen freezes on his face.
Precap: In front of the entire family, pulkit suggests that if there is so much doubt, then they can easily go for a paternity test to verify the same. A vehement Ganga denies and says that she shall not give agnipariksha for her genuinety, and when there isnt any trust and belief, then whats the point of a relationship. sagar is distraught and shocked, while all others stand tensedly.

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