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Monday, October 1, 2018


Tin gloats that AnaLet knows she can't win without him on her side. He warns her not to judge him by his appearance. He can be more dangerous than she. She can't control her impulses, but he's the lord of patience. "The last chesspiece is in place to kill the king," he says. AnaLet retorts, "with me or against me, I can make you into pieces."
Tin says he can destroy AnaLet. "I know you were at Gina's place when she died."
Marcelo rummages through the contents of the safe deposit box. There are several black folders. Marcelo peers wide-eyed at one particular piece of paper that we don't get to see, and intones with amazement: "Rodrigo Casasola!"
In the hospital, seeing a doctor look at a clipboard triggers a memory for Remedios. She came to visit Santi in the hospital after his first accident. She found a man looking at Santi's chart... she realizes that's where she'd seen Rodrigo before.
In the present, the doctor tells Remedios that all is looking well.
AnaLet says she'll deny having anything to do with Gina's death. Tin says Gina was alive when AnaLet arrived, and dead when she left. How did he know that? AnaLet realizes that Tin must have talked to Martinez, the guy who worked for Marcelo. Yes, Tin spoke to him a few hours before Marcelo killed him.
AnaLet thinks Martinez killed Gina. AnaLet admits that she had some things to discuss with Gina. "I hired her to seduce Ramiro, but she never mentioned she was the lover of - oh, er..." AnaLet gets up to leave. Tin guesses that she's referring to her uncle Mariano. He grabs her arm and won't let her leave. She sits. He says, "I want you to beg me for my help. I can make your dream come true."
AnaLet says he can't know what she dreams of, but Valentin says he can guess. "You want to be unique in every sense, but there are two others just like you, no, much better. Both great artists. What's your great talent? Your beauty is all you have, but you have to share it with them." This really gets under her skin. "All your heavy makeup and provocative outfits don't set you apart. Ramiro likes Ana Laura and not you, and your husband took one look at Ana Lucia and fell crazy in love. You know why? Because they're much better than you, because they have something you don't. But you can have all the admiration and the attention for yourself, not to mention the inheritance. But first you have to beg me."
At home, Leonor gives Mariano a status report on Grandma. Ana Laura and Ramiro are taking the first flight out, but AnaLet's phone is turned off.
Viridiana goes to the jail to see Soledad, and is frustrated to hear that she's in the penalty box.
AnaLet says she won't beg. Tin says the one thing that does set her apart from her sisters is her hatred. AnaLet spits that Ana Laura doesn't deserve to have the love of her life reciprocated when she, AnaLet, can't kiss or even touch the one man she's ever loved. If she can't have that, then neither can they! AnaLu took the love of her husband, and she'll never share anything else with her, or either of them. "They've taken so much from me, my uncle is mine, and if I'm condemned not to be loved as a woman the way I want, then neither can they. Satisfied?" It looks like Tin is very satisfied.
Marcelo puts the folders in his briefcase and leaves the bank vault, the emptied lockbox still open on the table.
Ratmundo and Facundo are outside Ratmundo's house. Evaristo can be seen pacing around within. Ratty tells Facky that last night, Ev had his guys take him someplace to meet with Marcelo. He sent the thugs away. When they came back for him, he was disoriented and wandering around aimlessly. Also, he previously had shot his grandson dead by mistake, and the thugs thought Ev didn't recognize him.
Ernestina scolds Mariano from her bed for not letting her know about Ana Lucia right away. He says he wanted a chance to prepare her first, precisely so that she wouldn't become overwrought as she is now. (So by neglecting to tell her in the comfort of her own home, he allowed her to hear it from a stranger in prison. Nice planning, Tio!) Ern thinks this experience has strengthened her heart. She wants to meet AnaLu right away. Mariano wants her to rest.
AnaLu tells Chana she's worried about the grandmother she's never (well not in 20 years) met, and asks - begs - Chana to tell her where Soledad went. She's in jail, for kidnapping.
Soledad peers through the barred window of her cell and remembers Margarita, her mother, bald, dying of cancer, calling young Soledad to her side. (Despite this scene taking place a good 30+ years ago, the hospital looks and sounds exactly like the one that Remedios is in.) Young Soledad asks when Mommy will be cured.
Soledad's flashback skips ahead a few decades to when Soledad told AnaLu of her make-believe illness. In the present, Soledad expresses remorse (to herself) for causing AnaLu the same fear that Soledad felt for her own mother.
Evaristo waits patiently at Ratmundo's desk. Finally, Facundo arrives. Evaristo stares at him curiously, confused. Ev has a flashback to Margarita in the hospital, perhaps the very same day as Soledad's flashback. Ev tells her not to worry. He'll take care of Soledad as if she were his own. Margarita asks Ev not to let Soledad's real father know about her. He promises that Rodrigo Casasola will never know about Soledad. He's left the country, but if he ever comes near Soledad, Ev will kill him!
But Margarita says that she lied. Her patrón made her tell everyone that Rodrigo was the father in order to keep Rod away from Ernestina. In fact, it was the patrón who raped her and almost killed her. Ev vows to take it out on that family - until every last drop of that family's blood is wiped off the face of the earth, and Ernestina will pay for her father's sin.
In the present, Evaristo sadly tells Facundo that he still hasn't made good on his promise to Margarita. Apparently, he and Facundo originally teamed up over their mutual hatred of that family, although Facundo's hatred doesn't go back as far as Ernestina's father. Facundo is aware, though, that Ern's father made her marry the heir to his business. As for Facundo, Ern's husband broke his word to Facundo in some way. Ev killed the guy, but that didn't help Facundo, because the business then fell into the hands of the son-in-law, the triplets' father. "We've come so far! We're about to get it!" Evaristo exclaims happily.
But Facundo does not seem so optimistic. He says he has a serious problem - Ev.
In jail, Soledad has another flashback. Ev takes her to visit Margarita again. Margarita tells Soledad she loves her, and then draws her last breath. "You'll always have me," Ev promises. He takes Soledad home to his wife, who doesn't want to take this little brat in. Ev claims Soledad as his own and tells his wife that she can either take Soledad in, or move out herself. The little girl clutches a wooden box - THE wooden box - as Ev's wife bitterly accepts the child, tosses a mop at her, and tells her to get to work.
In the present, in her cell, Soledad mourns her own child, Sofia, and reflects that she's completely alone.
Ernestina is sad that she and the family are all strangers to AnaLu, the girl they've loved and cried for all of these years. Mariano says it's a good idea to get all their paperwork in order; he's revised his will to leave 50% to AnaLu and split the rest between the other two. Ernestina thinks this is fair (I think it's wrong) and says she'll work it out with Edmundo (that's Ratmundo) tomorrow.
Iñaki is in a restaurant with Ghoulieta, telling her about his college years when some people didn't like him because he didn't come from a background of privilege. Someday he will be rich and respected, and they'll all be sorry. Ghoul thinks he shouldn't be that way. She will never leave him again, and she will help him out and open doors for him. Her stuff is his stuff. In fact, she has a gift for him. Iñaki opens a box, revealing car keys. Not for Daniel's car, but for a brand new car, even better than Daniel's. She says he's worth it. Iñaki is so pleased, he even offers to pay the lunch bill - except he forgot his wallet, LOL. We saw that coming.
Facundo gives Evaristo a drink, just what he needs. He's unhappy that Ev never mentioned that he had one of the keys. And that Alfredo was the husband of Remedios, the godparents of Ev's only daughter. (If Soledad grew up in Ev's house, how would she not know the godparents of Ev's only daughter? For that matter, do we know Ev's only daughter?) In his own defense, Ev says he didn't know that Remedios happened to be taking care of Facundo's son after the accident. But Facundo doesn't forgive mistakes. He made an exception because Ev spared Marcelo's life.
"You were a good friend," Fac tells Ev. "I still am," Ev protests. But Fac doesn't think so. "Last night you met with my son and gave him that key, so now Marcelo is finding out many things that don't suit me. Why did you give me a second chance with my son, only to take it away from me?"
Tio Mariano meets with AnaLet outside the house. She says that her phone was off because the battery ran down. He tells her about Ernestina recovering from hearing about AnaLu being alive. She hasn't seen AnaLu yet, but he's bringing her tomorrow. AnaLet doesn't think this is a good idea. She tries to talk him out of it, unsuccessfully. She looks even more disappointed to hear that Ana Laura is on the way as well.
Miranda gets Ernestina all psyched up to meet AnaLu. After Miranda leaves, Leonor addresses Ernestina as "tú," which delights Ernestina. Leonor promises to do that for now on - at least in private. AnaLet passes outside the door just in time to hear them say "I'm your sister and I love you more than anything!" She is impactada. She pokes her head in (discreetly) for a better listen, and Ernestina tells Leonor, "they're your nieces." In fact, Ernestina says, now that the family is to be reunited, it's high time they reveal Leonor as her sister. (Now it is AnaLet who looks like she's having a heart attack!)
But Leonor doesn't want that. Ernestina agrees, but says that all will be revealed when she dies anyway, because Leonor is in her will. AnaLet looks like she's having kittens.
Evaristo tells Facundo about his illness. He always thought there would be more time, but it's getting worse every day. He didn't tell, because he didn't want to be seen as a useless old man. Facundo points out that Evaristo has made too many errors that can't be repaired. But Ev is sure he can fix everything. Facundo taunts him that he can't bring back his grandson. Ev says he didn't do that - Marcelo did it. "Or was it Ramiro?" he asks, confused. Well, it was one of them. It definitely wasn't Evaristo! He was too late to help.
Facundo reminds Evaristo that together they set up Ramiro's kidnapping to force Marcelo to take control and rescue Ramiro. Ev takes responsibility for that, even though "things turned out badly" for one of his boys. Facundo says Gina's death was Ev's responsibility too. Ev tearfully recalls that he never knew who killed her, or if she killed herself. Facundo says "you're the killer." A killer with Alzheimer's. He killed his grandson and he killed the others, too. Ev remembers killing his grandson now. Facundo is worried that someday Evaristo won't recognize him, either. Or he'll talk too much. He gave away that key.
Ev acknowledges that he's become a liability, a threat, and threats must be eliminated. Facundo gives him a fond farewell speech, grips Ev's forehead and neck with reverence, and ends Evaristo's life with a decisive twist. He tenderly lays the old man's head on the desk as Ratmundo watches through the window.

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