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Sunday, October 14, 2018


So everyone was already talking about episode 26 even before episode 25 was aired. But no one told me that THIS BIG secret is revealed. Aww I love bromance.
Episode 26
Mo Ne asks Jae Wan to run away together. He asks her what happened and she uses telepathy to tell Jae Wan that his mother is alive but he didn’t intercept. She hugs him. To calm herself Mo Ne is standing at the shore and looking at the sea. Jae Wan appears with an umbrella. He asks her what was that all about. She says she was scared and wonders if fighting with Mi Nyeo is the right thing to do. She again uses telepathy telling him, his mother was the one who tried to kill him and his system is still down. He says didn’t he tell her about the hard and rough times he has been through with Ju Won, these things are nothing compared to it. And now he has her and they believe in each other.
Woo Hyun asks Loman if he knows that someone tried to kill Jae Wan. Woo Hyun’s tone tells that he is sure who is behind this and Loman asks about it. Woo Hyun says its Mi Nyeo and asks him to find about it. Loman goes to mommy and asks about it and says mommy always told him not to harm others. Mommy says she just wanted to scare Jae Wan. Loman says what if he doesn’t back off. Loman hesitantly asks would she kill him. Mommy is upset she thought Loman would understand her.
Jae Wan and Mo Ne take a stroll. She forbids him to take any calls just for today as she wants to spend time with her lover. And then they talk about his mom. Jae Wan says he is happy he met her. Mo Ne pretends to be jealous and he piggy backs her.
Jae Wan and Mo Ne are on a balcony in a back hug position. Mo Ne reminds him that the first time they came here was when he came to know who is father was and supposes what if it happens again. Jae Wan says fortunately he only has a father. She says the love one gets in life is the same. If you aren’t love by many people, you will be loved by one person and if you weren’t loved as a child that gap fills in adulthood. She faces him and says she will be his mother, sister and lover and will love him forever. He promises he wouldn’t let her go until he dies. She asks him not to let her go even if he dies. They kiss, kiss goes on to the next level into the bedroom. He removes his shirt and she touches his scars. He says he loves her and she tells him to keep the promise. They kiss again.
And on to the bed. Jae Wan is asleep half naked. Mo Ne looks at him and says she hates it when he gets hurt, and wonders how can she protect him. Jae Wan opens his eyes and she lays in his arms. Back to reality, Jae Wan drives Mo Ne back to her place. He tells her he will give her back the hotel and he will report Mi Nyeo to the police. Mo Ne doesn’t want that and worries about his safety. He tells her not to worry.
Mo Ne goes to meet Mi Nyeo just to ask one thing. She didn’t kill her father and Mi Nyeo asks what if she did. Loman enters the room. Mo Ne says if she did kill her father he wouldn’t be able to take it. Worried, Loman takes her out of the room. Mo Ne says she wants to ask her and Loman says she didn’t kill him. Mo Ne says he is saying because she is his mother. She asks him if he still blames Jae Wan. Mo Ne says, Jae Wan never abandoned him he wan was hurting that he wasn’t able to take Ju Won with him. She asks him to forgive Jae Wan. Mo Ne asks Loman to leave with his mother. She doesn’t want Mi Nyeo and Jae Wan to fight but isn’t able to do anything. Loman asks why is she so desperate and answers it himself that it’s because Mi Nyeo is Jae Wan’s mother.
Mi Nyeo meets with the Harvard Oxford guy again and plan to make Ciel go bankrupt.
Loman is waiting for Jae Wan because Mo Ne told him to persuade Jae Wan not to report Mi Nyeo to the police. Jae Wan is happy that he came and they play catch ball. Jae Wan’s throws her slow and soft and Loman returns it with strength and speed. They drink and Loman asks his hyung not to report mommy for his sake and he will help him from dismissing her from the chairman’s seat. Loman says he will persuade mommy because he is important to her. Mommy loves him and switches on the telepathy mode, she never loved him but Jae Wan. He is getting the love that is for his hyung. If hyung comes back to mommy then Loman would be pitiful.
Mo Ne is at the balcony and Jae Wan comes he tells her that he played and drank with Ju Wan and he called him hyung. She is happy and he asks if she does not hate him? He is Mi Nyeo’s son. Mo Ne says he is Jae Wan’s brother. Jae Wan tells her that he will not give Mi Nyeo to the police. Mo Ne is happy and this confuses Jae Wan as he thought she would be disappointment. Mo Ne covers it up saying if Mi Nyeo is prosecuted then Loman would be dragged too and this would hurt Jae Wan and he will be unhappy. Jae Wan tries to hug her and she stops him saying what if anyone saw them. Jae Wan reminds her she was the one who announced their love and hugs him. Yup they are seen and the rest of the staff is alerted about the lovey dovey couple. Poor Woo Hyun alone plays the basketball but this too reminds him of the time when he played with Mo Ne.
Jae Wan is ready to plant some beautiful flowers near his mother’s grave when a guy tells him that this belongs to an old man and he himself burried him. Before Jae Wan can go and break Joong Goo’s other leg, Ju Won calls him. Jae Wan and Loman tell the directors to betray Mi Nyeo. The brothers go on a drive. Ju Won shows Jae Wan a picture of the house which is the first thing he bought because when they were kids they used to look at it and thought only king can live there. Loman says he wanted to bury his body once he found it and if he was alive he wanted to show it to him. He believed Jae Wan would come back alive if he lived in the house. Loman talks about all the beatings he took from the boss and Jae Wan suddenly stops the car. He asks about the boss and Loman says hyung shot him in the leg. Jae Wan can’t believe it that the gangster never died and Joong Goo lied to him all along.
Jae Wan takes out the gun and remembers the lies Joong Goo told him. Joong Goo is trying to talk to his family but they have enough of him. Jae Wan comes to Joong Goo and Joong Goo tells him to talk to his daughter about him since they were close. Jae Wan calls him father and says after visiting mothers grave he realized he never addressed him properly and asks him to show the way to her grave again as he doesn’t know.
Mommy has a spy planted either on Loman or Jae Wan because she has pictures of them. She causally asks if Jae Wan is bothering him again and he says no.
Loman asks for Chae Kyung’s help to dismiss mommy. She says no, she wont help but wonder why is he helping Mo Ne and Jae Wan. Loman tells him who he is and the rest Chae Kyung knows because she heard from Jae Wan but still doesn’t budge from her decision. – Loman is not for you, let me remind you again. If no one is willing to take him, I’m right here.-
Joong Goo takes him to the strangers grave again and tells him to put a tombstone. Jae Wan asks what should he write for the name, gender and year of death. Jae Wan pulls out the gun and Joong Goo says it’s a misunderstanding and begs to forgive him. Jae Wan says a father who wrongly accused his son of murder. A father who shed tears on a strangers grave in front of his son, he can’t forgive him. Joong goo falls through a steep. Jae Wan puts a gun to his head and pulls the trigger but nothing happens. He says he killed Joong Goo today and throws the gun and walks away even though Joong Goo keeps calling him to come back.
Mo Ne rushes to Jae Wan’s place as he has called her. Jae Wan pops out of nowhere and kisses her. And they spend the rest of the time together watching cartoon and playing with each other.
Jae Wan is leaving for work and traitor is there he hands the documents about Mi Nyeo bankrupting the hotel. Jae Wan goes to meet Mo Ne but this Hwang had to interfere. Jae Wan lost about Loman telling him that he will be by his mother’s side no matter what and that he loves his mother. Mo Ne comes from behind and holds his hand. She asks if he is worried about the dismissal meeting.
Jae Wan calls Loman and apologizes. Loman thinks it’s because he is removing his mommy from the chairwoman’s position. Jae Wan just apologizes and hangs up.
Prosecutors come to take Mi Nyeo. Jae Wan decides to say final goodbyes. Mi Nyeo says she knew it was him. Jae Wan wonders how is she capable to love a child. Mi Nyeo loses her temper and raises her hand to slap Jae Wan but he stops her. She curses him that from today he will lose everything precious to him. Woo Hyun tells Mo Ne about Mi Nyeo and she says this wasn’t suppose to happen and runs. Jae Wan is standing in Mi Nyeos room where he finds the picture. He runs into Mo Ne and she asks him, why did he do it? Jae Wan says he has to go and ask before its too late. Thats when Mo Ne notices the picture he is holding. She tells him, she is his birth mother who named him Woo Hyun. Jae wan dashes out. Loman is a bit too late. Mommy tells him not to worry. Jae Wan is late too but he doesn’t give up and runs after the car. Mi Nyeo looks behind and he holds out his hand and runs and runs.

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