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Wednesday, October 10, 2018


Though we ended last on a potential Inaki resurrection scene, we start with our star crossed lovers this time. Ana Lu asks Marcelo why he decided to remove tattoo. He has a good response – though he would love to tell her it was done to conquer her, he actually removed this tattoo for himself. He then drops the bomb of Inaki being Ana Le’s lover.
And we are back to our: is Inaki or isn’t he alive storyline, and it looks like he has at least two lives indeed! Inaki is alive and kicking. Ana Le wants to know how he entered, with the police there. Well, our bloodied up, drenched in rain, recently shot, small-time-swindler-turned-killer, has a bit of news for her: Marcelo is not the only real man around here. She should have seen him climbing through the window in this rain with this gaping wound! Ana Le is duly impressed, but Inaki hasn’t finished his prepared speech yet. He was only afraid of losing her, even though she left him there all alone. She could have come back, but she didn’t. The fact that Facundo had a gun is a sorry excuse in his book of eternal love. The wounded lion then grabs her a little too feverishly and pulls her into a kiss, with the amount of energy that is casting some doubt on the tearful story of a hurt man making his way from the forest to the city, up the wall and through the window.
We interrupt this fascinating scene to get back to Llora, who is persistently making me wish I had a duct tape that reached across the TV screen to tape her mouth shut, and Ramiro. Llora was kind enough to invite him into the chapel in this rain to tell about St. Valentin, the only one who had the balls to tell her all the truth, unlike Ram, who keeps all the world secrets from her – Ana Lu, JFK assassination, whether or not Elvis is still alive. Now that she knows the breadth of this deceit, she will not even let him squeeze in a word – NOPE, not a word.
In another interesting development, Facundo brought Tin to his former hermit refuge place – a cabin …. in the woods? in Erni’s backyard? …it’s anybody’s guess. He wonders why it was that Ev recommended Tin so highly. Tin thinks it’s because, much like Ev, Tin is consumed by this thirst for vengeance. Well, Fac is not a man to look a gifted horse in the mouth twice, so he leaves Tin there with a man and a car to do his thing, with the only condition that Marcelo is untouched. Tin advises him to ensure himself that his offspring doesn’t interfere with Tin’s plans. (And we all are beginning to hear “Something wicked this way comes” in the background…)
Back at the chapel, unfortunately, Ramiro is still not throwing the towel in on Llora.(Ramiro, TVA is losing its viewing audience by the dozens every second they have to watch Llora. Quit now and save your nerves and ratings.) Despite the prohibition, he is trying to squeeze an explanation or two in, with very intermittent success. He wanted to be the one to tell her and explain he says. Well, he was late, says Llora. (At least here we agree with her.) Why did he play with their feelings? (We don’t know either, Llora. It’s one of those interesting TN mysteries: why would no one tell Ana Lu the truth for 100 episodes? Why will you just NOT stop whining? There may not be an answer for them, but thankfully there is a fast forward button.) Anywho, this was all the time Llora had allotted for someone else taking up the center of attention and conversation, so she doesn’t let him explain that he didn’t know Ana Lu was alive when he produced the bracelet. Llora has everything already worked out. She is the new and improved Ana Yo-BetterWatchOut and nobody should mess with her!
Ana Lu is putting a new bandage on Marcelo and still does not believe Inaki and Ana Le are lovers . Marcelo heard Inaki confess his love for Ana Le to Santiago.
Marcelo feels freed actually. They talk about trust and whether Marcelo could be trusted. He points out he was the only one to speak truth to her, when everyone – including Santiago – was deceiving her. Even so, she cannot trust him. Ana Lu leaves to let Marcelo take a shower, and our shirtless galan has a mirror conversation with Santiago. Marcelo tells him he needs to protect Ana Lu and it’s now Marcelo’s turn to live Santiago’s life.
Worried we may not be able to get our nap in this pre-bed timeslot, writers return us to Llora and Ramiro. Same old, same old rehash and Llora concludes with a sweeping statement that she had enough, and everything is over between them. She never wants to see him again. (So let’s de-Llora this scene. Does your fiancé, love of your life, not deserve ten minutes to offer an explanation? Of course then we would be spared the lengthy scene of Llora’s tears when she realizes Ratmundo is dead, Ram had her best interests at heart and she blew it.)
While waiting for Llora and Ana Le in the family room, Mariano and his glass of whiskey are having a flashback to Tin’s fall that left him paralyzed. Tin is lying on the ground, covered in blood and saying he can’t feel his legs and Gina is screaming at Mariano: “What did you do?.” Mariano returns to the present when Ernestina asks him what he is thinking about. Finally, generator kicks in, and lights are back on and Llora enters without Ramiro and to everyone’s jokes on her prince charming’s whereabouts, shocks them by telling them to shove it and get on with the program (with a different sarcastic comment, though the same meaning.) Mariano wants some love from the angry girl – isn’t he her prince as well? Yes, says Llora, he is the only man who would never lie to her. Mariano’s nose grows visibly longer.
Tin in the cabin is remembering Gina coming to him asking for help. Mariano hired people who will kill her. They now know that she was Tin’s lover and kept his money. Tin takes another swig and remembers another scene of coming to Gina’s apartment. He told her it was all his fault – he went to see Mariano to try and stop the wedding. Gina knows. She laments that she thought it would be the happiest day of her life, but she lost everything. Tin says she will never lose him. Gina is so happy he still wants her and promises to make it up to him. Just as they are reconciling, there’s a knock on the door – it’s Mariano. Gina shoves Tin into a different room and opens the door. Marcelo and Mariano come in. Marcelo has a gun and they are here to dictate her suicide note. (So Tin was there after they left and during Gina’s murder scene then?)
Tadeo and Nerina are each worried about their kids in this rain.
Ana Le and Inaki are still in her room. She needs to go downstairs or else people will suspect. He asks to stay in her room and take a shower while he waits for her. Downstairs Erni is still explaining about the basement and thrown out memories. Llora is inconsolable – Ana Lu wants nothing to do with them. Not to worry, though she said so to everyone, they will find a way to bring her into the fold. Ana Le comes downstairs and asks if Llora knows the truth already. She does? Well why is she crying then – she must be the only one happy at this news? Llora, thinking they are talking about Ana Lu, says that she would have liked to be let in on the news along with everyone else. Ana Le cleverly says she doesn’t understand either why Abue hid for so long that Leonor is her sister. Llora looks like she is slowly blowing a fuse.
Javier comes to Sandro’s house to look for Julietta. Sandro says she doesn’t live there any more and advises Javier to stay away, as Julietta is only interested in money. He gives Javier her diary as the only relic that is left of her. Javier starts reading right away in the rain.
Meanwhile Viri is giving Julietta advice that it is better to be alone than in a bad company. She remembers her own experience with Mariano. Viridiana thinks she just lost time, but he lost a woman who really loved him. Julietta wishes she could have this view of the world. She tolerated Sandro for so long. Viridiana thinks they should call things as they are. Julietta tolerated this for money and would have tolerated more. Viri asks about the rose, and Julietta tells her about Tadeo, a clown she loved. But, when the hunger enters through the door, the love leaves through the window – “Cuando el hambre entra por la puerta, el amor sale por la ventana”. (It’s an interesting proverb). Juietta wanted more and left him. Viridiana wonders if she is still in love with Tadeo.
Meanwhile Tadeo is in good company with Nerina, both still fretting over the fate of their children in the rain. (If Nerina only knew that other mothers should be worried about her son being out there in the rain…) Tadeo decides this would be a good moment for a heart-to-heart. He thinks they both had a complicated life and will be alone at some point (our sweet Tadeo is clearly rusty on romantic declarations), so he wanted to confess something that he had in him for a while now – his love for Nerina. Nerina is shocked by this confession and runs away.
At the AdC (Alvarez del Castillo) house Llora blows another fuse. This time she will not allow Leonor to tell her to calm down. Aunt Leonor, helpfully corrects Ana Le, making herself comfortable for the spectacle. Llora storms away surprisingly fast, and Mariano runs out to talk to her. (He actually had to run, this is how fast she managed to climb up the stairs.)
In Ana Le’s room Inaki remembers Orlando being stuffed in a trunk, but they forgot him down there and he stayed alive. He went to a crook doctor and, in exchange for a ring and a watch, had his clear exit wound patched. He then put the bloodied shirt back on and asked the crook to put the tie around his arm, as if it were a tourniquet. All to impress you, Ana Le, says Inaki in real time.
Tio tries to talk our warrior Llora down. No, she hasn’t listened to Ram, and won’t listen to Tio either. Tio tries to put a word in for Ram, but is shot down.
Back at the pension, dressed in Santi’s clothes, Marcelo finds Ana Lu outside. He wants to tell her his own story. He didn’t kill the way she thinks, and she knows real him very little. Ana Lu agrees to listen, because later she can tell this story to Santiago. Marcelo thinks Santi is lucky to have such a loyal woman with him. He tells a story of his childhood – he had a demanding father, who always wanted him to be the best. He went so far as to incite him to fight other children to prove he was stronger. If Marcelo didn’t win, there were consequences. When he was very young, he was put in the military college. He saw Facundo very little.
When he graduated he became a federal agent, and later opened his own investigative agency. He never stopped cooperating with police and at times, he did have tough decisions to make involving people’s lives, but there are many children and kidnapped folks who are alive thanks to him. A very touching vide of savings several girls from kidnappers is shown in the background to prove the point, as he is telling this story. All of this experience with kidnappers is why he was so hard on Sole when he met her – she was just another kidnapper to him. But she was a mother to me, says Ana Lu, and adds that now she sees why he is like this – she sees pain, guilt and loneliness in his eyes.
Back at the mansion, Tio tells Llora that Ana Lu will go on a trip with them, and Llora is welcome to come. Ana Lu will also come live with Mariano and Llora wants to do the same. Tio leaves her to pack and Llora tells herself not to cry. (We only hope….)
Back in Ana Le’s room Inaki is going through her things, presumable looking for the tape. And downstairs Erni tries to calm Leonor down. Ana Le has another helpful comment – it will be hard for everyone to accept the maid for an aunt. Erni brings the hammer down for calling Leonor a maid. Suddenly Mariano comes down with news of Llora’s new address, and Ana Le is super ticked off.
At the pension Ana Lu says that she understands how Ana Le fell in love with Marcelo now, knowing him better. Marcelo says that he never told this story to his wife. She was never interested and he never wanted to share. Ana Lu is surprised and thanks him for trusting her. Marcelo tells her to let Santi know he has nothing to be ashamed of, and that he, Marcelo, is jealous of Santi for having met his true love. You have one as well, says Ana Lu – my sister Ana Le, who loves you. Marcelo thinks Ana Lu is very noble for trying to defend Ana Le and adds that it was actually Ana Le who ordered to kill him and provoked his accident.

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