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Saturday, September 15, 2018


Khurasan ask soldiers whats happening, soldiers that there is one beast who take kids away and we found their heads earlier too, maybe he came here, Khurasan says Samrat is not fine, he should not get this, i will find this matter, protect Sushim and Siamak.
Ashok is in court, he is sitting on throne, he is acting like Samrat, he says cheat shopkeeper you will be punished, Acharaya comes out, Ashok is shocked to see him, Soldiers come there, Acharaya ask them to catch him, Ashok says you always betray me, AShok jumps and fools soldiers, Acharaya is impressed with him, he makes whole lot of soldiers run behind him, Radhagupt ask Acahraya why you did this? Acharaya says he is trying to meet her mother, Dharma comes there and says this is cruelty with child that you are not letting me meet him, Acharaya says you gave me promise, this is all for his protection, you have to be away from him for his safety, till i am alive he is safe, Dharma says i trust you but when Samrat is not safe then what is AShok, Acharaya says there is no place for doubt in trust, Dharma says we were happy in Vann, you have put us in problem by bringing us here, Acharya says Ashok knows how to come out of problems.
Ashok is hiding from soldeirs, he finds Helena talking to Bindu, Bindu finds a shadow and ask who is there, come out, AShok leaves, helena says to Bindu that Acharaya is double crossing him, Bindu says he is good, Helena says Acharaya have killed many, i dont trust him at all, why did he return after so many reasons, what is reason, Bindu says the problems in my life has brought him again, Helena says maybe he thinks you are not deserving Samrat and someone else should be made Samrat. Bindu says i trust him, Helena says you trust him more than me? you have power, Acharaya have power, i am just mother, i am worried for you, tomorrow is function to welcome you back but i dont have right on you, if i was your real mother then you would have taken me seriously, Bindu says you were always my real mother, you are most precious to me, please dont ask me to choose between you and Acharaya, i need you and Magdh need Acharaya, Dharma comes there and says sorry to disturb you but its time for your medicine, Helena says to Dharma that Acharaya and Bindu trust you, dont let this trust break, Dharma nods.
Bal govin thinks that Helena will be happy with me, she will gift me, i am not fool, soldiers come there and ask what you are doing here? this is wrong to come in palace like this, soldier says you came for stealing? Bal govin says no i came for important work with Helena, Soldier says you are fooling us, Bal govin says i work in stable, you can ask Helena, soldier says ok go from here, Bal govin leaves.
Bhavin comes to some isolated place, he is shocked, some mysterious person comes there, Bal govin gets tensed, he is being taken by man.
Bindu is in his room, he is missing Dharma tum hi to mere ho plays, Dharma comes there, bindu lies on bed, she treats him, she says your wounds are bleeding, Bindu says i am familiar with blood and if it falls for nation then i dont mind it, Dharma says sometime be in pain is also good, Bindu says when people see Samrat, they see his royalty, they see benefits but doesnt find the pricks in his throne the problems he faces, but above all this, i have pain of losing dharma, Dharma is stunned, he says i gave my life to her, i gave my soul, my heart to her and i long for her even today, i left her on her insistence, Dharma recalls how she asked him to govern magdh, leave her, Bindu says i did everything what a Samrat should do but even after 14 years, i have pain of losing Dharma, Dharma is lost, bindu is getting up and mistakenly touches her face, he is shocked, and recalls how he touched Dharma’s face, he is about to touch her face again but she moves away and says i will come with medicine, Bindu says why do i feel that i have seen you earlier, Dharma says i am treating for many days so you must have started recognizing me, she leaves, Bindu says no i had seen her in court but why i still feel that she is dharma, maybe it is my beautiful thought only.
AShok comes back in stable, he finds kids crying, he says dont get afraid of me, one kid says After bal govin, they will take me, Ashok ask what? where is bal govin, kid points to one room, kid says this is room of beast, he took away Bal govin, Ashok says i have not seen any beast in vann, have you seen him? Kid says the one who sees him gets killed, he took two kids earlier and now he has taken Bal govin, dont know what he will be doing with him.
bal govin is tied in room, the mysterious man comes to him, he is wearing costume of skeleton, Ball shouts in fear. Ashok says to kids that there is nothing like beast that exists, kid says then where kids get lost? bal ask mysterious man to let him go, beast says i bring kids here to enjoy their pain, he stabs bal govin. Ashok says this is only myth, Bal must have ran away from here, do you all want to live here? he must have thought to run away from here, kids says what about this room? Ashok says this must have been created by him only, if had known this story then i would have run earlier than bal, he goes to sleep.
Sushim comes to sleep, Charumitra says it doesnt look good that future Samrat return to house late, Sushim says i dont like anyone to interfere in my life, Charumitra says you are my son, you have to respect me, Sushim says we will talk tomorrow, she says in these 16 years, i craved for love, i bore all things just so that you become Samrat, Sushim says what will you get, i will become Samrat, Charu says its my duty, to tell you difference between rude and attitude, remember if your father gets to know about your this secret, he will not make you king, mend your ways, security is tight, dont make foolish mistakes that you will regret whole life as i wont be able to bear that you wont be Samrat, she leaves, he recalls how she said to mend his ways, he shouts and says no one can stop me from becoming Samrat, not even my father.
Ashok is sleeping, soldier comes and kicks him away, he ask Ashok to get up and start the work, Ashok says i was seeing good dream.
Sushim is coming to meet Bindu, Dharma says he is taking rest, dont disturb him, Sushim says dont ever dare to do this mistake dasi, he comes to Bindu and says people are saying you are ill but i feel you are ready to go out with me, lets go out, we used to go out daily, Bindu says Sushim my son, you are excited to go out and ever i said no to you, i will surely come with you, Dharma says your wound is not fine, this is not good to go out, Bindu says i dont get time to spend with my son, its wound but i cant stop my life because of it, i am not worried about my wounds as you are here, he leaves with Sushim.
Ashok comes to Gul bhushan, he says you are also Samrat with four foot, i am Samrat too and if we both respect each other it will be good, he tries to put seat on Gul but Gul doesnt let him touch him, Ashok ask him to not be stubborn, he says ok i will try other way, he makes Gul eat the food and in process pu seat on his back, he gets happy and says look Gul bhushan came in my control, Bindu comes there and says its not easy to handle Gul Ashok says Bal govin is not here so i am taking care of Gul, Bindu says Samrat of vann working fro me? Ashok says as soon i pay my debt, i will fly from here, Bindu smiles, Sushim is with him too, PRECAP (touch feet), Sushim ask Ashok to come to him, Ashok goes to him, he helps Sushim sit on horse, Sushim kicks him away, all are shocked, Ashok falls, Sushim says you are not able to handle yourself how will you handle horse, Bindu says you are not familiar with horses but you will get to know about them, Ashok says no, your horses doesnt know me, they are not familiar with me, i am Pawan, i am faster than horse so they are jealous, Sushim says so will you race with my horse shera, Bindu says no there should be equality, Ashok on foot and Sushim you on horse doesnt look nice, AShok says i accept Prince Sushim’s challenge, Sushim says i am not prince Sushim but Yuvraj Sushim, Ashok and Sushim on shera starts the race. Bindu says i will wait for you both on finish line. Ashok and Sushim on horse are running, AShk stops in middle and takes other way to finish line, Bindu is waiting on finish line, Ashok and horse are running parallel, Ashok moves ahead, Ashok crosses the finish line first, Ashoka hai Ashoka song plays.. Bindu holds him, Ashok smiles at Sushim, Bindu makes AShok sit, Ashok has got bruises on his feet, Bindu sit to see it, AShok smiles at him, Bindu wipes his wound, Sushim ask what father you are doing? Bindu says what one Samrat should do with other Samrat, Ashok recalls he said to him earlier like one Samrat should treat other Samrat, they smile each other.
PRECAP- Bindu in court ask people to start ceremony, otherside Ashok in stable says to other kids that i will not this stale food, i will make you all eat royal food. in court, the parent of kid comes in and says the beast is taking away kids of patliputra and Samrat is enjoying ceremonies, Ashok says he is right, there is a beast who is taking away kids, if he is not stopped now, he will take all the kids, Bindu listens to him.

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