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Tuesday, January 15, 2019


Simmi and everyone crying for Abhay. Simmi sits down in shock and faints. Suhasini holds her and asks them to call doctor fast. The hospital guy asks Mami to give payment first. Mami pays money and cries seeing Asad’s body. He says we will send the body to graveyard, but the problem is there should be some family member to put soil. She says Asad’s dad will come there with police, just take him there. She cries and recalls Asad. Hospital guys take Asad’s funeral….. She cries and thinks of Asad. She shouts Asad.
Paddy covers the final rites of Abhay. Media follows Abhay’s funeral. Paddy asks cameraman to show live coverage of Abhay’s funeral. Manohar, Adarsh, Jaidev and Ahuja cry for Abhay. Many people follow the funeral procession and give honor to Abhay. Paddy
says the city has come to give last tribute to a real soldier Abhay Sinha. Doctor checks Simmi and says she is fine, give her medicines, take care of her, don’t leave her alone. Suhasini thanks doctor. Swadheenta goes to Suhasini and says I….. Suhasini asks whats the matter. Jaya says Simmi got conscious. Suhasini goes to Simmi. Swadheenta sees the news coverage of Abhay’s funeral, and on the other hand Asad is taken to graveyard where he will be buried. The men get angry on Asad and Mamu, and have hatred for them. Paddy says people are proud of Abhay’s sacrifice, they are angry on Haider and Asad, people made Haider’s wife leave the house. Swadheenta recalls Mami’s words.
Jaidev does Abhay’s final rites. Manohar, Adarsh, Ahuja, Appa look on and cry. They all make the prayers for Abhay’s soul. They cry and put the wood over Abhay’s dead body. His last rites are done. The minister and entire police force salute and give honor to Abhay by firing bullets in air.
Manohar hugs Jaidev and Adarsh. Abhay’s body is given fire. Appa and Ahuja cry too. People see Asad’s funeral and throw stones. A hospital guy leaves the metal box after getting hit by the stone. Swadheenta comes and holds the funeral box. The people say this girl comes on tv, she said her uncle is not a terrorist, she is newly married. She ignores everyone’s words and recalls Asad. Paddy reaches there and asks cameraman to cover it soon. Swadheenta reaches the graveyard. Police gets Mamu there. Inspector asks Mamu to bury his terrorist son in the soil. Swadheenta cries seeing Mamu and holds him. She takes Mamu to Asad’s body and shows Asad’s face. Mamu cries. She says Mamu, our Asad…….
She says Asad seems like having a sound sleep, he left us. She makes Mamu come to senses. Mamu breaks down and cries. He kisses Asad’s forehead. He moves Asad asking him to get up. He tells Swadheenta that Asad is not getting up. She hugs Mamu and they cry seeing Asad. Asad is buried. Mamu recalls Asad’s words and cries. Mamu recites Kalma and cries. She says I will prove you and Asad innocent, I m with you. Mamu hugs her and cries.
Jaidev asks Adarsh to come. Adarsh says till Abhay’s murderer does not get punished, we will not immerse his ashes, Haider should get hanged. Manohar hugs him and says yes, we will get him hanged. Mamu is taken back to the police van. Swadheenta cries seeing Mamu taken away. Sinhas come back home. Ahuja tells Suhasini that Abhay was very happy, he told me to teach everything to his baby, except English, why did Abhay leave, how is Simmi. Suhasini says she is fine, she fainted after you all went, doctor said there is nothing to worry. Jaya comes and asking them to come fast. Suhasini asks is Simmi fine. Jaya says tv……., just come.
They all rush and see Swadheenta giving shoulder to Asad, and saying Asad and Haider are my relatives, they are not terrorists. Adarsh goes out and calls out Swadheenta. Jaya says she is not at home. Swadheenta comes home. Adarsh looks at her.Swadheenta coming home. Adarsh holds her hand and takes her to everyone. He shows the news and asks whats all this. She says I wanted to tell you all. Manohar asks what were you going to say, that you were going to media, that you were going to give shoulder to terrorist Asad’s funeral. Jaya says its your duty to maintain our prestige. Suhasini says we have seen your answer, if you can’t keep our respect, atleast don’t ruin it, you are our bahu. Swadheenta says I wanted to talk to you, I m upset for Abhay’s death too, he was not only my Devar, but also my brother too, but Asad was not responsible for his death. Adarsh says your brother has shot 11 bullets to Abhay, is he not a culprit, Haider had live bomb, Abhay said Asad’s name before his death, your Mami has brainwashed
you. She says she is my Mami.
He says she is terrorist’s mum, I will call press conference, you have to change statement, you are indebted to everyone, their tears, you have to clear this debt. She says wait, I have debt of an innocent brother, a fatherly Mamu and Mami who will more than my mum, I know they both are innocent, I will prove it, I won’t sit with peace till I pay that debt. She asks them to believe her, they are not responsible for this. Adarsh looks on and cries. Appa and Amma come there. Suhasini says come, you have come on right time. Amma asks what happened, did Swadheenta…. Appa asks what happened Suhasini ji. Suhasini asks them to see and hear. She plays news and shows Swadheenta’s statement.
Suhasini says I feel your daughter is stuck in relations, she has pity for terrorists, not us. Swadheenta says mom, they are not terrorists. Suhasini asks her not to call her mom. Amma says don’t say this, she is your daughter. Ahuja says we regarded her daughter, but can’t she see Simmi’s pain, she is taking Abhay’s murderer’s side. Appa says I want to talk to Swadheenta. Manohar consoles Ahuja. Appa takes Swadheenta. Appa and Amma are annoyed with her. Appa asks shall I beg you, what do you want, why did you say that on tv, that Asad and Haider are not terrorists. Swadheenta says you are saying this, you regarded Mamu as brother and Mami as sister. He says yes, till I knew their truth.
Swadheenta asks Amma will she not say anything, you may think your brother is culprit, but I won’t regard my brother as culprit, if you are in problem, won’t you wish your daughter to stand by you, I stayed with Mamu and Mami for 5 years, they loved me as their daughter, who is with them in this tough time, will I not stand with them now, Asad could not bear any stranger’s pain, you know him and calling him a terrorist. She reminds Appa that Swadheenta got a brother after Asad’s birth, he was my brother, I m keeping relation, how can you do this. She cries and says Asad is innocent, Mamu is also innocent, I can go to any extent to prove this, they are innocent, I will prove this and show everyone. She goes.
Its morning, Swadheenta and Mami meet Prakash and Ratna. She says I have come to ask something. Prakash says we will give even our life, our children has roof over head because of you, just command. Swadheenta says she is my Mami, Zubeda, can she stay with you for few days. Prakash and Ratna happily agree and ask Mami to stay as long as she wants. Prakash asks Ratna to make a room ready. Swadheenta thanks Prakash. Prakash says don’t worry, we will take care of her. Swadheenta asks Mami not to feel herself alone, I m with you, stay with them for few days, pray for this long fight, I have to win it in any cost. Mami blesses her and hugs. They cry.
Its night, Swadheenta comes to her room and sees Adarsh annoyed. She asks him to talk. He asks what shall I talk, two like-minded people have conversation, I spoke to you a lot, till I felt our feelings and ways are same, not its nothing like that. He goes.
Its morning, Appa tells Swadheenta that we won’t be here with you, you have to manage your house now. Amma says yes, your inlaws are your family now, you are seeing what they are going through, support them, don’t increase their problems. Swadheenta touches their feet and takes blessings. She hugs Amma and Appa. They leave.
Days pass. Everyone ignore Swadheenta and does not talk to her. Suhasini takes care of Simmi. Swadheenta bears their annoyance. Swadheenta goes to Jaya and tries talking to her. She asks Jaya to talk to her, I felt you are calm and mature. Jaya says being calm does not mean to forget loved one’s sorrow, even I thought you are understanding and mature, I was wrong. That kalash is there since 12 days, mumma, Simmi and I decorated it, we were happy and preparing for your Grah pravesh and you….. Swadheenta says please….. Jaya goes. Swadheenta says even I lost my loved ones, I lost two brothers, I know everyone is hurt at home, but I m not doing anything wrong.. She cries.
Jaya goes to room and cries saying I did mistake, I should have got Adarsh married to Vanshika, they would have stayed annoyed for few years but Vanshika would have not taken Abhay’s murderer side, I should have not heard you. Jaidev says you did not do any mistake and hugs her. She blames herself. He wipes her tears and says no, look at me, I always blamed you for everything, but no, I won’t permit anyone to point finger at you, not even yourself, you can’t be wrong always. He hugs her.
Inspector tells Adarsh that their case is very strong, they have eye witness and evidence, we arrested Haider with live bomb, we have your marriage CCTV footage. Inspector sees Swadheenta. Adarsh turns and sees her. Adarsh asks inspector to gather more evidence, even if their case is strong, so that court has no option than to punish Haider, I want that man to be hanged till death. Inspector says I assure that, Abhay was our senior, decision will be taken tomorrow itself, I will use all my power. Adarsh looks at Swadheenta and goes. Swadheenta asks inspector for Haider’s reports. Inspector says look Mrs. Sinha… She says Swadheenta Ramakrishnan, Haider Gilani’s lawyer…. reports please….

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