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Thursday, August 30, 2018


Gist : Prithvi Caught Coming Out Of Sherlin’s Changing Room
Preeta and Rishab were speaking to each other when she comes across a jewelry case. She asks about his consent regarding an earpiece set. Rishab suggests another one.
Karan comes near a dummy outside the changing room.
Prithvi cautiously goes out to check and finds Karan speaking to the dummy. He tells Sherlin that Karan is standing right outside the changing room. Sherlin suggests to go outside while Prithvi must stay inside. Prithvi says Karan is already doubtful of her, he will peek inside to know who was in here.
Karan flirts with the dummy setting her hair. A sales girl stares at him suspiciously. Karan wonders what people must be thinking about him and decides to continue waiting for Sherlin. He thinks about calling Sofia to kill time. Sofia cheers watching the call. Karan
says he likes her as she always apologizes after committing a mistake. He complains to Sofia about Preeta who never considers apologizing.
Prithvi signals Sherlin that he can go outside the changing room as Karan is busy with the call. Karan turns around as soon as he walks outside. Sherlin pushes the door from inside. Karan questions Prithvi what he was doing at Sherlin’s dressing room and shouts at him. Prithvi tries to walk away but Karan stops him right there. He asks if he has an affair with Sherlin, and curses Prithvi. Prithvi shouts at Karan to shut up, who is he to accuse him? Karan doesn’t let Prithvi walk away and pushes him away. The manager requests Karan not to fight, it’s about their showroom’s reputation. Prithvi comes to grab Karan’s collar. The manager gets Rishab to stop Karan from fighting someone. Prithvi warns Karan to stay in his limits, he isn’t already saying much. Karan asks what he has to say. At the most Prithvi would lie that he didn’t come out of the changing room. He says he will call Rishab now as he has got a proof against him today.
In the changing room, Sherlin was tensed that their plans would ruin this way.
Prithvi asks Karan to resolve the matter among themselves. Karan was dialing Rishab’s number and says he won’t spare Prithvi’s double standards today. On the way, Preeta hits Prithvi’s friend and recognizes him from the party.
Sherlin was worried what she should do. Preeta must be happy today that all her accusations came true.
Preeta tries to stop the guy but he had left already. Rishab was concerned for her and takes her along.
Sherlin thinks they have no witness that she was having an affair with Prithvi.
Karan says Preeta was always dubious of Sherlin and he was suspicious of Prithvi’ he is sure now that Sherlin is a bad girl. Prithvi holds his collars warning him to say a word against her. Karan asks why he feels so possessive about her. Rishab comes to get them away and shouts what they are doing. Karan shouts at Preeta that she won’t marry this man at any cost. Rishab shouts at him to shut up and scolds that he is behaving like a child. Karan is only a friend of Preeta and shouldn’t cross his limit. Karan says Sherlin got engaged to him and Prithvi to Preeta; but they never lose a chance to meet each other. He is having an affair with Sherlin. He is betraying Preeta; it happened once before as well. He had seen him with a girl in hotel as well but played a game then. But today there is a proof. He says Sherlin is inside the changing room. He was coming out of this room when he reached here.
Prithvi tells Karan to stop it now. Everyone is aware that Karan dislikes him. Karan says he will prove today what Prithvi is doing. He goes to open the door of changing room. Prithvi asks Karan who is he to judge him, its Preeta’s right only. He asks Preeta if she trusts him. Karan asks Preeta to check once by herself in the changing room. Prithvi tries to stop Preeta but Karan insists on her to check by herself.
Rakhi comes into the room to meet Janki. Rakhi says she is happy that Janki is fine and in front of their eyes. They were all afraid of losing her. She tries to ask Janki what was it that she wanted to tell them. She cries that Karan thinks it was about someone who was trying to hurt their family. Sarla says Janki isn’t even blinking today, though she did yesterday. Rakhi asks Janki to at least give some signal about it. Prithvi forbids Karan to interfere between his and Preeta’s matter. Rishab shouts this time and says its not about him only. This dressing room will be checked right away.


Gist : Karan Dislikes The Dress Prithvi Has Chosen For Preeta
Karan tells Preeta that the dress Prithvi selected isn’t nice, he won’t attend her engagement if she wears the dress. Preeta says Karan doesn’t dislike the dress but Prithvi; he has gone crazy. A lady nearby hear their argument and smiles. Preeta tries to move on but slips while Karan holds her into his arms. She screams. Karan says he had decided not to help her again and deters to drop her if she doesn’t change her decision about the dress. Preeta wasn’t ready to change the dress selection. He drops her, and calls him rude to have dropped her. The lady nearby says the real reason isn’t what he is saying.
Prithvi enters the changing room where Sherlin was. She was concerned about being seen. Prithvi says he knows her well, else she must not have told him the changing room number.
Sherlin asks how Preeta so happy if that Janki is died yesterday. Prithvi says Janki isn’t dead, she is paralyzed and Preeta says there are little chances for her to get better. He was boastful about their luck. Both recall the morning incident. Sherlin wasn’t ready to take her mother again to Luthra’s to force the marriage but Prithvi was furious over her. He told her that Preeta is busy with her own wedding planning now, and Sherlin must get married to Rishab anyway as soon as it is possible. Prithvi was happy as their plan was near to execution.
Preeta and Karan were still arguing over the dress. Preeta says she will wear the dress Prithvi selected for her. Karan says he came to her life earlier than him, his choice must be important to her than Prithvi. They were still fighting when Rishab comes there. Karan tells him the matter. Rishab watches the dress and says this is genuinely not nice, no one selects such color on their own engagement. Preeta agrees that Prithvi’s choice isn’t nice, but he himself is a nice man. Karan disagrees. Rishab tells him to go and find Sherlin in room 5. Karan hits Prithvi’s friend on the way. A girl comes to take Karan’s autograph but there was no pen. She says even a kiss would work, as he is The Karan Luthra. Karan kiss the girl on her cheek, she demands him to be her boyfriend as her old one must now be annoyed with her. Karan flee from the venue, then wonders what happened to him that he left such nice girl for that Sherlin. He calls Sherlin. Sherlin says she is in changing room 5 and will be back soon. Karan decides to go near the room.
Rishab and Preeta walk together. Rishab says Preeta and Karan fight as children sometimes. Preeta complains about Karan and his childishness. Rishab says he sometimes speak a lot, but isn’t bad at heart. Preeta says it is visible that Karan doesn’t like Prithvi, what’s lacking in Prithvi. He is a nice man, behaves well and understands his responsibilities. He isn’t like Karan. Prithvi never fought or argued with her; and here is Karan who always taunts her. It seems his immaturity would never go away. She looks towards Rishab listening intently and apologizes him for saying a lot. Rishab says it seems she is much annoyed with Karan, doesn’t she like him? Preeta was nervous and says he is nice only, but irritates sometimes. There is no feeling as likeness or dislikeness. Rishab smiles and moves on.
Prithvi and Sherlin were together in the changing room. Prithvi tells her to go and show Rishab her magic in the dress. Sherlin says only Prithvi had the right to see her in the dress; she doesn’t care about Rishab. Prithvi turns to go out and says she must come exactly after 15 seconds. He opens the door but Sherlin calls him back for a kiss. Karan knocks at the door and tells her to come out, Rishab is calling her. Sherlin panics as Karan is waiting outside. Prithvi suggests they must wait inside so that Karan is bored and leaves.
Preeta asks Rishab why he left laughing. He laughs again and says she might feel strange but she looks really cute while innocently complaining about Karan.
PRECAP: Karan tells Rishab and Preeta that Sherlin and Prithvi are having an affair and are deceiving Rishab and Preeta. Everyone was shocked and the crowd had gathered there. Rishab tells Prithvi he will open the door of changing room and see if Sherlin is there or not. Prithvi holds Rishab’s hand.


Gist : Abhi Gets Kiara’s School Admission Done Unknowingly
The Episode starts with Pragya calling King, but he is busy in the meeting. Manager says this is the best offer for you. King asks for a pen and is about to sign on the contract. He sees Pragya’s call and tells Manager that his phone call is very important. He picks call. Pragya tells him that she talked to Principal, but she said that admission date is over. King says I will come there and convinces Principal. Manager asks him to sign before going. King says my daughter’s admission can’t wait, but this contract can wait.
Principal tells Abhi that his friend’s kids are 15 days late. Abhi says whenever I have a concert, I keep some passes reserved and says I am sure that you have some seats reserved. Principal agrees to give admission. Abhi praises her. Principal says we have 3 seats for
special parents category, and you are special to me, our school and my daughter. She calls Vrinda and asks her to get two kids admission done. Principal then asks Abhi to do a favor on her and says my daughter’s marriage is coming soon, and asks him to sing in her marriage. Abhi says I charge for cutting ribbon also, and tells that as you have done my work, I will come and sing in your daughter’s marriage. Vrinda sees Pragya out and thinks abhi got her daughter’s admission done, and tells that her husband has sent a celebrity who convinced Principal. Pragya gets happy and says she will thank him. Principal asks Abhi to give her an autograph and asks not to tell anything to management. Abhi signs that he is tight lipped and gives her autograph. He calls Vrinda.
Sunny tries to wash his hands. Kiara asks if he takes time for do all the things late. Sunny says he does everything perfect. They argue. Kiara asks him to move and says she wants to drink water. Sunny splashes water from his hands, but Kiara takes water in the glass and throws on him. She asks him to be careful. Sunny says let my chucks come. Kiara says I don’t involve my elder, but if you call your chucks then I will call my mums, and she will make him ducks. She says I am enough for him. Pragya comes to the Principal’s office. Principal asks her to take form from administration. Kiara throws water on Sunny and says she is strong, and says I made you bath twice, and you will take bath again with tears on reaching home. She leaves. Sunny cries. Abhi comes there. Sunny tells that a girl threw water on him and said that she is strong. Abhi asks him to forgive girl. Sunny says she said that her mum will make you lose. Abhi says who is that mum and daughter? He gets a call and tells Sunny to be brave.
Kiara comes to Pragya. She doesn’t tell her about her argument with Sunny. Pragya tells her that King got her admission done. Kiara gets happy. Principal asks Vrinda not to tell anyone and tells that she will make Abhi sings two songs. Vrinda says she will not tell anyone and wants promotion. Principal thinks this system is corrupt. Abhi’s friend’s wife thanks him. Pragya give something to Vrinda and asks her to tell that Pragya arora gave it. Abhi gets admission forms. Vrinda asks Kiara about India. Kiara tells her that her doll was stolen by that man whom she met. Abhi asks Nisha and calls her Pragya. Pragya asks for admission form. He hears her voice, but sees someone else. Nisha says she forgot to bring pics. Abhi says you can give it later. Sau dard hai plays. Pragya goes past Abhi and her pallu flies on him. Abhi senses her presence. Nisha thanks Abhi. Vrinda tells Abhi that the girl’s mum thanked him. Abhi smiles. Kiara sees him and calls him doll chor, but he didn’t hear her and leaves.
Abhi sits in his car and is leaving, when King’s car comes and is about to hit Abhi’s car mistakenly. Abhi steps down from his car. King also steps out of his car. They both come face to face again. Abhi asks if you don’t know how to drive car like your driver. He asks what is your problem. King says your car have problem with my car. Abhi says I am possessive with my things. King says you should be possessive with loves ones. Abhi asks if he forgot to ring horn. King says I don’t have time now else I would have teach you rules in English. Abhi says next time when we meet, I will teach you rules in Hindi.
Pragya tells King that some celebrity came and got Kiara’s admission. King says he didn’t send anyone. Pragya says may be he has some relation with Kiara.


Gist : Abhi And King Have A Face Off
The Episode starts with Kiara asking Pragya why she haven’t chose her clothes and says I can’t chose it. Pragya selects her clothes. Kiara tells Pragya that Dada loves her so much, just like I love you. Pragya thinks King loves Kiara so much and gave her more love than a father would do. Abhi and King’s car are about to collide. King scolds his driver. Abhi gets down from his car and asks if this is car or aeroplane, and says it would have been flying in air. King gets down from his car and says if my car had flied then we would have called Police. Abhi asks shall I give Inspector, ACP, commissioner’s number. King says I don’t call ordinary people and says I will call direct UK embassy. Abhi says foreign chidiya and tells that whoever can’t do anything here, go there. Abhi advices him to keep
eye on his house when going from there.
King advices him to play horn while leaving his house. Abhi asks him to give advice to his driver. King says you have home, but not road. Abhi says I have home, but you don’t have home, road, nation etc. King asks him to apologize and end the matter. Abhi shows attitude. King says you are behaving as if you are a rockstar. Abhi smiles. King says I am impressed. Abhi says you are behaving as if you are rapper. King says I am rapper from UK. Pragya searches for Mr. Blaster’s number from her call list. She calls Abhi, but he is busy with king. Kiara asks her to show attitude. Pragya calls Abhi. Abhi picks the call. Kiara says she is Kiara and asks for her doll cookie. Abhi asks no personal loan, insurance etc. He ends the call and asks King’s driver to ask his driver to keep his eyes open. King says it seems you thought this area is yours. Abhi says this is my area and says you would have got guy like me. He gets Aaliya’s call and leaves.
Pragya says he must not have heard your name. kiara says he heard my name and ended the call. She says he might don’t want to return my cookie. She says she will call british embassy. Abhi reaches the office. Aaliya and Purab tell him that the company gave best deal to London’s singer. He says they didn’t know what I can do? Purab says she wants to get spelling error in the contract, so that she can lower the company infront of media. Abhi says this is against our ethics. Aaliya asks him to relax and says I am sure that they will agree for our clauses. Abhi asks her to keep it clean and goes. Aaliya scolds Purab to tell him about her plan. Purab asks her not to keep him in dark. Aaliya takes king’s file from Abhi and thinks he has a downmarket name. Purab gets a call and tells Abhi that Bhupinder called them. He informs him and tells Abhi that Bhupinder asked for his daughter’s admission in Sunny’s school. Abhi agrees to go to school and get his admission done. Purab tells the school name. Pragya and Kiara also come to the same school for later’s admission. Abhi also comes there.
Driver comes and asks Abhi for autograph. He gives autographs to fans. Pragya and Kiara go to Principal’s room. Principal says our school is very prestigious and we have to enquire about your status and background. She asks are you single parent? She says we have studied that single parents kids are very moody and aggressive. Pragya says my mom was a single mother and I turned out quite alright. She says I am not a single parents, Kiara’s father is King Singh, and tells that she is a housewife and was a teacher before. Principal says very nice, you can focus on her studies and says rockstar’s daughter can study here. Pragya says her dada is not rockstar, but rapper. She asks when will admission test will be done.
Principal says next year, and tells that term has started for this year, and admissions are closed. Pragya says we want admission this year only. Abhi comes there and asks may I come in? Pragya hears Abhi’s voice, but just then he gets a call and leave. Pragya senses his presence. Principal says administration officer might have told you that admission is closed. Pragya says Kiara is a bright student and will make your school proud. Principal says sorry and says next year. Abhi talks to Bhupinder. Bhupinder thanks Abhi and tells that his wife Nisha must have reached there. Nisha greets Abhi. Abhi compliments her and says you are still smart. Girls greet him. Abhi says I will go and meet principal. Pragya thinks this is international school, if kiara gets her admission here then she will not get problem to cope up. She thinks to talk to Principal again.
Kiara meets Sunny and gets into an argument with him. He tells that he will call his chuks. Kiara says then she will call her mums.


Gist : The Couples Out For Wedding Shopping
Preeta tells Karan that she and Prithvi have an engagement. Karan asks why so early, even Rishab and Sherlin are having mehndi tomorrow. He tells Preeta to deny for this engagement.
Prithvi was waiting outside the ladies changing room. A sales girl asks him to wait at the other side, this is ladies changing room. Prithvi wonders where Sherlin has been. Rishab comes to take his attention, Prithvi was shocked to see him. Rishab explains why he was smiling? He says he read a joke in his cell phone. Sherlin comes to greet them, Prithvi says his wife to be called him here. Rishab asks if Preeta is here as well? Prithvi tells him their engagement has been fixed. Sherlin congratulates him, and signals Rishab to congratulate him too. Rishab says he thought he must do it when Preeta is also here.
Karan tells Preeta to try the dresses. When they play cricket, everyone change in the same room and he promises not to even look towards her. Preeta says friendships have their limitations, and during cricket there are only boys. Karan says normally his girlfriends are elated to get a chance with him in the changing room. Karan peeks outside and teases Preeta that Prithvi is outside, she gets the joke by his smile and finally pushes him outside. Karan turns around finds Prithvi in front of him. Prithvi was about to question Karan but Karan in turn blames Prithvi to be shameless. Prithvi tells Karan that Preeta is inside the changing room trying her dress. Karan goes to knock the door to tell Preeta how disgusted Prithvi is and says he must get their proposal broken. Prithvi wonders if he has gone crazy. Karan laughs that it was only a joke. He asks if Prithvi wanted to know what he was doing in the girl’s changing room. It’s simple, he came for an affair with Preeta. Prithvi wasn’t ready to accept the joke this time. Preeta comes outside the changing room and finds them confronting each other. Before Prithvi gave his consent, Karan says its not looking good at all. Prithvi says it looks really good; after all he selected the dress. Preeta agrees over the dress. Prithvi tells Karan that his was an un-invited opinion. Karan gets a call from Rishab, Preeta also comes out of changing room and confirms the dress. Karan tells her to go and meet Rishab for a while. Prithvi goes ahead. Karan asks for Preeta’s hand but she shows an attitude and walks away.
Rakhi comes at Sarla’s place. Bee ji complains to Rakhi about Sarla for not sharing about the accident with her. She promises Bee ji to inform her if something happens again. Rakhi then calls Giresh to bring a wheel-chair. She invites Sarla and Bee ji and specially to bring Janki in the Rishab and Sherlin’s mehndi. She shares with Sarla that Sherlin’s aunt had objections about delay in weddings otherwise she didn’t want to hold a function in such situations. Sarla tells her about fixing Preeta and Prithvi’s engagement and wedding as well.
Preeta and Prithvi come to Rishab and Sherlin. Rishab complements Preeta to be looking really pretty. Preeta smiles that these are her own clothes. Rishab says the complement was for her. Prithvi asks him to congratulate her and explains Rishab wanted to congratulate them for engagement. Sherlin invites Preeta for their mehndi function with family and asks her consent about the dress. Sherlin says it is outstanding, as its Rishab’s choice and goes to try it. Prithvi tells Rishab about another good news. He and Preeta will soon marry and he will send Rishab the first invitation. Rishab smiles saying he will take the invitation himself. Prithvi’s friend waves him from a distance, he goes to meet him. Preeta asks Rishab he wants to say something? Rishab asks if she doesn’t think it’s too early for her to get married. Preeta says even Karan was saying so. She says wedding had to take place, it’s not about any hurry. She tries to explain about Prithvi’s visit abroad. Karan comes there and asks Rishab if he has congratulated her and its totally a waste of time. Preeta and Karan have an argument, while Rishab goes to take a call.
PRECAP: Sherlin and Prithvi were together in the changing room. Karan passes by and calls Sherlin from outside.


The Episode starts with Abhi telling Purab that Pragya wanted a son and today I felt seeing that girl that I have won and she has lost. He says if Pragya had a son then he would have been like me, nalayak, but she went far away from me. Pragya comes to the toy shop and asks shop keeper to give toy like cookie, but she couldn’t get doll like it and buys other toy. Shop keeper tells that it is a saying that someone’s pain came out, hearing the thunder storm. Abhi tells Purab that everyone told him that his anger on Pragya was unjustified, and says why did she do this with me, my Dadi was my world. Purab asks him to come home. Abhi says I don’t want to go home.
Pragya buys doll and umbrella and leaves from the shop. She walks on the road. Abhi is also walking on the road. It starts raining.
Tere Sang Yaara plays…..Abhi and Pragya imagine each other, but don’t see each other there. Pragya’s umbrella flies away and Abhi holds it. Abhi thinks someone bought it for me, and thinks God sent whom to take care of him. Pragya thinks it seems like he bought umbrella for someone else. Pragya gets drenched in rain and comes back to hotel room. She tells Kiara that she brought doll for her. Kiara is in her sleep, asks where she went, she would have informed her. She sleeps again.
Abhi rests on his bed and looks at Kiara’s cookie. Pragya thinks don’t know who is having cookie. Abhi picks cookie and says it seems like you are my doll and I have old connection with you, and says that angry bird will not let this connection happen. He says if I return you to her then she will burst on me, as she is very possessive about you and will call me thief, come to my house and will ask me to get ready for punishment. He asks Cookie to chill till she comes there, and kisses on it. He hugs it and sleeps. Song plays again.
Kiara wakes up in the morning and sees doll bought by Pragya. She dislikes doll and says it doesn’t look like you, see her hairs and there is no specs. King comes there and says he will call London Police, then they will call Indian police and they will arrest the thief. Kiara laughs and asks what is this doll name? Pragya says it is sweety. Kiara says it doesn’t look sweet. King says she will forget in some days. Pragya thinks she is like her father and will not forget easily.
Abhi sees Suwarni Dadi coming to Mehra Mansion and welcomes her. Suwarni Dadi asks did you miss me? Abhi says you made me search you in the airport yesterday. Everyone greets her. Robin brings water. Suwarni Dadi asks how are you Ashok? Disha brings tea for her. Suwarni Dadi blesses her and asks where is Purab? She gives them gifts. Mitali and Tai ji see same necklace gifted by Dadi. Mitali asks why did you spend so much. Dadi says it is artificial. She shows Ganesh ji’s idol and says it is for Abhi’s wife. Tanu says I am his wife. Dadi scolds her and asks her to call Pragya. She asks Abhi why did you keep her here still and says she will clean the mess. Aaliya gets purab’s call and she tells Abhi that they need to go. She tells Suwarni Dadi that she will talk to her after coming back. Suwarni Dadi says you are saying as if I am dying to meet you, calls her nakchadi. Kiara tells that she will wear jacket. Pragya thinks she haven’t met her father, but resembles to her father much.
Kiara asks Pragya to call Mr. Blaster and tell him filmy dialogues to get her toy.


Palash walks away. Sagar says you always said you want me to win but your face does not show it. Ganga says I would have been happy if you had supported truth. Your victory today is a defeat of both of us as you are not accepting truth. I couldn’t make you understand after trying so hard. He says your problem is you think only you are right and everyone else is wrong. This is your biggest problem. Janvi comes there. She forces sweet in Ganga’s mouth. Sagar stops her. Janvi says you thought you will win Sagar from me. A London returned lawyer will lose to a normal lawyer? You are wrong! She keeps talking against Ganga while Sagar tries to stop her. Ganga says I can give you a perfect answer but I don’t want to make a scene here. Janvi taunts Ganga about having no family of her own. Sagar asks her
to come. This is my workplace. Janvi keeps talking nonsense and speaks against Ganga and her background. I am the daughter of a judge not someone who was brought from nowhere. Sagar tries to pull her away but in vain. Janvi speaks against Ganga for trying to trap rich people like Sagar by playing cheap tricks like your cycle breaking down. Sagar finally throws water on her face to stop her from talking. He pulls Janvi out with him.
Janvi’s words echo in Ganga’s head. She is disturbed. She wipes her tears as she joins Palash. I was thinking we dint lack anything but we will have to make double preps next time. They do have money and made fake papers but I think we will need some strong evidence. She goes quiet seeing him staring at her quietly. He says Sagar was very good in the court today. she nods but keeps talking about the case while he keeps talking about Sagar. Sagar used the same example that you said in office. Your thinking is alike. Ganga asks him why he is saying so. He says maybe it is a coincidence. Ganga agrees. He smile. You too think of it to be a coincidence? Wonderful! He goes aside to receive a call. Ganga thinks to tell him that she is childhood friends with Sagar so we think alike. She tries to talk to him but he says we will talk later. I have to check out a few houses that your Pulkit Bhaiya has suggested. I have to find a home first. We will talk tomorrow. Ganga thinks to tell him everything tomorrow.
Niru comes home. he tells Amma ji how Sagar made everyone go quiet in the courtroom. Amma ji is proud. He looks at the mangoes. Why did you bring so many? Amma ji says everyone loved it when they were kids. Plus Madhvi used to eat many when she was pregnant. Kids get fair skin because of the same. She goes inside. Niru sends Maharaj ji upstairs on the pretext of some work. He puts some mangoes in a bag and goes to the other side of the house. He keeps the bag on the table. supriya notices him. She thanks him. I know you only brought unripe mangoes that day. He feigns innocence but she knows he stil cares about them and loves them. You love us and the unborn baby a lot. Will you not bless me? He says I will when someone will ask for it. She touches his feet and he blesses her. She speaks of the rope in the house. When will this go away? He says you should ask your husband if he worries about his family. does he not love us? What all Pulkit did does now show it. Supriya shares that she is going to her home for a few days. He tells her to go ahead. Pulkit is way away from his responsibilities. There will be someone who will take care of you there.
Pulkit is showing houses to Palash when Ganga comes there. She greets them. Pulkit says I am showing houses to Palash in our area only. He invites Palash to come home with them. Ganga is taken aback. She tries to talk to Palash again saying it is important. Pulkit tells her to talk at home. Palash and Pulkit head home followed by Ganga. She is tensed. I should have told Sir long ago where I live. I don’t know what he will think when he finds out the truth.
Amma ji and madhvi check mangoes. Amma ji says I think they are less. Niru says they are the same quantity. Maharaj ji seconds him in confusion. Janvi walks in. I don’t want to work with Sagar. Sagar says the same. Niru asks them to tell what the matter is. Janvi complains that Sagar does not respect her. he always insults me before everyone especially Ganga. I know he does not love me but he can atleast respect me before people. He says I expect you to decrease my burden but you only add up to it. They begin to argue when Niru intervenes. It was only Janvi’s first day in court. She will learn it. Plus she is your wife. Amma ji remarks if they continue to fight like this then how will they spend a lifetime together. Sagar retorts I don’t have to spend a lifetime with her. She is your DIL. You only do it. Niru shouts at Sagar to stop talking nonsense. She is your wife. You have to respect her and be with her. They are distracted to hear someone’s voice. Palash asks ganga she brought him till here. Wont you take me inside? Sagar is stunned to see Palash walking in with Ganga. Palash too is taken aback to see Sagar there. Palash says it is Niranjan Chaturvedi’s house. Pulkit agrees. He is my papa. He introduces everyone to Palash who looks at Ganga. Pulkit says we share no real relation but she stayed with us since childhood. I consider her my sister. Palash realises the truth behind Sagar and Ganga’s proximity. He walks out of the house. Ganga goes after him. Sagar looks angry.
Ganga requests Palash to hear her once. I wanted to tell you this only. Palash tells her to stop it. I am trying my best not to say anything to you. You mean nothing to me so I don’t want to waste my time, energy or anything on you. Now I realise you are a pawn of Sagar. I understand everything now why you came to the manufacturing site of Malhotra’s company. Now I see everything clearly. You want Sagar to win today too but you don’t know that I fight for people’s sake. you are a great actress. No one has fooled me like this till date but I doubt myself now. Sagar is very intelligent to use a pawn like you against me to win the case. She too says it is ok sir. If you think Sagar sent me to you as his pawn then there is no point of me working with you. He looks at her. You are so bold. You think I will let you work with me after all this? Never Miss Ganga Shukla! You are fired! He leaves on his bike.
Ganga thinks of Palash’s words. Sagar says you brought him till home. Can I ask why? I thought this was your professional decision. I was hurt seeing my best friend work with my rival. I made up my mind thinking you will work under someone after all. this is not professional. No one brings her colleague home after working with him for 2 days only. This isn’t professional, right? She says you doubt me. He replies that he has never doubted her till date and isn’t doing so today too. I only ask you what relation you share with Palash? She says I have never given any explanation till date and neither will I do it today. I want to ask you what the meaning of your question is. He gets angry. She says how you have the strength to question when you don’t have the strength to answer my question! She walks away. Janvi has heard them. This is good. If this continues then I can keep Ganga away from Sagar. I can have Sagar back in my life.
Pulkit asks Ganga what happened. palash dint say anything and left and you are also not telling me anything. You are still not ready for court. Why? Ganga shares she wont do internship with Palash. Pulkit is sure there is something. Ganga shakes her head. it is nothing important. It keeps happening with me. He tells her to share when she feels like. He goes. Ganga and Sagar see each other. Sagar calls out for Ganga. You left your internship? She replies that she was fired. Are you happy now? He offers to speak to a big lawyer. Anyone will give you work as you are so intelligent. Honestly speaking you wont get to learn so much with Palash. They both leave. Janvi thinks Ganga and Sagar will come close again if Ganga wont work with Palash. I don’t want it to happen. I will have to do something.
meets some people who were supposed to give statement in court against Rantox Company. They refuse stating they are scared. Palash tries to talk to them but in vain. He is surprised to see Janvi there. She says I came to talk about Ganga. he does not want to hear but she insists. Ganga is not our relative. Her father died in an accident long ago after which Sagar’s father brought her here. She relates everything to him. Everyone treats her like a stranger till date. They were about to throw her out of the house when Pulkit supported her. Palash asks about the relation between Ganga and Sagar. Janvi says I know Ganga. She wont cheat her work for Sagar. She is very honest. He asks her why she came here to tell him all this. she says you should do justice with Ganga. I am the DIL of that house yet cannot do anything for Ganga. She excuses herself.
Ganga gets Palash’s call. Why aren’t you here yet? You said you are really dedicated about your work. She says I want to say something. He says you can say sorry. I am sorry too. but I don’t want any more explanations than this. Meet me in 20 minutes. tell Pulkit I am coming to meet him right away. I want to shift in that colony today itself. Ganga agrees. She goes to inform Pulkit.
Janvi notices Sagar’s happy face. You are happy as Ganga wont be working with Palash anymore? You are so naive. You don’t understand anything. Fights happen in love all the time. You dint love me but you loved Ganga atleast. He asks her what she is saying. She speaks against Ganga. she is smart in trapping rich people. She trapped you first and now it is Palash. He warns her to shut up. Don’t say such cheap stuff about Ganga ever again.
Pulkit and Ganga help Palash in shifting. Palash thanks them for their help. Palash has no stuff for kitchen. All cartons have books. I was in hotel till now. Pulkit suggests Ganga to help him in shopping for the same. she agrees.
Sagar and Maharaj ji check the car which has broken down. Palash and Ganga come back on bike. Sagar notices them together and looks angry. Janvi’s words echo in her head. Sagar angrily sits in the car. Maharaj ji tells him to show car to mechanic today. Sagar drives away.
Janvi is unhappy thinking of Sagar rebuking him. I don’t know what magic Ganga has weaved on Sagar that he cannot see anything else. I don’t know why he trusts her more than anyone else in life! The tablets are over. She is about to call Yash.
Yash buys some stuff from someone who asks for money. Yash agrees to give in some time. Janvi calls him. Yash asks for double money. Janvi says take it. but I want it right away. He agrees to come after sorting his other clients. She tells him to hurry up.
Palash and Ganga come to meet an officer. Officer says he got one guy. We can make him give statement right away. Palash says I wouldn’t have brought Ganga here if I knew this. it is risky. Ganga tells him not to worry about her. they go in the next lane. Yash is selling stuff to someone. His back is towards Ganga. Ganga is shocked to see him as he turns. Palash asks her if she knows him. Ganga directly confronts Yash who is shocked to see her. palash and officer come out of their hiding place too. Yash looks tensed. He begins to backtrack and runs. All three of them chase Yash. Palash shouts after Ganga to be careful. Palash and officer miss Ganga and Yash. They go in different direction. Yash hides somewhere. He covers Ganga’s mouth finding her alone. She frees herself and shouts Palash sir. Palash hears her. He goes in that direction.
Yash holds knife around Ganga’s neck. Stay quiet if you want to live or I will kill you right away. she advises him not to do another crime to save himself from the previous one. Surrender yourself. He is not interested in her lecture. You wont even imagine what I will do to you otherwise. Palash and officer come there. Yash shows them the knife. Don’t come here or I will kill her. Palash and officer keep asking Yash to stop. Ganga hits Yash on his leg. He runs away. Palash asks Ganga if she is fine. Who was this guy? It seems like you know him from before. She tells him something in mute.
Yash manages to escape. Officer loses Yash as a truck comes in between.
Palash asks Ganga who her lawyer was. She takes Sagar’s name. Palash is shocked. Yash’s cousin? He could have done anything to arrest Yash. Can you trust Sagar? She says what you are asking. I trust him completely. We won this case because of him. he left his London job. He tries his best to look for yash. Palash stops her. yash will be caught today. Officer returns. I lost Yash. Palash is disappointed.
Raghav ji comes to Chaturvedi House. A request has come to reopen Ganga’s case. Niru and Sagar are taken aback. Sagar reads the papers. Niru says how can it be. Sagar was handling that case. Who made this request now? Palash did! Raghav ji says he came today to say the case was not presented well. Niru says it cannot happen without Ganga’s consent. Sagar thinks of Janvi’s words. You trust Palash more than me now? I dint expect it from you Ganga!


On her way to the hosiptal with Baek Seok, Hae Gang grabs the piece of death threatening paper he is holding in his hand.
Meanwhile Jin Eon confronts his father about Dok Go's death. As his father lies all about the truth behind Hea Gang's father, Jin Eon is angry.
Baek Seok may lose his right hand function because of nerve damage. Hae Gang cries by his hospital bed.
Kyeong Woo is at the police station for investigation. Kyeong Woo tells Hae Gang he has attacked her because of what she did to his father, Shil Il Sang but he swears that he never hit Baek Seok because at the time he was with Jin Eon.
Jin Eon and Hae Gang now find out that Baek Seok is the target of Tae Seok because his fear of Baek Seok being the traitor. By hurting Baek Seok, it is possible to postpone the court date and win the case. However, to his surprises, Baek Seok tells him he has no intention of postponing the court date.He still has his mouth function and he will be at the court.
Knowing that Tae Seok has harmed Baek Seok, Seol Ri meets with Taek Seok to argue about all his ugly acts. Neither of them notice that Hae Gang is listening their conversation. She then raises her voice and drags Seol Ri out. She tells Tae Seok that she will deal with him later.


The episode begins with Police arresting Ayaan for attempting to murder Dev .
Dev reveals his police officer friend suggested how to trap Ayaan in a similar trap ayaan laid for dev .
Dev says the police officer himself is a witness to hsi actions
Police arrest Ayaan .
Ayaan pleads
guilty , he pleads him to forgive him He assures thatbhe would never come near him or his family , dev warns him never to cross his path .
Police ask ayaan to sign his confession letter , it will be kep by police as a form of bail for his release .
Ayaan signs the papers and leaves . Police take off his handcuffs .
Dev orders him to leave this city .He warns Ayaan if he told Sona about not being pregnant he would face dire consequences .
Dev thanks
Police ,
Police says Ria was his sister too ,
At home Sona tries to calm Ishwari who is restless for Dev .
Maa tries to appear calm but she herself is agitated . Sona tells maa that she herself was very worried for her son . They get concerned ahout their baby. Ishwari forgets al about dev once she remembers the baby . She rushes to get some food for sona .
At Bose house Bijoy discusses with Asha thatbhe would take his waste management work very seriously , asha is impressed , The new neighbour madhumita comes to their house.Bijoy starts flirting with her
She gives a gift to Bijoy. It is a painting done by her .
Bijoy and asha appreciate her painting .they thanknher and asha offers them tea .
In the dining room GKB has done cooking , she tells elena to cut coriander and sprinkle on all the dishes . Ishwari arrives there and is annoyed that GKB was preparing the table as if there was a lunch party here , no one was bothered about Dev who was out of the house all night and with out BF, also ria was upset becaue of the broken rishtaa .Hoc could GKB prepare chhappan bhog ??
Ishwari says no one would eat until Dev returned .Asks her to cover everything and wait . Only sona would eat as she was not supposed to remain hungry
GKB is reluctant to wait for Dev but Ishwari asks every one to wait for Dev , no one would eat until dev was here. Elena and Vicky pass comments on the drama , but theu decide to tolerate it because they wanted to live in this house .
In her room Sona scolds dev’s pic for not protesting when maa was shutting the door on his face . GKB gets thaali of khana for Sona . Sona is concerned about others . She decides to wait for dev … As he too must be hungry .
In their room Vilene are feeling hungry. Elena suggests they go out and eat something an come back . GKB comes and reprimands elena for planning to eating out all the time , if Ishwari heard them theu would have eat out all their lives . Elena says it was Dixit’s fault not bengali sisters fault .
Vicky scolds his maa for arguing all the time .
Dev reaches his home and complains about his maa for throwing him out , sona comes to meet him and asks him to patch up with maa. Sona gets thaali of food for sharing with Dev .
Dev refuses to eat . Sona says her baby was waiting . Dev remembers his maa, henis sure she would not have eaten . Dev then reluctantly agrees to eat but maa arrives at the door and reprimands sona for getting food for him despite her warning against it . Sona protests that she had not forgiven him. Maa says Dev should have returned ho,emearlier. He should have thought about Sonaand his baby .
Finally maa asks him to enter the house. Dev apologises to maa that she was correct about Ayaan and he was wrong . Maa is so relieved that her son had changed his views . . She asks him to have food and let otjers too enjoy the meal .
Sona is shocked to se Dev taking a U Turn as regards Ayaan surely something was wrong here , she wonders what … He was surely hiding something .
Sona asks Riya why did she call Ayan. Riya says she wants to know what went wrong, bhaiya was going against maa and Sona and wants them to reconsider her and Ayan’s alliance. Sona says even she could not understand and asks her to relax as she is smart and intelligent and deserves a better life partner than Ayan.
Sourav returns home and sees Bejoy sipping tea and talking to his new crush. He says maa, baba and baba’s crush Madhu. He tells Bejoy that scrap merchant did not return 70 rs. Bejoy shouts 70 rs has a lot of value and then looking at his crush says not a big value. He tells Sourav that their neighbor has gifted painting to him. Lady asks to introduce the boy. Bejoy says he is Asha’s son and for him football and tells soon he is becoming
grandpa. Lady congratulate him and Asha. Asha asks what her husband does. Lady says she did not marry at all and concentrated on her profession. Bejoy’s eyes sparkle and says what is the need for marriage, she did right. Lady invites them to her house and leaves.
Sona asks Dev how did he change his decision so easily, what happened. He says he felt mom and she are right and he made a mistake. He insists to tell truth as he was not outside home and even got head injury. He says he investigated on his own and found Ayan not fit for Riya, asks her to relax and reminisces hospital’s incident and how Ayan blackmailed him.
Bejoy enjoys ice cream with family and says it is very nice. Nobody replies him. He asks what happened. Sourav says mom is angry seeing his flirting with Madhu. Asha mimics Bejoy’s dialogues. Drama continues. Asha says he can fix Madhu’s gifted painting inn his room, she will shift to daadi’s room permanently.
In the morning, Dev with Sona comes down and sees Ishwari buying fruits from vendors at home. Sona asks if whole family is going on fruit diet. Ishwari says during pregnancy, Sona may crave for anything and may need fruits. Dev says she did good and says he likes chicku. Ishwari asks Sona to select her favorite fruit. Dev says he will leave for office now. Ishwari says Sona’s parents may want to meet her, so he should drop her to her parent’s home on the way to office. Dev thinks he wanted Ishwari to accept Sona and now that everything is alright, he will inform truth to Sona before she knows it from someone else. He leaves with Sona.
Sona reaches her parent’s house and happily hugs Asha. Asha introduces her to a lady and says she is maasi maa who guided her while she was pregnant with Sourav, she can touch hand and tell if woman is pregnant or not. Sona greets lady. Lady says Sona is beautiful like Asha. Asha says more beautiful than her. Sona says maa…
Ishwari prepares dry fruit laddoos for Sona. GKB’s mouth waters. Neha comes and GKB brainwashes her that Ishwari is straining herself in preparing laddoos for Sona and with eager eyes asks if it has lots of dry fruits and ghee and if she can try. Ishwari says this is for Sona. Neha starts yelling she is fond of Sona and forgot her real daughters, she will eat ladoos eenn if she stops her. She tastes and says she added salt instead of sweet. Radha tastes and says it has salt. Ishwari says first thali laddoos were alright. GKB tastes and says these are fine. Ishwari thanks god and says she will keep it aside for Sona. Neha picks other thalis and drops them purposefully. GKB says now sweet and salt ladoos are mixed.
Lady checks Sona’s pulse and gets silent. Bejoy joins them and Asha what happened. Lady says Sona that she is not pregnant. They all 3 are shocked. Lady says she tesed Sona twice and confirmed, asks sona if she got her tests done. Sona says yes. Lady says she cannot e wrong at all, so she can reconfirm. Sona says she was having symptoms. Lady says must be some hormonal changes, she should get her tests redone. Bejoy says he is not doubting her experience, but she may be wrong. Lady says again she is sure.
Sona reaches Dev’s office while he is busy in a meeting with is staff. He introduces her to his staff and asks them to excuse them. Sona asks if she is pregnant. Dev says yes. She says a lady checked her pulse and says she is not pregnant.


Part 1
Madhu asks RK why is he not letting her apply med on her wound n wants to live in pain? RK says.. correction. .wanna live with this pain. .n that he deserves it for hurting her.. for breaking her hurt. .for cheating her..! He says its the punishment! Madhu asks RK not to be so good and not to love her so much! RK says .. my sweet.. bichari biwi.. must be wondering where she is stuck n wondering how he is talking with so much sweetness to her? Madhu asks why is it important for him that she should trust him? RK u..n Madhu asks why do u love me? RK cups Madhus face .. n Madhu cups RKs face ! BG- Tum hi ho ..! Rishbala eyelocks..! They both caress each others cheeks..! Madhu in tears..!
Bittu comes screaming ..Chief n the moment passes..! RK asks what? Bittu says Paddo is
here..! Rishbala are both shocked..! They rush downstairs..! Dips comes smirking to her room and Sikky asks where did she go? Dips chawl n Sikky asks.. to find them a new house? Dips says.. stupid n says..she went to find out Madhus plan and also instill fear in Paddos heart ..! Sikky asks what she found out? Dips says that she wants to avenge her heartbreak by breaking RKs heart. .n that the cat is out of the bag.. ! Sikky asks why did she scare Paddo? Dips says.. to stop MAdhu she will come.. she will remind Madhu the consequences.. n it will all come out in front of Radha-RK ..! Sikky asks what will she get? Dip says.. when truth comes out.. the truth diggers name will be out to n she will be in home n Madhu out..! Radha greets Paddo ..! Rishbala greet Paddo n rK asks come suddenly ur here? All well?
Paddo remains quiet..! Radha asks Paddo to take a seat but she refuses..! Dips tells Siky ..’Laut ke RK ghar ko aya’! Sikky will be fun..! Disp says.. when the whole live telecast happens here.. its beter than repeat! Sikk ysays whenever Dips does such giri hui harkat..she looks cute! Paddo says..she wants to talk to her daughter alone..for a few minutes.. if Radha is ok? Radha agrees..! Dips worries about paddo brain washing Madhu. .n stoppin her..! Dips asks Sikky what to do? Sikky says Dips is the vamp..she has to think of a better plan if this one fails.. n she looks cute when her plan ki pungi bajti hai..! Dips says its not funny! Paddo goes aside with Madhu …!
In Rishbala bedroom .. Madhu tells Paddo glad u came..! Paddo asks Madhu when is she getting married? Madhu says. .in two days! Paddo tells Madhu that in chawl she could not react coz she was shaken …but now she is scared n worried for Madhu..! She tells Madhu that she is against what Madhu is doing. .n doesnt want her to do all this.. especially after knowing the consequences..! Paddo tells Madhu she wont let her do this.. she tells Madhu she is not RK ..she cannot be happy by hurting RK or anyone..! She tells Madhu that if she tries to break RK ..she will get broken herself.. then what? Will she be able to live..will she be able to look at herself in the eye? Madhu is quiet..! Paddo asks Madhu if she has thot what all RK do after this? Will this revenge drama end? She says.. as a girl Madhu will win but her daughter will lose.. she will break..and she wont let this happen!
Paddo asks Madhu not to do this..! Paddo tells Madhu that she has raised Madhu with lot of difficulty.. she says she din kill Ballu for all this..! She asks Madhu to forget all this.. and says that today RK wants to marry her.. but all this is his zidd..! She reminds Madhu that if he can all this for avenging 4 slaps.. what will he do if she will break his heart? Paddo tells Madhu that for RK his pride is his life.. n she wont let Madhu break like this n asks Madhu to come with her! RK comes n says NO…! Dips-Sikky eavesdrop the convo! RK asks Madhu to listen to Paddo..! RK says.. he doesnt wanna come between them.. but Paddo being scared is legitimate.. n why not . .afterall RK broke her heart. .insulted her.. hurt her. . so she has every right to be scared.. ! He says…Paddo wont want Madhu-RK wedding..n she is gonna be scared of RK ..! RK says.. he did what he did. . in anger or hate or rage.. or madness but he cannot justify what he did..! He apologises to Paddo.!
Sikky-Dips keep overhearing.. the convo! RK says.. he wishes to apologise to everyone.. the whole Malik family .. for his every sin. .n crime..! He says he is a cheap.. disgusting person. .its a truth. .but the bigger truth is that he loves Madhu .. a lot..! Madhu is quiet..! RK says that its a matter of surprise that afterall that has happened Paddos daughter loves him just as much..! RK says that the problem is he cant live without Madhu ..she is his oxygen.. his heartbeat ..his life saving drug..! RK begs Paddo for Madhu ..his life.. n asks her not to tell Madhu to step back.. n not to tell Madhu ..not to marry him…! RK tells Paddo that he knows he is not worthy in her eye for marrying Madhu n that there is no pressure on her. .but he only can beg for Madhu from Paddo..! Paddo ignores RK n tells Madhu that she said what she had to .. rest the decision is Madhus..! Paddo is about to leave n RK stops her n says. .this is not just Madhus decision its theirs.. Rishbalas decision.. that they are getting married n will stay together forever.. n he wont let anyone come between them.. no matter what he has to do.. ! RK glares at Paddo..! Paddo is freaked..n quickly walks out..! Madhu follows Paddo..!
Part 2
Paddo is walking down the stairs n Madhu keeps calling out to her! Radha asks if the convo between mom-daughter is over? Paddo asks Radha if words will matter when a Mother talks n a Daughter refuses to pay heed..?! Paddo turns to leave…! Madhu is emotional..! Radha stops Paddo n tells her about pre-wedding functions .. Mata ki Chowki .. Mehendi-Sangeet..! Paddo requests Radha not to ask her to be part of any of the functions..!
Part 3
All are shocked with Paddos request..! Paddo says..she just cant it! Radha calls out to her ..but Paddo leaves..! Radha looks at a distraught Madhu..! RK puts his hand on Madhus shoulder n comforts her..! He asks Madhu to come with him…! Madhu says. .not now..! RK says.. ‘Main hoon na’! He nods at Radha reassuringly n Rishbala leave..! All watch confused..!
Precap — RK n Madhu are in their nightwear n RK is holding Madhu n says..happily that his Madhu is back..! Madhu pushes RKs hands away n turns n walks away ..! She breaksdown n then runs to him n hugs him…! Madhu says.. ‘Yes.. i have come back to my RK … n FOREVER’! RK smiles..!..
Part 1
Sultan is on the phone..n asks Kaka to come back early…
Theres a knock at the door n its Paddo
He asks about Madhu … n Paddo says. ..till now .. yes. .but after what she is planning to do.. dunno what will happen
Paddo says.. RK did everything Madhu asked him to. .but when she turned RK down.. she saw the anger n rage of the OLD RK
Paddo says.. this time.. RK really . .n Sultan says. .loves Madhu ..! Paddo says.. even if its fake.. when he finds out Madhu played him… its scary the consequences..
Paddo tells Sultan ..she cant see Madhu break again.. as RK can do anything.. ! Sultan calms Paddo… She begs Sultan to protect Madhu ..
RK brings Madhu to Sitara Studio n says.. he never entered inside the gates.. coz he was
He tells Madhu ..he understands. her state of mind after Paddo left.. as it feels like all is gone.. after parents leave..!
RK tells Madhu that now she wont be lonely ever in her life.. n he is with her.. forever..! He says.. his every word to Paddo was true…
He rues that he culdn control his anger.. n Paddo walked off…
RK says.. he knows..she thinks he had shared about his dad.. but all that became lie ..after he dumped her.. but the pain was not fake..!!
He shows Madhu … ‘another darkness of his life’ n asks her to accompany n Madhu holds his hand…
Sultan Paddo says. .no idea.. but u have to stop Madhu all cost..! Paddo says.. to forcefully bring Madhu from RKs place.. n take her to some place where she is safe..!
Sultan hesitates but Paddo says.. he has to save Madhu.. just like Madhu has saved him always…!! She orders Sultan to do as told..!
RK brings Madhu inside a dark room ..its a hall .. n Madhu is scared so he lights his lighter..! RK shows his dads rocking chair.. his dads pic… old gramaphone..
Madhu reads a note .. left by RKs dad for him..on a record of Mr. India..n the note reads about how magic is in small things in life… RK says.. some things are connected..
RK says..he used to sneak in to listen to the gramaphone…! He asks her if it will run? He asks Madhu to pray n tries to run the gramaphone..n it runs …
RK makes funny faces… ‘Karte hain hum pyaar Mr. India’ … Madhu is in tears n RK makes ..funny poses.. n expressions … Rishbala lauf… The record stops n RK says.. I LOVE U MADHU n hugs her..!
Part 2
RK tells Madhu that he never thot he would come there.. n share this part of his life with someone…
RK says… in this whole wide world.. she is the only front of whom he can be just HIMSELF …
He says..he loves her.. he loved her when he hurt her.. .forced her..n even loved her…
Part 3
RK says.. the studio is of his dad… n he feels his presence.!
He says.. he never lied about loving her.. n that he only lied to himself.. but he loves her.. n will keep loving her..!!
Precap — RK tells Madhu that his Madhu has returned to him .. n Madhu moves away from him . .n then runs back into his arms..n says.. yes.. ur Madhu is back…!!


Munder reveals to Capt Mac about Laxmibai's plan
Laxmibai and Tatya Tope wait for an opportune moment to save Munder. The duo overhears Munder telling Capt Mac that Laxmibai must have shifted Damodar to the care of tribals. Capt Mac orders Munder to be locked and leaves.
Later, Munder clarifies to Tatya Tope and Laxmibai that she pretended to be scared as she had seen the telex messages. Munder tells Laxmibai it is difficult to rob the telex as it was heavily guarded.
Jhalkari Bai, posing as Laxmibai, fires cannon at the Commissionary to divert Capt Mac's attention and facilitate the stealing of the telex message.
As confusion prevails, Munder robs the telex messages and hides it in a carriage.
To stop Capt Mac from going after Laxmibai, Jhalkari Bai instigates the soldiers to catch her. Jhalkari Bai hands over Damodar to Laxmibai and escapes. While fleeing, Jhalkari Bai is shot by the British soldiers. Capt Mac believes he has killed Laxmibai and celebrates.
Capt Mac proves to his superiors that Laxmibai had been slain in battle
Tatya Tope and Raghunath believe British would be misled by the death of Jhalkari Bai into believing that Laxmibai was dead.
Laxmibai decides to expose Queen Victoria's game plan before her countrymen. She decides to take on the British in a final and decisive battle.
Laxmibai and Tatya Tope are elated when Rao Sahab along with his army decides to join them in the freedom struggle. To strengthen the army, Laxmibai decides to seek the help of Gwalior king Jiyaji Rao Scindia.
Laxmibai sends a message to Scindia expressing desire to meet him. The message is received by Scindia's prime minster Dinkar Rao. Dinkar Rao passes on the message to the British.
Before proceeding towards Gwalior, Laxmibai decides to wait for Jiyaji Rao Scindia's reply. Dinkar Rao, who keeps a close watch on the movement of Laxmibai's army, is elated when it sets camp. On noticing a carriage, Laxmibai learns from Munder that she had hidden the telex messages in a similar carriage.


We see Changle praying for her late mother saying how she is now married to TBJ. She then says that she will support TBJ till he ascends the throne and then she will achieve her dream of being the Empress. Screen Shot 2016-12-02 at 9.54.40 am.png Next, we see that Baizhi is also demoted to become a palace maid washing clothes like Weiyang. Baizhi tells Weiyang that she got to be here with Weiyang because of TBY. Baizhi also says that even though she knows Weiyang’s true identity, she doesn’t care as she’s an important person to Baizhi.  I’m glad that Weiyang is not going to be completely alone. Screen Shot 2016-12-02 at 9.59.15 am.png Then, we see Changru preparing food for TBY as he walks into his room, ignoring her. She then joins the conversation about the political strife between the Older Prince and TBY. Looks like TBY is keeping Changru around since she’s coming up with good ideas to help him get the Emperor’s support and get closer to the throne. Screen Shot 2016-12-02 at 10.04.02 am.png Afterwards, we see TBJ personally peeling his mother’s favourite fruit. He’s so filial. But then we see him resting his hand on his mother’s jewellery chest as he remembers how it fell down the other day and Changle’s words, “Those jewelleries are the Crown Princess’s dowry”.
Screen Shot 2016-12-02 at 10.10.31 am.png Next, we see Changle crying by herself. Seeing this, TBJ goes to try and comfort her (since she’s his wife) and asks her why she’s crying. Changle tells him how she wasn’t able to be with her mother when she passed away. TBJ then tells her that since she’s his wife, her mother is his mother and he will accompany her to pray later. Feeling grateful, she was just about to hug him until Chengde came in and interrupted them.
As they were walking towards TBJ’s study, Changle sneakily eavesdrop on their conversation since it involves Weiyang. She overhears that Chengde got a message from a beggar who saw Weiyang outside during the time of the Crown Princess’ death. TBJ instructs Chengde to quickly find that person as that person can clear Weiyang’s name.
Screen Shot 2016-12-02 at 10.14.17 am.png Meanwhile, TBY questions Changru about the beggar. News surely travel fast! Changru then says that TBJ will definitely investigate this matter thoroughly in order to clear Weiyang’s name and that this will impact TBY. Screen Shot 2016-12-02 at 10.19.50 am.png Next, Baizhi quietly tells Weiyang how she heard that Da Furen has died. Weiyang sighs and says that the 3rd Wife and the real Weiyang can now be at peace. However…there’s still a matter with Changle. Baizhi then asks if Weiyang suspects that Changle was involved with the Crown Princess’ death. Weiyang replies: “I thought about this for so long. Do you remember that there is someone from the Chiyun family who knows how to disguise themselves”. Weiyang comes into the conclusion that that person must’ve disguised themself as Weiyang hence why the Crown Princess and her servants believed it was Weiyang. Baizhi understands Weiyang’s thoughts and couldn’t believe that Changle could be so evil. Weiyang then says that Changle couldn’t have come up with this plan by herself and that someone else is also involved. Also, she concludes that that person must be close to Weiyang since she was able to frame Weiyang in her own house (aka Li’s Household). Screen Shot 2016-12-02 at 10.23.09 am.png Just as they were thinking who might have colluded with Changle, Changru arrives. She’s still acting as perfect little sister, caring for Weiyang and even giving her money to survive within the palace. Changru also brings in gifts from Weiyang’s mother and also some stuff she made herself. Weiyang tells Changru that she doesn’t know how to repay such kindness since her mother already knows that they’re not biologically related. Changru replies that by living well, that is the best repayment Weiyang can do for the family.
Changru then fishes for information from Weiyang, “Do you know any witnesses who can prove you innocent?”. Weiyang, looking disappointed, says that even if there were witnesses, it will be hard for them to come forward. Hearing this, Changru smirks.
Screen Shot 2016-12-02 at 10.33.39 am.png Meanwhile, TBY’s servant has already found the begger who saw Weiyang. TBY then questions why didn’t the Emperor find out about this begger. His servant says that during that investigation, the begger was coincidently not in town and was someplace else. TBY then says that if this begger meets with TBJ he will definitely try and find out the true killer…which may be bad for TBY. TBY’s servant then says that he will go and kill the begger. TBY stops him, saying that he has a better plan to make TBY stop investigating this matter. Screen Shot 2016-12-02 at 10.37.42 am.png Next, we see Chengde searching for the begger. He then sees a girl and quickly ran towards her believing that she might be Juntao. However, it was just a stranger which disappointed him.
Later, TBJ questions a begger who claims he saw Weiyang. However, the begger was lying and exclaims that a month ago, a lady told him to say that he saw Weiyang if anyone comes asking for witness. When asked who the lady was, the begger gives a description which matches Weiyang. Angrily, TBJ believes that Weiyang has been tricking him this whole time. Meanwhile, Changle walks away happily after eavesdropping on the conversation, believing that TBJ won’t be helping Weiyang now.
Screen Shot 2016-12-02 at 10.40.10 am.png Then we see the begger alone in the night before getting killed by an assassin. However, we realise that the begger has not died and survived the attack. While this was happening, Chengde was watching and following the assassin, seeing the assassin going straight into TBY’s house. Chengde then report his findings to TBJ who was surprised to know that his uncle might be involved with his mother’s death.
In a flashback, he asks his mother’s servant if his mother has ever told Changle about her jewellery box containing her dowry. The servant denies that the mother has told Changle and says that the only time she brought it out was to let Weiyang see it on that day she died. Looks like TBJ knows it was Changle’s doing and that she disguised herself as Weiyang to frame her. He then says that Changle wouldn’t have known Weiyang’s real identity so Changle would have had an accomplice who knew everything.
Back to present time, Chengde tells TBJ that his plan to use a begger was successful in letting him know who the accomplice was. TBJ says that this proves that Weiyang was innocent from the beginning. He then backtraces and realises that TBY had the scroll all along and would’ve known Weiyang’s identity and that the assassination attempts on his life back at Hua Tai now makes sense. TBJ then resolves and says that from now on, he will get the throne in order to protect his loved ones Screen Shot 2016-12-02 at 10.49.43 am.png
Meanwhile, TBY goes to see Weiyang who’s looking at the rock she got from TBJ. Weiyang tried to leave but was quickly stopped by TBY who wanted to talk to her. He receive thanks from Weiyang for helping her many times. TBY tells her that if she really wanted to thank him then she should accompany him to play music since he heard from TBJ that she’s good at playing. Weiyang refuses but TBY uses his authority so Weiyang has no choice but to comply. Just as she leaves, she drops the rock but TBY picks it up before grudgingly giving it back to Weiyang, “Why can’t you forget about him?”.
Screen Shot 2016-12-02 at 11.06.13 am.png Afterwards, we see Changle and Changru. Looks like Changru is visiting TBY’s mother often since his mother is going to choose a wife for TBY soon. Changru then stirs up jealousy as she brings up Weiyang to Changle. Then Changle leaves and goes to Weiyang. She orders all the servants to kneel before her.
Just as Changru was going to do something to Weiyang, she is stopped by her servant who tells her that this is the palace and that someone will probably see which will ruin her reputation. Changle then tries to remain compose but then steps on the tray of clothes Weiyang carried, saying that her shoes is dirty and that she wants Weiyang to clean it for her. In the background, Changru watches the situation with excited eyes and orders her maid to bring TBJ here. Weiyang then brings out her hankerchief and carefully wipes Changle’s shoes. Changle then kicks Weiyang and was about to slap her before Weiyang caught her hand. Then she orders the guards to take her away for punishment.
Screen Shot 2016-12-02 at 11.16.46 am.png Then TBJ comes and stops them from taking Weiyang. But he did not help her but take Changle’s side and ordered the guards to take Weiyang away and give her 51 strokes This surprises Changru who expected to get Changle in trouble. Changle however, seems to want to jump for joy…
While Weiyang was getting stroked, TBJ purposely acts lovingly with Changle. But we see his clenched fists, drawing blood, as he watches Weiyang gets stroked.
Screen Shot 2016-12-02 at 11.25.05 am.png The Princess then comes in to save Weiyang and stops the guard from beating her. The Princess scolds TBJ for doing this to Weiyang who then leaves the palace with his wife…
Oh this is heartbreaking! But I think he’s doing this to please Changle before giving her the ultimate punishment. But poor Weiyang, she’s suffering so much!
Screen Shot 2016-12-02 at 11.27.17 am.png Then we see TBJ back at his home who tells Chengde “I let people hit her…she definitely won’t forgive me. I can’t even forgive myself”. Chengde says that TBJ is doing this to get Changle and that he has already arranged for the Princess to come at that time to save Weiyang. I knew it! He’s doing this to catch Changle and her accomplices so that they can show their true colours in front of him soon, “I need to get enough power in order to protect Weiyang”.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018


We see Weiyang still washing clothes but is helped by another fellow maid who tells Weiyang that she was previously a Lady like her and was from Liang. That maid soon blames her previous King for her demise but Weiyang was quick to defend the dad. However, the maid says “What would you know? You’re a person from Wei” which shuts up Weiyang as she doesn’t dare to reveal her true identity. Then another maid comes buy picking up a pile of dirt and pebbles before purposely putting them on the clothes Weiyang just finished cleaning, bullying her to do it again. However, she gets taught a lesson by Weiyang who spanks her bottom like a child with a wooden board, garnering chuckles from the other servants. Screen Shot 2016-12-01 at 1.26.21 pm.png
Then we see TBJ and Chengde outside of the place Weiyang is at, worrying about her situation. Just as they were about to leave, he hears a maid shouting Weiyang’s name aloud. So he quickly rushes in to see what the fuss was about. The head maid arrives to abuse her authority and punish Weiyang by ordering her to be slapped by the mouth 20 times. TBY comes in time to stop the servants as Weiyang looks back and sees TBJ. The servants suddenly act nice as TBY scolds them for treating Weiyang unwell. TBJ then leaves but TBY purposely asks him whether he forgot something. TBJ then says that he will never forget his mother’s killer. Weiyang then becomes upset seeing that TBJ still believes she killed his mother.
Screen Shot 2016-12-01 at 1.37.05 pm.png Later, Weiyang thanks TBY for helping her. As TBY reaches out for her hand, she quickly flinches and takes a step back before saying how he didn’t have to help her. TBY tells her how they’re friends and that friends should look after each other. He tells Weiyang how he’s still wearing her protection charm and how he won’t throw it away since it allowed him to get back home safely. TBY then tells Weiyang that TBJ will marry Changle soon which shocks her. Screen Shot 2016-12-01 at 1.43.19 pm.png Next, we see TBJ asking the Emperor to grant him a marriage with Changle. This surprises the Emperor who thinks TBJ is muddled but TBJ tells him how this was his mother’s wish. The Emperor tries to dissuade TBJ by saying that his marriage with Changle will bring consequences. But TBJ repeats that he must fulfil his mother’s wish. Screen Shot 2016-12-01 at 1.46.15 pm.png Then, Changle comes in to see her mother. She dismisses everyone to tell her mother how she is finally going to marry TBJ. The mother then wakes up as Changle tells her mother how happy she is especially when TBJ personally said that he wants to marry her. Screen Shot 2016-12-01 at 1.48.39 pm.png
Later, we see Changru staying up as her servant tells her that she must rest. Seems like she is upset that Weiyang is alive thanks to TBY. She then tells her maid how it is easy for TBY to see Weiyang now that she is in the palace. Screen Shot 2016-12-01 at 1.51.31 pm.png Afterwards, we see Weiyang reminiscing on her memories with TBJ as everyone is sleeping. While that is happening, TBJ also thinks of Weiyang, missing being with her. Unable to sleep, Weiyang then continues with her chores alone in the darkness as she keeps on thinking back on her memories with TBJ. TBJ alike, drinks alone in silence, pretending that he’s with Weiyang.
Screen Shot 2016-12-01 at 1.56.45 pm.png The next morning, we see the head maid acting nice to Weiyang telling her to not do these work. Weiyang refuses saying that this is her job and that it won’t be fair to the other people if she doesn’t do the work. Then we see eunuchs bringing in wedding for Weiyang to personally bring to Changle for TBJ’s and Changle’s wedding as per Changle’s request. Screen Shot 2016-12-01 at 1.58.01 pm.png Happy to be married to TBJ, Changle gloats about it to Weiyang as she makes Weiyang put on her wedding clothes. She repeatedly makes Weiyang tell her about her new status as TBJ’s wife..seriously…does this make you happy? Poor Weiyang! However, unlike Changle’s happy face, TBJ’s face is quite gloomy despite the festive decorations. Screen Shot 2016-12-01 at 2.03.28 pm.png Then, Changle walks into the family room dressed in her wedding attire as her mother smiles at her proudly. Weiyang then walks in, giving her greetings to her father and grandmother. However, she was soon rejected by the father since she’s the Northern Liang’s Princess. Then a servant comes in that its time for Changle to go. Weiyang then proceeds to leave as well but Changru quickly goes to her and playing the innocent sister role. Screen Shot 2016-12-01 at 2.08.29 pm.png We see TBJ waiting outside of Changle’s home as per custom, as Changle gets seated into the carriage. Then Weiyang and TBJ lock eyes sadly before Changle gets Weiyang to help her into the carriage. Unable to do anything, TBJ watches as Weiyang bends over for Changle to step on her to get into the carriage. Screen Shot 2016-12-01 at 2.15.25 pm.png We see Weiyang with the marriage procession as they walk into the room. This is such a sad and heartbreaking moment! Walking behind TBJ and seeing him getting married to someone he doesn’t love!
Screen Shot 2016-12-01 at 2.20.14 pm.png They look at each other, quietly tearing – this makes me want to cry as well! Btw, this song is amazing, captures their feelings perfectly! As Weiyang leaves, TBJ looks at her walking away before glaring at TBY who just looks away.
Screen Shot 2016-12-01 at 2.19.01 pm.png Back at the Li’s household, it seems that Da Furen has finally passed away after screaming out Changle’s name.
Screen Shot 2016-12-01 at 2.24.20 pm.png Later, we see Changle and TBJ in their marriage chamber. After TBJ dismisses the servants, Changle tells him how she waited so long for this day – can’t you see his sad face? He’s clearly not wanting to marry her. Instead of completing the marriage ritual of drinking the wine, he just leaves saying that his mother has just passed away not long ago so he must complete his duties. Screen Shot 2016-12-01 at 2.26.38 pm.png
Looks like he can’t wait to get out of his wedding robes as he leaves them on the floor while gazing at the moon. Meanwhile, Weiyang is washing clothes alone in the night.
Screen Shot 2016-12-01 at 2.31.42 pm.png The next morning, TBJ prays to his mother asking for her forgiveness for marrying Changle to save Weiyang’s life. Changle then comes in and calls him husband! She tells TBJ that she’s here to greet her in-laws since it is her first day of marriage. However, we can see her shaking as she prays to the late Crown Princess, fearing that something bad might happen. And it did! Her servant accidently knocks onto the late Crown Princess’ jewellery box which shocks Changle who quickly tells her servant to clean it up.


Episode starts with gangaa and palaash fighting with the goon behind the godown. While sagar comes to take back his phone which he left inside the manufacturing unit.he tries to go near the truck where gangaa and palash are but then leaves as he gets his phone. Palaash overpowers the goon and he runs away. Palaash then scolds gangaa for taking such risk and spoiling his mission. She apologise and he asks her to be alert as the goon has seen her face.
At chaturvedi house janvi tries to cook sagar’s favourite food being irritated and dizzy. She spoils everything and makes the kitchen dirty. Madhvi comes inside and scolds her and makes the food herself but tells janvi not to tell anyone.
Sagar is in a call in the terrace and listens supriya telling pulkit that gangaa has not reached home till now.its 10 pm and she is not picking call. Pulkit goes out to search for gangaa. Sagar too worries for gangaa.
While palaash comes to leave gangaa.they talks and sagar sees them from terrace. Pulkit too comes and introduces with palaash. After palaash leaves, sagar confronts gangaa. She tells him what happened in the company’s manufacturing unit, but he disbelieves saying that he too was there but did not she her. He leaves from there.
At the dinning table madhvi tells that janvi cooked food for sagar. But sagar atonce finds out that the food was cooked by his mom. Amma ji scolds janvi. She replies back that she did studies to become a lawyer and went to london for it, and not to become a typical housewife wearing jwelleries and cooking food. She argues with them. Niranjan babu settles the dispute calmly and asks sagar to make janvi his assistant in his case.
Sagar briefs Janvi about the case. She cannot concentrate though because of the medicine. Madhvi brings tea for them.
On the other hand, Ganga and Palash are busy working on the case as well.
Janvi sits all lost. Sagar asks her about the documents. Did you read them and highlight the important points? The file is still the same. He begins to read it himself.
Janvi brings tea for Sagar and wakes him up. You sleep in study daily. Till when will it happen? Are you ready for tomorrow? He hopes he could cross check it. You have read the case. Ask me some questions which opposition can ask. She is hesitant. He insists. She thinks she did not read the case at all. She fumbles in making questions. He tells her to forget it. I made a mistake by asking you. I should have gone to papa. She wonders
what has happened to her.
Ganga asks Palash how they can be sure it is the same company that is selling wrong medicines.
He shows her a photo. He is an employee of Malhotra’s company. It will be a proof against them. A truck full of opium was caught last week. She reasons that it is used to make medicines. Everyone knows it. She shows him a packet of biscuit which has all the ingredients. The amount of ingredient used is also mentioned. What if they say that the truck brought opium required for medicines? He points out that the quantity seized by police was more than that was permissible. This will work in our favour.
Sagar talks to Sagar about the truck that was caught by police last week. I always tell you to find all the details but you don’t pay heed. You have today to find a way to save yourself. Prepare yourself well.
Janvi apologizes to Sagar. I know I cannot handle the pressure of case but I will try my best to be a good assistant. She looks at the pills in her bag. I hope I don’t need them today. I feel weak and sleepy after taking them. I have to be alert to help Sagar.
Sagar stops the car as he notices Ganga trying to mend her bicycle. He gets down to help her. Janvi looks on unhappily. Ganga tells Sagar to let it be. I will do it. Janvi still remembers their last convo and is uncomfortable. Janvi drives away leaving Sagar behind. Ganga says it is about time for hearing. He tries looking for a lift or rickshaw. She tells him to go. It is important for you to reach court on time. A guy gives them his cycle. I will bring your cycle to you. Sagar asks Ganga to come as she has to reach court too. She sits down in front while he drives. Romantic song plays. They both think of their childhood times. Ganga wipes her tears. Their hands touch as they try to balance the cycle.
Janvi notices Sagar and Ganga coming on a cycle. I knew it. they can fight, can fight the same case but will be together. I am the third one amongst them! She takes the pill. Sagar takes the car keys from Janvi. He asks her to bring printouts of some important documents. Be alert in court.
Hearing starts. Palash presents his case (about the drug seller that he photographed) and it is Sagar’s turn next. He asks Janvi to give him the list of employees. Not every employee who works there does the same illegal thing. She fumbles and drops stuff. I cannot do anything properly. Palash asks Sagar about the quantity of opium seized last week. They are permitted to get a limited quantity but the truck had a lot more. he submits the report of approved quantity and bought quantity. Niru thinks I told you Sagar. This question will be raised in court. Sagar speaks in his defence. My client has permission to hold more drug than permissible so they can share it with third world countries for medicines. He gives the same example like Ganga gave to Sagar. Palash looks at Ganga in surprise / confusion. Sagar also presents a list of medicines in which opium is used. They are not used for intoxication purposes. Niru is happy. Palash looks at Ganga as he thinks of the example which both Sagar and Ganga gave. Ganga looks at Palash who asks for some time from court to verify the details submitted by Sagar. They get next hearing for next week. Judge tells Palash if he wont submit a solid proof in court next week then it will be dismissed. Janvi is very haooy for Sagar. Everyone goes out.
Sagar tells Ganga he told her Palash is a fraud. See how his truth came out today. Do you still think I am wrong? Do you still think your Palash Sir is right? Palash goes back inside to take his phone. He looks at Ganga and Sagar talking.


Sona with Ishwari reaches home. Riya asks her everything is fine. Sona says yes, there is no problem. Riya sits sadly. Sona consoles her that just like she is concerned for her, she is also concerned and says it is good Ayan is exposed beforehand. Riya asks she is confused what Sona showed was right or Ayan. Ishwari says lie is always colorful. Sona says Neha is very intelligent and smart and can distinguish between good and bad, asks Dev to explain. She sees Dev already left
Sona goes to room and hugs Dev from behind and apologizes him, says she will never take more tension and risk baby’s life, she asks baby to convince papa to smile Dev hugs her and reminisces Ayan warning to convince family for his and Riya’s marriage. He asks Sona if she loves
him and will never leave him alone. Sona confusingly asks why is he telling this…He says if she loves him, she should go and convince maa for Ayan and Riya’s marriage. Sona is surprised and asks if he is fine. He shouts to do what he says and thinks he has to do this for the time being and will sort out issues later. Sona says she will never ruin Riya’s life. Dev argues that just for a benefit of doubt, he will not ruin Riya’s happiness.
GKB tries to convince Ishwari to reaccept Riya and Ayan’s alliance and prove Sona wrong. Ishwari says Sona got a proof and she cannot ruin Riya’s life even knowing everything. Neha yells just because Sona is giving granchild, maa is blindly trusting her. GKB continues. Elena interferes. Neha yells even GKB’s bahu is speaking now. GKB asks Elena not to speak between elders. Drama continues. Vicky asks GKB not to make things complicated, let people badmouth. Ishwari says her decision is final, let people agree to it or not. GKB is shocked.
Dev repeatedly asks Sona to go and convince mom to reconsider Riya and Ayan’s alliance. Sona says no. He thinks he will not let this marriage happen, but for the time being he does not have any option. He snatches Sona’s mobile and asks her to go and speak to maa.
Vicky scolds GKB that because of her foolishness, Ishwari would have kicked them out of house, it is Ishwari’s problem and let her handle it. If papa will know about it, he will take them out of this house. GKB says she will not let his papa do anything and says she created this problem and will solve it.
Bejoy tells family he has to do something with which his grandchildren should be proud of him. Sourav gives an idea of restaurant. Bejoy says he will finish all food. Daadi suggests senior citizen club. Bejoy says senior citizen will make more noise. Asha suggest to give his grandchldren a clean environment and think of waste segregation in their society. Bejoy says it is a wonderful idea and thanks daadi for getting such an intelligent bahu for herself.
Dev continues arguing with Sona to convince Ishwari and their argument continues outside room. Whole family watches them. Sona says what is wrong is wrong, she will not tell mom. ev says he will tell then. Sona goes down. Ishwari asks Dev what is all this. Sona tries to stop Dev and he pushes her. She falls down. Ishwari rushes and picks her and asks if she is fine. Soa says yes. Dev gets happy that maa cares for Sona more than him and hopes this bonding continues. Ishwari tells Dev that her decision is final and she will not change it. Dev says she has to change. Ishwari sends him out and asks to change his thinking or be out of house and locks door.
Dev tells Ishwari that Ayan is a good boy and they should reconsider alliance. Ishwari says she has already broken this alliance and if he does not agree, then he should get out of hhouse. She sends him out and locks door. GKB asks how can she send her own son out. Ishwari says it is between her and her son, nobody can interfere between them. GKB stands shocked. Dev standing out near his car thinks maa send him out for Sona, he always wanted maa to give more love to Sona than him, he smiles.
Sona asks Elena to bring water for Ishwari, makes Ishwari sits on sofa and asks her to relax, she will go out and bring back Dev. Ishwari says no need and asks GKB to prepare some food for Sona. GKB with fuming face says she can go up with Sona, she will prepare food.
beggar asks Dev to give some money in god’s name. Dev scolds that his god will not help him, nobody can unless he helps himself and asks to never come near his house. Beggar leaves. Dev thinks he has to tackle Ayan. Ayan calls him just then. Dev asks him to meet at some venue in 30 min.
Bejoy fumes on his society members that nobody understood about wet and dry weight segregation. Asha asks him to calm down. Door bell rings. Asha opens door. A beautiful middle aged lady comes and says she is new society member and wants to meet Bejoy. Bejoy’s eyes sparkle seeing her and he politely says he is secretary. Lady says she could not attend meeting, so she needs his advice in waste management. Asha says Bejoy is tired now. Bejoy says he is not and politely flirts with her. Asha is shocked to see his flirting.
Sona tries to calm Ishwari. Ishwari says she must be feeling bad that sh scolded her husband. Sona says Dev is her son first and then my husband. Ishwari says for her, they both are same now and says she wants to tell her why she did it.
Ayan meets Dev and asks if he convinced his family. Dev says he spoke to his family. Ayan says he boasted that he is a wall between his family, but he made window in that wall. Dev says he spoke to his family, but mom did not agree, who will agree to marry their daughter to a man like him.
Ishwari says when she met Sona first time as a nutrionist, she realized Sona is a clean hearted girl, but when Sona became Dev’s wife, she tried to accept her, but could not and thought Dev will forget his mother entangled in new relationship. She was so afraid of losing Dev and ignored all other relationships, but her fear was baseless. Dev tells Ayan that his mother kicked him out today for his wife and their bonding is so good now that even he cannot interfere. He tried his best to convince, but they did not accept for this alliance. Ishwari tells Sona that she was angry that Sona would never give her happiness of a grandchild, but when Sona conceived, she gave happiness of whole world. Ishwari says even Dev will he happy that she is with Sona.
Dev tells Ayan that he will never let a rogue like him near his sister. Ayan says what the hell. Dev says he does everything personally and handles his business personally. Ayan says if he will expose his truth in front of his family, they will never forgive him. Dev says today he will show him if someone comes between him and his family, what will happen to them. He hits his head on car repeatedly and asks if it is bleeding. Ayan asks what is he doing.
Sona says Ishwari that she sent out The Dev Dixit, he can stay in 7 star hotel for even a month. Ishwari says Dev faced his mom’s wrath, he will stay outside door and will never go anywhere, he is still her boy. She asks Sona not to get melt when Dev comes and says she will show Dev wil be near door. They peep out and don’t see Dev. Ishwari asks watchman where is Dev. Watchman says he left in his car. Sona says maa, your son is spoilt now.
Dev slaps Ayan and says this is for playing with Riya’s feelings. Police reaches. Dev asks polie to arrest Ayan. Ayan asks if he has any proof that he blackmailed him. Dev slaps him again and says he is getting arrested for attempt to murder.