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Sunday, January 6, 2019


# Dev Red Handedly Caught Lying#
At home, Aasha smiles watching Golu and Suha play. Ishwari comes concerned about Golu’s bruise. Golu makes up he couldn’t know. Aasha says boys often get injured while playing. Ishwari asks Suha how Golu was injured. Aleena comes there and asks Golu how he got it. Sona and Dev reach home. Sona comes to greet Aasha and Shubh. Dev asks why Ishwari appears worried. Ishwari says no one tells her how Golu was injured. Sona was about to tell her, but Dev says Golu fell down while they were changing tyre of car. Aleena takes Golu inside. Ishwari questions if Dev was teaching Golu how to change tyre, Dev qualifies its survival trick.
At the table, Dev argues with Golu for Halwa. Ishwari comes that she forgot something, they can’t eat Halwa. She distribute papers among
Suha, Golu and Dev and play a game, she asks them to write on the paper seperately which tyre did Golu change. The three sat silent now, and write different answers.
Ishwari was annoyed. Aasha asks them to think what they need to do next.
Dev comes to Ishwari but she was angry at him. She asks if he is again going to lie, doesnt he understand lies affect the kids adversely. Aasha discusses with Sona that lie is a lie, it always hate someone. Dev tries to make Ishwari up and insists on her to taste the best Halwa of the world. Aasha says she only came to see if there is some problem between her and Dev, or Ishwari with her decision; but the condition is worse here. They must consider if thier decision is right for the kids. She turns to leave. Dev comes to the room and was relieved Ishwari agreed. Aasha takes a leave from them. Sona goes with her, asking Dev to stay here.
On the bed, Dev finds a file. Sona comes to Suha. Suha assures Sona she will take care of herself, Papa and will take her own medicines in time as well. After putting Shubh to sleep, Sona speaks to Dev. Sona speaks to Dev that she must take the responsibilty of taking care of kids and he must work as well. Its the right thing for their kids. She wonders why are we trying to change things, whatever troubles they faced today shows their decision was wrong. She announces she will stop working now. Dev tells Sona he studied her project file, she is doing alot for all the children. Dev tries to convince Sona that she needs to trust him, anyone could have commited the mistakes he did today.
Dev insists on Sona to show some trust over him, would she fire an employee the first day, for a mistake? Dev asks her an ultimatum of one month, he needs to prove himself. Sona was confused yet silent.
the next morning, Radha appreciates the tea Ishwari prepares for her. She discusses it feels Sona will stay at home after what happened yesterday. Ishwari was hopeful Sona and Dev will understand its not easy to bring thier children up. She tries to get up but then gets muscle strain. Radha sits to apply balm over her heel when she watches Sona come downstairs with kids, ready for work.
Dev was in the kitchen when Sona comes there. Dev shows how he prepared garnishing for thier food with ultimate delicacy. He boasts that the breakfast is ready, kids are ready for school and
even Shubh is asleep; he has been unable to control his happiness.
At the breakfast table kids were excited about the lunch box. Aleena says it will contain noodles as its Tuesday. There is a ring of bell at the door. Sona goes to check. It was a girl who introduces herself as Nikisha and asks about Dev. Everyone was shocked to see her. Dev comes and recognizes her as Nany. The family gathered around. Nikisha asks if she got late, Dev replies not at all. He was thoughtful and says he hadn’t considered… Sona clears her throat. Dev introduces them. Nikisha says for next generation kids, a modern nany like her would be needed. Dev asks her to come inside so that they discuss her work history and experience. Ishwari turns to ask what this is. Sona says Dev took her promise that she won’t stop him from doing anything.
In the room, Dev tells Nikisha that the little master is asleep right now. Nikisha compliments Shubh is really cute. Dev explains to the family that he needed someone to take care of kids. Ishwari asks why he didn’t discuss about it with them, they are so many at home and will take care of kids with him. Nikisha says she is the perfect choice to take care of their kids. She shares her ten years of experience with them. Ishwari asks which age of child has she taken care of. Nikisha says she can take of a child from one day to 18 years old, afterwards they are no more kids. Shubh begins to cry at once, Nikisha takes him into her arms. Radha was afraid what if she gives Shubh some medicine. Nikisha says she charge 20k per month. Ishwari and Radha were shocked to hear the high rates. Dev agrees and promises an increment if she performs well. Ishwari leaves curtly.
Sona was not ready to leave Shubh as Dev asks her to do breakfast. He tells Nikisha to give Shubh a sponge bath. Sona bids Shubh a good bye.
In the kitchen Dev looks around for coffee. Ishwari comes there and offers to make coffee today. Dev was reluctant at first but Ishwari says she prepares good coffee. She discusses with Dev she doesn’t feel good about what he is doing. What is the need to hire an nany for a kid. Dev says he always keep his employee happy even in office, nany must be kept happy so that she looks after his kids well. Ishwari asks how can he get a heart to hand the responsibility of his kids to someone else. She asks him to go and look at Sona, she looks so upset. She asks Dev the money and she will take care of the kids. Dev insists he only wants help with his work and leaves. Radha comes to go to temple.
In the room, Dev was with Nikisha who fed Shubh with bottle. Vicky comes at the door and stares at Nikisha. Aleena comes there and takes Vicky away, calling Dev for breakfast as well. In the car, Aleena asks Vicky why he is smiling. Vicky says he was thinking about the nany, then explains it was a good idea to appoint her. Aleena disagrees. Vicky asks if she is jealous. Aleena asks if she would be jealous with a nany, they wear tight clothes to impress thier clients. Vicky says none is important for him than Aleena, he had fallen in love with her at first sight.
Ronita asks Shorab why he has created all the mess around the room. Shorabh says it her daughter, she didn’t let her sleep. He discusses with Ronita to appoint a nany like Dev. Ronita says she can take care of her daughter well, Shorabh may appoint one for himself if he wish to.
In the office, Sona was still thinking about Nikisha as she rubs her fingers over his photo.
Recommendations accepted and warmly welcomed

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