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Sunday, January 13, 2019


Ganga follows Amma ji on the streets. She keeps crying for Sagar. She rushes to meet pundit ji. Ganga keeps asking her what she wants. Amma ji finally gets to know where her pundit ji is. She tells Ganga to leave her. Stop following me. where is Maharaj ji? Ganga points at a pundit ji. Amma ji goes to meet him. Please come with me. My grandson is in problem. Please save him. He goes to do a puja for some other family first. I will listen to you then. She pleads him to understand her. Sagar is hanging between life and death. Doc said that he wont live.
Amma ji pleads pundit ji to understand her. Sagar is hanging between life and death. Doc said that he wont live. Pundit ji was going to do someone else’s puja but stops in shock after hearing her. Amma ji says I don’t trust doc but Gods. Please help my grandson. You have always helped us in all our problems. Please suggest some solution to save my grandson. She touches his feet. He agrees to talk to her after completing the puja. Amma ji agrees to wait. I vow of Ganga Maiyya. If anything happens to Sagar then I will die by jumping in Ganga Maiyya itself.
Pundit ji checks Sagar’s kundli. He explains that there is a fair possibility of death on your grandson. There is a solution though. Sagar’s death will postpone only when someone will put in vermilion of his name. Ganga is confused
while Amma ji is all the more boggled. He is a kid. How can a girl put vermilion of his name on her maang / forehead partition and why? Pundit ji says this is the only option. That will become a shield for him. No problem will ever touch him again. You should think. I will do Maha Mrityunjaya Jaap till then. A girl will have to fill her maang / forehead partition with vermilion of Sagar’s name. Amma ji sits down dejected. Ganga gives her hope. It is only vermilion. You can put it. Amma ji shakes her head. I cannot do anything for Sagar. I cannot put it. I can die but not this. Ganga asks her if she will let Sagar die. Amma ji warns her not to say this again. I wont let anything happen to him. From where will I get such a girl? God please show me the way. Ganga thinks of pundit ji’s words.
Ratan talks positively to Madhvi. Nothing will happen to Sagar. Pulkit and Madhvi are about to leave for hospital when Ganga comes there. She tells them of what pundit ji has said. Please put vermilion of Sagar’s name on your maang / forehead partition. Madhvi scolds her for speaking without thinking. Ganga still insists. I am only saying what pundit ji said. Madhvi refuses. I cannot do it. I am his mother. Ganga does not understand her logic. Amma ji scolds Ganga for talking stupidly. No one can put vermilion of Sagar’s name, neither your Bahu ji nor I. Ganga still cannot understand it. Why can it not happen? Pundit ji only said so. Pulkit says Sagar will get well after operation. She asks him why doc said only God can help now. Someone will have to put vermilion now for that. She asks Prabha but Prabha too cannot do it. Ganga requests everyone to save her Sagar. Don’t let him die. Everyone stands there helplessly. Everyone leaves for hospital as it is time for Sagar’s operation. Pundit ji’s words keep echoing in Ganga’s head. Amma ji dint make anyone understand. It is just a matter of vermilion. She notices Mehri standing there. Mehri too declines. I am already married. Vermilion is not just a colour. You wont understand. I too am concerned for Sagar but I cannot do this. She goes upstairs. Ganga talks to Maharaj ji. Pundit ji spoke about a girl or I would have asked you. I know you wouldn’t have said no. He nods. Mehri is right. It isn’t a game to put vermilion of someone else’s name. She remarks that no one is worried for Sagar. No one is helping me. I wont talk to anyone if anything happens to him!
Sagar is confused to see everyone crying by his bedside. I don’t want to get operated. I am scared. Madhvi calls him her brave son. You have to get well. He asks her if he will die after this. I will meet you all again, right? I don’t want to go for it. Amma ji assures him nothing will happen to him. Sagar repeats he doesn’t want to get operated. Nurse comes to make Sagar wear hospital gown. Sagar refuses to let go of his Dadi and mother. Niru asks Amma ji to come. Nurse will take care of him. Amma ji asks doc to take care of Sagar. She kisses on sagar’s maang / forehead partition before leaving. They all go outside reluctantly.
Ganga cries hugging Jalebi Prasad. No one is ready to listen to me. What should I do now? How do I save Sagar? From where should I find such a girl who will put vermilion of Sagar’s name in her maang / forehead partition? Tell me! Sagar is right. I am stupid. I took so much time to understand it. there is a girl. She goes outside for a second.
Nurse helps Sagar change his clothes. On the other hand, Ganga stands before a mirror. Nurse readies Sagar for the operation. A mantra plays in the background. Ganga picks up the box of vermilion and runs downstairs. Maharaj ji calls out after her but she does not stop. Ganga runs on the streets. She reaches hospital and meets Sagar directly. She says I wont let anything happen to you. You are my best friend. I wont let you go anywhere. They both look at each other. She tells him what pundit ji said. No one is ready to do it. I will do it. She shows him the box of vermilion. I will put it. I am ready to do this to save your life. Put it in my maang / forehead partition. He asks her why. She repeats what pundit ji said. That girl will become your shield.
Outside, Niru comforts Amma ji. We are all here. Amma ji goes to meet Sagar for a minute.
Ganga says I will become your shield. All your problems will come to me first of all then. I will send them far away from you. Nothing will happen to you then. Put this vermilion in my maang / forehead partition. Amma ji is on her way. Ganga says maybe this is why God united us. Amma ji stops outside in shock. Sagar is in thoughts. Ganga asks Sagar to do it. Amma ji is about to intervene but stops thinking of pundit ji’s words. Ganga assures Sagar he will get perfectly fine this way. Put it. He nods. He fills her maang with vermilion. Amma ji looks on stunned. Ganga tells Sagar to rest now. He lies down. Ganga turns and finds Amma ji standing there. Amma ji signals Ganga to be quiet. Ganga assures her nothing will happen to Sagar now. Amma ji asks her to go home. Ganga denies. I wont go anywhere till Sagar gets well. Amma ji tells her to hide / cover this vermilion. no one should see this. Ganga refuses to hide it. I wont hide it ever now. Amma ji sends her home. Ganga walks away, smiling to herself.
Sagar is being taken away for operation.
Maharaj ji notices Ganga coming home. Mehri and Maharaj ji don’t see her from front. Ganga goes directly in her room. Sagar’s operation starts. Ganga puts more vermilion in her maang as she stands in the temple. The family members pace anxiously outside the operation theatre. Ganga sits down to pray for Sagar. The operation gets over. Ganga asks God if her Sagar is fine or not. Doc tells the family members that the surgery was successful. Sagar is out of danger now. Amma ji happily hugs Niru. The entire family shares a group hug.
At night, Sudha has come to Chaturvedi Sadan. Maharaj ji had called her over. He leaves for the hospital. The landline rings. Sudha picks it up. Pulkit tells her that Sagar’s surgery was successful. Tell Ganga. She is very much worried for Sagar. Sudha agrees. She keeps the phone down. Sudha picks up the puja thaal. The lights are off. Sudha shares that Sagar is perfectly fine. Ganga says I knew it already. She lights the diya. I put vermilion of his name after all! Sudha is stunned to see her. She drops the puja thaal in shock. She switches lights immediately. What did you do? She says I dit what pundit ji had said. Sudha pulls Ganga outside. You did the worst thing today! You do whatever you like / wish. Amma ji wont spare you if she sees you thus. Ganga says Amma ji knows everything already. She saw me as I put it. Sudha is taken aback. Ganga asks her why she wants to remove it. Amma ji dint say anything. Amma ji comes there. You think I agreed as I kept quiet? Ganga nods. You would have scolded me otherwise. Tell Sudha Bua. I wont remove this vermilion. Why are you quiet? Sudha walks up to Amma ji. She is a widow. She has broken the rules of scriptures. She has done adharma. Amma ji stands there all quiet. Ganga requests Amma ji to speak. I did this to save Sagar’s life. Sudha understands Amma ji’s silence. She takes Ganga towards the tap. Don’t act mad. This sin wont go away even if you cry. This vermilion isn’t for you. You have lost the right to put it. How do I make you understand! She pours water over Ganga’s head to remove vermilion from her forehead. Ganga keeps requesting her not to do it. She recalls the past when Sudha had done a similar thing when she had lost her husband. She was forced to remove vermilion from her forehead in a similar manner. Sudha keeps pouring more water on Ganga to clean her up. She mentally speaks to Sagar. Sudha Bua cleaned it up. Amma ji too dint say anything to her. What if anything happens to you? I wont let anything happen to you. I wont clean my vermilion. She comes back and puts more vermilion in her forehead.
Ganga comes to Amma ji’s room afterwards. She shows the partition to her. You asked me to hide it. I did it. But don’t ask me to remove it ever! This is of Sagar’s name. How can I remove it? Amma ji sits there speechless. I know nothing. I am only a widow bound by rules. I left everything on God. Ganga turns to God. Leave it all on me. I am with Sagar. I will never remove this vermilion. I know this only has saved his life. Amma ji looks at her. Ganga decides to not let any problem come in Sagar’s way. I will take care of him for as long as I will live. Nothing will go wrong with him till I am with him.
few days later:
Ganga makes Sagar drink milk. She takes good care of him. Madhvi brings soup for Sagar. Ganga shares that Sagar doesn’t like soup. She makes Sagar eat Chips with her hands. Madhvi and Prabha observe them. Madhvi notices the closeness between Ganga and Sagar in the next days. Don’t know what Prabha said to Madhvi. She started disliking Ganga. She spoke to Niru about sending Sagar to hostel. Niru was already concerned for Pulkit. He got Sagar admitted to one hostel. Sagar and Ganga got separated. It hurt them a lot. Sagar packs his stuff. Ganga and Sagar think of their past moments. Sagar holds a kite in his hands. We will fly it together when I am back. She shows anklets to him. Make me wear them when you are back. He denies. He sits down to make her wear it right away.
She smiles. He keeps one with him. I will make you wear it when I am back. She sits down next to him on floor. They both look at each other. They are sad. Ganga asks him if he will forget her. He teases her first. I cannot do it ever. They both don’t know how they will live without each other. She rests her head on his shoulder. They both sit there quietly.
Next morning, Niru and Madhvi find Ganga and Sagar sleeping in the same position. Madhvi thinks that her decision was right. It is good if Sagar stays away from Ganga. Niru picks up Sagar. He lets go of Ganga’s hand in his sleep. Ganga wakes up startled. She runs downstairs calling out for Sagar. Sagar hugs Ganga. Amma ji and Madhvi look at each other. Sagar and Ganga give each other last minute cute advises. Sagar cannot take his eyes off Ganga even when Amma ji or anyone else is talking to him. Everyone sits in the car except AMma ji and Ganga. Sagar and Ganga keep talking to each other as the car starts. Ganga runs along with the car holding Sagar’s hand for a while. She falls. They both call out for each other. Ganga is in tears. How will I live without you? I will manage though. I know you will come back. No one can stop Sagar from meeting Ganga. She opens a knot in her saree and puts vermilion in her maang. I will keep it always as I know nothing will happen to my Sagar till I put it.
10 years later:
Sagar went to Dehradun first and then to London. Ganga is waiting for Sagar’s return till then. She is doing B.A. She tops in Banaras. She thinks of Sagar whenever she wins any prize.
Mehri calls out for Ganga. Maharaj ji tells her to wait. She will come. She has never skipped the snan since Amma ji has asked her to keep fasts.
Ganga takes bath in Ganga river. Ganga talks to her friend (Pooja) about Aaradhya (those who we worship). My Aaradhya is only Sagar. Later, she puts vermilion in her maang when no one is looking her way. She hides it under her hairs. Ganga asks Kanha ji when her Sagar will be back. Till when will Pooja question me? Till when will I put vermilion in my head like this? When Sagar comes back, this Pooja will also understand that our relation is just likes yours.
Ganga finishes her puja and leaves with Pooja. Pooja can see Ganga loves Sagar with all her heart. But I worry for you. Sagar is in abroad. He might have changed. Ganga smiles at her. You worry too much for me. She tells Pooja about her relation with Sagar. Pooja tells her to ask Sagar directly if he loves you or not. Ganga says we both know it already. Jalebi Prasad barks. Ganga corrects Pooja. Sagar suggested me to call him JP. She plays with JP. A few men look wrongly at her. Ganga notices their stare. She directly asks them if they come here to tease girls. Should I call inspector and get you arrested? They leave from there fearfully. Pooja says you haven’t changed at all. Ganga says I have learnt it from my Bappa and Babu. Never be scared of injustice. She hears the sound of conch. It is 9:30.
ji and Mehri hope Ganga comes soon. She only advises them what is to be done in kitchen and other work. Niru calls out for Ganga. She still isn’t home. Raghav ji tells Niru about his schedule for the day. Maharaj ji gives tea to Niru. Ganga and JP come just then. Ganga guides Mehri what clothes are to be washed how. Ganga next reprimands Niru for eating parathas. Niru remembers the young Ganga telling him the same. Ganga takes the plate away. She next questions Maharaj ji. Maharaj ji says Niru was asking for tea. Niru gulps down tea quickly. Ganga scolds Maharaj ji for giving tea to Niru. Babu has diabetes. He shouldn’t drink all that. Now he will have to drink bitter gourd juice. Raghav ji laughs. Niru murmurs that Ganga will not let him eat anything good. Ganga checks the key points of today’s case. There are 4 spelling mistakes. Niru asks Ganga why she does not speak in English when she knows it too well. She says she isn’t proficient in speaking. I will speak when Sagar is back. Raghav ji is irked with Ganga but she brings a smile on his face. I have to study LLB after BA. Madhvi calls out for Ganga. She tells Niru she has informed in his office that he shouldn’t be given tea with sugar. Niru smiles. The storm in house continues both the times when Ganga is in the house and not!

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