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Tuesday, January 15, 2019


Kartik saying Naira’s family would have got hurt as you got hurt now, I did not regret that Naira have hidden something, I regret that the matter came out badly, Naira is ready to apologize when she does mistake, she is true, I thought to do court marriage and left from home. They get shocked. He says I went to Naira’s home, I spoke to her family, you know what did Naira say….. FB shows Naira says we will get married in some time, I have right to say something, one misunderstanding made me away from my family, one incident made you away from your family, we can lose our families forever today, my family will support us, but your Dadi loves and supports you always, if she ends ties in anger and sorrow, will you stay happy.
She says your brothers
and sisters, who love you a lot, who are preparing for your marriage, snatching their right, will you be able to forgive yourself, Akhilesh and Surekha, whom you give parents place in every ritual, without their blessings, will be able to stay happy, are we so selfish to trouble family for our adamancy, I love you a lot and I m with you, I want to take step ahead with family, you decide it. FB ends.
Kartik says I was going to hurt you Dadi, and Naira worried for you, we did not marry. Dadi gets relieved. Kartik says we came back, we will not marry till everyone agrees, I told you in temple that we will stay as Radha and Krishna, but not marry anyone else, we will not love anyone else, you tell us what you want. He goes.
Suwarna says we should not be adamant, else we can lose Kartik, Kartik and Naira’s love is strong, they can’t stay without each other. Priyanka says Suwarna is right. Dadi says you are seeing what’s seen externally, I m seeing what did not come on surface, Kartik is blind in Naira’s love. Suwarna says they both will not be happy without each other, if Kartik is not happy, how can we be happy. Kirti says Naira and Kartik have same blames, its no reason to cancel marriage. Manish says yes, if we refuse, he will do court marriage, we should agree to everyone Maa. Dadi says fine, as you say, but everyone hear one thing carefully. Manish looks at her.
Naitik hugs Naira and says we are proud of you, Naksh says yes, we are proud of your choice and thinking, Kartik is ready to do anything for you. Rajshri says yes, we will do as you say. Bhabhimaa says if Suhasini does not agree, we will not insist for marriage. Suwarna comes and says don’t say this Bhabhimaa. They see Suwarna, Priyanka and Kirti at the door. Suwarna hugs Naira. Suwarna asks Naira to prepare for marriage. They all get glad.
Naira asks did Dadi agree. Suwarna says she has sent us here, she does not refuse to Dadi, she understood nothing can separate you and Kartik. She apologizes to them. Priyanka says Dadi kept Jagrata. Karishma asks do you want to do Naira’s Shuddhikaran, sorry we won’t do this. Suwarna says no, Jagrata is for family ladies, you all are most welcome. Bhabhimaa says fine, we will pray for our children’s happiness. Suwarna asks Rajshri and Varsha to come too, this time no mistake will be repeated. Naira smiles seeing Suwarna.
Naira and Kartik meet and have a talk. He says there is much drama. Naira says I m scared, if we can’t solve any problem then. He says there can’t be anything such, promise me, we will never lose. She says promise. They smile. She asks are you going in Jagrata. He says no, I was told all elders are going, so I… She asks what, did you plan anything. He says no, I will try marriage attires, what are you doing. She says same, I will talk to Gayu and Mishti, and check dresses. He asks enjoyment. She says no, there is much work, why are you planning something. He says no. He thinks this can’t happen. She thinks they will do something, bachelor’s party. He thinks she did hen’s party in Yash and Rose’s marriage, she will do this time also.
Naira and Gayu talk to Kirti and Mansi, and are sure the guys are planning bachelor’s party. Kirti says we will call you back and plan something. Gayu says it will be fun. Baisa comes and asks are you mad, what will you do, don’t do anything to regret. Naira says we are at home, we are not calling strangers, what’s the problem. Baisa says you should not make any mistake. Rajshri says they are sensible. Bhabhimaa says we trust them. Baisa says any problem can occur, be careful. She goes. Naira says tell Baisa not to be annoyed, we will not do anything. Bhabhimaa says I will explain her, you guys go and enjoy. Naira and Gayu smile.
Dadi tells Surekha about keeping puja and Jagrata at hotel hall. Surekha tells Kajal about the puja event. She asks him to read the list and keeps it. Aditya comes there. Kajal says I m event organizer. Aditya gives her list and says I want the best bachelor’s party, nothing should be less. She asks him not to worry, everything will be fine. Lav and Kush run and the slips fall. He picks the slip and gives her. Jagrata slip falls aside. He says I wrote my number, message me when work is done. She says sure. She checks the list. Surekha asks did you check it well. Kajal says yes, I checked it, it happens. Surekha tells the hotel location. Kajal asks her not to worry. Kartik says our Jagrata will be different.
The ladies are leaving. Naksh says I have to meet friend and goes. Gayu says Naksh will go in their bachelors’ party. Kartik says its good. Bhabhimaa asks them to take care, we will come in morning. The elder ladies leave. Priyanka, Mansi and Kirti come and hug Naira and Gayu. Ananya surprises them and hugs Naira. Gayu introduces Priyanka, Kirti and Mansi. Mansi asks what’s the plan. Gayu asks do you know their plan. Priaynka says our party will be best. Kartik and guys are on the way. Kartik asks Aditya is this party decent. Aditya says everyone praises the party I organize, it will be cool. Naksh says I m sure Gayu was planning something. They have a talk. Aditya asks Kartik and Naksh to get down the car, as its my party and it will be cool.
Kartik says we were just joking, I m sure the party will be cook. Dadi asks Surekha did you do arrangements for Manish and Naitik, they have to talk. Surekha says yes, they will sit at a side. They go and see the bar and lightings. Dadi asks what’s this decorations. The dancers come and perform. The elderly ladies get shocked seeing them. Baisa asks what are they doing. They turn faces. Dadi shouts what’s this vulgarity, stop this. Surekha says I will ask Kajal. Kajal says you all here… Surekha says I told you about puja. Kajal says I did this as you said. Dadi gets angry.Kajal says I followed every point and did as you said. Surekha asks are you mad, I told you about Jagrata. Kajal asks what. Dadi says you have 10mins to clean all this and do arrangements for Jagrata. Kajal apologizes and goes. Baisa asks what was happening, I did not understand, there were no thieves, to whom were these girls waiting to beat. Bhabhimaa asks what’s this pole, is this roof weak. Varsha says maybe it was some guy’s bachelors party, it got ruined. Kartik says I will click pics to show Naira and tease her.
Dadi says problems always come in this marriage. Devyaani says we should get annoyed and see she is telling us. Karishma says we should have not come here and show we also feed bad. Dadi says I thought to make new start and pray for
this marriage, it all spoiled. Naitik and Manish have a talk. Naitik says we will be careful that Naira does not get hurt. Manish says I understand, even I want the same. Manish asks the waiter not to disturb them, Akhilesh will join us. Kajal asks waiter did you give that drink to anyone, it has wine mixed. She goes. Waiter says I have given that to Manish, how to take it back now.
Naira and all girls dance on Swing…….They take selfies. They play truth and dare. Gayu asks Naira where is her focus. Naira says I was thinking what’s Kartik and others doing. Priyanka asks are you worried or jealous. Naira says boys can do anything. Mishti says Naksh is with them. Ananya says even Ranveer is with them. Naira says I want to find out what they are doing. Gayu says we shall play and leave Naira. They play. Bottle points to Naira. She says there is no truth hidden, so dare. Gayu says you will not forget this dare.
Kartik and everyone reach the venue. Ranveer joins them. Aditya says I did such arrangements that you will praise me all life, Kartik’s eyes will be stunned, its heaven inside. They all join hands and enter the venue. They get a shock seeing Jagrata going on. They move back. Kartik says venue hall is same, but where is my party, before anyone sees us, we will go, sorry Mata Rani. Dadi sees them and calls out Kartik. Kartik smiles.
Rajshri says see our children, they are so good and came in Jagrata without a call. Baisa says I got happy seeing them. Dadi says we did not call them as they will think I do much puja, but they came on own. Bhabhimaa says yes, we will sing bhajan all night and go home after aarti in morning. Kartik, Naksh and everyone smile. Kartik says such bachelors party can be just mine, unique. Aditya says what’s happening. Naksh says my party in village was better. Ranveer says I thought it will be fun, look what’s happening. Kartik says we will not get such fun anywhere. Naksh says Jai mata di. They all remove shoes and step inside. They all tie the chunris and sit.
Naitik and Manish get drunk and have more drinks. Manish reacts funny and laughs. Kartik, Naksh and everyone sit in Jagrata. Dadi asks them to sing now, its their turn, get up Kartik. Kartik gets up and says Mata Rani I love you, please do something of my bachelors party, what to do we are thinking of party as we were not mentally prepared for this, show us some way please. Naira takes a gujarati man disguise and says I reached. Gayu asks what excuse will you make. Naira talks to them on call and says I will see them if they have any such party. She gets inside the door and gets shocked seeing the guys dancing in Jagrata. She says oh God…. Ananya asks what happened. Naira says they are….. Mansi asks what are they doing.
Nairasays I m so bad to doubt on Kartik and Naksh, they are doing Jagrata with everyone. Kirti asks what, is Aditya there. Naira says yes, Kartik and Naksh are dancing with bhakti, they are not drunk, else they would have not come here. Priyanka says what did we think. Mishti says country is changing. Naksh says Kartik I can’t do this more. Kartik says no, don’t leave alone in such time. Naksh asks what to do then. Kartik says jump, frustration will come out. Naira goes and says Gayu that she did big mistake to doubt on Kartik. She hears Kajal talking to dancer. She hears the confusion of Jagrata and party. Naira says so this was the matter, that’s why I was thinking how did they come in Jagrata, I will see them. She goes back to them. She tells Gayu that its like we thought, see how I sprinkle salt on their wounds. Kirti says you come back. Naira says they were doing bachelors party by calling girls. Dadi says we will start bhajan now. Kartik signs everyone to leave. Naira stops them.
Naira says congrats, whose marriage is it. Kartik says mine and hugs Naksh. Naira asks them to sit back and pray. She says the groom should do the prayers. Dadi asks Kartik to do it. Baisa says yes, its your marriage. Naira asks guys to sit. Kartik says we will just come. Kartik asks the man to stop that man. The man says that man is not with us, we thought he came with you. Naira stumbles. They all ask Kartik to catch him. Kartik asks who is he. Naira runs out. Kartik says we will catch him. Kartik and all guys run after Naira to catch the disguised man. Gayu asks Naira to run fast. Naira hides.
Kartik says who was he to trouble us. Naira says I m having fun seeing Kartik. The girls laugh. Gayu says come here fast. Kartik says I will not leave him. Naira says how to run, they are standing here. She leaves in her car. They see the car leaving. Naksh says I think he has run away. Aditya says we will also run away, this is best chance. Naksh says God bless him to save us. Kartik says we have forgiven him. They laugh.

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