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Tuesday, January 15, 2019


Pakhi talking to the lawyer and no one takes her case. She gets sad. She calls Girish and says no one is ready to take Ayaan’s custody case, I don’t know what to do, how to handle this, please come and tell me whom to appoint. Veer comes to her and says no lawyer is ready. Bua ensured this. He says its not an easy case. He says I suggest you give the case to me. She says why, I will fail if I give this case to you, I heard your and Maa’s talk. He says he don’t have an option. Pakhi taunts him and leaves. A lawyer comes to meet her and says he will win this case, it will take time to study this case. She says we don’t have time, the court hearing is tomorrow. He says he can’t win in such short time. He says see whom Anuja have hired, only Veer can win the case
He sees Veer and greets him giving respect. He asks Pakhi to hire Veer and asks him to give him a chance to practice under him. He praises Veer and leaves. Veer says he is not with Bua, else she would have not told her. He says Bua does not want me to fight this case. He says so she did this to separate us, and bought all lawyers. He says Bua saw you there standing so she changed her words. He says people come to me after they lose all hope, I came to you to win this case for you and Ayaan. He says lastly, people know me for my work, and gives her a file. He says keep this, its my degree and license, if I lose this case, burn this, I will leave my profession. Girish looks on.
Girish nods yes. Veer leaves. Girish talks to Pakhi and says you told me what Maa told me. He says Maa did not say the truth, as Veer does not wish to marry. He was leaving the house, I stopped him and have hurt him. He heard Bhaisa and he said he regrets after knowing Aryaman’s truth, then he agreed to marry you. He says it means we all are involved, I think we should give a chance to Veer. She agrees and takes the file. Anuja looks on hiding. Lavanya comes to know about Riya. She asks are you sure. Pakhi makes Ayaan have the milk glass and asks him to sleep now.
She says she has important work and she will come late, you be at home, have food. Ayaan says he won’t be with Dadi. He says don’t go leaving me. She says she won’t go, it’s a small work, I will come back to you. Ayaan asks and Veer? She says he will also get late. Ayaan says she is like a fairy for her, and he won’t be afraid if she switches off the lights. She kisses his forehead and sings a lullaby for him. Ayaan sleeps. Veer talks to her and she says Ayaan slept. He says good. She says she trusts him, but partly. She says be away from me and my son. She leaves.
Its morning, Pakhi prays to win the case and bring happiness at her home. Anuja comes to her and prays that Pakhi does not win, as she has taken her son away, she is her culprit and Pakhi should be punished. Pakhi says she does not want anyone to lose, but we have to stay together, Aryaman should not come back. She tells Maa that she wishes them to be together, but today we have a wall of our opinions and maybe you feel I m wrong and your enemy. She says she will bear this blame too. She says Ayaan should not know this, I know you love Ayaan, when he comes to know we are against each other in court, he will be hurt. She leaves.
Maha ji does her tilak. She says you will win, our prayers are with you. Anuja looks on. They reach the court. The judge comes and the case starts. The judge praises Veer and says he did good work before. He says lets start, one side is Ayaan’s grandmum and other side is his stepmum. Veer says he wants to show the background of the case. He says Pakhi married Anshuman one year back and she took care of Ayaan well. He shows some pics, videos of Anshuman, Pakhi and Ayaan. The judge says it shows Ayaan is happy with him, but Anuja filed the case saying she is worried for Ayaan’s future.
Anuja says she is not doubtful that Pakhi is a good mum. She says she is not sure whether Veer is a good dad. Pakhi is shocked. Veer says he married Pakhi. Anuja says Pakhi married Veer after Anshuman’s death. She says she does not want Ayaan to be with Veer, as he is not a good father. She says she is not blaming, she has proof. She says how will he take care of Ayaan, if he can’t take care of his daughter. Lavaya smiles. Pakhi is shocked. Veer’s daughter comes in the court. Riya comes in. Everyone is shocked. Anuja and Lavanya smile. Girish is shocked seeing Riya.Riya coming in the court and saying she is Veer’s daughter. Everyone is shocked. Riya says Veer should not get custody of any child, as he is the worst father. Lavanya thinks she found out about Riya and her father. Riya hates Veer and Lavanya called Riya to meet her. The FB shows Lavanya making a new plan with Anuja and saying even Veer can’t win the case. And she talks to Riya about Veer. She tells Riya that Veer married Pakhi and shows the pic. She says I know you hate him, I found him out, and I realized you were right. She manipulates Riya and fills her ears against Veer. Riya says Veer can see no one happy, he ruins everyone, I m not interested in knowing about him. Lavanya says sorry, let me tell you the complete thing.
Lavanya cries to fool her and asks
her for helping him in the court case. Riya agrees and says she will come in court. She says she will give such statement that she will expose Veer. Lavanya smiles. Anuja tells Pakhi that Veer did not tell you he has a daughter and you are believing him. Veer confirms that Riya is his daughter. Pakhi and Girish are shocked. The defense lawyer asks Riya about Veer. Riya gives a bad statement about Veer, saying she did not have any single day when she smiled, she got to tale psychiatric treatments because of him and shows the reports.
She says this man should not be a father, he should not be given the custody. Anuja and Lavanya smile. Anuja tells Pakhi that I told you Veer is with me, all this was decided, he is fighting this case to make you lose the case. Veer says he can explain. Pakhi says stop it and scolds him. The judge says stop this. Pakhi says you ruined my life, you married me for Ayaan’s sake and now wants to take him, you won’t be able to take him. She says Veer can’t take my case. The lawyer says they are not able to agree on anything, what will they take care of Ayaan, now say the decision. Pakhi says he is a cheater, this is fraud. The lawyer asks the judge to say the decision.
The judge says calm down, we will resume after one hour lunch break. Veer thanks him. Pakhi says don’t take decision because of him. Veer holds Pakhi’s hand and takes her out. She says leave my hand. He asks what was she doing inside, they will lose the case. She says you want this, why do you want to take my son, I already lost Anshuman but I m happy with Ayaan, you ruined everything, why did you come. I love Anshuman and can’t think of anyone, I sacrificed for Ayaan and you want to take him, I promised Anshuman to protect Ayaan. She scolds him and taunts him for Riya. He cries and argues.
He defends himself and says he is having a double war with her and Bua, and she says he does not know relations, you are wrong, I value relations more. He says he did not do any promise and keeping it. He says he did not marry again as he can’t give anyone place in his heart. He says sorry and cries turning away. He says Riya’s mum, she got married somewhere else. She says but Riya is your daughter. He asks is Ayaan your son, like that Riya is my daughter. He says I went to London to study to forget my love but I could not. I came back and my parents forced me to marry, but I did not have that strength. He says his love and her husband died in car accident, and then he got Riya, she was seven years old and I felt I have an aim in my life now.
He says I just wanted to make her happy and then all my hopes and love is hers. Girish talks to Riya. Riya thinks maybe Lavanya told him about birthday. Girish talks about Veer and says she is mistaken. Veer says I don’t know why Riya hates me, but I love her a lot, I came here for Riya. Riya says Veer is not my father, my parents died. Girish says then why do you hate her, why did he do your upbringing, you studied well all because of him, he has bear all your expenses. He says he does not deserve your hatred, I have seen love in his eyes, and he is helpless now, I think you are wrong.
Lavanya sees Girish talking to Riya and comes to them. She asks Girish to go as his calls are coming. She sends him. Riya thinks. Lavanya asks Riya not to think this as Girish supports Pakhi and he believes Veer is a good guy. Riya thinks Lavanya got me here for her work, she is supporting her mum and Girish is with Veer. She thinks they are against each other, so she will support Girish and smiles. Lavanya asks Riya to help her. Riya says no, she can’t, as she loves Girish and can do anything to get him.
Veer says what he did with Bua, he told her already, after knowing the truth, I felt your pain as mine. He says I know how it feels to be away from children. He says he wants to hear Papa from Riya of she accepts him and this will complete his life. He leaves. Pakhi thinks.

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