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Sunday, January 6, 2019


Part 1
Madhu wakes up and searches for RK ..and finds him asleep on the couch
She sits next to him and holds his hand n he wakes up .. both smile
Madhu asks the matter? If all well n he says yes
Radha comes.. n turns away seeing them together
Radha is all emotional & stammers n RK says guess she cant talk in front of me. .lemme leave! Radha cries.. n says tears of repentance.. forgot relations , forgot my daughter! Madhu says no complaints! Radha say hosp n Madhu says did what a mom wuld do..!
Radha asks how u understand all things? Madhu says.. mom said when u will become mom..u will understand a moms pain! She touches her tummy n says not a mom yet but feel bonded to it! Understand ur pain! She asks about the gifts n says advantages of becoming
a mom! Radha smiles! Madhu asks for Radhas permission so she can finish shoot n then rest at home! Radha is apprehensive but relents!
Bittu talks of sharing happiness with all n RK is quiet! Says talk to Madhu! Bittu says will celebrate! RK shares the news with Mehul n he asks Madhu pregnant? She is central character! He says sorry to react like this.. its great news. but bad news for film..! All will be destroyed..posters.. promo shoots.. ! Whole movie is on Madhu ..
Mehul says media shouldnt find out about Madhus pregnancy coz if they do ..this movie is over!
RK enters the mansion and media hound him .. saying ur first movie is flop .. who wants to watch pregnant heroines love story! Show audience throwing ink on Madhu-RK poster..! Mehul tells RK that movie is superflop ..! Media says.. RK is finished! RK screams chup ..but he is alone .he is panting!
Madhu puts up baby pics in her room …! Its storming ..n starts to rain ..n Madhu feels the rain drops..! RK comes..! They throw water drops on each other.! RK lifts Madhu in his arms.. and Madhu touches her tummy! RK recollects Dips-Mehuls words.. n puts Madhu down! Madhu calls out to RK .. n he is startled ..
Madhu hugs RK .. n says how will we wait for 9 months? She trips n RK says r u nuts? Keeping window open so water comes in n u trip??
Part 2
RK says sorry! Madhu says sorry too..! Both hug n Bittu comes n says will come later..! U will interrupt again so finish ur work!
Madhu says thinking to send sweets to relatives for this happiness ..! RK says no need for all this.. no one outside should know of this! Madhu shocked! Madhu says understand that we will share it later? RK says wont share ever!
Part 3
RK says am handicapped..we are in trouble. .how will we raise our kid? Madhu says we will fight against all odds n give love to the kid! RK says love is not solution of all things.. will it be enouf to raise a kid? Love doesnt work card n cash work..!! Madhu tries to reason …
Madhu says all will be well ..once film will be sold! RK says doubt that coz.. have no hopes on it! He says no one will buy the film of pregnant heroine. n then we will have to sell off all to repay the loan! RK says. .dun wanna bring a kid in this world where i cant fulfill his wishes.. cant answer him ..dun want him part of all this problem..! RK says ..want the kid when i can afford all comforts for him.. dun want u to give birth to this kid! Madhu is shocked..! She removes RKs hand from her arm n slaps him hard! RK fumes! Madhu says how dare u?
Part 1
RK says dun want that u give birth to this child! Madhu slaps RK! Madhu says how dare u? How can u even think such a thing? Madhu says agreed we have lots of troubles but what if we faced these problems after having the baby? Left it or killed it? All this money,cars is in vain..! Those are lucky who become parents! Thot we both are fighters but no..u r weak..rather ur selfish and only purpose is that film..! Madhu says u only worry about what will happen to that film can it be bigger than the kid? Din think what u are saying n about who? Ur own child? Will u be happy by killing ur own child? RK says yes. am weak. .and selfish coz i cant see u and our child in pain.! U can flow with emotions and say whatever u want but i m gonna show u the truth of the future! Madhu asks
where is ur truth when u decided to make me the heroine of ur film? U were ready to fight ur destiny..take a risk.but this truth din come in front of ur face..! It din ..coz u had faith in me..and held my hand! Wish u had that same faith today.. could say that we can solve all troubles and save our world! RK says u are seeing two things in the same light! Just dont want my kid to come in a world where troubles are waiting for him from the start! Madhu is in tears! RK says i can fight ..u can fight but we dun have right to include the kid in this fight! Madhu says why does it need to fight.. we will fight for it! I dun care about the world..but if the father of the child doesnt care of the child.. i dun care of the world! Madhu rues that our kid is listening ot all this.. how could u do this? RK says.. i dun wanna care for the one ..i dun wanna bring in this world! Madhu glares at RK who moves away from her..! Both are fuming! Madhu holds on to her tummy and is emotional!
Later in the night, RK is coufing..! Madhu offers to get water for him! RK says dun need.. u sleep! Madhu says i cant ..ur coufing is disturbing me! Madhu goes to get water! Madhu suddenly trips and is about to fall from the stairs but balances herself just in time! Right then RK comes from behind …! Madhu turns and sees him and is suspicious! RK asks Madhu if she is fine? How she tripped? Madhu glares at RK! RK asks why staring at me like this? Madhu says i din trip on my own! RK fumes saying u wanna say that i? RK says are u nuts? Doubting me? Pabho comes to the hall and sees them standing .. while RK – Madhu keep glaring at each other! Radha is offering water to Madhu..! Pabho asks who could have pushed u? Dips says its ur misconception .no one here can do such a thing! Sikky asks if its some ghots issue! Dips says two ghosts cant stay in one house! Sikky counts her as one! Both glare at each other! Radha says its possible u slipped accidentally? Radha offers to call doc n Madhu says i and my kid are safe! Madhu glares at RK! Dips asks Pabho if she noticed the way Madhu was staring at RK? Guess there is some issue between them! RK tries to lie down on the bed n trips and RK helps him sit ..! RK says handle urself first..and then me! Madhu asks why saying so? RK says.. accusing ur own hubby of pushing u down the stairs.. is not wrong? Madhu says din say so! RK says ur eyes are saying so! RK says am not crazy! Madhu says after our conversation i realised that u care for nothing more than ur film! RK says yes am kameena.. but not berahem! Madhu says how dare u say all that about ur own kid ? RK tries to explain and Madhu says my own father din want me in the world but my mom fought for me.. faced all troubles and din gave birth to me. n today after so many years am at my moms place..! Madhu says am at the same place.. n i will give birth to my kid. .with or without its fathers consent! RK glares n asks how dare u say all this? Madhu asks how dare u say all this about our kid? I feel creeped out seeing u! Madhu lies on the bed..and turns her face away! BG – Fir kyun har pal bechaini hai..!
Radha is making laddos and says am very happy ..! Cant believe we are gonna be grannies! Pabho tells Radha to tell Madhu to be careful at the starting! Radha says 2 days of shoot n she will be home n i will take care of her! Pabho says good! Dips says no genuine person in this house. all are wearing masks! Sikky says. u are team captain of them all..! Dips says.. Pabho was planning things to kick Madhu out till yesterday and today she is acting as if she has adopted Madhu! Pabho asks Radha to take care of Madhus diet too..! Dips overhears Pabho saying that Madhu should not eat til, coffee and other heavy things as it hurts the baby! Sikky suggests Dips that she should plan for a baby too she gets all the adulation like Madhu..and as such he is not young like RK so..! Dips says why not pray that u get a paralytic attack like RK? Dips sends Sikky off..! Pabho overhears her and asks her to join to make laddo for Madhu! Dips fumes!
Part 2
At the studio, Mehul thanks all for their hardwork for the movie! He thanks RK for his tantrums and Madhu for her hardwork..! RK-Madhu look at each other! Mehul says Madhu ur fantastic…and u will go ahead of ur hubby! All clap! Mehul says only final sequence is left.. so we need more less time! Lets get back to work! Mehul says its a touf sequence and difficult too in ur condition! Prepare urself mentally and physically and take some rest too! RK says we need to change this climax scene! Mehul says decided at the start that this sequence is important and we cant change it! RK says. ‘Iss duniya me maut ke siva aur koi scene nahi jo taye ho aur badli na ja sake’! Madhu asks why? Worried for me? I will do this scene! RK fumes!
Part 3
Mehul tells RK that he has to decide about the schedules for promotion and interviews! Mehul asks Madhu if she is ok and ready for the shot? Madhu says yes! He asks Madhu if she plans to stop at one? RK says want 3 kids.. 2 daughters and one son! Mehul says so the world has to bear another RK! All smile.. ! Madhu recollects RK and her convo in the past in the studio and at home about 3 kids! She pouts!
Pabho is shown sneaking in the kitchen and adds something poisonous to the laddos kept there! She says.. sorry ..lil one but cant let u come in this world!
Recommendations accepted and warmly welcomed

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