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Monday, December 17, 2018


Scene 1:
Location: Ammaji’s residence
Ganga senses the awkwardness, and leaves hastily from there while all watch her going. ammaji tells sagar that he lost this challenge and now asks him what shall he do now. krishna thinks that the game has just started, and might be ganga has come for a week, but in this time, she shall manage to get her to befriend him, like they were in childhood, and they can live happily again, and then she shall have her mother as well as her father.
Downstairs, ammaji and madhavi discuss how ganga still secretively cares for sagar. when sagar comes down too, ammaji is amused and tries to tease him. he is baffled and asks madhavi whats wrong with her, and why is she talking like this. madhavi says that she is very happy. just then, krishna comes with
a scorecard, and others are baffled as to whats going on. KRishna makes a scorboard for ganga and sagar, and places one point to ganga, in the kite competition. sagar asks why as ganga didnt cut his kite. krishna tells that when sagar fell, ganga saved him and still managed to keep her kite high flying. they all comply to this logic, and grant her the winner. he sulks. ganga thanks her. she says that this is just the beginning, and knows she shall win ahead too. he asks her not to be over confident. others are amused at their verbal scuffles. he says that he shall prove tht he loves her more than ganga. ganga asks whats the challenge. krishna says that they shall know tomorrow, by writing and till then, they should rest.
Later, in the night, sagar is tensed, while krishna asks him not to. he says that he is scared of her win, and ganga is capable of. he sulks at her too, for giving ganga one point. she says that she had to be rational. he says that he cant afford to lose, and then lose ganga and krishna too. she asks him why didnt he win then. he says that ganga is a pro at kite flying, and asks her to give a task that he has an added advantge, they decide to consult with each other, before every other challenge. he asks what next task can help him win over ganga. krishna excitedly screams that she did get, and then narrates her idea to him, and he loves it.
The next morning, while she is ready for school and is about to go, sagar and krishna come down and are happily chatting away, when ganga comes and finds him helpiong her to get ready. she gets defensive, while sagar taunts that he is the father and hence is helping her to get ready. krishna says that sagar knows about the next challenge. ganga asks how could she tell him and not her. krishna says that she technically told him after midnight so its valid. Ganga fumes but krishna gives her some logic and shuts her up. maharaj serves them breakfast, and they hurriedly rush to the dining table. sagar and krishna sit down to eat, when she comments to ganga that it seems he shall win today. he intently feeds her, while she fumes, and looks awat. they enjoy. krishna gives them the task of preparing a nice dish for her, by the time, she returns back from school. ganga and sagar are prepared to take the challenge. after she leaves, they both stands facing each other, ganga is amused while sagar is tensed. niru calls him from the balcony to come to hsir oom, and asks ganga also to comply. they get going. he wonders how shall he make food, when he doesnt even know the first thing about it.
In niru’s room, in the presence of madhavi, niru reprimands both of them for such childish and immature and totally irrational behaviour, regarding krishna’s custody. ganga sides with him and says thats whats exactly happening, and she resents it immensely. she says that she knows the law and that she cant take krishna legally from here, but just to be able to take krishna, she cacepted the challenge, even though it was immature. niru reprimands sagar for his lack of maturity and asks them to shut it down right away. madhavi asks him to stop it, and they shall get ahead, whether he likes it or not, and if he doesnt, he might as well keep his distance from this. he is taken aback and tensed. madhavi asks him to try and understand, that if sagar wins and ganga loses, then she shall always be here, and they shall be one big happy family once again. they suddenly realise ganga’s presence and eye her tensedly. ganga eyes them boggled, and then leaves. madhavi tells him that she wants ganga to be with sagar always, back in the family, and wants them all to stay united. niru asks why wasnt he told this earlier. they comply. sagar says that today’s challenge has him baffled. madhavi rushes when she gets to know the challenge is cooking. she gives him a basic layout of the kitchen and its ingredients. he says that it isnt as easy as she points it all to be. he is adamant that krishna didnt think about him, before deciding this challenge, and merely winked at him and gone, wondering what on earth could she mean by that. she says that krishna has full faith, that sagar shall handle every problem. she asks him to try and understand what ganga is going through and keeping her ego aside, she is here for krishna’s sake, and then asks him to man up and embrace the challenge. they cheer each other up. maharaj passes by them and tells them, that as instructed by sagar, he kept an eye on ganga, and she just rushed to the market. hearing this, sagar rushes to go out, while madhavi asks him whats the matter. he says that he has to find out what the enemy or rival is upto, to have an upper hand on their strategy. he leaves.
Scene 2:
Location: Market
Sagar always stays at a safe distance, while tracing ganga, finding out what all she is purchasing. she infact realises too that he is following her to find out what she is upto. she confronts him and asks whats going on, and why is he following her. he says that its a public road. she accuses him of trying to invade into her ideas, branding him as a cheater. he tensedly asks her if she knows him so much so, then why cant she see the love and care thats in his eyes. He asks her to try and understand that whatever he is doing, its to get her. he tells her that she is his heartbeat and if there isnt any ganga, then there isnt any sagar. he eyes her romantically, while she is too stunned. she says that she knows he is distracting her to keep her from winning, but she wont be affected, and shall win this, referring to him as Mr. Sagar Chaturvedi. he complies, and refers to her as Mrs. Sagar Chaturvedi. the screen freezes on her shocked face, as she turns around to face him.
Scene 1:
Location: Ammaji’s residence
The gully cricket starts with sagar and ganga, on the ball and bat respectively. maharaj starts his commentary, while cheering for ganga, as madhavi and krishna emphatically cheer for sagar. they are ecstatic when sagar gets her out on the first ball. ganga fumes, while all are amused. then its ganga’s turn to ball, while sagar takes the bat. ganga throws the first ball, almost to hit rather than throw. niru and others are amused. the first two balls become no-balls as she continues to hit hard. with the third ball, he shoots for a six, and niru declares him the winner. ganga resignedly complies. krishna updates the scoreboard. madhavi and niru are amused.
By day 4, they decide for the next challenge from the bowl. ganga does the honoues,
while all wait anxiously. the challenge is to get Krishna a beautiful dress. ganga is boggled, while niru explains. madhavi is about to say something to sagar, when niru stops and fixes the time for 1 o clock. he asks them to hurry up, as if they dont reach in time, they shall be disqualified. ganga and sagar rush out respectively in search for a dress.
Scene 2:
Location: Market
Sagar and ganga face all odds and difficulties, to find the perfect dress, and as fate would have it, they decide on the same dress and while fighting for the dress, they tear it up. sagar stands holding the dress, while ganga rushes away from there.
Scene 3:
Location: Ammaji’s residence
As its almost one, and noone has returned, madhavi gets anxious. when ganga returns back, madhavi is tensed for sagar, who reaches just in the nick of time. he limps, and says that he got hit by a cycle. then they get to dress showing. Krishna loves the dress that ganga brought fr her, and then turns to sagar, to ask him to show his selection. he does so, and anticipatedly waits for krishna’s decision and opinion. she chooses sagar’s frock, and they all like it too, and sagar is again branded the winner. ganga stands feeling dejected. sagar eyes her tension but doesnt say anything.
Later, madhavi notices sagar and krishna tensedly pacing in the room, wondering that if ganga wins the challenge tomorrow, then she clearly wins tomorrow. he says that he cant let that happen, at anyc ost and lose her and ganga forever, and that he shall definitely win tomorrow. madhavi hopes that the challenge is something that works in his favour.
The next morning, klrishna asks niru if sagar can take the chit out. he says that its ganga’s turn today. Ganga says that if krishna wants sagar to take the chit out, she is okay with it. niru complies. sagar then selects a chit tensedly, after much deliberation. he in turn goes to ask niru to take it out. all wait patiently, while niru reads it out, that its a dance competition. they are all shocked, while the couple themselves are tensed. krishna asks how will he dance as sagar is hurt in the leg. but niru shirks her doubts away.
Later, in their room, krishna discusses with ammaji and sagar that there isnt any hope now, and offers to go to niru to pelads to change it. he says that he shall manage as ganga isnt very good either. she says that she wishes to talk to him, but he is adamant that we shouldnt separate people, but in turn bridge them. they discuss and elaborately argue as to how he has to be faithful and honest enough to win this over anyhow. they all sneak into ganga’s room, as they find music coming out of it. sagar is confident that ganga isnt gud. he then leaves for his own practise and krishna stands beside him cheering him, while he is tensed about the wound in his leg. when he takes a break, krishna goes to check on ganga, and then comes back to tell about ganga’s wonderful improvement. this shakes the ground off sagar’s feet, and he gets extremely tensed. but then he pretends to be unfazed. she decides to help him clear all the steps. ganga overhears the music and is excited to go and see, but then wonders what would he feel and whether that gives him the wrong signal. but unable to resist, she sneaks in to see. krishna sees her and is amused. she thinks that this time, sagaris difficult to be defeated. she notices ganga and continues to ignore her. but then he falls down and hurts his leg badly. he winces and then sits beside a pillar, as its paining. she makes him realise what shall happen if he fails. The screen freezes on her tensed face.

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