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Thursday, October 18, 2018


Ana Le manages to convince her sisters that she was very hurt by their behavior. She knows they came again only to break her heart. Llora, who already had a whip on the ready to beat herself up over such cruel treatment of Ana Le, needed no further convincing and even Ana Lu was moved. They all want to talk. Ana Le wants to start with the fact that she did not have anything to do with Marcelo’s accident – it was all Evaristo. She – Ana Le – was heartbroken when Marcelo supposedly died and Llora is a witness of that. Ana Lu does remember that Marcelo’s accident happened on the same day that he found Soledad, and Ana Le grabs onto this lifeline for her lie. With shifty eyes she repeats again how deep her love for Marcelo was and drops the bomb of the miscarriage.
In return for her honesty, she wants the same from Ana Lu and asks her if she is now in love with Marcelo, to which Ana Lu responds that yes, she is – they are now one and she can’t separate them. Ana Le wants her to know that Marcelo just confused her for his wife, but Ana Lu fills her in on the latest developments: Marcelo got rid of his tattoo and says he no longer loves Ana Le, but rather is in love with Ana Lu.
Since Marcelo came back, nothing was the same says Ana Le. He is not the man she fell in love with and married, and even though he is alive, she remains a widow. And so – if Ana Lu wants to be with this man Ana Le no longer recognizes, Ana Le will not stay in her way. She is just so happy Ana Lu is back with them, so happy. They hug and Erni and Leo creepily spy on them. Ana Le has the facial expression of the tiger on a hunt about to pounce.
Leo and Erni are very happy about this reunion and after some gushing over that, they discuss getting Sole out of prison. Leonor needs to time to digest this new bit of information before committing to a course of action.
Llora wants to know why Ana Le pretended to be Ana Lu and told her all these horrible things. Ana Le “confesses” that she felt insecure and was afraid she will be cast aside by Llora once Ana Lu was found. Llora tells her that would never happen and Ana Le begs for forgiveness. Llora asks her if Tin was in on the swticheroo and Ana Le says he wasn’t of course (man, some tight connection there that isn’t even willing to throw him under the bus to save herself.) Ana Le goes so far as to say she will do anything Llora and Ana Lu will ask of her and they both ask her to see a psychiatrist. Llora knows one at the center and she will make the appointment and go with Ana Le (not soon enough, Llora…). Ana Le pretends to agree that she needs help.
Ana Lu asks Ana Le if she is in a relationship with Inaki. Ana Le spins it that they started seeing each other when she was separating from Marcelo, but she isn’t sure it will work out. Both Llora and Ana Lu agree on the fact that Inaki is a great guy. Ana Lu has known him for a while. Yes, Inaki told Ana Le all that and she knows he was hiding Ana Lu as well. Llora wants to know if Ana Le was upset by that, but the newly wise Ana Le says she understood their reasons and forgave them. Llora also needs to forgive Ramiro, especially now that he needs her more than ever with this whole Edmundo drama. What? Llora doesn’t know? Again? Ana Le can barely hide her smile, as she describes the gory scene of suicide in front of Ramiro and Llora cries on the cue.
Marcelo brings our friendly Tin a bit deeper into the forest. Tin is convinced Marcelo brought him there to kill and tells him to get the gun out, though….how will he explain Tin’s disappearance? So many people saw him leave. Valentin, now at gunpoint, bargains with Marcelo for his life. Turns out Marcelo wants to find out what Tin is capable of and hands him the gun. There is no one here, Tin can just shoot him, says Marcelo, keeping both of his hands firmly planted on a hidden gun behind his back. Tin seriously ponders pulling the trigger, but remembers our mafiosi Fac’s instructions on not hurting his son and puts the gun down. Marcelo thinks he made the right choice – the gun wasn’t loaded, but his own was.
Marcelo wants to know why Tin used Ramiro’s situation like that and whether he really is in love with Llora. Tin says that it is all Ramiro’s fault for lying to Llora. Marcelo warns him that he now lives at the pension too and will be watching Tin.
Somewhere here we got our opening credits and twilight zone hastily cut and pasted fragments started to appear…
Llora, still wearing same clothes, was suddenly at the pension and Mariano came to visit and brought the piano for a gift. (Suppose it didn’t occur to him that this is not Llora’s mansion and he might have considered asking for Rem’s permission before putting it right in the middle of the living room.) Llora is excited about the gift and seemingly forgot about her fiance’s plight.
Tin is home already too and we catch him mid conversation with Nerina saying that he also kept many things from Llora. Nerina recounts all she heard about Tin and his resentment from Ramiro and says that she wants to help him. He should not keep all this anger. Tin says yes, he really wants some help.
Just as Llora is still trying out her piano, Maribel comes out to spill some venom – Ana Lu, Llora – same face, so same actions as far as our wonderful BFF is concerned. Llora tells her to stay away from Ramiro. Maribel wants Llora to know that it was Ramiro who started the kiss. Suddenly Llora is full of all kinds of common sense – she knows Ramiro wouldn’t betray her like that and this is also not what Maribel told Llora in front of Ramiro. Llora didn’t know Ram was in a tough spot and now that she knows, she will give him all her support and already left him a message. Llora loves Ram, but what does Maribel feel for him? “I LIKE him A LOT!”, - declares Maribel and we don’t know which one of them to laugh at.
We are still on the same day folks, and Tin now comes to talk to Llora. He is sorry he didn’t tell her up front, but he was angry at Mariano and when he met Llora, he had no idea she was his niece. Tin sweets talk her by describing everything Llora did for him – reconcile him with his mother among other things. He, the hypocrite, now asks her to do the same and forgive everyone – Mariano, Ramiro and maybe even him, because she has the biggest heart in the world.
Llora’s common sense didn’t last her for very long and in the next scene she is seen playing piano, with Tin’s oboe accompaniment. Ana Lu dances and everybody else watches – a happy scene. (We are at least happy that everyone is wearing different clothes, so we are to understand then it is a different day. Not very sure what everyone has to be so psyched about, with one mother in jail, life in uproar, married boyfriend, conflicting feelings, missing fiancé, but who are we to judge…). The idyllic life goes on: Ana Lu helps out at the center with the kids, Llora chats with Valeria and Tin about something serious (perhaps finally realizing she is missing a fiancé who she left a message to days ago?), Ana Lu and Marcelo laugh and kiss (again, a very strange seamless transition…it’s like we missed an episode or two) and Ana Lu tells Llora she loves Marcelo. Marcelo overhears and Ana Lu blushes like a schoolgirl.
For a contrast we switch back to Ramiro, who is still on the same bed, wearing same clothes and kept sedated. He has a nightmare of being in a wheelchair and watching from the bottom of a long set of stairs how Tin marries Llora, who is wearing a black dress and is happy to become Tin’s wife. He screams for Llora, but she doesn’t hear him. Suddenly he wakes up and someone is sitting next to him. Ana Laura, is it you? He stares at “Ana Laura” and realizes it’s Ana Le in a wig. Ana Le is disappointed he guessed it so soon. (This next scene is just beautifully acted by AB.) Ramiro thinks she came to help and tells her about Tin being the murderer and being able to walk. Ana Le really came to play, she is in some manic episode and is ecstatic when she realizes Ramiro can’t feel his legs or doesn’t realize it’s been days that he has been sedated. He is completely at her mercy and she needs him to stop talking about Llora or he’ll spoil everything. She climbs on the bed with him, but is not getting any attention. Ram is trying to convince her she needs to help him and her sister. Bored, she gets up to leave and tells him to say hello to Gina, when he sees her. Finally, slow Ram realizes she is in on it with Tin and promises she will regret it (note to Ram: much less of a threat when you are tied to the bed unable to move your legs…) Ana Le bought two black dresses she says – one to mourn Llora and one – Ana Lucia. They will soon be dead and Ram won’t be able to do anything. But they are your sisters – Ram is incredulous. They are, says Ana Le, but they can’t keep breathing the same air and everything will be left for her when they are gone. And as she waltzes away with some threatening music in the background, Ram continues to beg her to come back. Unsuccessfully. Obviously.
Llora and Ana Lu talk about Ram. Llora realizes she should have listened to him and it hurts her that she wasn’t there for him. Now he left without saying anything. Marcelo is looking for Ram though, says Ana Lu (not very well – seems like he is mostly looking for him in the pension in Ana Lu’s eyes from what we’ve seen…)
Marcelo sees Santi in the mirror and battles with him for control. Santi needs to leave, he says. It’s Marcelo’s life. (Has it ever occurred to Marcelo to just break that mirror, or avoid them like a vampire? Just saying…)
Back in the wilderness outside Ramiro’s prison cabin, Facundo, dressed in all black, is having coffee with Tin and Ana Le. He has several henchmen guarding the perimeter, but mostly standing around and awkwardly glancing in every direction. Ana Le asks Tin is he really can walk, but he remains silent. Facundo says Ana Le reminds him of her father and she is surprised he knew Ignacio. We worked together, says Facundo and offers her to try the coffee. It’s from Costa Paraiso. Ana Le picks up the cup, sniffs it and dumps the whole cup on Tin’s lap. He springs upward and screams at her. She asked him a question and he wasn’t answering, says Ana Le. Tin departs, presumably to change – very sensible that one. (Side note: if Facundo knew Tin wasn’t paralyzed, why was he saying the cabin was difficult living for someone in Tin’s condition when he brought him there?). Ana Le wants to continue the conversation about Facundo’s business with her father. They worked for her grandfather and when he died Ignacio betrayed Facundo and had to pay for it. If Ana Le ever betrays him, she will find out what he means by that. Ana Le says that the only one betraying anyone is Marcelo, who is still with her sister. What about Ana Le and Inaki? Facundo knows he is alive and she is still seeing him. Ana Le says Inaki doesn’t mean anything to her, but Facundo wants proof. She produces the memory card, but says Inaki has one with evidence against her as well. Not to worry, mafiosi will take care of that.
Marcelo takes more pills. Llora enters and she wants to know if he knows anything about Ramiro. No, he hasn’t found him yet. Llora is regretting being so unfair to him. Marcelo says the lie was all Marcelo’s fault and Ramiro never wanted to go along with it, but Marcelo convinced him. Llora is afraid Ramiro will leave for an extended period again, just as he did when Gina died. Marcelo promises to find him.
Ana Lu compares notes with Marcelo. She wants to see Santi and talk to him, but isn’t having success convincing Marcelo. She throws at him that he never told her about the miscarriage and that must mean it is still hurting him. Perhaps he will never be able to fully let go of his past. There was a time he would have done anything to have Ana Le’s baby he says, but that was before when he thought she loved him and thought that he loved her too. She never loved him, but she hurt him very much and tried to kill him – he can’t forget that. Ana Lu tries to convince him of the version that Ana Le told her – it wasn’t her, it was all Ev and while Marcelo is trying to explain the truth to her, his head starts hurting. Ana Lu is freaked out, but he tells her to let him be – Santiago will not lie to her. Several contortions later, Santi appears and tells her he doesn’t have much time, but all Marcelo told her is true, Ana Le is a murderer, and Ana Lu shouldn’t trust either her or Marcelo. Marcelo is back before Ana Lu can react and tells her he is the only one who can save her life.
Leonor came to carcel to see Sole. She isn’t here to ask for explanations, but rather to tell Sole the story of her life. Sole doesn’t understand. She will, when Leonor is finished, says Leo.
There is an out-of-nowhere glimpse of Mariano telling someone we don’t see (and from conversation gather it’s Erni) that he considered forgiving her, but decided that would be a mistake. They need to make sure that his niece does not stay under the influence of that woman. (Alright, this is some shoddy editing…)
Leo continues with her story. He mom worked for Erni’s father and was raped by him. She grew up as a servant in the family, as her father didn’t acknowledge her as his daughter. Sole understands her better than anyone – when her mother died, she grew up in similar circumstances in Ev’s home. Leo is surprised she knew Ev. Sole explains that relationship – as Leo can see she also had an unhappy childhood. Well, Leo at least had Erni, they were like sisters, say Leonor. Sole still doesn’t understand why Leonor is telling all this. Leo is happy to explain: she is telling that story, because her mother was not the only one that man has raped and had a child with. There was another woman – Margarita Hernandez. Sole’s mind is blown.

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