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Tuesday, January 1, 2019


Sona and Dev give presentations in their respective offices. There at home, Radha and Ishwari were worried about why Shubh is crying. Ishwari was upset that he is crying because of Sonakshi. She calls Sona but she was in the meeting and the cell phone was silent. Dev gets a call from Ishwari in the midst of meeting. He turns to take the call and leaves the meeting over Vicky, assuring Vicky that he is also a family and can take care about it well. Outside the conference hall, Dev takes the call. He tells Ishwari that he set the call divert on Dev’s phone. Dev was concerned of Shubh has a fever or if he needs a nappy change. He returns home to play with Shubh without disturbing Sona. Ishwari looks towards him in shock as Dev shows how Shubh had stopped crying. Radha says she couldn’t
ever believe Dev can be such a good father. She tells Ishwari Dev had an important meeting with Indonesian delegate; Sona must have taken care of Shubh right now.
In the office, the presentations ends. Shorab dances around as the delegates had liked the meeting and was hopeful the project will be approved.
In the school, Suha says she really has stomach pain while Golu teases him. Suha was irked at Golu and says she won’t let him play with Shubh.
Sona comes to pick Suha to school but Suha doesn’t come outside. She calls Dev concerned, Dev makes a call to Vicky while Sona calls Aleena if they picked her with Golu. Sona goes to school. Vicky tells Dev that he picked Golu earlier to take him for vaccination but Suha was in school. Dev comes out of room concerned and informs Ishwari that Suha isn’t in school. He gives Shubh to Ishwari and goes to look for Suha.
In the school, Dev and Sona look around for Suha but she was nowhere to be found. At home, Ishwari was tensed and asks why Sona needs to work when Dev earns so well. Sona calls at Suha’s friends while Dev asks to see CCTV footage of Suha. Dev gets a call from a nursing home, the doctor tells him that Suha is here. Dev and Sona arrive at the hospital. The doctor says she has a stomach ache. Suha apologizes Sona and Dev for making them worried, but she had stomach pain and came here with friends. The doctor advices to take care of her diet and not let her allow junk food.
Sona calls Ishwari who was worried. Sona informs Ishwari that Suha had stomach ache and came to a nursing home nearby. Dev assures Suha she will now take care of her diet. Sona thinks about Ishwari’s concerns that kids needs their mother first.
Shubh had just slept when Sona and Dev come home with Suha. Suha was excited to wake Shubh up and play with him, Radha forbids as he had been crying since morning. Ishwari asks Suha how she is, they sent her to school in spite of stomach ache. Sona takes Shubh upstairs. Radha discusses with Sona that their new generation doesn’t listen to them; a person must prioritize his kids in life.
Sona was lost in some deep thought in the room when Suha comes asking why is she sad, if she missed Shubh. Dev says Sona is upset because Suha hasn’t taken another dose of her medicine. Suha takes the medicine, and asks if Sona is happy now. Dev sends her to sleep now and speaks to Sona that he knows she is worried for what Maa said. He assures in a few days everything will get settled, and
they will laugh about this stress. Sona shares her worry about how she can be careless and ignored Suha’s stomach ache. Dev insists it was their mistake but they learnt from it. Sona asks if they will be able to become perfect parents. Dev takes her into his hug and says it would be boring to be perfect, they will become good parents instead and give the best to their children. He assures them with each other. Sona rests her head over his shoulder.
Aasha comes to Ishwari worried about Suha. Ishwari asks how Sona took care of Suha when she was a child. Asha says she and Vijay were there but sometimes Sona took her to her newly created office. She asks what Ishwari is thinking. Ishwari says the thinking of this new generation has changed, when its about children’s brought up they must understand the kids need full attention. They can all take care of kids but can’t be their parents. It’s their right to explain this to kids well.
Golu convinces Suha not to be angry with him and dances around to cheer her up. Suha finally claps at his performance and the kids enjoy together.
At night, Ishwari comes to speak to Dev in the kitchen and says a mother always know what her children want. Dev gives her a hug saying Ishwari needs this. He insists Sona just started to work, she is trying to handle. Ishwari insists on him to understand why Sona needs to work. She says she had liabilities and couldn’t stay at home with her kids, but Sonakshi has everything desired. Dev insists this is a huge project, a dream of hundreds. She has taken the project because she loves the work and want to help poor kids get proper nutrition.
Ishwari wasn’t convinced, she understands what Sonakshi wants to do is courageous. She insists Sona can work from home through laptop as well. Sona hears this from behind as Ishwari says work isn’t important than kids. She calls Sona inside and asks if she is saying something wrong. Dev convinces time has changed, they will manage. Ishwari says not everyone get a chance to witness their children’s childhood so peacefully. Dev tells Sonakshi it will take time for everyone to understand the matters.
In the room Sona was still thinking about Ishwari and kids. Dev comes to give her a back massage, boasting about his talents. He says everyone was stressed as it was first day of work, but in a few days they will all get used to it. She gets a call from Asha, Dev says even she knows how stressed is Sona. Aasha hears Dev singing behind, they laugh when Sona says who else it could be. Sona goes outside to speak to Aasha. Sona shares she feels guilty about what happened today. Asha tells Sona that kids only understand the dose of mother’s love the best, women can achieve anything in life but for a kid his mother is the most essential. She is lucky to be able to do a lot and set up a huge business umpire. She doesn’t need to worry, Shorab is there to take care of her business.
In the room, Dev joins hands to Shubh to sleep. Sona was in dilemma about leaving work or not. Shubh stops crying and begin to play. Dev insists on Sona to go and get a sleep, it’s her meeting tomorrow morning. Dev takes Shubh from her hands and say he won’t sleep at all if they continue playing with her. Sona watches him cradle Shubh till he fall asleep. Sona tells Dev she has decided to leave work.
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