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Saturday, September 15, 2018


Parte 1~
The next morning Ana Lucia brings Remedios her morning coffee out onto the veranda. “—This coffee has a purpose doesn’t it?” Yep. Ana Lucha wants Remedios to tell her all about Santiago’s wife. At the same time, Ana Leticia is up in Rodrigo’s suite of rooms asking him about his and her abuela’s relationship. She tells him she’s certain there was more there than a simple friendship, but that’s all she’s gonna get outta that sly old fox. (Word up, Ana MiMi. This dude didn’t make his millions by giving away the farm.)   If the guy’s sparse with his pesos, he’s twice that with conversation. It seems he’s got Ana MiMi’s number, especially since she must take after Ernestina’s scheming daddy….
At the same time, Ana Laura is tearfully telling Ernie the painful truth about how the car accident happened. Ana Letmeeeee was sitting next to the car window and arguing with Ana Lucia. "--Daddy scolded her. She moved over easy. She pulled at the steering wheel of the car, pulling Daddy’s arm away. He put on the brakes. I still remember the squealing of the tires [rechinar/rechinado = grinding, creaking, squeaking, squealing, rasping]. He lost control. I lost consciousness. I woke up in the clinic. They had cut off my leg. Ana Leticia remembers a lot more of this. She dreamt a lot about this and has had nightmares ever since we were children.” Ernie starts to comment about A MiMi having blamed A Laura all this time. A Lora says she knows this, and how she says he lost control, but no, Grams…..and now you know the truth.
In the lobby of the Grand Rodrigo, Don Isidro sees A MiMi and mistakes her for Ana Lucia. She’s a pure vision of loveliness and diamond-studded sensuality – one which even The Material Girl would be proud, considering A MiMi’s choice of lacy black bustier today. Don Isidro’s tongue drops down, slaps onto the floor, does a triple roll and then snaps back into his mouth. “—Ana Lucia, I finally found you!” Ana Leticia is WTF impactada, but recovers instantaneously.
Across town, at Claudia’s apartment, Mariano arrives and begins to threaten the moment he comes through her door. Claw (in a hot red number so tight you’d think she was literally sewn into it) tells him she’s got the proof and she has nothing to gain by tricking him in any way. Come sit down for coffee and we’ll talk. As for Mariano…you’d think this dude by now would know when to take yes for an answer. Eventually Mo comes around. Claw is persuasive enough. “—I’ve seen her and spoken to her. She’s actually quite delightful.” She only wants them to all finally be reunited. She loves him and has always been there for him….no matter what and blah, blah, blah. She gives him the address, we assume.
Back at The Grand Rodrigo once more, should auld acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind? In Don Isidro’s case, Viewerville believes it is certainly worth considering, even more so with his pedantic behavior. Perhaps A MiMi might at first have agreed. Although greatly astonished at this slobbering hoary old fart’s mistaking her for her long lost triplet, and his rather presumptuous attitude towards the one whom he assumes is her sister, it still doesn’t take long for Ana Letmeeeee to get this old goober’s number—or to give him hers. “—Considering how I used to help you all so much of the time…’thank you, Don Isidro?’……”
A MiMi is totally appreciative of the old dude’s eye-popping praises of her new, glamorous and citified looks. “—How have you been, Don Isidro?” “—Fine, and really anxious to see you! But wow, how the city has changed you!” “—The city gives one the need to change …much different from—“ “—San Nicolás…” “--Yes…San Nicolás…” Isindro asks what’s she doing in the hotel. Why looking for him, she lies. She’d heard he was there and came to find him. "--Oh, you learned through Don Arsemio?"  Yep, she lies again. Well, he says, he’s staying in a luxurious suite of rooms. "--Want to come up to see?"
Ana MiMi raises her eyebrows in surprise. “—I bet you’ve never seen a set of rooms so pretty, eh? We could talk there.” ( that right! And I have an oasis in the middle of the Mojave to sell you.) Here is fine, she says, a bit non-plussed. “—Will we have something to drink?” Whatever she wants is fine with him. She tells him she wants to hear all about the pueblo and everyone there--all the news that fit to print, and even that what ain’t. She learns about "her" mama, Solidad, and Soli’s best friend, Chana….
At Rem’s Rooming House For Romantics once again, Rem tells Ana Lucia how lovely and nice San-Marco’s wife is. (Yep, she was snowed so heavy it might has well have been an avalanche.) Ana Lucha is upset at the way Rem is now defending her. So, what’s his wife know about Ana Lu?  What Santi’s chosen to tell her, answers Rem: that she’s not to blame and knew nothing about his being married when they met. "How were you going to know you were falling in love with a married man?"
Ana Lucha is a bit embarrassed. “—Oh, I knew from the start. I had a hunch from the first. –So, is she still bitter towards me?  Has she forgiven him?” Rem feels awkward about the whole thing and doesn’t want to take sides, she says. (Pardon me, but I believe she has. She's on Santiago's side, y punto!) “—She loves him. She loves him as much or more than you.” “--No, she couldn’t,” replies Ana Lucia tearfully. Rem finally tells her to forget Santi because the relationship is no longer possible. Ana Lucha tells Rem that she sounds like her mother! “–Well, it is because she’s right!” (Hear, hear!!)
Ana Lucha insists Santiago isn’t happy and will never be happy with his wife, nor with having to live Marcelo’s life—the life of a man he totally despises!
Over at the family manse, Curvas informs Santi and Ramiro that the taxi company took back his taxi and are taking his back pay to cover the payments. He’s got no taxi and no job. Ram suggests asking Ana Letmeeeee to take him back since she’s rolling in dough. Santi doesn’t want anything more to do with that criminal, Marcelo’s, life or a single centavo from his papi. Now, he laments, he’s got no way to earn a living. Ram disagrees and reminds him he’s a private investigator. They agree to open up a PI agency, with Curvas as their driver. Just then Ernie’s driver is wheeling poor ol’ Valentin into the house for rehearsal time with A Lora. Ram takes over so as not to miss a minute that TinTin and A Lora will be breathing the same air together.
TinTin snidely apologizes for not attending the engagement dinner the night before. Ram answers back just as snidely, it was no problem. “—You weren’t missed.” Ram then heads outside to bring in Ana Laura for the rehearsal.
San-Marco walks into the hall then. TinTin chides Marcelo as well. “—Two accidents and look at you! Here you are as if nothing ever happened! You must have a guardian angel—no, a devil that protects you!!” San-Marco tries to apologize again for the supposed injury he caused TinTin, and says if there’s anyway he can make up for it….. TinTin refuses it and laughs in his face. “—A bit late for that isn’t it? The woman I loved is dead because of you!!!”
In Uptown, at Viridiana’s Dress Shop, she and Solidad begin a discussion about how last night Mariano got a call about his neice, Ana Lucia whom he now has reason to believe never really died in some car accident years ago in which his brother and sister-in-law died. The girls were triplets. It’s been a terrible lifelong tragedy for the family.
Ram is there to seen Dona Nerina and Maribel, whose on the ropes practicing, sees him walk into the yard. She fakes a bad fall that supposedly has twisted her ankle. He carries her into the living room and takes off her shoe. Nerina walks by and sees his too familiar treatment of beastly Bel.
Ram leaves Bel and pays a visit to Nerina’s room. Nerina treats him rudely, taking the part of TinTin and blaming Ram for all his son’s romantic woes over the years. This is a shock to Ram as well as Viewerville. Ram defends his honor and says her son’s been lying to her. She says she thinks the same of Ram. Especially, the way he’s been playing up to Maribel.
Curvas and Santi have lunch together. He tells Curvas he needs him to be his bodyguard – a guarura? Yep. He’s got one real enemy. Show me who he is, says Curvas and I’ll tear him to bits. [romperle su mandrina en gajos]. “--It ‘s me, myelf.” He only needs a psych, insists Curvas 'cause this is all too crazy.
At the same time, A MiMi is playing I-sindro for the fool he is. She flirts in only the way she can do. He now believes that she wants him as much as he wants her. He proposes to her,now that he’s sold his lands for a handsome sum; but their relationship has to be finalized with Solidad first, of course. Oh yes, she’s got his number. And she hands him hers, which he quickly takes once he’s assured she still has her… ahem…virtue…intact. (Let me get this straight. The woman looks like a sterling silver strumpet charging $10,000 per lay, and he’s asking if she’s still virginal???? Talk about your country bumpkin in a patch of calabazas!)
end parte 1~~
parte 2~
Nerina continues berating Ramiro over her son’s deserving to have the woman of his dreams. Gawd, I guess I’d fight for this too, considering the earlier alternative—but Nerina doesn’t know that Ram knows enough of the truth about Gina’s background to object. He tells her he doesn’t know Nerina’s past, but he certainly knows that of her son’s and when she learns it all she’s going to end up more disillusioned than ever she’s been in her entire life. (Well, Viewerville knows better, but he’s not exactly blowing smoke here, either.) Ram excuses himself politely and enters the backyard just as Mo walks in and is drop-my-hairy-jawed impactado at seeing Ana Lucia alive and in the flesh, practicing on the cloth ropes.
Ana Lucha notices as Ram heads Mo off at the pass and begs him to listen to what he has to say before doing anything. I guess Mo is in too much shock to do more than allow himself to be dragged away all ears.
Back at the restaurant, San-Marco explains he’s got a duel personality now as well as a tumor, all on account of his initial car accident. Curvas agrees his buddy’s up the proverbial creek without the necessary paddle [carne de cañón = cannon fodder]. “How can I protect you from you if you are him?” “--It’s that Marcelo is a really nasty piece of work.” Curvas insists he’s not a dude about to fold. "--You’re family, man, and I make my own rules." But, so how’s he supposed to recognize this big twit [chabuco=idiot, retard]? “--You’ll recognize him. Nothing stops him from killing in cold blood. He’s an assassin. Just a little while ago I was at the point of shooting my foster mother with a gun." Curvas is saucer-eyed impactado. "--So you see you’ve got to be very careful. Nothing will stop me from hurting you. And, I am authorizing you to do whatever will be necessary to keep me from harming anyone.” “—Whatever it takes?” “—Whatever it takes.”
Orlando sees and notes A MiMi leave the hotel and follows her.
At the same time, Juleta and Iñaki are having coffee out. She tells him she couldn’t stand the clown act her father did for a so-called living. As for her and her parents, they were dirt poor and she had no opportunity to go to college. “—Well as you can see you didn’t need proper education to become rich. All you had to do was sacrifice a family.” She ignores the cut. She tells him she had a wealthy man who once loved her before meeting and marrying her father. He made a worldly woman of her, but he later learned she’d lied about her background and he dumped her. Julieta admits she didn’t love Yaki’s daddy when she married him, but hoped with time she could. Yaki sarcastically laments she ended up having two kids with a man for whom she felt nothing.
Speaking of Tadeo and Javier, they are having a discussion about Jav’s being worried about Yaki having become a gigolo. Yep, he is earning his big bucks spending time with an older woman who he himself met at the apartment!!
Julieta ends her sad story. She admits to Yaki that Tadeo couldn’t handle her repulsion for abject poverty. Yaki corrects her impression of him and explains he has a degree and a job. He’ll get what he wants by his own merits. “—Really? So you gave the money I gave you away to a children’s charity?” “—You are paying for my time, madame. I am here aiding you in killing your loneliness. It is just another job for me.” Ah, yes. She forgot momentarily that is the case.
Isindro has just raced in to see Rodrigo. He’s jumping like Mexican frijoles on a frying pan he’s so excited. “—I’ve found her!! I found the young girl I told you about!! I ran into her right in this hotel!” I got to see Ana Lucia again. “—Excuse me. What did you say her name was?” “—Ana Lucía. Ana Lucía Hernandez. And very soon, Mrs. Sanchez, because I always get what I want.” Something sounds odd to Rod…..
Orlando watches Ana Letmeeee strut back into The Realty Place. Ana Lora is sitting in her office waiting for her. She asks A MiMi why in the world she felt the need to tell their abuela that Ana Lora was the cause of the accident all those years ago.

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