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Saturday, January 5, 2019


Sona guides Dev about list of to dos. She suggests him to read a book on baby. Dev takes Shubh and says his mother must now leave for office.
Shorab feels he must also have got someone to handle the baby. His wife says she is training him to handle the baby, she guarantees Shorab would never fail.
Aasha and Bejoy were discussing about the decision of Dev and Sona. Bejoy was sure they will be successful; Shorab also convinces his wife that Dev and Sona are going to succeed in their decision.
Ishwari was tensed in her room when her brother arrives. She accepts she is worried, for her children. Her brother says she must be worried if this has a false effect on children; she needs to give them a chance to understand their point of view. Ishwari asks if he considers they
are doing the right thing. None can take the place of a woman in this world, their kids need mother right now. Her brother assures his faith over Dev, he is proud of Dev promoting his wife. He leaves the room for her to sleep.
Dev was in the room closely observing Shubh. Sona asks why is he walking in the midst of night, Dev says he was checking Shubh. Dev doesn’t come to her. Sona makes him sit on the floor and comes to massage his head, she insists it would be her decision if he needs a massage or not. Dev shares his nervousness with her, he is afraid what Shubh and Suha would think about him. Sona says they have taken the decision together, and now he is nervous; he needs to trust himself. This doesn’t mean he continue getting head massage, Dev asks to do it for some time more.
The next morning, Dev tells the cooks he will decide what each tiffin would contain. At the breakfast table, Radha and Mama ji come to the table. Radha asks who did this. Mama ji says it seems like a festival. Sona joins the breakfast table. Radha tells Sona this isn’t good Dev went to kitchen just to support her. Ishwari comes downstair, Sona notices she was in a bad mood.
Dev comes to wake Golu and Suha but they ask him for a few minutes. Dev decides to tickle the kids. Suha says tickling will get him punishment, they will now sleep five more minutes. Outside the room, Sona was worried they will be late for school. Dev assures he will look after them, she should leave for office. She slips by him and fell into his arms. He qualifies now she will get late because of romance. Sona hurries to the car, but her dress gets stuck in the car door. She turns to change.
Inside, Dev was checking bags of kids. Vicky comes to inform him the meetings with Indonesian delegate were rescheduled in Chandigarh. Dev was sure Vicky would take care of it, Aleena also takes Dev’s permission to go for a meeting; she will also have vacation with Dev. Ishwari comes to Dev offering her help. Dev comes to kid’s room and notices the kids were still asleep. He shouts at PK and asks why he didn’t wake the kids up. The kids appear from under the blanket, ready for school. Golu asks if he liked the prank.
In the office, Sona was discussing the cost of project. She gets a call and asks if everything is fine Dev? It was Aasha and says she called her for something else last night. Sona tries to explain but Aasha didn’t understand. Bejoy comes to her and asks to relax. He says he is thinking to congratulate Dev for this decision, this would boost his morale. During the breakfast, Dev braids Suha’s hair while Sona conducts the meetings.
Dev was done with braiding Suha’s hair. He complements one of the braid is shorter than other. Mama Ji comes there, and warns these kids would be late at school. Dev tells him to look after Shubh while he rushes the children to school. The guard had shut the door as kids were half an hour late. Dev insists on him to let them inside. He gets a call from Sona and lies that he dropped kids at school. Bejoy watched this, and wonders why Dev lied to the kids. Dev asks the guard if they can meet the principal and goes inside.
Aleena was making photos in the car. Vicky asks her to take some shades from dashboard. Aleena finds a flower and says she finally found what she wanted to see for long. Vicky mocks this wasn’t for her. He says there is much more waiting for her, he only got
two hours’ work. He got the meeting shifted to Chandrigarh, for his photographer wife. They hold hands.
Dev makes stories in the Principal’s office. The principal qualifies that rules are rules, still he allows the children to stay in the class. Dev promise it won’t happen again.
Aasha asks Bejoy if Dev was surprised to see him. Bejoy instead complements her cooking’s. Aasha understands he seems worried. Bejoy says he is only tired, Aasha argues its 11am only.
During break, Golu looks for Suha who had a stomach ache. Golu says they can go to doctor, and says this stomach ache must be because of the breakfast Dev cooked. He says once Dadi told him that one gets stomach ache because of a lie, and they lied to come to school today.
Bejoy suggests Aasha that they must tell Sona about Dev’s lie to children. Aasha forbids him as this can create problems in their relation. She asks him to speak to Dev about it. He thinks about going to kid’s school.
In the office, Sona held a meeting. The clients say it’s nearly impossible to send food to these kids, and show her photos of these underprivileged children. She assess their condition and regrets no governmental welfare project could be implemented till date. Dev comes to ask why she is worried. Sona asks what he is doing here. Dev says he was missing his wife, why isn’t she happy to see him. Sona says he always make her happy, but Shubh must be missing his father. Dev complaints she doesn’t care about him. Sona discusses that their children are really lucky to have everything. She shows him the photos in her hand of children who didn’t get food. Dev assures she can do anything. He asks her for a kiss. Sona reminds it office, he must go home and give a lot of kisses to Shubh. He turns to leave, Sona comes to kiss him on forehead and reminds him to pick up children at the right time.
Bejoy was waiting for Dev outside the school. Golu had a fight inside. Bejoy and the teacher reach. A kid complaints Golu snatched his copy and beat him. Bejoy introduces himself and assures this won’t happen again. The kids apologize the teacher, but the teacher warns Golu.
At home, Dev was happy that Ishwari was playing with Shubh. She taunts she is the only lady in the house and felt for him, then hands Shubh into his arms. Shubh cries in Dev’s arms, he makes Shubh sleep but Shubh was disturbed. Dev thinks about taking him to doctor. Ishwari comes there worried for Shubh and notices her diaper needs to change. Dev says they had just changed the diaper. Ishwari says children have sensitive stomachs. Shubh plays as she changes the diapers, Ishwari says a child’s needs are different. Ishwari says only mothers understand what a child needs. Dev asks if a father can’t know about it. Ishwari qualifies both men and women have different place. Later, Dev ignores Bejoy’s call from school, as he plays with Shubh.
Bejoy and kids were worried. Bejoy calls Sona who says she is in a meeting. She notices Bejoy was stressed, but he doesn’t share. Sona wonder’s what the problem is, she could also hear the kids. She calls again but the number go unreachable.
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