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Thursday, January 10, 2019


some soldier comes there and says Ujjain is going to attack on us, all are stunned, i couldnt reach Ujjain, Ujjain’s soldiers attacked me, i feel some soldiers are already in magdh, Khurasan ask all family members to go to palace.
Scene 2
Soldiers come in market and announce people to go to their rooms, magdh’s gate is closed.
BIndu comes in court, he ask Khurasan what you do? you are army head and you dont know about anything, even after fire incident, you are not cautious, enemies have entered magdh and you dont know about it? border is under your soldiers, Khurasan says i will investigate about it, Bindu says if you cant fulfill your duties then resign from your position, he looks at Aakramak and says i have more deserving candidates from you, you have time till yesterday, find all the soldiers of enemy and if you dont then i will take actions against you, you are my father in law but when its about Magdh then you are just army head for me.
Raj’s wife Niharka says to her new born child that i couldnt go with Raj to Magdh as i had to give you birth, now my only aim is to free Ahenkara first and then take revenge of Raj’s death, i will finish Maurya dynasty.
she sit on throne and says to her soldiers that you all have taken good decision to be with me, you all are from different caste but we have only one aim that is to take revenge from Mauryas, they have insulted us, they have given Raj very bitter death, she ask how come Bindu got to know that we have entered Magdh? one soldier says we didnt do anything, she looks at faces of all soldiers and tries to read expression, she finds one soldier shivering, she says man’s hand tells secret of his, your hands are not of soldier? i know all my soldier but who are you? soldier is about to attack her but she takes sword and kills him on spot, Niharka says to give message to Bindu that we will attack him.
Scene 3
Ashok says to bindu that if war happens then i will go with you, Bindu says you are not of age to come in war and you dont have practice, Ashok says i am your guard then how can i leave you in war, i have promised you to protect you, Bindu says if you wanna help me then help Ahenkara, protect Ahenkara, i promised Raj that i will take care of her and now when Ujjain has announced attack on us then people will try to harm Ahenkara, so promise me to protect her, Ashok promises him.
Ahenkara says to Sushim that you cant do this with me, Bindu promised my father that he will give me good life, Sushim says shut up, your father asked promise but its not necessary that we have to follow it, Ujjain want to attack us? i will show your worth now, he is about to beat her but Ashok comes and holds it, he comes infront Ahenkara.

Scene 1
Ashok saves Ahenkara from Sushim and says if you cant fulfill your father’s promise then i will fulfill it, sushim ask how dare you stop me, who are you? Ashok says the one whom Bindu has given responsibility to protect her, Sushim says i will see you, he leaves, Ashok says to Ahenkara that i will protect you as Bindu has asked me, you take rest, he leaves.
Niharika is on horse with her soldiers, soldier says we are miles away from Magdh, we have surrounded them from every corner.
Niharika’s soldier come to Bindu’s palace and says i have Niharika’s message for you, can i read? Bindu allows, he reads that when your everything is snatched then you only have to dream things and i have dreamt of taking revenge from you people, we will die fighting
but will not surrender to you, you cant do much now as our soldiers have entered Patliputra too, you have beheaded our king and then want to send his head to do his last ceremonies? we will do his last ceremonies after burning whole magdh, we have left our homes with lives on our palms, we are not afraid of any war, we are ready to take revenge, we want whole magdh in battlefield, if you wanna see our valor then see this, soldier then cuts his neck and dies on spot to show their valor, Bindu gets angry and announce to prepare for war.
Dharma says to subhrasi that isnt there any way to solve this in peacefull manner? subhrasi says Ujjain have challenged us for war, how can we sit quietly? we cant think other than war.
Charu thinks that its good that war is happening, all matters will be solved in one go, Khalatak says you and Sushim will not be benefited by this war, we have to use this opportunity.
Khurasan tell Helena that we dont have other way but to do war, Nicator says i feel like i am getting stuck in things more and more, helena says i understand how you must have been insulted by Bindu, i have bear it, we all foreigners for them and will remain so, they will never accept us, so its better that we become, we become united and make Siamak Samrat, we have to do everything to make Siamak what he deserve.
Scene 2
Bindu says to chanakya that she has challenged me so i have to answer her, we will do war, Chanakya says it will make situation more severe, 4 states are giving their aid to ujjain, even after Raj’s death, their king’s death, they have guts to announce war against us, Bindu says they have entered here like cowards, they are not coming from front but attacking from back, i will answer these cowards.
Ashok is pacing in Ahenkara’s room, Ahenkara ask him to take rest, Ashok says bindu has given me duty and i have to fulfill it, Ahenkara shouts Ashok, Ashok tucks in and turns to find Sushim attacking him, he holds his hand,
Khurasan ask Helena how will be destroy Bindu? Noor says we will use his weakness and that is Dharma, Helena says Bindu will kill Dharma with his hands like i killed my son, sushim throws Ashok on ground and ask soldiers to catch Ahenkara, Ashok gets up and throws soldiers away, Ahenkara hides being afraid, Ashok beats soldiers, sushim is about to attack him with sword, Ashok puts his sword to defence himself, Charu comes there and ask what is happening here? she says to Ashok that you are Bindu’s guard and showing sword to his son? Sushim says he is protecting this betrayer’s daughter, AShok says i am fulfilling Bindu’s promise, he has asked me to protect her, Charu drags Sushim from her, Ashok looks at Ahenkara assures her.
Helena says to Khurasan and Nicator that we will trap Bindu in such a way that he has to make Siamak, Khurasan ask Helena how will be destroy Bindu? Noor says we will use his weakness and that is Dharma, Helena ask who? Noor says she is Bindu’s 4th wife, years back he was attacked, he met Dharma, fell in love with and married her, Khurasan says Bindu asked me brought Dharma in palace but i said that she is dead but she is alive, Helena ask how do you know? Noor says Dharma is in this palace, Khurasan says Bindu lost trust in me because of her, Helena says if she is here then why she didnt meet Bindu? Noor says even i think same, Khurasan says i have seen her here, Helena says we have to find her, we have to do something and trap bindu in it, Helena says Bindu will kill Dharma with his hands like i killed my son, Noor says why will he kill her? Helena says we have to plan it, we will play game with Bindu, Khurasan will pretend that he hates Greek as justin was greek and i will pretend that enemy can be anyone.
Ahenkara ask why did you save me? Ashok says i have promised you that i will protect you and also will make you meet your mother, i cant cheat my friend, Ahenkara ask when we became friends? AShok gets embarrassed and says i know you are princess and i am commoner, she says having friend like you is pride and honor and i feel like you havent forgiven me for my earlier behavior, Ashok says yes i used to feel that you are egoistic like Sushim, she says what now? AShok says you are different from other girls, you had guts to stand against your family who were wrong, Ahenkara holds his hand, his hand gets cut by her nails, she cuts her hand too, he ask what you did? she says its a small wound and its scare will keep reminding me that you saved my life and when times comes then i will do same for you, AShok says only vivacious princess can give promise like that, they smile at each other.
Recommendations accepted and warmly welcomed

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