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Sunday, January 13, 2019


Deepak telling Manish that Naira is same girl, whose bad experience I shared with you, she has duped us for money. Mrs. Kapoor says she is a thug, she has looted many people like us. Dadi says no, she is Singhania’s daughter. Mrs. Kapoor says why will I say such big thing without reason. Deepak says she accepted she was in Rishikesh, she used to use bad language. Mrs. Kapoor says don’t know what Kartik saw in her, confirm once, we will leave now. Kapoors leave. Manish and everyone worry.
Kartik goes to Naira. He asks did you have fun. Naira gets drunk and says a lot. He asks what are you drinking. She checks the glass and asks what’s this. She says organic juice with vodka. He asks what. She says its nice, have it. He asks are you drinking vodka.
She says its our cocktail. He says wait, be quiet. He asks Lord what are you doing, everyone will be here, what to do now, if she creates scene. She asks for her glass. He says I will get water, come. She says I have to dance. He asks her to come. They go out. He asks why did you drink alone, we would have drink together, you look cute, I will go mad. She laughs and calls him cutie. She hugs him.
Manish goes to Naitik and asks him to come for a talk. Naksh goes with them. Baisa worries. Bhabhimaa says world is not so small that anyone coming from Rishikesh will know our Naira. Kartik and Naira are outside. He asks why are you laughing. She says seeing your face, I was fooling you, I told you I have to do things after getting drunk, I was trying that, I laughed seeing your face. He says I was scared you will anything. She says I was just having fun, come now. He holds her hand and pulls her close. She says let’s go, before anything goes wrong.
Dadi asks Naitik what’s Tina’s story. Manish says please answer us. Dadi says you did not think its imp to tell us. Naitik says Kartik knows all this. Manish gets shocked. Naksh says yes, in fact they met in Rishikesh for the first time, we thought Kartik told you. Naitik says I have no problem to say truth, I will tell you.
Naira dances on stairs. Kartik and Naira lie on stairs and make a heart by joining hands. Naitik tells everything to Goenkas. Kartik and Naira dance. Yahan wahan……plays…… Manish says what should we tell now, your daughter has murder blame to push friend down the train. Naksh says like Kartik was blamed and was proved innocent, Naira was blamed same way, she was proved innocent. Dadi says she ran away from home and stayed in ashram for many years, being afraid of police, the girl who could become of her mother, what will she become of us. Kartik and Naira come there and hear this. Manish says we did the relation thinking you gave values to children like we did, but the girl who did not stay at home, how can she be given good values. Dadi says don’t know how much Kartik knows, police and friend’s death’s murder, he would have told this to us. Kartik looks at Naira and asks did you hide this. Naira says I thought you know all this, I did not hide it. She cries. He steps back. She says Kartik… He says no and leaves. Aditya looks on.
Its night, Kartik thinks of Naira. Naira says what’s going on in Kartik’s mind, if he does not say, how will I understand. Baisa says I was afraid for this. Naksh says Kartik knows this. Devyaani says we did not lie, but we have hidden truth from Kartik and his family. Naitik says we did right. Bhabhimaa says big things don’t end easily. Gayu says we should explain them not to make it a big issue. Baisa asks do you know its such a big issue, don’t say anything now, its elder’s matter, we will solve it. Bhabhimaa asks will they agree. Baisa says don’t know.
Manish asks how did Naira blindfold Kartik, he fights with us, Naira did not trust him when he was blamed for wrong thing. Surekha says Aditya heard them, else we would have not know that Kartik did not know police matter. Manish asks Suwarna not to say anything to defend Naira. He asks Dadi to go and talk to Kartik, try to know what’s he thinking. Dadi goes to Kartik. Rajshri and Devyaani go to Naira. Naira hugs Kartik and says I did not do this intentionally. Rajshri says we know.
Devyaani says Kartik reacted right as per situation. Rajshri says give him some time. Naira says I m scared my past will spoil present. Devyaani asks her to be positive. Naira says I trust Kartik’s maturity, but he gets anger too. Dadi says your happiness matters the most to us, but this thing was hidden from us, its wrong, now we got to know everything, you love Naira so much, she does not trust you, she blamed you first, even then you did not leave loving her, you went jail to respect her love, she has hidden big thing, if she trusted you, she would have told you, I m not worried for family name and respect, I m worried for you, one sided relation does not run long, think well and decide.
Dadi says Kartik felt bad Manish, but whatever happened is right, I thought something, I will do that if you all support me. Naira sings O kanha…. Everyone pray along. They see Dadi and Surekha. Dadi says we spoke at home, everyone believe same, its not big thing that Naira was away from home for years, you can say you don’t care and believe her, but truth is its a big thing, and it matters to us. Naira cries.
Naitik tries to explain. Dadi says we decided we can’t let this marriage happen. They all get shocked. Dadi says this relation is broken from our side. Naira cries.Dadi breaking the alliance. Naitik says you are not doing right. Dadi says I know what’s right and what’s wrong for my family, we have respect in society. Naitik says we also have, but we don’t let that come in between relations, Naira’s self esteem is imp to me than family respect, we will not beg to you, I want to do her bidai in such house where she gets love and respect, else not. Naksh says what will you cancel marriage, we cancel this marriage. Naitik says you were against marriage and agreed for Kartik’s sake, you wanted this and got a chance. Daid says fine with it, then we should be happy, whatever happened is right. Naira wipes tears and comes to Dadi. She takes Dadi’s blessings. She says I don’t know what Kartik wants, I know he loves
me a lot, I know your family wish, I want to say one thing, our marriage happens or not, Kartik will never get more loving girl than me, he will not love anyone else, our love was deep before marriage alliance and will be deep even after this alliance ends.
Manish waits for Dadi. Dadi and Surekha come home. Dadi says I told them, they did not say anything as if they were waiting. Priyanka tries to say. Dadi says this was the right thing. They see Kartik upset. Kartik goes. Dadi says he has no objection, else he would have said something to us. Suwarna feels bad.
Naitik asks Naksh did we do wrong. Naksh says its love marriage, if trust isn’t there, there is no love, Kartik should take Naira’s side, how can he do this. Naira says no, he loves me a lot, I will accept his decision without any complains.
Its morning, Dadi says Kartik went somewhere in morning, I saw him hugely affected by this, he did not sleep all night. Surekha says he would have gone to clear things with Naira. Manish says he may fall weak because of love. Kirti prays Kartik takes right decision.
Kartik meets Singhanias. He says whatever happened last night, I felt very bad, as I did not know that by Naira, I got many thoughts in mind, I did not think whether you are right or wrong, I know my Naira, I know you can’t be wrong, I did not have question about out relation, I just had worry, I know my family and their reactions, I have seen much drama about this marriage, I can’t stop them, my family can’t understand, when Naitik asked me about family, I did not say, as I knew this will happen, this marriage would have happened happily in simple way, I m sorry Naira to get hurt because of them, they will not understand relations and marriage, its matter of prestige for them, they will not understand love that we can’t hurt each other, they will not tell me anything, they will not forgive you, now I know how to end this.
He says I want to do court marriage with Naira today, right now, so that this drama ends. They all get shocked. Kartik says I know marriage rasams and blessings matter for you all, we can do that after marriage, Naira knows I will not force her, forgive me, I m doing this for our relation, I m going court, I will wait for you there, you discuss with family and decide what to do, I have already decided. Naitik says relations are relations, not a business deal to cancel. Bau ji says marriage is lifelong deal, we have to pay for it by our emotions and happiness, think well before taking any step. Baisa says you can do court marriage but if your family does not forget this about Naira, they will be annoyed. Kartik says my decision won’t change now, its Naira’s wish to come or not. He goes. Naitik says I will talk to Kartik’s family. Naksh says no, I thought what to do.
Suwarna tries talking to Manish. She says our children need our support. Manish asks what do you mean by support, to support blindly and then regret? Support means to make children towards happiness by stopping them from going wrong way, see how much hurt is Kartik, I will end everything that hurts my son. She says no relation is perfect in this world, like yours and Kartik’s relation, he wants to break relation, you want to join it, he misbehaves with you, he does not call you Papa, why do you have hope. He says he is my blood, my life. She says Naira and Kartik love each other. He asks are you comparing their relation with me and Kartik’s relation. She says no, I know you will get annoyed, if relations break on small things, there won’t be any relation left in the world.
Kartik waits for Naira. Lawyer says call her and ask, else your work won’t happen today. Naira comes. Kartik smiles and says thanks for coming. She says you called, how would I not come. He asks did Naitik and Naksh not come, did they not agree. She says they are with me in my every decision. Surekha says where did Kartik go, he is not answering.
Manager comes home with reporter. Manish asks Akhilesh did he give appointment to them. Manager says Kartik called reporter to make big announcement. Manish asks about what, he is not at home, go, come tomorrow by taking appointment. Kartik comes and stops reporter. He asks him to start his interview. Dadi says where was he. Reporter asks about his hit and run case, he was in jail for some days also. Kartik says yes. Reporter says you are marrying the case victim’s daughter, is this any deal. Manish asks what’s this question. Kartik says every relation is a deal, my family is rich and respected, for us, respect and name matter the most.
Manish gets angry and asks reporter to get facts right, Kartik was freed as real culprit accepted the crime. Reporter says I heard Kartik stayed out of house separately and did not had good terms with you. Manish says he was in hostel, it does not mean we had problems, every family has personal issues. Dadi says how did you remember this now, did anyone tell you, or our family enemy said this. Reporter says no, let me get answers, tell me, Kartik stayed away, do you know what he did. Manish says what do you mean, if man stays away, does he become characterless, maybe person values family more, he becomes responsible, he becomes more mature, not possible? Dadi says we trust Kartik.
Manish says you may leave now. Reporter goes. Dadi says Kartik, you should have told us to call reporter, who would praise you. Kartik says whatever I had to say, came out nicely, you and Manish said all this, I wanted to hear it, when anyone gets away from family, it does not mean person gets wrong and characterless, when the opposite can happen too, person can become more responsible and mature, he can value relations and family, if this implies to me, this can imply on Naira too. They all look on.

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