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Monday, January 14, 2019


Ashoke peeps in where a vaidya is there who tells the soldier to take rest he peepes in and finds a shrub which will cure all ailments he remembers his mothers voice.
Niharika remembers RR who is playing with a toy and she is pregnant she asks why he is going and he tells her this is an opportunity and he is a stooge king under Bindusar and not independent and he says Chandragupt along with Chankya took away our independence and he wont be dependent but will go along with this scheme so that he makes Ujjain independent for the future heirs . RR says what if something happens to you he says think positive and if anything happens to me then you will carry my dream forward and to give him a vachan to make Ujjain independent and she gives and he says tell my child that I love her a lot when it is born
Ashoke takes the herb to Subahau takes juice from it and saves his friend. When Basu asks how he knew about the hern Subahu says he must have learnt from his mother. They suddenly see that they are surrounded by Ujjaini soldiers. He gets caught by the soldiers who ask him who they are and tells he is Ashoke from Patliputra come in search of Queen Niharika..Ashoke fibs his way and then wwhen he lifts his sword the soldiers see it is Chandragupta Maurya’s.
Scene 1
Ujjain’s soldiers says are you trying to make us afraid showing sword? Ashok says this sword of changragupt maurya, the kid who have this sword must some extra ordinary guy, I am warrior of Magdh and if I have decided to talk to Niharika then nobody can stop me, it depends on you how you want me to go.
In room, Noor thinks how will we find Dharma like this, if I don’t find her then I will lose in this war, I have to find that Dharma, she turns and strikes with Dharma, she scolds her and says what if got hurt? she ask Dharma to look down, dharma looks down, Noor leaves.
soldier comes to Niharika and tells about Ashok, she ask to call him in. Ashok comes to Niharika and greets her, he says I am resident of magdh and I have something to say, she says what
if I don’t wanna listen, Ashok says then I will think that you font have guts to talk to kid, she says ok say only two things, Ashok says my first thing is that stop this war, she says impossible, Ashok says you will get nothing, innocents die in war only, she gets angry.
Helena says to Nicator and Khurasan says that I never thought I will kill my son, same way we never thought that Khurasan will be with us, our friends keep changing but our destination should not change, Niharika has denied to talk but we have to calm down bindu and ask him to work peace, we have to find Dharma and for that this war has to stop.
Ashok says to Niharika that the one who die in war, can be used to serve city,
Niharika finds wound mark in Ashok’s hands which Ahenkara had engraved in his hand.
Scene 2
Chanakya puts 2 Scorpio in bowl, they start fighting, Chanakya says both are poisonous, both want everything for themselves, both cant share then how can they become one? Radha says why you think Khurasan and Helena have joined hands? Chanakya says the way they were going against each other shows itl, nRadha says Greeks killed Khurasan’s son then how can he shake hands with them? it can happen only when they are getting same benefit, Chanakya says that I am not able to stand, they were against each other and now the way they are showing trust and faith in each other underlying, it shows something is fishy, I should talk to Bindu.
Helena says to Bindu that I should be proud seeing you ready for war but I am worried, and guilty, it is all happening because of Justin and my other son is putting his life in danger to save his people, Bindu says you should not be guilty, the way you have showed your dignity and truthfulness toward magdh is commendable, I am doing my duty, I have to protect my people, Nicator says we are not stopping you to do your duty, we are just saying that we should not leave peace path, Khurasan says even I think that we should talk to Niharika for magdh, I want to talk to her personally, Chanaky comes and says its great to listen Khurasan, but I want to know what trick you have that will pacify Niharika? Khurasan says I can try, Chanakya says if army head goes to Niharika then she can do same what she did with common soldier, who will handle that insult? Khalatak says even I think that we should not wait for talk, it can disappoint people, Bindu takes Helena’s blessing, Ashok comes and says there is no need to go to war, he says I talked to Niharika and she is ready for peace talks, Bindu says how you talked to her? flashback shows Ashok says to Niharika that for peace we need more strength then we need for war, she ask how you know Ahenkara? Ashok says we has strong will, if anyone was in her place then he would have broken but she is strong and living with respect, she has seen her father dying, what if anything happens to you in war? just do peace talk once and if you don’t agree then you always have option for war, Niharika thinks and says ok ask Bindu to send someone for peace talks, fb ends, Khalatak says how can we believe you? Ashok gives statement letters, Bindu reads it, Ashok says in this letter, Niharika has asked Bindu’s men to come and talk with her, Khalatak says you didn’t do good, you went against Bindu and made us weak infront of enemies, they would think that we sent a kid to talk with enemies, you should be punished, Ashok says to Bindu that I went against you, I can accept your punish but i cant see people dying in war, Bindu says you make me proud again and again, its like son goes ahead of his father, Subaho says he saved Vasu too, Ashok says Ujjainies made him drink water from lake which they poisoned, send message that no one should drink water from it, Chanakya says you proved that capability doesn’t depend on age, as people like you are here then future is secure, Helena thinks he did our work, Bindu ask Khurasan to go and talk with Niharika.
Noor thinks that if all dasies are here then Dharma should be here too, how should i find it, she finds Siamak and Drupat playing game, Siamak ask Drupat what is in carton? he guesses it, noor gets idea and says we should make game interesting, she calls all dasies, Subhrasi ask what are you doing? she says i am distracting kids so they don’t think about war, charu says why not? why make them think everything is fine in world? they will become weak like this, Subhrasi says i undersrtand, they understand situation but they cant do much so we should not make them tensed, its better if they are distracted, Noor says all dasies will their name, whoever from Drupat and siamak will remembers names will be winner, Subhrasi says its difficult, Noor says to make it easy i will ask dasies about their personal life so that they can recognize her easily, noor thinks if dharma is here then she will be hesitant to tell it, dharma is there and is tensed.
Scene 1
Drupat is asking dasies their names and her kids and lives, Dharma is tensed.
Khurasan comes to meet Niharika, Ashok is following him. Khurasan comes in Niharika’s tent, he greets her, soldier takes his sword, he talks to her, Ashok tries to listen from far but couldn’t, Khurasan comes out of tent, Niharika comes out too with her new born baby, she raises white flag showing peace path accepted, AShok is happy and says my mother’s faith won today. AShok comes there with Ahenkara, niharika gets emotional seeing her, Ahenkara happily cries, she looks at Ashok crying and hugs him tightly, Ashok is stunned, all look on, Ashok hugs her back, he says war has stopped, go your mother is waiting for you, Ahenkara looks at her, she calls her, Ahenkara runs and
hugs her, she takes her new brother in hands and kisses him, Nihariks looks at AShok.
Siamak and Drupat are asking dasies their information, they then come to Dharma, Drupat ask whats your name? she gets tensed, you have son, whats his name? noor ask her to answer, soldier comes and says good news is that Niharika lhas agreed to peace talks, Ashok have made her agree to it by putting his life in danger, siamak says he is magical.
Niharika comes to Magdh’s palace. Ashok comes to meet Dharma, she smiles and ask her to come in, he comes and hugs her, Dharma says I am proud of you, Ashok says don’t say anything but let me hug you.
Niharika greets Bindu, Bindu thanks her for accepting peace talks, Niharika says I accepted peace talks not peace, she looks at Chanakya and says I have listened a lot about you, Chanakya says it would be great if we had met in some other situation, Niharika says to Helena that we used to listen that you are very beautiful, now we listen that you are that mother who killed her son, Bindu says you crossed our border without order, if we had war then we would have won, Niharika says that would have been decided in battlefield only, if my soldiers had died in war then you would haave got affected too, Bindu says for Mauryas war happens to bring justice, but we believe in humanity, it increases problems of people, we want peace, Niharika says when there is no justice then how can peace come? I am ready for peace but I have two conditions, first my husband’s last ceremonies will happen as it would have happened for royal king, Bindu agrees, Niharika says 2nd is I want full justice, I want all criminals of conspiracy to be caught, she is same person who poisoned Justin and my husband, I want you to punish her like you did to my husband, Bindu ask who is that person?
Scene 2
Dharma says to Ashok that as much I try to keep you away from problems, it crops up more, I just pray for your security, Ashok says I have set everything, by peace now war is not happening, she says you have saved magdh, Ashok says you have shown me way, I have to leave now, he touches her feet, she blesses him, he leaves, Dharma says when you will know truth, don’t know what will happen to you.
Bindu ask Niharika to tell name, she says you love her much more than everyone, you will not believe me but read that betrayer’s name, she gives note to him, Bindu opens note, reads name and is shocked, niharika recalls her talk with Khurasan, he says you will not get anything from this war, you will lose to Bindu, she says if you had trust on winning then your king would have offered peace talks, Khurasan says only peace can give you relief and if you do what I am saying then you will get your revenge and peace will happen too, I am here to give you Helena’s message, he lost your husband and she lost her son, she want to help you, you can take revenge from Bindu when he most weak and he will be weak when most precious thing is snatched from him, then we all can take revenge, after this incident, he wont be able to sustain fb ends, Bindu says this is not possible, Niharika says she is alive, find her, Helena ask who is she? tell me name, I will kill her with my hands, Niharika says no Bindu will kill her with his hands, Helena ask who is she? Chanakya says if you don’t want to tell her name infront of all then we can talk in private, Niharika says why in private? she is betrayer so her name should be told to everyone liked it happened in case of other betrayers and Magdh Samrat is not biased, she ask Bindu to tell name, Bindu says I don’t trust you, Niharika says should I tell infront of all that your wife has planned this conspiracy, Helena says all 3 wives care for Bindu a lot, they can die for him, Niharika says I am talking about his 4th wife, he married her but kept it secret, her name is Dharma.. all are stunned.
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