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Monday, October 15, 2018


Location: Ganga’s residence
As the lady comes and pulls the shutters away, the morning light streams in, and ganga is still dreaming about staying with ammaji. she is jolted to reality as she finds her new house, when she opens her eyes. the lady asks if she had a nice sleep. ganga silently complies. the lady then presents her the idea of going to hanuman temple, to cheer her up. then she tells ganga that her new story starts afresh from today, and she needs to take the blessings of the lord.
Scene 2:
Location: Sagar’s residence
Ammaji comes and finding everyone tensed, she tries to lighten up the environment, saying that she doesnt understand how she forgot something, of such magnitude. MAdhvi is boggled, and asks whats the matter. ammaji points to sagar,
and then says that she had to go to hanuma’s temple, but completely forgot, and wonders how to go. supriya comes and tries to suggest pulkit’s name, but ammaji shuts her up. supriya understands her signal, and says that pulkit is busy in meeting. they deliberately deliberate over who shall take them. she turns to rudra and asks if he shall, but signals him to say no. rudra too presents an excuse. sagar remains tensed and silent. ammaji remains grumbling, as to how noone is willing to take her to the temple. madhvi says that she shall tell sagar’s father. ammaji asks her not to, as he is busy in work. then finally sagar speaks up, saying that she wont go with him, as he knows why this drama is going on, so that he agrees and cheers up too. she says that she wishes to go to hanuman temple, and sagar complies. all are amused. he says that he wont let his past overwhelm the present. she gets emotional and blesses him, while he asks her to come along soon. as they leave, the ladies are relieved.
Location: Mazaar
Ammaji arrives with sagar at the pee baba’s mazaar, talking about its importance. Ganga is at the mazaar, when sagar arrives with ammaji, both oblivious of the other’s presence. as he walks past, ganga instinctively feels his presence, and turns around, while he is lost amidst the crowd. she looks around tensedly. the lady asks ganga whats the matter, and then asks her to demand whatever she wishes for, as the baba would fulfill it for her. they start walking towards the mazaar. both sagar and ganga are unaware of their proximity. at the mazaar, sagar takes ammaji inside. she goes over to the Peer Baba, and together they place the chadar at the mazaar, and seek the blessings. he thinks that he has to forget everything, especially ganga, and wishes to be emboldened, so that he can stop even her memories from coming close to him. she nudges him to close his eyes. they both comply, and pray, with their eyes closed. The lady arrives just then, with ganga, inside the mazaar, and they present their chaddar too at the holy mazaar. ganga too wishes for the strength to be able to start afresh moving ahead of the past, and erase sagar from her life. as they sit opposite to each other, separated by a wall, they each pray to be able to forget the other. ammaji prays for strength for sagar, to get him out of troubles. then sagar is asked to tie the holy thread by the sacred wall, which fulfills all wishes. ganga too complies, as she is given the thread too. as they tie it, from the opposite ends of the wall, their fingers meet, and they both are tensed to feel each other’s touch. they look around and then tensedly leave. ganga is asked y the lady to go out, while she just comes. she finds ganga’s thread not properly tied, and ties it with sagar’s thread to be able to tie it properly, not realising the irony of what she just did.
Outside ganga is outside watering the plants, sagar comes to her, and confronts her, as he steps out of the car, while she is shocked to see him. they both eye each other awkwardly. he asks how could she leave him alone and come here, without even thinking for once, how he shall live without her, and says that he cant. he takes her hand, and says that she might say that she hates him, but he knows, that she cant do this, and instead she loves him as much as he loves her. he says that he has hurt her, but he has lived in guilt, and is dying every single second, and begs for an apology and forgiveness, as he has returnd back now. she takes her hand away and retreats away, saying that its too late now. Hurriedly, Sagar says that everything will be okay, and he realises his mistake, and things shall come back to normal and asks her to say it just once, that she doesnt love him, then he shall turn away and never come back to her. she is apalled, as he nudges her to speak up. he begs her not to look like this, as he wouldnt be able to bear it. she blurts that she doesnt love him. he asks her to speak up loudly, as he couldnt hear. she speaks, while he says that she cant even lie, as her eyes and mouth speak otherwise, and he knows that she loves him immensely, and requests her to give them another chance, as he has faith on her as he remembers everything back, and that this child is theirs, and is highly guilty of the awkward situation that he put her in, and says that he remembered everything back, and promises that he shall never leave her hand ever again. he extends his hand out for her to accept. she stands stoically, and then takes his hand, as he smiles lovingly at her. he starts to take her with him, as she walks in a daze, while they cross his car, and she is boggled as to where is he taking her. he makes her stands in the middle of the road, and then leaves her hand. As she eyes him, sagar starts to retreat, and finally rests against the bonnet of his car. she is boggled, as he amusedly smirks. she asks what. signalling her, he asks her to look aside, and when she turns in that direction, she finds an oncoming vehicle directed at her. she is aghast and before she can react, the vehicle almost hits her, and she screams out Sagar’s name. She wakes up from her horrific nightmare, as she realises that she had been sleeping. then she finds kashish sleeping beside, and asks her to wake up, as she shall be late for school.
At the dining table, ganga gets kashish ready for school, and all are surprised as to how she is on time today for school. ganga asks what can she do. the lady says that she has already done the unachievable, by getting kashish so animated with her. The screen freezes on ganga’s happy face.
All sit down for breakfast, while ganga complies. they give her vegetarian dishes. seeing ganga lost and tensed, the lady asks her what happened. ganga says that she too feels lovely, being here, and thanks her, that if she hadnt been here she wouldnt know, where she would have been, and that they are all like her sisters, and the sooner she gets a job, tyhings would be fine. the lady asks if she wouldnt want to fulfill her dream, of education. ganga says that its okay, but she needs financial dependance, so that when the child comes, she can fulfill the liabilities. the lady tries to talk about her importance of education. ganga says that she thinks about the present, and right now, she needs to start working, so that she doesnt have to take any favours,
and once the financial situation gets better, she can again resumeher education. the lady asks one of them, if she can get ganga a job. she complies, and asks ganga to dress up, so that she can come with her only, to the hospital today.
Scene 2:
Location: Sagar’s residence
Supriya is stopped from working, by sagar on the terrace pointing out her delicate condition. she asks if he feels she should only rest. he gives her more pregnant woman advise, while she instigates him to try and tell more, while he gives her knowledge as to how a pregnant woman should be happy, and at peace. she is tensed, and says that when ganga too is in this state, shouldnt she too be taken care of like that. he is tensed. she asks if he didnt think once, who would be caring for her, and how is she, and in what condition, whether she feeds and rests properly or not. he gets uncomfortably. she says that she cares for ganga, as she has stood by them, through thick and thin, and supported them every which way, and they deserted her when she needed them the most. he says that she doesnt need them, as she has emphasises that she doesnt need anyone, and that he is sure that ganga would be fine wherever she is.
Downstairs, prabha’s and maharaj’s fight resonates in the entire house. Prabha hollers for madhvi to come out. supriya and sagar come down too. prabha is insulted and screams at the way, even servants are hollering at her. madhvi asks whats the matter. prabha says that she was being insulted by maharaj and being accused of lying. ammaji comes and asks whats the matter. he says that he met sudha in the market and sudha told them that ganga doesnt stay in the ashram. they are all boggled. he narrates what actually happened, and how noone knows now where is ganga. all are stunned and shocked. he reminds them what prabha told lies, and that the truth is ganga wasnt even at the ashram, and prabha didnt even meet her. madhvi asks prabha if what maharaj is saying, is the truth. prabha fumbles. he starts reprimanding her, for the way she lied, and talks about how ganga wasnt allowed to stay in the ashram. he points out how prabha poisoned them and their minds about ganga. ammajiasks her why she did this. prabha says that thinking like this, she went to search for ganga, as she must have ruined their lives, but they wouldnt turn their backs on ganga. ammaji asks her not to do any drama and actually tell what happened. all stand tensed. prabha tells her that she did meet ganga at the taxi stand. all are shocked to hear this. sagar comes down asking what happened next. prabha points out how tensed he is, merely hearing her name, and hence kept the secret. prabha makes up stories, about meeting ganga at the bus stop, where a man came to see her, whom she saw lovingly, and palced her head on his shoulders. she says that he wiped her tears, and then they had a talk, after which she sat in his car and went off. they are shocked to hear this. ammaji thinks that she thought so high of ganga and this is what happened. rudra asks her who was that person, and asks her to try and tell what he looked like. prabha asks what good can it do now to know what the guy looked like. seeing them getting influenced, she continues to instigate them further. maharaj thinks that he isnt able to trust prabha at all. ammaji is devastated. prabha turns to sagar, and begs him to understand that he shall get a far better girl than ganga, and asks him to be happy. he says that he isnt interested either in ganga or anyone else, and that ganga can have her rich and handsome boyfriend, as he has other important work. he asks supriya to get ready soon, as she needed to go to the doctor, and says that he shall wait outside. as sagar leaves, ammaji sees his plight, and thinks that she shall never forgive him. all disperse while prabha stands tensed, and then leaves too. rudra eyes her going.
Location: Hospital
ganga is brought to the hospital, by the lady, and then they ask for the doctor, but are told, that she is busy, and would meet her regarding ganga’s job after sometime. the lady says that she needs to get back to her work, and cant wait here with her. Ganga asks her not to bother, as she shall easily wait here. Oblivious to this, sagar enters with supriya for her checkup. but before they can see her, a visitor comes in between, and they dont meet. supriya goes with sagar inside, in the waiting hall, while ganga waits outside. as gamnga shukla is called for, sagar gets unnerved and rushes outside searching for ganga. Sagar hides behind the shutters, when he finds ganga sitting in the gynaecologist’s chambers. ganga tries to talk, but the doctor shuts her up. the doctor asks ganga questions about her pregnancy, as to how long has it been, when did she get to know, whats her name. ganga tries to explain that she isnt here for this, but the doctor assuming that she is a patient, continues to give her advise. the gynaecologist tells about pre-natal advise. ganga answers all the quetions diligently, but she gets surprised and taken aback, when the doctor asks her the name of the father. sagar too waits tensedly for her answer, in anticipation, while ganga sits surprised. She asks her to write the same name as the father too, as she bears both the responsibilities. the doctor stands confused. just then, the lady comes inside, and tells the doctor how ganga came for a job. she clears the confusion. sagar is shocked to know that she has come for a job. justy then, the doctor is asked to come in for an emergency case. she asks her to train ganga along with the nurses for sometime, after which they shall see where to place her, and then hastily leaves. ganga and the lady smiles. the lady congratulates her on her new start, and asks her to head towards the nurses’ station, while she attends a patient, and then gets her uniform too. ganga complies. the lady leaves. ganga is jerked towards one corner, and pinned against the wall, by sagar. she is taken aback and stands surprised. Sagar asks her why didnt she give the name of the father, and asks where is he, with whom she went that day, from the bus stop and asks where if he right now, as he should be with her through all this. she says that the father of the child is right here. he asks where, and if he is sitting in the car putside. she is apalled, as he holds her tensedly. he asks if she considers herself so smart, then why she stooped down so low. she asks what, and begs him to finish the sentence. he wrneches her hand, while she says that she is in pain. he lets go, and she is about to leave, when he stops her. he asks what about her education, and the way she wanted to fulfill her father’s dream, and why she had to work in the hospital then, and asks if the father isnt supporting her for the child. she asks him to understand something like this, or else she doesnt want to take his help. he asks why, and if its because she doesnt love him. she tells him that she loves him so much so, that she cant narrate, but her self respect is far more precious than her feelings towards him. she leaves from there, while he stands stunned. she wipes her tears and walks ahead, while sagar rushes after her. but the nurse stops him, asking him not to go further. ganga rushes inside the nurses’ station. he wishes to meet her, but he is denied any further permission. just then, supriya comes and asks whats the matter. he doesnt tell and says that he is fine. she says that she is done, and was waiting at the reception. he wonders if their relationship has come to this level now, that they are behaving to each other as strangers, and thinks if the childhood memories dont matter to her at all. The screen freezes on his tensed face.
Precap: As some goons attack ganga’s house, and try to take kashish away, the other ladies fight them off. gnga is hurt but not thwarted. she continues to fight with them, to stop them from taking kashish away. one of the goons takes a knife out, and then swears, placing it under ganga’s throat, swearing to kill her off if anyone acts smart. all are shocked. sagar intervenes and comes in the house, and is shocked to see the situation the house is in.

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