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Sunday, January 13, 2019


Sona thinks Dev has been such a huge support for her. She recalls when Shorabh was always angry at her for not being in the meeting and giving time to Suha. Bejoy had said then that if Dev was with Sona, he must have taken the role of house-husband. At that time no one argued with him, but later Sona wrote in her diary about it.
In the resturant, Ronita was happy for the dinner. Shorabh thanks her for Ronita. He tells Ronita she made him more efficient, and is sure Ronita will learn this all in time. Ronita was offensive and asks if she doesn’t know anything? She was irritated why he brought her here. Everyone in the resturant was now attentive towards them. Ronita throws the spoons and shouts at him.
Dev and Sona enjoy coffee together. Sona says they have been in
each other’s lone company after a long time. Dev says we are surely doing something wrong that everyone is questioning them. Sona asks Dev if he wouldn’t have helped her if she was staying home. She agrees they must do the parenting together, as both hold different strengths.
At home, Aasha was happy that Shorabh and Ronita went out with Mishti together. There was a bell at the door, Ronita enters first. She cries and complains that Shorabh thinks she can’t do parenting. Shorabh asks Aasha and Bejoy who is a better parent. Bejoy asks them where is Mishti, both take each other’s name. Ronita’s mother brings Mishti from behind. She scolds them and decides to stay there until Shorabh and Ronita learn to parenting well.
The next morning, Suha was asleep with Sona. Dev was looking after Shubh, Sona wakes Suha. Dev comes to pack Golu’s bag but he insists to do it himself. Sona hurries the kids to school. In the car, Dev notices the kids were ignored. He begins a quiz. Suha replies all the answeres instantly. Dev gives Golu a chance but Golu couldn’t. Sona tells Dev today at home Golu will practice all the questions.
Suha scolds Golu for not leaving to play game, he must focus on studies. Golu says he will study with the game. Suha wasn’t ready to support him anymore, but Golu shows her his plan about cheating. Suha takes the cell phone.
In the office, Sona gets a call from Dev. He says I love you, she couldnt reply being busy with someone. Dev teases she must also say I love you too, else he would come to office. He was right at the door and comes to her then. Sona feels shy as she confesses her love to him. The colleagues smile at this.
Shorabh was sleeping in the kitchen as the milk boiled. Aasha asks if Shorabh doesn’t want to go to office. Ronita’s mother says she asked him to stay home today and learn abit of household tasks. She insits Ronita takes care of all the work, Shorabh must also learn abit. Aasha was left with a curt smile.
In the class, the teacher announces the test results. Golu got 20 out of 20. The teacher recheck the papers. Suha remembers about his cheating trick. The teacher appreciates Golu for hardwork. Golu requests her to tell Dev they got full marks.
In the office, Dev was happy to hear the kids got highest marks in the test. Dev boasts about himself. Sona says it feels really good when kids get good marks.
In the office, Sona discusses the confusions in project with Dev. He thinks for a while and makes some ammendments. Sona wonders how can he be so perfect in every task, she loves this handsome, talented young man. Shubh cries in his sleep. Dev wonders if he is being so jealous. Both Dev and Sona compliment each other for completing each other’s life. Sona says she miss going to a date. Dev gets a call from the doctor, Sona was concerned but Dev says its Shubh’s vaccination. Even his medical card is at home. Sona suggests about taking Shubh for vaccination and Dev must give the presentation.
Suha takes Golu’s tab and says he won’t play this game anymore, else she will tell Papa that about it. Golu promises to delete the game.
Ronita was putting Mishti
to sleep. Aasha comes in and reminds her to take iron tablet. Ronita asks Aasha to speak to her mother. Aasha says Ronita must handle her mother to save husband, it won’t be appropriate if she speaks to her.
Ishwari brings out Shubh’s file. Sona asks her to come along, she insists on her to come as they haven’t spent time with each other for long. On the way, Ishwari smiles as Shubh plays with Sona. Ishwari says she got some life watching Shubh happy with her. Sona says she also miss this, but her employees are also like her family. Their house run because of her. Ishwari understands she can’t leave those who were always her support. Sona says she wish to balance her work-home life. Ishwari promises her support to Sona.
In the hospital, Ishwari was relieved that vaccination went well. It was Dev’s call on Sona’s phone that Ishwari takes. Dev sings from the other side, cheerful about the meeting. He blushes knowing it was Ishwari on the line. Ishwari asks what happened in the meeting. Dev says it was something in the office and asks to put phone on speaker. Sona asks about the meeting. Dev says they also got the next project. Ishwari says when Dev was in office and Sona with Shubh, all went so well. She regrets at their silence and asks him to hurry home.
There, Aasha reminds Ronita about taking Mishti to doctor. Ronita asks if she is ready, then forgets where Mishti is. After a while she recalls she gave her to her Maa. She dials a call but Maa had left her phone home.
Dev waits for kids outside the school. At home, Suha and Golu sat together inside. They discuss that because of this game they got punishment to walk home. Suha says they shouldn’t play this game anymore. Golu says he is also afraid, this game may harm them and their family. He wasn’t ready to share it with thier parents. Sona comes there and asks how they came back. THe kids make up Dev didn’t come to pick them. Sona calls Dev that kids are back home safe.
Vicky and Alena stare at Golu. Golu says he must have been gifted, not stared this way. They ask when did he study so well to get such grades. Golu was annoyed. Vicky tells Golu to sleep now but if he finds he has cheated in exam, he won’t spare him. Vicky and Alena argue with each other. Golu complains they didn’t let him sleep. Vicky says he must go to her room or tell him how he topped the exam.
Ronita’s mother return home. Aasha asks her to have taken her phone together, they had to take Mishti to doctor. Ronita’s mother argues it’s not needed, she took Mishti out in sun and she is fine. Aasha and Ronita leave.
Sona comes to kitchen and asks TK if food is ready. TK was upset, upon Sona’s inquiry he says Vicky blamed him for stealing. He is worried because he found the money from kid’s room. He wanted to share this with them, but was nervous.
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