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Wednesday, January 9, 2019


Scene 1
Justin is dead, Noor cant see it, Helena sit down and cries for Justin, she sees his blood on her hands and cries, Nicator comes there with tears in his eyes, he looks at Bindu, Ashok holds out his heart, Nicator makes Helena get up from there, Chanakya thinks i cant believe one can be so heartless, to save herself, she killed her own son, i have seen many enemies but never saw a enemy with this thinking.
the death is getting cleaned, Ashok sees it and sadly leaves. Bindu is also looking at it, Subhrasi comes to him, he says there was a time when i and Justin use to run here, i never realized what i we missed, Subhrasi ask him to calm doen, Khalatak comes there and says there is one problem, we have to go in court, Bindu nods.
Helena sees blood of Justin on her
hands and says i cant wipe it, this is last memory of Justin, i cant wash it off, Noor comes there with cloth and sends all dasies out, she sees blood on Helena’s hands, she makes Helena sit on bed, she puts her blood filled on cloth, the blood impression is made on cloth, Noor says your son’s last memory cant be snatched from you now, she gives cloth to Helena and says there is one more memory of Justin who has Justin’s blood, whatever we do these people will never accept us, they think we are foreigners, we have to protect him.
Scene 2
Ashok is hugging Dharma, Dharma says i never wanted you to see it, Ashok says things wont change if dont see it, what kind of world is this? brother is enemy of brother and wanted to kill whole family and a mother kills her own son, they dont have humanity, Dharma says this is play to get throne, its not easy to become Samrat, Ashok says you know that when their bodies were getting removed from spot, people were talking what will happen to these bodies? all were thinking that their last ceremonies should not happen, they are killed, they got death then how can people be so cold, punishment stops crimes and these punishments were given before too but did crime stop? this is time to revolutionize, why all are silent? Dharma says because you need to have guts to stand alone and confidently raise point.
Khalatak says to Bindu that its ritual that betrayer’s head are displayed in market but justin was afterall a Maurya and he is from royal family and there is ritual that they are given respect in their last ceremony, sushim says that was old ritual and we follow it from years, think if we dont do his last ceremony then what will happen to Helena? she has set example by killing him so cant we give her this much? Khurasan says i respect her emotions but if we do last ceremony of justin then we have to do it for Raj too as they did same crime and if we do it for both then we will have to give same respect to every betrayer in future, Bindu thinks.
Ahenkara is crying in her room, she misses her mother, a arrow is thrown in her room, she finds note tied to arrow, she takes note and reads it, she says mother is coming to take me?
khurasan says if you give respect to them then people will say that Bindu went against rules to fulfill his emotions, Sushim says it doesnt matter who thinks what, all know the result of going against royal family now, nobody has gut to say thing against bindu, he can do what he wants, Khalatak says bindu have to take decision, Ashok comes and says before Bindu takes any decision, i wanna ask something, sushim says you cant stop court discussions like this, Ashok says to Bindu that i have only 3 questions, you will get your answer while answering them, Bindu ask him to go ahead, he says if you have to put burning coals on your hand to show your strength to your enemy then who will burn first you or your enemy? Bindu says what kind of question is this, i will burn first, he then ask will you put oil in it or water to dose it off? Sushim gets angry on him, Bindu ask him to calm down, Bindu says water, Ashok ask if there is a dig and you fell it then will you fall it in again? Bindu says no, Ashok ask will you close it so that no one goes in it? Bindu says i will close it without taking time, Ashok says my questions are done, Bindu says what about my answer? Ashok says anger is like coal which burns your hand only, you gave punishment to betrayers then whats need to hold anger against them till now, if you dont do last ceremony of them then Ujjanis and Unanis will get more miffed it will be like putting oil in fire, when Chanakya made this rule of displaying heads in market then situation needed it but today same betrayal happened this means this punishment it not working anymore, he says to Chanakya that i am not challenging his rules, i am just saying that with time people changes so we should change rules too, we have to tell people that even if betrayers do bad with us, we will not leave our goodness, putting their heads in market is like keeping that dig open, Bindu says after listening to Ashok i think we need change, Chanakya agrees, Bindu says so my decision is to stop the ritual of head showing, last ceremonies will be done, he ask to start preparation for justin’s last ceremony and send letter to Ujjain to ask them to do last ceremony of Raj.
Dharma comes to Chanakya and says you must thinking that kid changed your thought, today my son chose peace way, he has shown new path to all, this will be base to new beginning, it will be only peace now, Chanakya says i am proud to lose infront of my student, Ashok proved today that he deserve to be Samrat, he is only one to deserve it, Dharma says whatever happened in these days, i dont think its not right time to tell ashok about his father, Chanakya says i promised that when betrayers are punished then i wil make Ashok meet his father but i agree to you that its not right time, but if Ashok starts finding about this father then i wont be able to stop him.
Scene 1
Justin’s last ceremony is going on, Pundit says we are doing it by our rituals, if Helena wants to do something as Greek ritual then she can do it, Noor supports Helena, Helena comes to Justin whose body is put on wooden sticks, she recalls how he was a kid, she kisses her and puts it on Justin’s hand, she cuts her hair lock and put it with Justin’s body, she your sacrifice will be my reason to live, whatever dreams i had seen for you, i will fulfill it even if i have to kill dreams of whole magdh for that, she goes back, Bindu looks at Justin’s body, Noor is crying, Bindu is about to do last ritual, Helena says when man doesnt have son then brother does his last ritual but can i ask Siamak to do last rituals of Justin? all looks on, she says Justin
loved Siamak alot, he used to think him as his son, it will peace his soul, he will believe that siamak forgave him then he will get peace, Siamak comes forward and says he was my guider, i have learnt everything from him, by doing his last ritual, i will feel that atleast i did something for him, he takes water pot from Bindu, puts it on his shoulder and takes round around Justin’s body, all look on, Noor is in tears, Siamak breaks pot, he recalls how Justin asked him to be so strong so that he can protect his mother, he lits fire to Justin’s body, Drupat is crying, Khursan comes to noor and helena, Helena says to him that i have sacrificed my son for Siamak, now our dream is one and it will be good if we support each other in this, Noor thinks what couldnt happen when he was alive, it happened after his death. some soldier comes there and says Ujjain is going to attack on us, all are stunned, i couldnt reach Ujjain, Ujjain’s soldiers attacked me, i feel some soldiers are already in magdh, Khurasan ask all family members to go to palace.
Scene 2
Soldiers come in market and announce people to go to their rooms, magdh’s gate is closed.
BIndu comes in court, he ask Khurasan what you do? you are army head and you dont know about anything, even after fire incident, you are not cautious, enemies have entered magdh and you dont know about it? border is under your soldiers, Khurasan says i will investigate about it, Bindu says if you cant fulfill your duties then resign from your position, he looks at Aakramak and says i have more deserving candidates from you, you have time till yesterday, find all the soldiers of enemy and if you dont then i will take actions against you, you are my father in law but when its about Magdh then you are just army head for me.
Raj’s wife Niharka says to her new born child that i couldnt go with Raj to Magdh as i had to give you birth, now my only aim is to free Ahenkara first and then take revenge of Raj’s death, i will finish Maurya dynasty.
she sit on throne and says to her soldiers that you all have taken good decision to be with me, you all are from different caste but we have only one aim that is to take revenge from Mauryas, they have insulted us, they have given Raj very bitter death, she ask how come Bindu got to know that we have entered Magdh? one soldier says we didnt do anything, she looks at faces of all soldiers and tries to read expression, she finds one soldier shivering, she says man’s hand tells secret of his, your hands are not of soldier? i know all my soldier but who are you? soldier is about to attack her but she takes sword and kills him on spot, Niharka says to give message to Bindu that we will attack him.
Scene 3
Ashok says to bindu that if war happens then i will go with you, Bindu says you are not of age to come in war and you dont have practice, Ashok says i am your guard then how can i leave you in war, i have promised you to protect you, Bindu says if you wanna help me then help Ahenkara, protect Ahenkara, i promised Raj that i will take care of her and now when Ujjain has announced attack on us then people will try to harm Ahenkara, so promise me to protect her, Ashok promises him.
Ahenkara says to Sushim that you cant do this with me, Bindu promised my father that he will give me good life, Sushim says shut up, your father asked promise but its not necessary that we have to follow it, Ujjain want to attack us? i will show your worth now, he is about to beat her but Ashok comes and holds it, he comes infront Ahenkara.
Recommendations accepted and warmly welcomed

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