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Saturday, June 30, 2018


Eva hurriedly goes to tell John, Oscar and Franco in panic that the engineer in charge of the construction has arrived and therefore everyone is going to know that they don’t work for that engineer but rather they came on their own and what Eva said leaves them in fear and Oscar tells his brothers that they should run away fast before Gabriela discovers the truth but John tells his brothers not to worry because they weren’t thought to run away in times of trouble as cowards but to face it because they fear no one.
Gabriela asks the engineer where he has been all this while that the construction work has been going on but Sofia, Eva, Jemima and Sarah try to interrupt her so that Gabriela stops confronting the engineer but they did not succeed and the engineer goes ahead to answer Gabriela that he knows nothing about the construction and the men (John, Oscar and Franco) in charge of it. This reply the engineer gives to Gabriela shocks her and she faints.
John quickly carries Gabriela into the house whiles Eva, Sofia, Jemima and Sarah are wailing as to why Gabriela fainted and Sofia reads a medical report of their mother which says that Gabriela has a heart attack and therefore no one is to give her any shocking news as well else it will increase the more.
Tina goes to ask Hortensia that she doesn’t understand certain things concerning the Reyes brothers because she sees pain in their eyes and Hortensia tells her its true those boys are really in pain.
Franco tells Oscar that, he thinks by this time the engineer might have told Gabriela that they don’t work for him and therefore they might be sacked from the Hacienda. As they were talking, the engineer goes to ask John who gave them the go ahead to do that construction and John replies in panic that it was him but to the surprise of the three brothers, the engineer congratulates them for a good job done and even gives them his complimentary card.
Gabriela’s daughter asks her why she hid her heart condition from them and she replies that, the cheating act of their father Bernardo with that Libia girl really affected her and that’s how she got the heart problem so if they should continue giving her problems, she will die and leave them orphans and her daughters started crying. Gabriela then asks them in the presence of Eva and Mr. Agustin about how the three brothers managed to come and work in the Hacienda without her notice and Eva tries to explain things to Gabriela but Mr. Agustin tells her it’s not Eva but it was him instead because the building is for him yet still Eva insists that it’s her and not Mr. Agustin and they both confuses Gabriela.
Tina tells John that, Hortensia has explained everything to her concerning the loss of their sister Libia and therefore she is willing to help them in any way.
Gabriela lies in bed and makes fun of her daughters for pampering her after she pretended and made them realized that she is not well and she wishes that she should have made that prank on them earlier.
Father Teddy goes to visit John in his bakery shop to ask him about the covenant he had with his brothers over their sister Libia and john tells father that, he went to their sister’s grave yard and after he went to sleep that night, he had a dream revealing Libia to him and she looked like an angel and she gave her a flower which he found in his hands as he woke up so he thinks it might be a sign that their sister Libia doesn’t want them to have that revenge and father Teddy was so happy to hear that and he blesses John for that.
Eva asks Gabriela to tell her where to find her daughter and Gabriela answers her there is no way she will show her because they both had an agreement so therefore, she can’t tell her anything concerning her daughter and besides Eva is so poor that even if she should tell her where her daughter is she will have nothing to offer the girl and her daughter will be ashamed to have her as a mother.
Franco goes to see Rosa in her salon to ask her out on a date but Rosa didn’t want to go because of her show but she later agrees. Out there, they start to profess the love they have for each other and then they spend a good time together as there if there is no tomorrow.
Jemima meets Oscar looking very sad and when Oscar asks her why she looks that way, she tells Oscar that her mum Gabriela has decided to get her a different man to marry and she isn’t happy about it and Oscar becomes worried.
Gabriela invites the two guys she wants to arrange for Jemima and Sarah to marry into the Hacienda and they came to meet Father Teddy as well, they then introduce themselves as Benito and Oduro and Gabriela looks so happy seeing them both. Benito and Oduro starts to admire both Sarah and Jemima and Oscar get jealous upon seeing those reactions coming from the two guys.
“Who Killed Libia” utv brings to you Fridays – Sundays 8:00pm and repeat Tuesdays – Thursdays 4:00pm. Akya saaaa!!!! Utv it’s all about you!!!!

Friday, June 29, 2018


Part 1
Madhu breaks down near RKs poster..n screams RK! RK hears the noise n wakes up from his sleep with a start..! He notices Radha waiting to talk to him…!
Radha tells him that seems he had a nightmare…pretty expected.. after the deed he did! RK tells Radha that he has done what he had to. .no discussions! Radha says.. he has to answer… coz.. if things with Madhu were a game..then whatever he said.. the other nite near temple was a game? RK says.. they are un related..! Radha tells RK that no one will trust him.. n RK says..he forgot whatever happened 16 years ago.. n so considers Radha his mom!
Radha reminds RK about Madhus efforts.. to reunite them..! Radha asks RK if he never loved Madhu the girl who loved him with her all… not for a day.. a month .. not ever? The girl who taught him to love?? Never ever?? RK says NO ..n says.. looking in ur eyes.. n never LOVED her.. n wont EVER!
Radha asks him why he did this? RK says.. coz he has no fear.. n its the truth..! Radha says.. Madhu isnt broken alone. .but his life is destroyed to…! He isnt God .. n they will see who will God punish for RKs misdeeds..!
Next day morning.. RK in sleep says.. BIWI .. get tea..! Radha overhears.. RK wakes up n realises.. n corrects himself…! Paddo comes in her room n looks for Madhu .. !
RK screams on the servants n asks for tea..! They say getting..! RK says. his tea should be on the table n Radha says.. seems he din sleep.. ! RK hates the tea..! Radha reminds.. that the servants know how to make bitter tea for him . .only Madhu knew how to add sugar..!
Paddo comes near Madhu n Madhu gives her tea..! The duo hug..! Radha tells RK that.. slowly he will realise that.. the one he has destroyed.. has taken his life with her..! RK throws the cup and says..he doesnt miss her. n doesnt care.. n all will be back to original..!
Paddo puts the radio on n its bindiya chamkegi song n Madhu gets flashbacks..! Madhu puts the radio off n says.. SHE WANTS TO FORGET ALL n MOVE ON! Madhu comforts Paddo n says.. that she wants to being back to happy like before RK came in..!
Part 2
Madhu resolves to forget all … ! RK tells Radha that he is telling the truth..! Radha takes the glasses n starts to throw on the floor… RK asks what she is doing? Radha says..that.. loud voice..n shouting cannot change the truth..! She says.. that only time will decide…who is right.. she (about RK lying about Madhu) or RK
Part 3
RK asks Bittu where he was n talks of some interview.. but Bittu keeps mum! He asks Bittu the matter.. n he hands over his resignation..!
Precap — Dips.. is in the parlor where Madhu is working n Madhu does her padicure! Dips asks her to put blood red color nailpolish ..Madhu does so quietly..!
Part 1
Bittu is standing holding an envelop and RK asks him the matter! He takes the envelop and opens it and reads it..! Its Bittus resignation letter..! He hands over his cell too! RK asks what crap is this? He says..its his way to protest?? Bittu says.. what he did with Madhu…n RK says.. keep quiet! He says that ! Bittu says..he is betrayign the blood running in his veins! RK says..he had paid for it! Bittu says.. Madhu din all this for money.. she did all thsi for her feelings..! He bawls saying .. Madhu wanted to make his life happy ..n she loved him ..! Bittu says.. Madhu made this house.. home.. ! He only purchased a bungalow..! Bittu says.. Madhu put life in every human in this life.. n he has no value for her..! RK says.. ENOUF! He says.. scene is getting extended! He asks if Bittu will stop praising Madhu? Bittu says..he wont.. and RK better leave.. n be the support of Madhu..! Bittu says..cant work with someone like him ..! He says..he gave 10 years to RK n he only thinks of himself..! RK calls Sikky n tells that he will handle all RKs work from now n tells Sikky to throw out Bittu out of the house! Sikky pushes Bittu out and Radha asks the matter? Bittu says.. relations are breaking.. one RK broke.. another he is brekaing! RK says..he is throwing Bittu out.. n he does not need anyone! Bittu says..when Madhu was there.. he din need anyone but now he will need..a friend. .a support.. a punching bag..! Bittu says.. no one will be there to look at him .. n he will be left alone! RK fumes n slaps Bittu! Bittu says.. THANK U… Chief.. n says..he has only made him more confident! He tells Radha that.. RK loves.. Madhu a lot..! He pleads RK to call Madhu back..! RK asks Sikky why Bittu has not been thrown out n Sikky pulls Bittu out..! Bittu tells RK that he will be left alone without better call her back..!
Madhu is on her way to work n Paddo asks if she is sure? Madhu says.. yes..! Paddo asks Madhu to take some more time but right then Trish comes. .n tells her to get ready n that she will drop her at work n gives her prasad from Siddhi Vinayak! As Madhu steps forward she stumbles n hurts her feet.. n Paddo tries to reach but Trish stops n let Madhu do what she wants.. to fight..with life..! Paddo calls Trish n Trish joins her! Madhu is back at Lemon’s! Someone calls n asks for appointment for Madhu ..n the owner takes the booking.. ! The caller refuses to give her name! One of the laides sitting in the parlour is excited seeing Madhu as RKs wife.. another one says.. she is ex-wife..! Madhu says.. she is no longer Madhubala Kundra.. she is Madhubala Malik.! The parlour owner tells Madhu that someone has aksed for booking for her..already..! The parlour owner asks her to start work..! One of the other girls at the parlour expresses sympathy to Madhu but she tells her to let it be..! Right then Dips arrives.. and asks for pedicure appointment from Madhu..! Dips tells Madhu that HER FOOT… as in she needs pedicure..! Dips takes her seat n parlour owner asks Madhu to attend to her on priority..! Madhu hesitates.. but Dips insists..! Madhu relents.. n asks her to get started..!
At Kamal Studio .. the assistant tells RK is there..! All go to call the heroine..! The girl comes and she tells RK that she din expect that her debut movie will be with RK! The assistant asks RK to ignite the lamp but RK asks the heroine (Shradha) to do it..! She does..! All clap! RK is sitting and director explains the scene..! Its to be shot on a jhula (swing)! RK touches the swing and remembers the studio Karwa Chauth night..! The director asks the matter! RK says..wont shoot the scene on swing.. n goes to his vanity! The heroine is scared.!
Madhu is doing pedicure of Dips n Dips akss her to remove her nail polish n put the blood red color instead! Madhu stays quiet! Dips says.. that its so nice.. that Madhu is at her feet..!
Part 2
Dips says.. ‘Bhagwan ke ghar der hai andher nahi.. sabko sabki sahi jaga pahucha diya’! Dips clicks Madhus pciks n says.. memories! Madhu calls another girl n tells to get old magz so that.. her mouth is shut.. n time passes! Dips says.. no need n says.. her time will pass better yapping withi Madhu! Dips tells Madhu why so hostile? She says..she wasnt the one who threw Madhu out! Dips says..some flowers look pretty in a vase n another on roadside with beggars! Madhu is quiet! Dips tells MAdhu that..she hopes the nail cutter she is using is clean? Madhu is quiet n Dips tells Madhu that.. customers are Gods incranation .. so answer..! Madhu says yes mam! Dips says.. the word MAM .. feels nice to hear . .instead of bhabhi ..!
Part 3
Dips tells Madhu that the clothes look so nice on her.. where the designer heavy saree ..looked like Madhu was forced to wear them! Dips tells Madhu that a donkey wears the costume of a lion n he enjoys. .n the day the truth comes out.. the donkey is kicked to death… ! Poor Donkey..! Poor Madhu..! Madhu keeps mum! Dips tells Madhu that moral of the story is … One can create magic on people by being fake. .but the day reality comes out the same people ..kick out..! Coz its important to stay in limits or big price needs to be paid..! Madhu ends up hurting Dips nail n Madhu says… the toe nail was spreading so thought to chop it.. so it stays in limit!
Precap — Dips is running on the treadmill n hears Madhus interview..! Press ask Madhu since when she n RK separated n if their relation is over! Madhu says..relation never end.. just love ended..! RK overhears the whole thing. standing behind Dips..! Dips says.. VERY NICE!


Gist:Someone Traps Abhi In Simonika’s Murder
The Episode starts with Abhi following Simonika. Pragya is lighting the lamp and it is about to set off . Dadi asks her to be careful with the diya and says she is feeling bad. His fans ask for autograph, but he hurries up to catch Simonika. A man comes and injects needle on abhi’s neck. Abhi thinks who was that man. He asks Simonika to open the door. Simonika asks Abhi to let her go. abhi says my wife has suffered because of you. He feels drowsy. Pragya gets tensed as photo frame breaks. Abhi asks Simonika to come to police station with him. Simonika says no. He drags her. She pushes him on bed. Pragya calls Purab and gets worried.
Purab says he called him, but. Pragya worries for Abhi. Abhi wakes up, and thinks where is Simonika. He drinks and pours water on his face. Pragya calls him and asks where is he? Abhi says I am in hotel. Pragya asks what you are doing there? Abhi says when I was returning home, I saw Simonika on the way. Pragya says did she see you. Abhi says I followed her and came to hotel. He says I managed to enter the hotel room, and tried to drag her out of room, but don’t know what happened then. Pragya asks where is Simonika. Abhi says don’t know and tells that the glass piece was broken where she was standing. Pragya is shocked. Few persons gather there and asks him to open door. Pragya hears voices and asks him not to open the door.
He tells about the hotel name. Disha asks Purab why did he leave Abhi alone. Pragya comes to them and asks Purab to come with her, and says she will tell everything later. She asks Disha to take care of Dadi. Dadi comes and asks what happened? Disha says everything must be fine. Police arrests Abhi. Media asks Abhi who was that girl who was killed, if he was having affair with her. Pragya and Purab come there and gets shocked.
Abhi is taken in Police jeep. Pragya tells him that she will make everything good. She falls down on road.


Gist : Karan Arrested For Drug-dealing
Preeta tries to defend Karan but the inspector takes Karan. Preeta follows them outside and cries as Karan is innocent. The inspector wasn’t ready to listen. Preeta apologizes Karan crying that she had called him here. Karan calms her down and tells her to call Rishab. Preeta follows the police mobile.
Prithvi comes to Sherlin near the car and was happy. Sherlin was irritated but Prithvi was boastful about his work today. He tells Sherlin that Karan Luthra is arrested, his name, respect and everything is finished. He confesses to stuff the drug pack in his pocket. He tells Sherlin she missed all that joy, and was happy their plan was going on the right track.
Rishab was shocked to take Preeta’s call who was crying in an auto. She tries to explain to Rishab, and he senses Karan must
have caught Prithvi red-handed. Preeta now tells Rishab Karan was arrested, she doesn’t know how but they have found drugs from Karan. Rishab was now taken aback and drops his cell phone out of worry.
In the police station, Karan has an argument with the inspector. They put him in lock up.
Sherlin comes to Kareena’s room with a bundle of gifts for them all. Kareena was excited for all the calls and wishes. Sherlin says she must give them all some gifts as well on this occasion. She shows her a dress for Kritika as well. Sherlin says she went for shopping for herself as Rishab happens to be quite busy. She shows Kareena a bridal dress. Kareena goes to bring Rakhi. Sherlin asks for a glass of juice as well. As Kareena leaves the room, Sherlin informs Prithvi that no one knows about Karan’s arrest here. Prithvi says it will reach Luthra house soon. Sherlin says she already told Kareena that she had been shopping since morning. Prithvi goes to handle Arora house.
Sarla was cutting vegetables. Bee ji asks for her shirt, Sarla tells her where it had been. Shrishti returns home asking for Preeta. They say Preeta went behind her. Shrishti says she was a little busy, and Preeta left at once. Sarla was worried, but Bee ji assures Preeta is sensible. Shrishti calls Preeta but it goes un attended. Shrishti was worried for her.
The lady inspector tells Preeta to shut up, else she would be put to lock up as well as they are both drug dealers. Preeta was weepy and complains about the justice system. Karan tells her to stop talking much else she would also be put to lock up. She goes to speak to the inspector as well but they don’t listen. Preeta decides not to be angry and handle everything peacefully. She will speak to him politely, as she needs to save Karan at any cost. Prithvi was happy to see them, then goes out into the car laughing at Karan’s condition. He thinks Karan would now have no time to spy on him, then decides to still not take risk and be careful. He calls a news channel owner for a sensational news, that Karan Luthra has been arrested on charges of drug dealing and is in police station. Prithvi calls another news channel.
In the room, Shrishti looks around the cupboard for her keys and throws everything outside. She close the drawer of side table angrily, and the glass of their photo break. Shrishti felt strange and wish Preeta is fine. Preeta was following the inspector but he wasn’t still listening. As she gets Shrishti’s call, Shrishti complains Preeta that the glass of their photo-frame broke. She felt bad for Preeta, and asks if Preeta is fine. Preeta’s voice trembled. Shrishti senses that nothing is fine. Preeta says she is at the police station.
PRECAP: Rishab slaps Karan as if the news is leaked, it would ruin her career.


Ana Le and Inaki continue to play their game. She actually describes him to a “t” – a person, who pretends to be more than he is, to have more than he does, and though he wears brand-made suits, he doesn’t have ten cents to his name. Inaki says (and we hope so too) that there’s more to him than that. He hopes Ana Le will fall in love with him.
Maribel breaks the news to Orlando that Santi left and he is excited to restart his conquest attempts. Maribel is upset.
Daniel is an incredible brat indeed, who is rude to his mother. He continues to stay in character even when he comes back to yell at his mother some more and notices Ana Le sitting in their living room. He barks at his mother again and even Ana Le looks embarrassed. Ana Le came over to tell him that Marcelo is alive, knows what they’ve done and is looking for revenge. We find out from flashbacks that Marcelo knew they were having an affair.
The boutique worker STILL can’t find Sole’s phone number. Sole is waiting for a call back and Rem is encouraging her to go ask in person – this is the capital and competition is stiff! Sole still doesn’t go. Rem also tries to invite Sole to Aniblal’s show and change Sole’s opinion about the dance group, but no luck there. Sole doesn’t want Ana Le working there.
Santi/Marcelo in the meantime is staying with Ramiro and sleeping on his couch. He has some nightmares about Marcelo appearing and trying to take his life back. He wants to shove Marcelo back in and live as Santi. Marcelo, however, stares at him from the mirror in his dreams and urgently says: “You have to remember”.
Ok – big reveal of the episode! Sad lady Nerina from Rem’s hostel really is Valentin’s mother! She remembers him playing the oboe as a child and Valentin is having some flashbacks as well. It appears that after Nerina’s husband’s death (where she spent all their money for his medical bills), the kids have sold the house where she lived and Gina and Valentin came over to let her know she needed to move. She was outraged and there was no love lost between her and Gina. Valentin, however, took the cowardly position of saying that it was his sister who sold the house, but he supported her because he needed the money as well. He still loves his mother, but mother doesn’t want to know anything about him from that moment on she says. And accurately predicts that Gina will leave Valentin at some point as well.
Second big reveal of the episode: Inaki comes to see his father and runs in to Ana Lu! He is surprised beyond belief, they chat a bit and she opens up to him about Santiago. He lets her know Santiago is in town and will soon come see her. Turns out he didn’t just promise this – it was Santi who asked for the message to be relayed. Inaki is surprised Santi wasn’t open about who Ana Lu was. Inaki explains about misunderstanding where Inaki met Maribel and thought her to be Ana Lu. He thinks Santi has dug himself into a big hole and suggests Santiago solves the problem by taking Ana Lu far away and living their lives out together and never return.
Llora meets with Valentin and tells him about convo with Mariano, where Mariano was suggesting she goes to Europe to study. Llora thought that maybe Mariano had a problem with Valentin, but maybe not. Tin’s antenna goes up, though and he’ll be on the lookout.
Turns out the whole week has passed already since this episode started, as we find out from Ramiro and Santi/Marcelo bickering on whether or not Santi should tell him where Ana Lu is. Santi wants to wait a couple more days, supposedly he has some grand plan.


In some half-drunken edition of the Truth Game Carolina said something about Santiago always comparing her to Raquel, which Damián knew was a lie. It was difficult to determine whether it was that or teasing, as Santiago did not think this amusing. Raquel decided that Santiago had to have been teasing her because she was young, beautiful, an excellent cook, etc. Carolina then went on about Damián, saying that he was a good man, loyal, etc., while Santiag tried to divert this conversation to less personal information and commentary. Raquel poured another drink, saying that this should not cause problems between “intimate friends”.
None of the adults realized that Mia was in the next room, eavesdropping near the open door space. Federico caught her and expressed his concern that she always thought badly of people. With some irritation she could not entirely conceal she told him she was intelligent enough to see the evil in people. “Can you really not see that in Carolina?” she asked him. He told her that he saw nothing of the kind. “Carolina is a good woman and a good mother, she loves us, and is a good wife. Enough already.” “ Federico, I have to see if this is real, my imagination, or if I'm going nuts,” she told him. Federico gave up and went upstairs to his room. Raquel asked Damián whether he would want to change anything about her. “ No, not a thing,” he said. When he kissed her Carolina did not like this. She looked as though she had been rejected. Santiago kissed her shoulder. He did not notice. Raquel looked at them with approval, then Carolina said, “About men, and Damián. Who knows whether a man is faithful or not?” She stared at Raquel, who went on about their friendship and how Carolina would never say anything to intentionally offend them. Damián looked away and remained quiet. Finally Raquel had them all stand for a group hug, during which Carolina looked at Damián, who was distinctly uncomfortable with all this. The following morning they left the vacation house. Carolina and Damián were picking up the rear and she turned around to tell him off about initiating the Truth Game. “One thing is obvious,” she said to him. “You will never leave Raquel for anybody.” Santiago came back inside to get her and Raquel called out to Damián.
Raquel and Santiago kissed in the front seat of his truck. She felt guilty about it but could not help herself. He went over to the driver's side and got in. He sat down, reached for the clutch, and his hand fell on the barrel of the pistol in Raquel's handbag, the pistol she had taken from Andres' office. He started to panic. “ Calm down,” she said, tears running down her cheeks. “I realize I did a stupid thing. It was a temporary madness. Please trust me.” He then looked at the photo of the nude and pregnant Carolina. “ Where did you find this?” he asked. “ It was hidden in Damián's office. You know what this means, don't you?”
At the same moment Laura played back the 911 call recording over the air for the whole of Mexico to hear. At the end of the recording Laura addressed her audience. “With this recording we have confirmed that Damián Becker was conscious at the moment when Carolina Rivas was shot. Therefore he knows the identity of his mistress' killer. [???] Did the killer know about the secret relationship of these lovers? Or was this simply a crime of passion? Vicente Rivas, brother of the deceased, has just brought formal charges against Raquel Cohen and Santiago Alvarado. Victims of deception or victimizers of the couple? We will continue to investigate.” She looked into the camera with a smug expression.
Santiago and Raquel tried to decide what to do. He begged her not to show the photo to anyone. He did not want anyone to take Benjamin away from him. He asked where she had found the pistol. “ In Andres' office.” “ Why would have have a pistol?” “ For protection. Damián didn't want him to have it, but he knew that he had hidden one. I had to look for it.” “ I'm going to take you home and take care of you.” They kissed briefly before he started the motor. It didn't occur to either of them that they might have been watched at that moment. Raquel was still upset when she returned home. Her children and her sister were waiting for her in the living room. “ Mother, were you at the hospital?” “ Yes,” she choked out. “ How is father?” “ The same. Excuse me, I need to be alone.” She went upstairs despite Cinthia's attempt to stop her. “ What happened between Santiago and my mother?” Mia asked. “ Between your mother and Santiago?” Cinthia asked, confused. “ Nothing happened,” said Federico. “They're only friends.” “ Only friends? Like Father and Carolina?”
“ You are unbearable, Mia,” he said. “Always talking nonsense.” He left the room, unable to take anymore. Mia looked at Cinthia. “ Tell me the truth. What do you know?”
Carolina had taken Lola to the doctor's office for contraception and disease prevention counseling. The doctor was happy to see that Carolina and Lola were communicating about this, with a comment that he should hear more of this in his office. He then said he wanted to talk to Carolina privately and Lola left them alone without question. The doctor informed Carolina that she was pregnant. She was shocked, or pretended to be. He told her that it was only a few weeks, but congratulated her and Santiago.
Santiago and Raquel were conversing as he finished up in the kitchen when Mia returned home from school with her classmate, Julieta. Raquel greeted her enthusiastically, happy to see that Mia had friends. Mia then said they would go upstairs to her room because she didn't like seeing Santiago in their kitchen with her. Santiago was a little disturbed by that but Raquel asked how things had been with him and Carolina. He said there were problems and Raquel told him that where there were problems or fights there was the chance for reconciliation, implying that make-up sex would be a Great Thing. In fact, she encouraged him to fight with Carolina specifically with the reconciliation sex as a goal.
Carolina ran into Nacho and Augustin at Legato when she went to see Damián. She told them that she was there to see Damián about her catering business. She did not realize that Andres was in his office, watching her through the glass walls as she spoke with the secretary. Andres was studying the video of Carolina and Damián christening a couch that would be in the catering facility. After this Carolina went back into the office space only to be accosted by Andres while she waited for Damián. “ Carolina! Who is the favorite in this place?” he asked. She rose, knowing what to expect from him, saying she had to go. He almost slammed the door shut as she was almost close enough to exit. “ You have to stay,” he said. “Were you here to f--- Damián?” Another insulting remark ;ater she slapped him. “ Are you challenging me?” He asked. “In that case I'll tell your husband what you've been up to with my cousin. This is really beautiful,” he said, as he opened his laptop on Damián's desk. He smirked as her desolate expression got worse. “What can you say to that, slut?”
Julieta and Mia talked about Joaquin and other boys at school. Julieta told Mia that Joaquin was seriously in love with her and “He's dying for you.” Mia was not ready to believe this. She was more interested in revenge and asked Julieta whether she would be willing to help.
Gabriela went to Raquel's place to see Santiago, introduced herself as Raquel's friend, and asked if he would do a similar remodeling job for her. She gave him her business card and said to call her at his convenience. He left the two women alone and Gabriela tried to mend fences with Raquel after the indecent proposal she had made at their last meeting. Raquel was not sure where to go from there. Gabriela told her that they could drop the whole thing if it made her uncomfortable but did an about face by saying that she and her husband wanted to be completely honest with her and Damián in the name of their friendship. She went on to say that they were honest with themselves that to have desires for others was perfectly natural. Others were repressed and others deceive, but they want it all out in the open. “ I don't get what you're trying to say,” Raquel said. “Are you saying that you want to get it on with my husband?” “ No. Correction: I want both. You and him.” She continued, ignoring Raquel's shocked facial expression. “Because between us desires are shared, understand? It's nothing individual.” “ Thanks, but no. I don't understand you, Gabriela. Why do you want to get it on with someone else's husband?” “ Because that's the secret of this lifestyle,”Gabriela said, as though she were offering chocolate truffles. “It's the perfect antidote to jealousy. Besides, this lifestyle opens up another world. Another world of sensation, pleasure, another connexion with your partner and to others. It's most honest thing there is.” She paused only for a moment. “Deception, on the other hand, is something else. Deception is sad. This isn't.”
“ I'm sorry, but I can't take any more,” Raquel told Cinthia. She went on briefly abot how tired she was of the lies and feeling like a fool. She didn't want to talk about her feelings for Santiago. Cinthia tried to tell her that she shouldn't feel ashamed of this after Damián's deception. Raquel told her that she wasn't sure whether the feelings were real or a desire for revenge. “ Why don't you just get it on with him?” Cinthia asked.
“ How should I do that?” Raquel asked, in tears. “How can I do that when I dodn't know myself why I'm doin it? If it's real or revenge? That isn't good. It's not good if done out of hate. It's not good if I can't look him in the eyes.” “ Well, what are you waiting for?” Cinthia said. “For Damián to wake up and tell you to your face that he deceived you? That he doesn't love you and that he boinked Carolina?” “ What are you saying?” “ Why are you showing so much mercy after what he did to you?” “ Because the man is in a coma and he is my husband even though he made a mistake.” “ A mistake? What if he made another?”
“ What? Where are you going with this?” “ Damián cheated right under your nose. Right in your own house.” “ Don't talk about things you don't know anything about.” “ Raquel, it's a lot more than you can believe.” “ How?” “ You want to believe he's great and perfect. You thought that marrying Damián was the greateest trophy you ever scored and now you see what it is. A stubborn man who has deceived you.” “ Why are you talking to me like this with such resentment?” “ Because of what you did to me, Raquel! You left me alone. You locked me up in a hospital and only to maintain appearances. You denied to the whole world that I had an addiction. But your husband did much worse things and you never knew!” “ What worse things?” Raquel was crying harder. “What worse things? What did he do? What happened?” “ Carolina was not the first woman he deceived you with. Before her, there was me.” Raquel stared for a moment, unblinking. “ Did you get that? Damián was in my bed first.” After a pause, Raquel hauled Cinthia to her feet and looked her in the eye. “ Tell me,” she said. “Tell me that you're telling me this to vex me. That what you're telling me isn't true.”
“ Raquel, it's true. It's the truth.” Raquel slapped her hard. “ You are a disgrace!” she shouted. “You are garbage just like Damián!” She turned away for a second to wipe her tears, then looked back at her sister. “When did he do this?” Cinthia hesitated and Raquel shouted. “When did this happen?” “ That's not important! I was drugged! I was crazy!” “ Do you think that justifies it, idiot? I am your sister!” “ I was on drugs! You don't know what it was like for me!” Raquel left the room, leaving Cinthia to contemplate this disclosure.
Nicolás answered his cell; it was Mia, whom he had promised to call and hadn't. He explained that he had been taking care of his little brother because Lola was out with Juan. He told her his interview had gone well and he got the job. They talked about the news story. Nico was now convinced that there was something between their parents. She told him she missed him. He said he started the next day at his job. Santiago arrived home so Nico ended the call. He and his father talked about cleaning the house and Santiago explained that he and Raquel had been at the cabana and that Vicente is bringing charges against them. Nico asked why, but Santiago clearly didn't want to talk about it. Nico wanted to talk to him but Santiago asked “Why, to judge me?” which resulted in Nico not telling him that he had landed a job.
Antonio was studying the corkboard in his office when Andres entered, telling him he wanted to press charges against Raquel for stealing his firearm. He had seen the news report regarding the 911 call and announcing that Vicente was filing charges against Raquel and Santiago. Antonio didn't say so but was not particularly eager to comply. Finally he asked Andres whether he knew about Damián's dalliance with Carolina, implying that their relationship was the foundation for disclosure. “ What does that have to do with it?” Andres asked. “ Your paranoia. It's one thing to think she took the weapon but to speculate on the motive?”
“ So what do you think?” “ Did you or did you not know that Damián and Carolina were lovers?” Andres did not answer.
Nicolás reported for work in clothing that was much too casual for the office. His new boss asked whether he had a suit and he admitted that he had borrowed the one he wore to the interview. She then told him they had to go out to buy him one immediately, then rose to get her purse. He told her he was going to buy one out of his first paycheck, but she ignored this, saying “If you're smart, you'll be making a lot of money” before telling him to shut the door on their way out.
Had Nicolás had more experience he would have notice that she was no more appropriately dressed than he was. Her blouse was the same color as her jacket, but it looked more like a lacy undergarment from Victoria's Secret.
Raquel went to the hospital and into Damián's room. She stared at his face and spoke in the most controlled voice she was capable of. “ How many other women did you deceive me with? You boinked my friend. You deceived me, Damián. And you didn't have the least regret deceiving me with my sister. You hated me. You hated me.” She got up to her feet and moved her face closer to his and whispered. “Traitor.”
She then left the room.
Miriam and her shark sat opposite Andres in his office. He ended a phone call and told them that Raquel had been in the hospital but had left. Miriam was indignant, demanding to know what they could do since Raquel now had a firearm. She was aware of Vicente's accusation and asked “What more proof do we need?” Rueda told her that justice could not be rushed. Miriam said she was sure that Santiago killed Carolina and that Raquel was his accomplice. She asked him whether a restraining order could be issued and he advised her that it would be difficult because Raquel was Damián's wife. However, if he presented the puzzle pieces such as the arguments, the pistol, and Damián's infidelity it might be possible. Miriam told him to help Vicente bring the charges. He said he would get him a good lawyer, then took his leave.
Santiago went to see Antonio, who had no inclination to arrest him or Raquel. However, he told him that if a judge ordered it he would have to. He told him about Andres' visit and asked him to tell him everything he knew about Raquel.
Laura met with Lola, who was not inclined to trust her after the broadcast. She suspected that Laura – rather than helping her with Juan – was fishing for information about Santiago and Raquel. She was proven right when Laura brought up her involvement with older men and asked whether she had ever boinked Damián.
Nicolás was trying on a new suit and it was a perfect fit. His boss told the salesman to bring some shirts as well and he complied. Nicolás was not seeing through this situation; he had obviously never seen Tony Richardson's 1963 classic film or he would have realized that he was playing Tom Jones to his boss' Lady Bellaston. During this time Mia tried texting him and he put off answering. She became increasingly impatient and sent him several texts, finally ending with “Thanks for ignoring me.”
Santiago told Antonio he had Andres' pistol, which he had taken from Raquel. Antonioi told him to bring it in right away and asked him why Raquel took it. He explained everything about this to Antonio, who tried to warn him that a judge could order a DNA test on Benjamin. Santiago refused to allow it, declaring loud enough to be heard in the outer office that Benjamin is his son and that they should be looking for his wife's killer.
At Andres' orders Azucena brought Carolina some water and Andres pretended to be concerned, saying that the company doctor should look at her. He sent Azucena to check up on Damina. Carolina was not about to allow that. She tried to leave, but Andres stepped into her way. “ Oh, no. I'm not going to allow you to deceive your husband, my friend, and my partner. You aren't going anywhere; you're staying here. We're going to see what we have to do. You will do something for me or I will reveal those videos. And if you say anything to Damián I will see that your husband sees those videos.”
Mia and Julieta met and Julieta told her that all had been arranged. Nico and Federico caught up to Mia just as she asked Julieta if she had the pills. The two girls walked off to initiate their plan. Mia brushed the boys off, much to Nico's irritation.
Santiago called on Gabriela who told him she wanted the same job done on her kitchen that he had done on Raquel's. She wanted to make exactly the same “deal” with him that Raquel had. He asked what she meant. She sat next to him and started caressing his thigh. HE stood up, saying they should take a look at her kitchen. He must have been desperate for the money this would pay.
Federico and Nico went back to the Alvarado house where Lola was in bed with Juan. Nico called out for her, then went up to her room. She was in her underwear when he opened the door to her room without knocking. Juan was at the end of the room on the side where the door was hung and therefore not visible to Nico, whom Lola told she was alone.
Mia emptied powder from the capsules into a drinking glass. Jovita came to her door to tell her that Joaquin was downstairs to see her. She rushed out while Julieta hid the brown pill bottle and picked up the lemonade pitcher. “ Why did you come to see me?” she asked. “ To apologize,” he said. “I regret everything that happened.” “ You regret everything that happened?” she asked. “After you shamed me in front of the whole school?” “ Mia, look, I was wrong. Now I realize I like you. A lot. Mia, forgive me. I promise everything will be different. I swear.” “ Very well,” she said, smiling. “Let's go to my room.” She turned around to lead the way.
“ Who's home?” he asked. “ Nobody.”
Andres put a business card in Carolina's purse. “We will meet at this hotel in an hour. If you don't show up I will call your husband.” “ A hotel?” she asked. He then noticed that Damián was just outside the office. “ In one hour,” he said. He picked up his laptop and opened the door to Damián. “ What are you doing in my office?” Damián asked. “Leave us alone.” Andres left without another word. Damián closed the door.
“ What are you doing here?” he asked. “ Damián, you have to help me,” she said, shaking. He took her shoulders in his hands and both turned to the glass wall. Raquel was just outside.


Tonight we get to relive one of telenoveladom’s sweetest scenes ever, culminating in the long-awaited hug between mother and daughter. OMG, this scene made me cry! Twice.
Adri is lunching with Sele for her fact-finding mission. Sele says heck all Adri had to do was ask, she is only too happy to spill the soup...Berta and Ughi are more than accomplices, they are lovers! They are birds of a feather, made for each other, two peas in a pod, whatever (son tal para cual). In fact there hasn’t been a man close to Renata whom Roberta has not taken to bed, the exception being Jeronimo (to Adri’s obvious relief). Sele says she already told this to Jeronimo which surprises Adri. Sele agrees to tell all of this to Renata to prove what an extreme cock...roach Augustin is.
Renata is still stunned as Regina explains how they proved her real identity. Nata loses it, gasping and crying while Gonzo soothes her. When she finally processes the truth we get to see our favorite heroine as happy as she deserves to be. “You are Mi Mama!” she cries, giving Regina one of her world-class hugs. They have a brief mutual love fest but it’s all good, they deserve it. Wow, what a scene, I can’t even describe it but let’s just say I totally believe these actors.
Renata is thrilled and jumps around happily smiling at her REAL mother and the only father she’s ever known. Gonzo thanks God that he has both these wonderful women in his life. Enjoy it now man, because anvils and evil are overhead and around every corner.
Speaking of evil, Malafina’s about to mack down a sandwich in Germy’s hideaway when who should arrive but the eponymous lothario himself. He’s all Who the heck are you and why are you here? Fina throws out “Uh, I’m Berta’s friend just staying at her apartment while she’s out of town.” Germy’s got news, it’s HIS apartment, not Berta’s. Germy says she’s cool for the moment but first thing manana she’s outta there. Fina forgets her glass of wine and goes for the hardstuff while spitting curses at Berta’s estupidez. Right, I always thinks whisky pairs well with a ham and queso sandwich.
Germy leaves but wonders where he’s seen Fina’s familiar face before. He calls Berta and rips her a new one. She’s snips “hey we were supposed to be boinking the weekend away elsewhere.” He announces they are over and she asks “Are you breaking up with me?” (No s**t Sherlock, what did the man just say?) He confirms it and guess what she calls him? “Viejo Estupido!” she hisses, rubbing her achy breaky heart.
Tony brings the handsome investigator over to La Bonita so Carlos can give him the 411 about everything they found on Augustin’s laptop. He says both Augustin and Saul are implicated in Jero’s disappearance and he’ll show them the proof.
Laz is over at Alfonsina’s instructing her to keep her boobies outta Melesio’s face. “He’s not a nice person,” understates Laz. He says he’s got a plan to out Mele and show that Augustin is behind all these pigster events (to use Marta’s perfect description).
The investigator reviews the documents and is surprised they have managed to get us much proof as they have. He’ll hold on to the copies and take care of next steps. At least I think that’s what went on in this scene. Frankly I barely understood a word he said. I wish these young actors would learn to enunciate like the old pros.
Berta, at Casa Monterrubio, calls Fina to tell her she’ll pick her up tomorrow at stupid Germy’s apartment. She’s at the top of the stairs and hears Nata come in talking to Carlos on the phone. They found Saul in Las Vegas who admitted that Augustin is behind Jero’s disappearance. She says that tomorrow they’ll file the complaint against both Augustin and Saul in Baja and she’ll see him then. And be sure to thank Anibal. Roberta scampers away from her hiding place, no doubt to call Ughi, so she doesn’t hear Nata call Regina mama, heh heh. Gonzo reminds them not to tell Berta about their news so they can catch Berta in her lies. Ha, Nata teases him in her whispery chipmunk voice, agreeing to restrain herself.
We get another “I’m so glad you found me Mami” and “I love you SO MUCH daughter” and big ol’ hug. Those two are going to have to cut that crap out if they want to fool Berta. Aw heck, one more time can’t hurt.
Speaking of Miss SmileOfJaws (sorry Doctor Carlos) she’s on the phone ratting to the rat (not the cute kind) what she just heard. He goes jut-jaw and non-guapo, swearing that before they find him he and Renata will be far far away and nobody, but nobody, will ever find them. Yikes.
Sabina can’t find the phone number for La Bonita so she tells the young guy, I’ll call him Joven, that he’ll have to go to the hacienda personally right now to get Mati and Laz to identify Jero. Thank goodness she feels a sense of urgency. I could hug her.
Manuela is making tostadas for Ali and Ani and wants to know how her appointment went. Ani is chopping onions instead of squash; what happened to all the squash? Ali says she’ll be going to therapy twice a week and Anibal will take her. She’s admitted she has Anorexia which is a big step, but she doesn’t want to tell her parents yet. Apparently they work all day and they’re never home. I think this lack of parental presence is supposed to help explain her illness. She wants to stay at La B forever. Abue finally agrees.
Oh hey, it’s Luciana the only bank manager in MC. Gonzo and Isidro are coordinating with her and the police to set up the sting on Berta and Fina.
Regina calls Ines to tell her how happy she is to finally have her daughter and grandchild next to her. Her soul is finally at peace but they still have to find Jero. She wants to give Nata all the happiness she deserves. Many words of hope and determination, blah blah blah.
Nata shares her news with Adri who is glad Nata has a true and loving mom after that nightmare of an evil stepmother...horrors! Sele arrives and surprise, she is there to see Renata not Roberta. Oh my, just then Roberta clacks down the stairs and thinks Sele is there to invite Berta to her wedding, LOL! “Actually, I’m here to tell Renata exactly what type of bitch you are,” smiles Sele. Berta commands her to shut up, like that would actually work. Sele tells Nata that after she was engaged to Ughie Berta lured him into her bed. “Shut up, stupid!” yells Berta. Hee, check out all their faces. That was good! Rewindx2.
Laz has told Carlos his plan but we didn’t get to hear it, darn. It involves Alfonsina and it’s risky. Come on, that’s all we get? In the midst of their man hug in walks Joven to tell them Sabina found a dying guy in a ravine and wonders if it’s the same guy they are seeking. He called for both Laz and Mati in his incoherent mutterings.
Berta admits that yes, she and Ughie were lovers and Sele pipes up that Berta tried the nasty with all Nata’s boyfriends and guys who liked her. Sele says she’s glad of the opportunity to tell the truth and unmask the Berta bitch. They tell her Jero also knew about this and Adri gets a little dig in that Jero tried to tell Renata what a creep Ughie is but Nata didn’t believe him. Berta tries to hit Sele but luckily Sele stops her hand, so Berta runs out and calls her guess what? Yep, Estupida!
Carlos shows Joven a foto of Jero and Joven says it could be but the guy’s face is pretty messed up. Sabina saw some guys beat him up and kick him into the ravine. Mati is going nuts right now and Carlos is right behind her. They decide they’d better check out the mystery guy first before calling Renata.
Marina calls Tio Padre to update him about Saul and Evil Ughie. He says he suspected as much based on someone’s confession. Mari has no idea what Ughie did with Jero but they’ve just got to find him.
Nata is driving herself crazy wondering what Ughie did with her husband when Regina comes in the room. Regi is shocked to hear that Berta was boinking Ughie.
Over at EM Germy apologizes to Hons and Matias and says he’ll clear out his office. One thing before he goes though, when he was over at the apartment he met a friend of Berta’s who looked familiar. He just remembered who she is, Fina the ex-mujer of Gonzo. Hons can’t believe it, the police thoroughly searched the apartment. “Even the servant’s room?” asks Germy. Hons asks is Germy completely sure? Yep, and now that he thinks of it he heard Berta on the phone talking to someone she called Mama but he knows it wasn’t Regina. The guys get ready to call the cops but Germy tells them not to bother, she left the apartment this morning. Darn!!! I must admit I’m surprised at Germy for manning up and sharing what he knows with the guys just fired his butt. Are you thinking of that reference letter Germy?
Berta and Fina are set up in a hotel that’s not quite up to Fina’s standards. Beggars can’t be choosers, they didn’t require a credit card deposit or ID. “It’s horrible!” gripes Fina. But enough about Fina, Berta wants to talk about herself, what’s horrible is what Sele did to her, blabbing to Nata that Berta was Ughie’s lover. Berta smugly smiles that at least Renata knows that while Ughie professed love for her he was actually in Berta’s arms. Fina points out Berta has only succeeded in alienating herself further. Nice job Estupida.
At Casa Monterrubio Gonzo, Regina, Nata and Adri talk about Roberta being a bad seed and making her own rotten choices. Gonzo tells them about the upcoming bank sting and he wants Nata to come with them and claim her inheritance. Nata kind of freaks out. She wants to spend 100% of her time and attention on finding Jero and she doesnt’ care about the money, it’s not important. Regina agrees, if it weren’t for the inheritance none of this would have happened. Gonzo calmly says it was her father Roberto’s desire. Renata relents and agrees to go with them that afternoon.
Down in Ensenada the investigator brings the proof against Saul and Ughie to the police station. The guy in charge says he will put an arrest warrant out on Augustin Dunant. Investigator gives him the name of the hotel where Ughie is staying in the DF.
The La B delegation arrives at Sabina’s. They are shocked at Jero’s hamburger face but thank God that Sabina saved him. She tells them some brutes tried to murder him and we get to see the kick-and-dump-the-body scene again. Ouch!
Carlos whispers to Jero, promising they’ll get to the bottom of this. Sabina says he’s still in bad shape because he doesn’t respond, however he occassionally calls for Renata in his delirium. Sabina says only a love as strong as what Jero feels for Renata can save his life. Super Laz has the great idea that maybe if Jero hears Renata’s voice he’ll respond. Ooooh oooh hoo..the theme song agrees that this is a brilliant plan.
A couple of plainclothes cops go to Ughi’s hotel in the DF only to find he’s flown the coop.
Carlos calls Renata and she thanks God and the woman who saved Jero as Carlos fills her in on Jero’s condition. He’s hoping if Jero hears her voice he’ll respond. Renata coos into the phone that she loves him and his child needs him very very much. She urges him to live and never give up. They are going to be parents, she’s expecting a child of their love. He has to fight for his life for her, for his child and all their future children. She reminds him how much they have overcome to be together. She sobs and begs him to wake up. Jero groans and says her name and asks where she is. His eyes are closed but he continues to tell her he loves her and only wants to be next to her. Hooray!!!


Prudencia feels bad about not being able to help her daughter who is not happy in her marriage. Debbie decides to do a treatment to help her with her addiction. Alex manipulates Vivi and creates an alliance with Robin. Vivi and Tiffany are nervous because they have no news of Lisandro so they decide to go together to the hospital with the excuse of how Ana Lorena is going. Marijose asks for information about his birth to Ramona who can not say anything because she promised it to Narcisso. After a first failure Lisandro must manipulate Olegario to stay in the hospital and find the opportunity to eliminate him.


Robert Hamilton humiliates Laxmibai about the poor preparedness of Jhansi's army. Laxmibai counters saying, the Company will have to make a hasty retreat if the citizens of Jhansi assemble on the battle field.
Their verbal duel is interrupted when Shyam Chaudhary announces his support to the Queen. East India Company officials are in a piquant situation: not only had Laxmibai rejected their demand but also had declared war against the Company. Lord Dalhousie's grand plans to annex the kingdom, is on the verge of coming apart.
At Barrackpore, when an untouchable drinks water from a Brahmin's vessel, Mangal Pandey slaps the man. The untouchable questions Mangal Pandey duplicity for feeling slighted when he and others maintained silence about the new cartridges issued by the British which had animal fat.
To verify the allegation, Mangal Pandey visits an ammunition factory and is shocked to learn that the untouchable's allegations were in fact true.
On March 29, 1857 at Barrackpore, Mangal Pandey and fellow troopers protest against the use of animal fat in cartridges. He also shoots the officer-in-charge sparking the first war of Indian Independence.
Laxmibai learns about Mangal Pandey's revolt. Laxmibai believes if her army joined hands with Mangal Pandey, the East India Company will no longer be able to rule in India.
When the news of revolt by Indian sepoys reaches Fort Williams, the Company officials are alarmed and fear the worst. Desperate to save the Company and its domains, the Governor General decides to exploit the feud between the kingdoms of Orcha and Jhansi.
Well aware that a confrontation with the Company was inevitable, Laxmibai starts preparations for battle. Understanding well the importance of artillery in battle with the British, she decides to build cannons. However, all attempts to build cannons fail and Laxmibai is forced to search for an expert gunner.
Laxmibai learns about Ghaus Khan who could strike terror on the enemy on battlefield.
Ghaus Khan, meanwhile, practices at the border of Orcha and Jhansi. British try to exploit the feud between the two kingdoms and Ghaus Khan is captured by the soldiers of Orcha.
Ghaus Khan is presented before the Orcha queen. At the same time, Tatya Tope and other aristocrats come searching for Ghaus Khan.
When Ghaus Khan and his aide are produced before the Orcha queen, they both refuse to work with anyone who side with the British. While the aide is immediately put to death, the queen is about to put Ghaus to death when she is stopped by the arrival of royal messenger from Jhansi.
The messenger informs about Laxmibai's desire to meet her personally. The Orcha queen reads the message and in a fit of fury tears it. The Orcha queen commands the messenger to inform that she will meet Laxmibai only on the battlefield.
Laxmibai refuses to duel with the Queen of Orcha as it was also part of India.
Tatya Tope and other courtiers are offended by the Queen of Orcha's reply to Laxmibai's message. They decide to teach the queen of Orcha a lesson and decide to march against Orcha.
Laxmibai stops Tatya Tope and other courtiers. She advises that it was not the right time to battle with other kingdoms.
Laxmibai decides to win over the Queen of Orcha by competing with her in the tournament organized by the Kingdom of Datia.
The king of Datia invites the Queen of Orcha to participate in the annual sports tournament. The Queen of Orjha is surprised on receiving the invite and comments that she had always kept away from the tournament due to the participation of Jhansi.
The messenger informs her that the King of Datia had invited her personally as he wanted Laxmibai to be defeated. The Queen of Orcha gets annoyed and decides to compete with Laxmibai.
Robert Hamilton informs Nelson about the tournament and the competition between the two queens. He adds that they must plan to aggravate the enmity further.
The queen of Orcha punishes Ghaus Khan for remaining loyal to Laxmibai.
Tatya Tope wishes Laxmibai and hands over the flag of Jhansi to her. On the other hand, queen of Orcha also prepares to defeat Laxmibai.

Thursday, June 28, 2018


The girl’s father is a teacher in a government school. Amma ji thinks Madhvi did not think of their status in haste. The girl’s father has no worries towards Pulkit. He is your (Niru) son so he will be good only. Niru takes Madhvi aside. You did not tell them anything. Should I tell them even I don’t know if he is capable enough for anything or not! Madhvi replies that let Pulkit meet the girl first. Meanwhile, Sagar and Janvi go to bring Pulkit.
Pulkit tells Sagar he is upset with him. You could tell me atleast. Ganga points out that it was his plan. Sagar and Janvi request him to meet the girl once. Madhvi calls out for Pulkit so Sagar takes him outside with him.
Madhvi introduces Pulkit to Supriya and her family. Ganga tells Sagar that Bhaiya looks angry. You will see my worst
if anyone hurts him. Sagar takes it lightly. She fears Pulkit saying no. Babu and Bhaiya can fight again. He says I did not think of that. I did it for BHaiya’s sake. I hope everything goes nicely. Amma ji is a little unhappy about the status of the family. Madhvi hopes Pulkit does no drama. Everything should go fine. Ganga fears Pulkit’s reaction. He will definitely say no!
Janvi suggests Sagar to let the would be bride and groom talk alone. Ganga reminds her they are in India. Sagar supports Janvi. Pulkit excuses himself to wash hands. Sagar asks Janvi to take Supriya aside too so she too can wash her hands. Madhvi readily allows Janvi. Ganga is irked. She does not have a mind of her own!
Supriya tells Pulkit she wants to talk to him. On the other hand, Amma ji tells Madhvi about her point of view. Madhvi says the girl is good. What should we do with the family background! Amma ji is actually waiting for Pulkit’s reaction. I don’t know what you have in mind.
Everyone waits for Pulkit’s answer. Amma ji hopes Pulkit says no. I will bring a nice girl from a good family for him later on. Niru hopes Pulkit does not embarrass anyone. Everyone has their share of worries. Pulkit says yes for the alliance. Everyone is happy except Amma ji. Ganga wonders how Pulkit Bhaiya agreed for the alliance. Did anyone push him for it? Supriya looks relieved. Everyone eats sweets. Janvi tells Ganga she knows Sagar better than her. He always does what he says! You knew the younger Sagar. I know the grown up Sagar! Ganga replies that she isn’t worried about Sagar but Bhaiya here.
Ganga questions Pulkit on his decision. He shares that he overheard Supriya’s convo with her step mother. She talks badly to Supriya and worries about the dowry which Chaturvedi family might demand from them. Supriya later suggests Pulkit to back out from the alliance if they expect dowry from them. My father will break down if the marriage breaks down later because of dowry. He asks her if any such instance has happened with her in the past. She nods. Flashback ends. How could I say no after hearing all that? Her step mother would taunt her all day and night. Ganga says husband and wife are bound by love. Will you be able to love her? He does not know it yet. I only want to give her a family where she isn’t taunted, where she does not have to worry about her father’s plight. I couldn’t say no to her after seeing that. How can someone live such a life? She reasons that he is cheating her. How would she feel after finding out you love someone else? Will you be able to accept her ever? He understands he could not get his love, but it is right if this can help that girl and her family gain respect.
Amma ji calls out for Ganga as she needs her medicines. Supriya’s step mother observes them. She asks Amma ji about Ganga. Amma ji tells her about Ganga’s background. Supriya’s step mother says she has mixed so well with the boys of the house. I don’t find it right.
Amma ji greets pundit ji as she begins to leave with Ganga. She mutters to Ganga that she always counters her. Ganga notices Sagar and Janvi together. He introduces Ijaz to Janvi and Sahil. Amma ji calls Ganga. Ijaz asks Sagar about Janvi. Is she your girlfriend? Sagar nods. Don’t tell anyone though! Ijaz teases him. Ganga looks at Sagar. I thought I will talk to you about this alliance but you don’t care at all! You look so happy. Janvi signals Sahil towards Ganga. Sahil offers to keep the luggage that Ganga is holding. She absentmindedly gives it to him. Ganga thinks you (Sagar) have really changed. Is it really easy for you to forget love or did I really make a mistake in recognizing you?
Supriya and her family greets Niry and Madhvi as they are about to leave.
Niru asks Ganga to sit in the bus. We are getting late. He notices Ganga looking at Sagar and his friends. Madhvi tells him that they will come with Ijaz in the jeep. Ganga too decides to come with them. Madhvi looks uncomfortable. Amma ji too is tensed to know about it. Sagar gets to know that Sahil and Ganga will take the bus.
Ganga decides to confront Sagar. You will have to answer my questions today. What is love! How much pain one has to go through while in love! people can forget themselves but not love! Sagar drives away thinking Ganga will be in the bus. She runs after the jeep but cannot be heard as he plays loud music. The bus is long gone by then.
Ganga feels sad. Sagar dint hear me. He left with Janvi. The bus left too. He dint even ask me once who will I go with. He dint even look back. She recalls pundit ji’s words. Wild animals roam here at night. She is about to call Sagar but then decides against it. My existence does not matter to you. Let it be! I will only go home now when you will come to take me. She switches off her phone.
Sagar, Janvi and Ijaz reach home. Amma ji asks about Ganga. Sagar says I thought she was coming with you. Madhvi denies. She was going to come with you all in jeep. Janvi says I thought she will get to spend time with Bhai. Amma ji realises that Ganga is still in Ashram. Sagar worries for Ganga.
Ganga is waiting for Sagar. You left me alone here. The area is complete isolated and quiet at night. She
hears some sounds and gets scared. It is the sound of some wild animals. She shouts back at them. Come and eat me! Sagar does not care about me. He has no idea where I am. It is so late. Or it might be he lost his way. He has stayed out of India for too long. I should go and check.
Sagar and Sahil leave for the Ashram in jeep.
Ganga is walking alone at night. It is so late. I wonder where Sagar will be. She comes across two drunk me. They block her way when she tries to go. She keeps asking them to let her go or she will hit them. They challenge her. She picks up a stick but they aren’t afraid of her. She decides to run to save herself. They chase her. She finds one door open and gets inside. She switches her cell phone on. The men try beat at the door, asking her to open it. She is tensed.
Sahil keeps trying Ganga’s phone as Sagar drives. Sahil says we are only 5 minutes away. Sagar is very much concerned for Ganga. 5 minutes are a lot. Anything can happen. We should reach there soon.
The men keep hitting at the door to break it open. Ganga puts a bed against it to hold it for long but fails. She waits anxiously for Sagar. Come and save me! The guys succeed in opening the door. They walk towards her. She warns them not to come near her. She throws things at them but they are cheap people. They hear the sound of an approaching car. They run away. Sagar notices them too. He runs towards the house but then stops. Ganga is sure it is Sagar. Sagar sends Sahil ahead. Ganga notices the shadow. I was sure you will come, Sagar. Sahil steps forward to clear her misunderstanding. She is taken aback to see him. Where is Sagar? He asks her to come with him. She is heartbroken to know Sagar has not come to take her. Where is he? Sagar hears her from far. Sahil stays mum. Sagar calls Sahil. He asks Sahil to bring Ganga home. Don’t tell her I came with you. I am heading home. This is a good chance to be a hero in her eyes. Sahil is not so convinced but Sagar insists. Sagar leaves. Ganga asks Sahil again about Sagar. He did come with you, right? Sahil lies that Sagar is waiting for them at home. I came alone. She is hurt. She quietly goes towards the jeep.
Sahil and Ganga reach home. Sagar is already there. Everyone is relieved to see them. Madhvi asks Ganga if she is fine. Ganga nods. Amma ji mutters she gave everyone a lot of trouble. Ganga refuses to eat anything. Sagar talks to Ganga. I was worried for the wild animals. They were in danger. Ganga leaves from there without saying a word. Janvi asks Sahil if everything is ok. Ganga looked tensed. He shares that she was completely quiet on the way back.
In her room, Ganga packs her stuff. She sadly thinks of how Sagar did not come to take her back. I thought he will come running to get me. I was so wrong. Amma ji comes there all tired. Ganga massages her feet. Amma ji asks her why she did that. You could have come with me in the bus. I kept trying to make you understand but in vain! A lone girl in that isolated area! It is so unsafe. Ganga says I made a mistake again. I should be punished for it. Amma ji is surprised. Ganga says I will be punished.
Next morning, Sagar gets to know that Ganga left for Ashram even when everyone tried to stop her. Today is Pulkit’s roka ceremony. Sagar thinks it means Ganga is very upset with me.


Ishwari calls marriage broker who asks how is she. She says however she is, if he did her work. He says yes. Dev calls Tina and scolds her that he checked his email 100 times and did not get pics yet. He gets earrings from his cupboard and reminisces Sona dancing in rain. Ishwari comes to his room and he asks why she did not sleep yet, 8 hours sleep is most important for her. She asks why did not he sleep. He says he was about to sleep. He sleeps on her lap and says food was very tasty today. She says she prepared it for him. Radha comes and says looks like nobody wants to sleep today and starts chatting.
Sona goes on a date with Rithik. Rithik tells when he heard Sonakshi name, he thought she would be fat, but she is not, even if she was fat, she would not have mind. She says she wants to tell truth to him and does not want to hide. He asks who is the boy. She says was, she broke up. He asks if her parents forced her to break up. She says her parents never force her. He asks if she is ready to a marriage. She says yes, she is, but she still remembers her boyfriend. Rithik chats cooly without getting disturbed… Their discussion continues. After thier meeting, Sona walks with Sourav who says she should not have told truth so early.
Ishwari sees Sona’s earrings on Dev’s table and thinks why is he holding it still now. Nikki comes and says Dev took her and Ria’s help to buy this earring for Sona, she will ask bhai why he kept it outside. Ishwari says no need, Dev has moved on and she does not want to remind him about Sona.
Dev waits outside Sona’s house drenching in rain. Sona comes out of a car followed by Rithik holding umbrella. Rithik asks Sona if he can do a mistake of gifting her umbrella. She smiles. Dev is shocked to see Sona with someone else smiling. He leaves in his car devastated. Sona senses his presence.
Sona reaches home and Elena says it is not fair, she went on a date without informing her. Sona says she senses Dev everywhere even now. Dev reaches home drenched, shattered and goes to his room reminiscing Sona with a guy.
Sona tells Elena that she still senses Dev’s presence around her. Elena curses that Dev should get 10 problems. She says she took right decision to marry Rithik as he does not have mother and she is free from mother-in-law’s torture. Sona says Rithik must be missing his mother. Elena says she will not have problematic mother-in-law like Ishwari.
Dev panics reminiscing Sona with Rithik. He checks Rithik’s profile and finds Sona’s pic with him with a note that marriage is on the way soon. He panics more and breaks laptop shouting Sona cannot do this to him. Ishwari comes hearing sound and asks why did he throw laptop. He says it stopped workinng due to water, so he threw it. She sees him wet and asks why. He says his car tyre got punctured
and he had to change it. She says she will bring tumeric milk for him. He reminisces Sona giving him turmeric milk and says no need.
In the morning, Dev leaves for office without meeting Ishwari. He goes to office and hires detective to spy Rithik and get his info. Ishwari wakes up in the morningg and servant tells Dev left for office long ago. She thinks how can he and calls. He sees her call later and calls back, but she is trying to call him. He calls mamaji and asks to give phone to mom. He gives phone to Ishwari. Dev apologizes her for going to office without meeting her and says she knows what she means to him. She says it is okay, he need not panic.
Rithik and his dad/Sen come to Sona’s house to fix marriage. Sen and Bejoy discuss about actor Uttam Kumar”s acting skills. Asha asks when will they discuss about marriage. Sen says they can finalize date and venue themselves. Asha says Bejoy cannot see anything beyond Uttam Kumar and Sourav Ganguly. Rithik says there are some people who like Amitabh Bachhan and others who can only think of Uttam Kumar. Bejoy asks Rithik what he has taught about his job. He says he is planning to set up a clinic and may one day open hospital. ejoy asks Sona to help him as they have to help each other eventually rest of their lives. Bejoy drops Sen and Rishi out. Sen says his house his a ghost house with only him and Rithik and once Sona comes, it will be house. Dev stops his car far away and panics seeing Bejoy with them and their conversation.
Sona reaches Dev’s home reminiscing all the incidents before. She enters house and calls Ishari. Ishwari is shocked to see her


Ana Lorena meets Olegario in society with Robina but she is not jealous. This posture indisposes Tiffany and Anali who do not understand the reaction. Diego improvises a trip with Viviana to try to improve her marriage but changes her attitude after Ana's call. Olegario is obsessed with the model and does everything to be with her. Laura and Vicente decide to send Debbie to detox. Santi protects and consoles Debbie after his fight with Memo. Marijose is jealous because of this situation. Diego meets Ana in the elevator, he kisses her and tells him everything he feels for her. Olegario thinks Ana is crying because he was with Robina, but she tells him that she has something important to tell him .


Jikulumessu:Joel is between life & death
There was so much anxiety in the air as no doctor came to speak with Djemila and the Kapalas,one of the doctors later came out and told them Joel will be going for operation and it can go either way,Djemila feels so bad and doesn't know what she will do other than' follow him'.she wonders why Kim puts her life at risk for Joel,she told her Joel saved her life and will do anything to repay him. Bruno couldn't stop asking Jamb questions about the accident at the hospital.
Phillipe has been selected to play basketball with the team,Nina couldn't celebrate with him going by the circumstance,he understands and even volunteer to stay with her,he places a call to his mum to let her know he will be out.
Priscilla discovers lots of money in Nuno's house and she informs Djemila about it but she is not concerned and tell her to do anything she likes with it.
The influx of customers at Nayr's salon has increased she was surprised ,Bruno couldn't when he arrived as the ladies sent him back.
Bianca is broken after the destruction of warehouse,she is very sure Joel did it.The next day she visits Musica and met Kim who told him Joel had an accident,she tells her she wishes him the worse and will send flowers to his funeral if he eventually dies.
Flor was able to stop Paulo illusions that her marriage is troubled after he gave her a gift and offered to take her out.
Daniel Nambe is going to be a star as he was offered a job to anchor a show,Vanessa is really delighted about the idea.Hannah and her grandpa at the library and planning towards the take off.


Mum in law hearing Satya’s phone conversation and thinks to divert his mind and do something. She comes to them and says she is not bad as they think. She says today is lohri, and that’s why she kept party at house. She gives clothes and asks Satya and Mahi to get ready for the party. Krutika thinks her mum in law is accepting them, and asks Satya not to doubt on her. Satya thinks what is going on in her mind. Later in the evening, Mahi gets ready and wears salwar kameez. Satya comes, holds her tied hands and romances with her. He says you are looking Punjabi today, Mahi Sen Gupta. Mahi says she is Mahi Karanveer Khurana. He asks why she got ready today. Mahi says for my ranjha…and smiles. They fall on bed. Satya says you couldn’t spend even 2 mins with me and gets closer
to her. Later Satya is about to apply sindoor on Mahi’s forehead.
Kareena comes and says I want sindoor on my maang. Mahi says only married woman applies on their forehead and is about to apply on her forehead, but Kareena throws it. Satya says let it be. Kareena says sorry and goes. Mahi and Satya romance again. Later Satya gets a call from detective, saying that he has sent proofs in envelope. Mum in law hears him and says envelope, who will bring. Kareena dances on the song Ladki beautiful. Satya and Mahi also join her. Mum in law sees them busy in dance and receives envelope. She thinks to hide it.
Mum in law introduces Satya to the guest and asks them to question Satya where he was and what he was doing? Guest asks Satya if he missed his father. Satya couldn’t understand her and replies wrongly. He asks her to take drink , but makes it fall on her purse mistakenly. Guest lady gets angry and says you can’t be Sid’s son. You have no etiquette.
Mahi gets angry on her and talks in English. She says you people are not going to change. He apologized to you when he dropped champagne on you mistakenly. She says Satya is having manners and values, which you people don’t have. Mum in law opens the envelope and gets shocked seeing the proofs. She deletes her boss phone number and thinks where to throw paper, and thinks to burn it in Lohri fire. She keeps the papers in lohri fire and says Satya will be Swaha too. Satya comes and tries to take the papers, but it is already burnt. Mum in law accepts that she has burnt the papers, as she don’t like it.
Satya tells her that he will expose her and show her vampish face to his family. Mum in law challenges him. Satya says you have never faced me before. He holds her hand. Mum in law shouts and tells everyone that Satya tried to burnt her hand. Krutika and Satya are shocked. Mum in law says I have done so much for him, and he is spitting venom against me, I can’t stay here anymore. Satya asks her to stop her drama, and says it was her act to divert our attention. He promises her that he will expose her true face, else his name is not Satya. Mum in law says someone send him to mental asylum. Krutika says enough and asks how dare you to accuse mummy ji.
Mum in law asks Krutika to accuse him, and says mistake is of his upbringing and of his chawl, where he was brought up. She says he don’t deserve to be Khurana. Mahi asks her to stop it. Krutika apologizes to her. Mahi puts ointment on Satya’s hand. Satya says I am not equal to Siddharth Khurana’s reflection also, and says I am weak and couldn’t expose this woman. Mahi says don’t know what to do. Satya says we have to do something big, and asks if you are with me. Mahi says I am with you always.
Krutika reading Satya’s letter that he can’t see his bahu’s insult and will leave the house. She is shocked and goes to stop Satya. She says I didn’t bring you here to let you leave, and says you have done a mistake. She says you have my brother’s blood and says you have to change your lifestyle. Satya says my lifestyle can’t change. He says I felt bad when tears came in your eyes. I am afraid that you will be teary eyes if I stay here, says I can’t tolerate if someone tries to ruin our family. He says I want to inherit my father’s values and customs and not his habits. Krutika says I know what I am doing and stops him from leaving. Mahi makes Satya wear formal clothes and teach him etiquette and style. Krutika teaches him table manners. Later Krutika asks Deepak
that she is going somewhere. Mahi brings breakfast for her and asks about Satya. Krutika says he is changed now and even his foot steps sound is changed. Satya makes an entry in style. Krutika blesses him. Mitul is surprised to see him in suit and says Sid…Sid Khurana.


Its night, Twinkle is walking in corridor of house, she recalls how Kunj asked for another chance, how Yuvi said that Twinkle was of Kunj’s only, how everyone is happy to see Kunj back, how Yuvi is being silently hurt, jo behji thi dua plays. Kunj is punching bag and recalls Twinkle’s hurtful words, how she said that Yuvi was there for her to hold her hand, he says why i did it? Yuvi is sitting in his room and is restless too, he recalls Twinkle’s words that nobody is asking her opinion, three of them are hurt.
Kunj is sitting in tears and says i did mistake by hurting Twinkle, its unforgivable. Yuvi says to himself that i hope Twinkle forgives me, how could i not try to find out what Twinkle wants, whats in her heart.
Usha comes to Kunj’s room and sees him in thoughts, she says its all happening because of Yuvi, i accept he shut down everyone but what was the need to come in party? why he doesnt leave from here, your relation with Twinkle wont be rectified till Yuvi is here, Kunj says its not about Yuvi, Yuvi has been by Twinkle’s side, they are close friends and i dont have any problem with their closeness, i dont understand how to win Twinkle’s heart.
Yuvi says to himself that i just wanted to make place in Twinkle’s life, i thought she wanted to go back to Kunj but i didnt try to know what Twinkle wants, whats in her heart, Leela comes and says its not your fault, Kunj coming back after years made everything mess, Yuvi says i dont know what should i do.
Babee says to Kunj that i will tell you, i will tell you what you should do, you have gap between you and Twinkle of 5years, you should show your right as husband with love, pacify her till she doesnt agree, she loves you alot, she will agree.
Leela says to Yuvi that i know in all these years, you have been good son and good husband, only i know how you loved Twinkle and took care of her, you did it by your heart so i will say even now to listen to your heart and do what he is saying and then leave it on fate, she gives Ganesh idol and says he will set everything right.
Babee gives Ganesh idol to Kunj and says he will be with you, he will set everything for you, Kunj smiles. Yuvi is in tears.
Its morning, Kunj comes out of Sarna house, he sees Twinkle’s room in Leela’s house. Yuvi comes out of his room and going to Leela’s house too. They enter house again and looks at each other, Kunj says i think i should talk to Twinkle, she is my wife and i should be with her, Yuvi says excuse me i am Twinkle’s husband, Kunj says what happened to you? you signed divorce papers, Yuvi says to Kunj that i am technically Twinkle’s husband as Twinkle havent signed divorce papers and i feel i have hurt my wife alot, i mean all said and done, i didnt ask her what she wants, whats in her heart, i assumed that she wants to be with you but she clearly doesnt want to be with you so i am going to talk to my Twinkle, she is upset because of you, i have never seen Twinkle so upset in these 5years so its better if you dont meet her, Kunj is stunned.
Yuvi says to Kunj that i have never seen Twinkle so upset in last 5years so its better if you dont meet her, Kunj says oh hello, you remember last 5years but you forgot earlier, if my wife is upset then i will pacify her, he starts to leave but Yuvi stops him and says now you are acting like husband? when Twinkle needed you, where were you? you ranaway and Twinkle was broken, i saved her from breaking down, we may not have husband wife relation but we have fulfilled vows of marriage, i love her from my heart and i cant leave her like this, i will get her at any cost, Kunj says Twinkle doesnt love you, i know my Twinkle, i know only i am in her heart, Yuvi says overconfidence? Kunj says not i have faith in Twinkle, lets ask Twinkle whats in her heart, it will be clear whom she takes as
her husband, Yuvi and Kunj stands infront of her house, Yuvi says may the nest man for Twinkle wins.
Yuvi is sitting in his room and recalls his time with Twinkle. Kunj is punching his punching bag. Yuvi recalls how Kunj challenged him. Kunj recalls how Yuvi challenged him. Yuvi says i will pacify Twinkle, i will. Kunj says you are mine Twinkle and i will make you mine again.
Pinni says to Leela that twinkle’s two husband situation is serious, Raman says she is right, what will Twinkle do?
Leela says i know God will do good for her. Twinkle comes there with here luggage, Leela says suitcase? .. this all turns out to be Leela’s dream, she wakes up from sleep and gets worried for Twinkle, she says it was a bad dream, God what if this dream becomes true? what if Twinkle leaves house because of stress? help her God, she has already faced many storms, help her, be with her God.
Leela comes to Twinkle’s room and says i have made your favorite dish, Twinkle says i am not hungry, Leela says i know your tension but not eating food will not solve it, eat it for me, Twinkle says i am not hungry, let me be, i am in stress, if you dont leave me alone then i will leave from here, Leela says dotn say like this, i am leaving food here, just eat it when you feel like it, dont worry, she leaves. Some kids of Leela’s NGO see Twinkle sad, one kid says what is stress? other kid says i dont know. Kids think about it. Yuvi comes there and meets them, one kid asks what is stress? Yuvi says who told you? kid says Twinkle said she is in stress, Yuvi says you want to see Twinkle happy? i have an idea, he whispers idea to kids.
Twinkle is sitting in her room and holding her head due to headache, all kids hold their heads and acts like having head ache too, Twinkle looks around and asks what happened to you all? kid says i am in stress, Twinkle says why you have stress? Kid says when we dont go out, dont play and dont dance then we have stress, you dance with us then stress will go away, Twinkle says who told you all this? Yuvi comes there wearing glasses like Salman Khan behind his collar, kids start dancing with him, Yuvi dances on Dabang song, holding his mobile in his belt and dances funnily, Twinkle looks at him and smiles slightly, he hints to a girl, she comes to Twinkle and asks her to dance with them, Twinkle says no, Yuvi continues dance, Twinkle claps. Yuvi says someone is in stress? its very bad thing, he says to kids that we will say bye to stress and will say hi to happiness, he starts dancing with kids again, Leela smiles seeing that. Twinkle’s phone rings, she sees Babee calling. She takes call, Babee says i am missing you, come here for one hour, Twinkle says why? Babee says for me, just come here, Twinkle says okay, Babee ends call and says to Kunj that Twinkle is coming, Kunj says i will pacify Twinkle now. Twinkle comes to Leela and says Babee has called me, i am going to Sarna house, she leaves. Yuvi says it seems like Kunj’s gameplan to spend time with Twinkle.
Twinkle comes to Sarna house, Kunj plays mandolin like Raj, Twinkle recalls how Kunj earlier played it too for her, Kunj smiles at her while playing it, he comes to Twinkle and smiles, Twinkle is tensed, Kunj sits on his knees and says small things happen in big cities my Sayappa queen, i accept that i did big mistake, i always used to say that you are problematic but i did biggest problem, forgive my one problem, i know your heart is big so please forget it and lets start our life together, give me one chance Twinkle, Sajna ve plays, Kunj opens his arms but Twinkle gets emotional and runs from there, Kunj is sad.
Twinkle comes out of Sarna house and is in tears, Yuvi comes there and gives her hankie, she takes it from him, Yuvi says lets go, he sits on his bike, Twinkle says i am not in mood, Yuvi says i know how much you like bike rides, Twinkle says no, Yuvi says come as a friend? once? he starts his bike and brings it infront of her, Twinkle sits behind him on bike, Kunj sees this from window. Yuvi winks at Kunj and gives jerk to bike, he says to Twinkle that get ready to fly baby doll, he wears helmet and takes twinkle from there, Kunj is angry.
Yuvi is riding bike and says to Twinkle that we have been friends for 5years, i have fulfilled my duties as a friend in last 5years, i want to make one more promise today that i will support your decision, whatever it will be, Twinkle smiles and starts enjoying bike ride.
Yuvi and Twinkle are walking, Yuvi says to to Twinkle that friendship means honesty so i want to be honest with you, you know i have always loved you, i have done everything for you till now, you have been center of my universe so i want you to atleast consider me as life partner and not as friend for once, Twinkle says i thought you brought me here to relax me but you brought me here as you have motive, Yuvi says but.. Twinkle says shut up, i thought i will release stress but you have given me more stress, i dont need you or Kunj rightnow, i just want to be alone, she leaves.
Twinkle is coming back to house, Kunj says she is coming alone so it means Yuvi’s plan failed, he tries to stop Twinkle but she leaves. Kunj says she is still not in good mood, how you light up her mood?
Twinkle comes to Babee and Leela, Twinkle says Babee you knew Kunj wanted to impress me? and Leela Maa you knew what was in Yuvi’s heart for me? answer me, Twinkle says great, you both chose sides too, you didnt ask me what i want, whats in my heart, i thought you both would understand me if no one else but you both also.. just tell me cant i stay alone for sometime? cant i get my space? cant i get time in my own life? answer me, Leela is emotional, Twinkle is disappointed and goes to her room.
Yuvi thinks that Twinkle is not ready to listen but i wont lose like this.
Kunj thinks that i should talk to Twinkle again.
Kunj and Yuvi comes to Twinkle’s house, Kunj asks where are you Twinkle? Yuvi says i need to talk to you Twinkle, Raman says what is all this?
Yuvi says where is Twinkle? Kunj says i wanna meet her, Pinni says two heroes are searching her but heroine is gone, Kunj says where? she says she has gone somewhere, Yuvi says you must know where she is, tell me, Raman says we promised her to not tell about her, Yuvi says this is all happening because of you Kunj, Kunj says if you had gotten out of our lives earlier then this wouldnt be happening, Yuvi says you sit here, i will find her, Kunj says she is my wife, i know where she must be, Yuvi says if you knew her so well then why didnt you trust her? Kunj says dont taunt again and again else.. Yuvi says else what. they both charge at each other but Raman says this is not wrestling ring, if you both wanna fight then leave my house, Yuvi thinks i am coming Twinkle, Kunj thinks i will find Twinkle, they both decide to go to Leela.