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Tuesday, January 8, 2019


Ishaani asks Falguni what is she looking for. Falguni is worried what she is doing in this room. Ishaani asks her inside, Falguni asks why isn’t she with RV. Ishaani says she wants RV to move on, and talk to her. He is bind to some thought which isn’t letting him move on, she asks what if the person you loves want you to get apart. Falguni says when two people love each other and one is happy in living away from your lover, shall he be left alone. Falguni says in love distances doesn’t mean anything, but she says she wishes her life doesn’t has to go through any such situation. She says tomorrow is her birthday, and she will get all the happiness of her life tomorrow. Falguni leaves, the wind chimes begin to move, RV was about to knock the room door when Ishaani opens it. She
was about to say something when RV gets a phone, he says to the caller that he knows it is difficult to let go but if the other person doesn’t want to stay with us, we must not stop him. He looks at Ishaani. A servant brings RV clothes behind, and gets a file from Punit. He looks at Ishaani, then leaves.
Ishaani thinks she won’t stop him if he is happy with something and someone else. He turns to say something but she shuts the door. He thinks he has seen love in her eyes but is it for him or for someone else. The wind chime fell down, Ishaani recalls Falguni had said if your lover wants to go away from you, you must respect him. Ritika is worried if RV has told Ishaani his feelings, and if they had a patch up. She calls RV, Ishaani watches the phone near the vase. She thinks should she pick up the call as RV is bathing. She picks the call, Ritika says did he tell Ishaani his feelings, he must tell her what he feels for whom and if I am serious about it, he must also take it seriously. She tells him to call Ishaani and then call her. Ishaani thinks about Sharman and cries what if there is something between Ritika and Sharman.
She comes inside to find the broken wind chime. RV enters the room and finds Ishaani crying. He comes to her and asks what happened. She says her wind chime has broken, she had taken care of it but now like a broken heart doesn’t make a sound, it won’t also not make a sound. And if it doesn’t make a sound, how she will know he is around. They both look at each other..
Ishaani says it has broken, there will be no more sounds. He asks if she was crying for this, she nods saying if something made of crystal breaks it doesn’t rejoin. RV says broken hearts rejoin, if someone touches it with care. Ishaani thinks who joined his heart, who else touched it.
Parul, Derwash, Pratik, Sharman and Disha were making cake for birthday. Disha instructs about the recipe. They all wait outside the oven, he cake turns out to be burnt. They all regrets what it has turned out to be. Amba comes and asks what are they all doing here, Parul says they were making cake for Ishaani. Amba tells them to go out. Baa comes and says she will see who stops them from making the cake. She says this house is half RV’s and half Ishaani’s. Ritika comes there, Chaitali says now Ritika will make the cake. Ritika says she has a simple recipe to make the cake again, they all get to work. Ritika comes to Sharman that he didn’t call at night, she was awake till morning and when he didn’t call she came to meet him. Sharman was silent, Parul asks Ritika to get to work. Ritika thinks she wishes to tell Sharman that yester night it wasn’t Sameera but Ranveer, it is getting complicated so she needs to talk to Ranveer about it. She tells them to mix the ingredients and she will be back soon.
Ishaani talks to lawyer that she wants to change all the clauses of her divorce. She wants to free Ranveer of all the bindings, she doesn’t want to make him live with someone who has extra marital affairs. She doesn’t want him to pay her a penny for this freedom, she is happy with someone else. She gives the lawyer some photographs to prove her unfaithful in the court, once it is proven the divorce case will get easy. She says Ranveer has done a lot for her and her family, she doesn’t want him to face many problems. The lawyer says he is watching it for the first time that a lady wants her respect ruined. Ishaani says she doesn’t love but respect RV. She asks the lawyer to give the papers to her, she will give them to her at the right time.
Ritika asks RV why he didn’t talk to Ishaani. She says tomorrow is her birthday, her cousins are planning a surprise for her, he must also do something. RV says he is planning a surprise for her, he told her. She cheers. They were both happy. Ritika says she has lied a lot to Sharman now, but she is really happy for him now and hugs him.
Sharman says he wanted to tell her the same yesternight, she might see it by herself. Ishaani and he stood in the window, watching them talk and hug.
Sharman asks Ishaani to see herself what he wanted to tell her.
Ritika inside was saying to Ranveer that she is really happy for him and hugs him, he was also smiling. Ritika tells him everything will be alright now.
Sharman says to Ishaani that they are both happy with each other, this is why they meet each other alone. Sharman says they have something more than mere friendship. Ishaani says she will talk to Ranveer, if he loves Ritika he is free, she won’t bind him in any relation. She was tear eyed, while Sharman was enraged and says he won’t make a relation with her. He leaves. Ishaani also goes inside.
Ritika takes a leave from RV saying she has to give final touches to cake, RV thanks her. She asks for what. He says she asked him to join relation with Ishaani
and she is the one helping him save it. He says now there will be no one between him and Ishaani and smiles.
Girish asks Chiraag if he took diamonds from him and burnt his papers of house as well. Chiraag says he won’t leave him. Girish says he isn’t a business man as such, he is really a cunning person. Chiraag was frustrated and angry at the same time. He says he just want to make a blast at Ranveer’s hear. He says to Girish that he must be more enraged that him, as he must be thinking about his sister. Girish asks if he thinks he is sitting useless here, he always think about finding his weak link. He says he has come to know about something, he has a weak link i.e Hotel Paradise. He goes there morning evening, daily. He also tells him that Ritika Javeri also goes with him, he is hiding something from them as he heard asking his driver not to tell anyone about it. Chiraag says from there his backward counting started, now it will be Ranveer’s. He will now know what secret has been there.
In the room, Ishaani looks at the divorce papers and thinks she never knew she will have to see such days but if Ranveer is happy in this way these papers are her return give for Ranveer. She thinks on her birthday, if not her atleast he can be happy. She takes the pen and heads to sign the paper. She tells her self not to urge and talk to Ranveer. Ranver hasn’t confirmed what she is thinking, she must first ask her then take a decision.
Chiraag bribes a waiter who tells him that for last one week Mr. RV as booked room 103, a special attendant go in there, all the other staff is prohibited there. Chiraag asks who is there in the room, the waiter says the identity has been hidden and RV alone comes to meet her. Chiraag bribes him more and says he is here to meet her. The waiter gives him keys saying he is doing it for money, but he shouldn’t be named else he will lose his job. Chiraag tells him not to worry, he will name only who is inside the room. The waiter leaves the lift. Chiraag looks around and moves towards towards the room, he unlocks the door of the room. A lady was there inside in front of mirror, Chiraag closes the door and wonders what is she doing here; RV has hidden her here. He says Ranveer is going to cost this secret huge, he will put fire in his house now the way he put his papers on fire. He calls Girish and tells him that it is time to spread the fire, be ready.
Derwash announces that it is about to struck 12. Ritika goes to switch the lights off, Parul gets the cake while Ritika brings candles. Pratik asks for some work, Parul asks where the birthday girl is. Ishaani comes from the corridor when her foor slips. Nitin calls her to be careful; he brings her a gift saying he came to give some files. He smiles and says he won’t lie, he came to give her the gift as it is her birthday today. She smiles and says thankyou to him, holding the gift. He asks her to see it, she nods and opens it. He says today is his daughter’s birthday as well, he can’t wish her. She says he can consider her as his daughter. Ishaani smiles as she plays the piano show piece, Nitin says he won’t stop her for long as all her cousins were making cake for her and when everything between her and Ranveer is fine he must have planned something for her birthday too. Ishaani says he didn’t wish her birthday yet, she doesn’t think he remembers her birthday. Nitin was taken aback, and says he thinks he must remember. Men express their feelings by not saying but doing something. Ishaani asks does he really think so, he hasn’t talked to her since yester night. Nitin says she used to hear his thinkings even. Ishaani says not now, as sometimes you are so into many things that you don’t understand anything well. Nitin asks her to talk to him if he isn’t speaking.
He tells her that one must never listen to mind in love, and he can see love in her eyes. He says Ranveer will pour his heart out to her, he is saying to his daughter today that love gives us reason to live. The relation is really delicate, she must keep it away from distrust, she must not let love leave the relation.
Pratik says he forgot to call Ishaani, Ishaani says she has come here by herself. They go to wish her happy birthday, Parul asks hasn’t RV come. Ritika goes to call him, Ishaani says if he remembers her birthday he will come by himself. RV appears, Ritika smiles that he remembered. Ritika brings RV to Ishaani, Parul asks Ishaani to cut the cake. Ishaani stands with RV, both smile at each other. Sharman notices Ritika happy watching them together. Parul asks Ishaani to cut the cake, Ranveer hands Ishaani the knife, she looks at him then blows the candles. Ritika asks her to make a wish first, Ishaani again looks at Ranveer then wishes she that she can help Ranveer get his happiness. She cut the cake, while everyone including Ranveer sings for her. Parul asks her to give the first bite to Ranveer.
Ranveer takes the bite from the cake, Ranveer gets a call and gets worried at once. He leaves with Ritika, Parul says it must be an emergency. Sharman takes Ishaani to a side, and says does she still think he is wrong. Ishaani says the one she trusts has told her to trust her love, for her truth is what she is feeling. She will go to Ranveer wherever he has gone. Sharman says he doesn’t have an affect now, Ishaani says he is effected and tells him to wait as she brings answers to his questions. Ishaani leaves.
There was a chaos in the hotel, Ranveer and Ritika go inside. Ranveer tells her not to go inside, but Ritika runs inside. Ishaani comes there too. The manager of the hotel tell them that there was fire in room 103. They run inside, the guard doesn’t let Ishaani in but a lady gets cough harder. Ishaani runs to help the lady. RV comes to room 103, Chiraag thinks he is late as the fire has been put on. He hides behind the door of the room, Ishaani comes into the corridor and watches Ritika coming out of a room. She asks Ritika about Ranveer, Ranveer brought someone from inside. It was a girl, Ranveer is shocked to see them both there. Chiraag watches them.
Recommendations accepted and warmly welcomed

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