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Wednesday, January 16, 2019


Helena says dont think about it, when it comes to justice then Mauryas dont think about anyone, Niharika says so much unity in family, ok let me show first proof, she says one dasi died in this palace, she fell from 1st floor, Bindu was in Vann at that time, Khalatak recalls it and says yes one dasi died, she was Subhasi’s dasi, her death is still mystery, Helena says how its linked to Dharma? Niharika says Dharma came here in palace for first time, she came here to talk with justin, dasi saw her so Dharma killed her, flashback shows Khurasan tells Niharika that Charu killed that dasi and if you blame Dharma for it then Charu will not disagree, she will feel safe and will agree with us, fb ends, Bindu says this is not true, my Dharma can never take life of anyone, Khalatak also told that it was suicide, Khalatak says but we had doubt, even Chanakya felt it was murder, Chanakya says yes i felt it was murder but i know Dharma can never do this, Khurasan says you are saying as if you know Dharma, Chanakya says meeting is not necessary to believe someone, if Bindu had married then she must be good person, i cant trust a person who is wife of betrayer, Chanakya says i trust my Samrat fully, Niharika says if you trust him then why dont you accept that he saw Dharma in palace, and if Dharma is alive then why is not coming out? why hiding? this is all planned, she showed her face once so that Bindu is distracted from that new palace construction and she can make flammable palace easily, but you ordered your army head to find her, she was stuck in new palace so she stole Agnishika’s clothes to wear them and go out of palace, she shows those clothes, Helena says they are Agni’s dress, Khurasan says my soldier saw a girl running out of palace that night, he calls soldier there and ask him to tell, Bindu ask to tell her outlook, he says she had long hairs and long height, Bindu says there can be many dasies like that, we should make her portrait, Niharika says one more proof, she went to meet Justin in jail, soldier comes and says one girl( it was actually Noor) blew light lamps and went to met Justin but i couldnt see her face and she ran away, Niharika says it is proved that she is alive, the reason for all this was to take revenge from you and the plan was to make justin marry Agni and take revenge, everything is clear and you have to decide if you love your wife or magdh more, Bindu gets angry, he gets up from throne and storms off from court without saying anything, Niharika smirks, Khurasan, Helena smiles evilly.
Scene 1
Niharika says to Helena that what if Bindu doesnt believe me? Helena says its difficult, he loves Dharma and accepting her as betrayer is difficult but with our performance we have made him weak, when doubt comes in trust then it can break anytime, i have one way through which he will believe that Dharma is behind all this, Niharika says my mission is not to punish dharma or just revenge, i want to fulfill last wish of my husband and that was right of his kids on this throne, i want Ahenkara and Sushim’s relation, Helena says whom i wanted to see on throne is not anymore but i will talk to Charu soon about this, she hugs Niharika and smirks.
Dharma comes in mandir and says why Bindu have so many problems, i cant go to him to support him, why this test? Ashok comes
there, he is tensed, she ask what happened, he sas first answer me, does true love of anyone can cheat? or betray? dharma says no, true love is pure, AShok says so Bindu’s love didnt cheat him, niharika lied, Dharma ask what she said? Ashok says she said that all this conspiracy was created by Bindu’s most close wife Dharma, Dharma is stunned and aarti plate falls from her hands, he ask what happened to you? he says i am going to Bindu, he is about to leave, Dharma says take care of him, dont let him break, Ashok nods and leaves.
Bindu comes to Dharma’s statue in room and says why did you that Dharma? why you didnt come to me when you are alive, why did you hide? whats the problem, dont you wanna meet me, you dont know how i bear all these years without you, if you were with me then today in court nobody would have dared to point you, i am helpless even when i know that you are pure and innocent, i couldnt say anything in your defense, forgive me.
Bindu comes in room, he looks at Dharma’s statue and says i am sorry, he imagines Dharma coming to him, he is stunned, Dharma smiles, they share eyelock, Dharma says for me the only important thing for me is what you think about me, if you have no doubt about my intentions then i am ok, you should not also think what people think about me, Bindu says those questions that raised in court, i have to answer them someday and i dont have any proof to prove your innocence, Dharma says trust doesnt need proofs and if if proofs then its not trust, Bindu looks down thinking, he turns to see his imagination vanished, he finds Dharma’s statue there and leaves.
Radha says to Chanakya that they were raising questions on Dharma and you remained silent, Bindu was so much hurt, we know truth then why you didnt take Dharma’s side, if you had told truth about dharma then everything would be clear, why you remained silent? Chanakya says i take all steps to protect Magdh, i had doubt on alliance of Khurasani an Greeks but the way they showed Dharma as betrayer proves that they have made alliance, i could have told truth that Dharma is alive and with me but then many questions would have raised that why did i kept her away from her husband, the answer was Ashok and if i had taken Ashok’s name then they would ask why did i hide his truth, after truth came out then Ashok would have been in danger, we need to understand the situation, Helena after killing her son has become great not only in eyes of people but also for Bindu, she has become devi,
Bindu is in his room, Helena comes there, he wipes his tears, she says you cannot hide your pain from me, its very difficult to listen bad about your own, your love didnt get less in all these for her, how can a women kill so many innocents to take revenge, your family would have died in all this, Bindu says no she cant do this, violence cant be her way, even after all these years she cant leave peace path, Helena says i know women more than you, when women’s self esteem and her thing is snatched from her then she can do anything, maybe she didnt come here to take revenge but she must have seen you happy with your wives and sons and she didnt accept it, you must not be believing me but truth is always bitter, see me, i gave birth to Justin, raised him up but couldnt understand his intentions, you and me didnt get any idea about his thoughts, thats same with Dharma, if anything happens to Magdh again because of Dharma then magdh and Maurya dynasty wont be able to forgive you, not Dharma but your dharam is important, protect your land, this is what i did and you should not ruin my sacrifice, she leaves, Bindu comes to statue angrily with sword, he recalls Helena and Niharika’s words that fulfill his duty before love, he raises his sword to break statue but stops then go closer to it and attacks with sword, his hand bleeds, he leaves, Statue breaks.
the soldier who saw Dharma is guiding artist to make her sketch, artist makes Dharma’s sketch, Khurasan comes and kills soldier, he says now Bindu will believe that Dharma doesnt want anyone to make her sketch.
Ashok comes to Bindu and sees his hand bleeding, he says how this happened? he brings first aid and cleans his wound, bandages it, Bindu says i killed that statue, i prayed to her as my dharma, i broke it, i made it with my hands and today with same hands i broke it, Ashok says if you heart says that she is innocent then dont think about anyone else, Bindu says unfortunately i am Samrat, i have to follow my duty, i have to neutral not biased, what if i couldnt fulfill my duty? what will people learn from me, nobody will aspect justice from me, dharma should come out so that i can take my answers, AShok says i can help you to find her, Bindu says no she is criminal in Magdh’s eyes so soldiers have to find her, artist comes there and says before i can complete sketch someone killed that soldier, Ashok and bindu are shocked.
Scene 1
Bindu in court says my Dharma is betryer or not will be decided after investigation only, till it is not proved i announce my Dharma as innocent as proofs presented here are not enough, once Chanakya was alleged like this, i gave time to prove it, i am doing same this time too as my inner voice say that Dharma has no involvement in it, but duty is duty and i have to follow it, only Khurasan have seen Dharma and only he can find her, i am giving him responsibility to find Dharma and present her to me with respect, this investigation will be secret, if she is proved innocent then i will accept her as my queen and if her crime is proved then i will punish her with my hands, he leaves court, Chanakya thinks that i have to send Dharma somewhere else, Ashok thinks i have to find
Dharma before anyone find her, i have to make these lovers meet.
Ashok comes in Bindu’s room, he finds blood stains there, he is shocked to see statue broken, he finds statue piece there, its face piece but half broken, AShok leaves with it.
Dharma says to Chanakya thats why i didnt want to come here, criminals are alleging a innocent, i accept Bindu trust me, he loves her but i dont want all this to affect Ashok, what should we do, Ashok comes and says we should help Bindu and i have taken decision, i cant see my friend in pain, he is all alone, this attack by enemy is painful, how much pain will he bear? he as faith on Dharma’s innocence and i trust his faith, and for him, i will find his most precious queen Dharma, i want her to come forward and prove everyone wrong, i want Samrat’s love to win, i know Dharma and Bindu’s unity will give peace to Bindu, Dharma is stunned, Chanakya ask how will you find her? you dont know anything about her, you have not seen her, Ashok says i have got something and i will find her with this, he shows statue’s half face piece and says i got it from Bindu’s room, Dharma and Chanakya are stunned, Ashok ask Chanakya have you seen women like this? Chanakya thinks what situation is this, a son wants to bring his mother to father and getting trapped in enemy’s web, if this happens then everyone will have to pay for it and more importantly magdh will pay for it, Ashok shows piece to Dharma, she is tensed, Ashok says to Chanakya that you dont know but someone will know about her, i have to find someone who knows about her, he leaves.
Scene 2
Helena says to Noor that we have disturbed Bindu’s peace and it will bring storm in his life, Noor sys not only Bindu but whole maurya dynasty, they laugh, Nicator says to Khurasan that i am happy today, i have seen Helena smiling after long, Helena says to Noor that we have to deepen this doubt, Noor says so that when Dharma meets him, he is convinced that she is criminal, Noor says we have to find Dharma before anyone else find her, Helena once she is found, i will give her so much pain that she wont be able to open her mouth.
Dharma ask Chanakya why did you not stop him? Chanakya says i cant stop him but he wont be able to find you as he doesnt know his way, if you had stopped him then he would have asked reason behind it, Dharma says i am worried about Ashok, Chanakya says i am worried about your protection, Khurasan tried to kill you and he has doubt that you are living in palace as dasi so he will try to find you so i have to send you some safe place, Dharma is stunned, she says how is it possible, if i go from here then all will doubt, Chanakya doesnt matter, but you should not get caught else your truth wil come out and if wont be able to prove you innocent then Bindu will be forced to punish you, your and AShok’s protection is my duty and i will do whatever i can thats why i have to take you out of Patliputra to a safe place, Dharma thinks.
Noor ask Helena is it easy to find that Dharma? how will we find her, Helena says she is innocent and in that case she will try to either come out or try to run and in both case she will be caught by us, Khurasan says i will ask my soldiers to find her and i will ask people about her, i have sent soldiers to her old house too so that if she goes there, she is caught.
Scene 3
Niharika says to Ahenkara that till i dont get satisfied that Maurya will not hurt you, i wont go from here, AShok comes there, Ahenkara runs to him, she holds his hand and takes him to Niharika, she says he is my only friend, if he was not here then i wouldnt be alive, by him, i sent that message to you, Niharika then i should thank him, Ashok says i am sorry to say but you are mistaken, Bindu never betrayed Dharma and as much as i know about her, she also cant betray him, Niharika says by your saying, proofs will not change, Ashok says we dont know if they are true or not and who knows what happened 14 years back, Niharika says i am saying same who knows what happened 14 years, for that we have to go to past and thats not possible so we should not waste time, her kids cries, she goes to see him, AShok thinks maybe i cant go to past but i can go to place from where it all started.
Siamak is sadly sitting in his room, Ashok comes there and sit beside him, Siamak says did you listen Bindu has one more wife, i didnt know about it, what is happening, till tomorrow Justin was criminal and now Devi Dharma, Ashok says i understand your situation but like Bindu said till crime is not proved everyone is innocent and we have to listen both sides of story, Siamak ask do you think Dharma is criminal? AShok says bindu believes that Dharma is innocent so i want to find Dharma for him, so that everything is proved, Siamak says you take care of my father alot, Ashok says when i was alone n Vann, Bindu came to give me life so i have to help me now, Siamak suggest to take help from Khurasan, Ashok says no one should know that i am finding her, enemies should not know about anything, he ask do you remember any soldier who was with Khurasan 14 years back, Siamak says he was Eravat, he was warrior but then left army and now he has fight club, where wrestlers fight to entertain people, his club is outside Patliputra, Ashok says maybe he knows about Dharma, i will go to talk to him, Siamak says i will come with you, if my father’s pain gets lessen by finding Dharma then i am ready to find her, they both hug.

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