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Wednesday, October 17, 2018


Scene 1:
Location: Ganga’s college
Ganga is shocked to hear what the principal suggests, while she vehemently pleads for a chance. THe principal tells her that there is still time to rectify her mistake, and abort the child, as that shall soothe the society who shall forgive her too. she says that she shall talk to the board and she shall convince on her part, that she made a mistake, and regrets it and shall get permission to start studying but for that, she has to abort the child first. ganga is apalled and distraught. she leaves tensed and apalled.
Scene 2:
Location: Ganga’s residence
Ganga returns back in a haze, while raahat maa is tensed to see her. she asks whats the matter. when ganga explainswhats the matter, raahat is tensed. she asks her whats the matter,
and is shocked when she gets to know. ganga however after listening to raahat’s advice is strong and adamant that she wants to keep this baby, as a sign of love that she had for sagar and is in no way a crime.
Scene 3:
Location: Sagar’s residence
While they are bantering about how they shall play with supriya’s unborn child, when she starts experiencing pain, and supriya is found to have fever. all get tensed. prabha gets them all emotional, as she talks about how she too is a part of the family, and then goes to get soup for her, thinking that she shall mix in another dose. in the kitchen, rudra finds her mixing something, and stops her. she is shocked. he accuses her and asks what was she mixing. she starts going on an emotional rant as to not being trusted, and how he is accusing her, just because she isnt a part of the family. rudra asks her not to do drama, and instead prove her innocence by tasting the powder. she is stunned. he insists her to taste. she stoically asks him to go on now and tell what he is doing here, when he isnt related to the house and is merely sitting here. she leaves. he feels insulted.
Meanwhile, in the corridor, prabha mixes the original packet of poison that she still has, and viciously thinks about how nicely she is killing supriya and the child, inch by inch.
Scene 4:
Location: College
The principal finds ganga coming, and is happy that she took the mature and practical decision so soon. she asks ganga to the chambers so that they can talk. ganga says that she wishes to talk here only, as she isnt ashamed of what she did. a crowd gathers, and the principal is tensed. she asks ganga not to sway in emotions. but ganga remains stoical on her stand, and that she has decided that the child shall be born. all are shocked. ganga says tht she shall not bow down to the societal laws, at any cost and shall fight for her rights if need be, as there isnt any law that can prvent her from studying in college. the principal is adamant on her decision.
Precap: Raahat maa and her family comes in ganga’s support, and raise slogans and protests, and assure ganga that they shall not let injustice happen to her. then later on, ganga is called in along with the board of directors, who come with their legal advisor. Sagar comes as a legal council of the college, along with his father, and expresses to ganga that they dont want this unnecessary drama to continue and should come to a mutual, and mature decision
Scene 1:
Location: Ganga’s residence
As ganga sits dazed, all discuss as to how wrong it all is, and think of various options, from changing college, to doing correspondence. finally they are shut up by raahat ma, who asks ganga what she wants. ganga is stunned and thinks that she knows whats to be done.
Scene 2:
Location: Ganga’s College
Raahat maa and her family comes in ganga’s support, and raise slogans and protests, and assure ganga that they shall not let injustice happen to her. her friends too stand up for her, as they start generating mass support.a huge gathering follows. the principal is told about this, who comes out and asks whats going on. all get tensed. she orders them to go to their classes, but they dont budge. she says that she shall call
management meeting, to suspend them all, while they get tensed. ganga is tensed for them too. By the evening, the protest continues for ganga’s suuport. even by the next morning, ganga gives media bytes to the journalists. Then ganga is called in by the peone. raahat gets tensed. she tells ganga that she shall go too. the peon denies. ganga is confident and goes in.
Scene 3:
Location: Sagar’s residence
Prabha caters to ammaji, as sagar and his father returns from the award ceremony. all are happy. ammaji is happy and does the puja to welcome him in the house. rudra watches this too. she asks others to follow suit too. he also adds that the family is behind this achievement and the award belongs to them. while they are about to get going for dinner, sagar’s father gets a new case on the phone, and he says that he shall go for the new case. sagar and madhvi nudge rudra, who smiles too.
The next morning, ammaji finds sagar’s fathwer gone for work issues, and tells madhvi that its good that they are getting back on their feet after ganga’s fiasco.
Scene 4:
Location: Ganga’s college
As ganga goes in, the principal lashes at her and reprimands her for what she did and how she instigated her classmates too, and now the committee shall decide her future. ganga eyes them, and then sagar and his father walk in to join the meeting. an awkward silence follows, as they face each other. ganga is briefed in along with the board of directors, who come with their legal advisor, as introduced by the principal, asking if she has any issues. she has belief in him. Sagar says as a legal council of the college, along with his father, and expresses to ganga that they dont want this unnecessary drama to continue and should come to a mutual, and mature decision, as they arent concerned with anyone’s personal lives. she starts taunting sagar about their meetings. ganga refers to him as the judge and tells him that she hasnt done anything wrong. Niranjan says that he is here as the director of the board meet, and she says that she is confident of her future in his hands. the board tries to clarify, why they had to do it, and then ask ganga if her portests regarding it is right. she then asks niranjan and sagar if people cant be wrong, or only ganga cant be right. ganga starts talking about how its unjustful that the society decides whats to be done with a child, based on social prejudices, and asks them of their opinion only, and not the society, and if their answer is yes, then is being pregnant is the reason behind it. The screen freezes on ganga’s tensed faces.
Precap: Ganga’s friends support her, but ask her to be prepared for the worst too, just in case, if the college doesnt allow her to stay. The principal comes and tells her in front of everyone that the board has taken the decision. she along with her friends wait for her answer in anticipation.

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