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Thursday, December 20, 2018


Dev hires architects to redesign his house to make it office cum house and discusses design with them. Ishwari serves them tea and snacks and asks Dev if he spoke to Sona about it. Dev says Sona will like it as he is doing it for her goodness, she can even spend time with Soha. Soha gets ready for office and comes down, asks what is happening. Dev says he is redesigning house so that they can work from home. She tells architect that she and Dev need to talk first and asks them to leave. They walk away. Dev says what problem she has, he is doing it for their goodness and asks Ishwari to explain her. Ishwari nervously says she and Dev did not spend time together for 7 years and it is good if they work from home. Sona says she is getting late for office and does not want to speak
about it, gets a call and leaves. Dev says he will make office at home at any cost.
Riya tells Nikki that she has to go out, but does not how where to leave Aru. Ishwari says Aru’s naani is there, she is working from home today. Nikki surprisingly says work from home…Ishwari says that is what they call it right.
Vicky meets Golu at school and apologizes him for being so rude to him all along. Golu asks what happened to him, why he is not coming home. Vicky cheers him up. Golu asks if he will play with him. Vicky says yes. Golu says they will go to game parlor then after school. Vicky agrees. After school, Soha asks Golu why did not he inform that chachu is coming. Golu says she is busy in her books, how will he inform her. Vicky comes. Golu happily runs and hugs him. Vicky asks Soha how is she now. She says she is fine after daadi gave her turmeric milk and thanks him for supporting her. He says he does not stay at home does not mean he is not her chachu now. Golu says let us take Soha also to game parlor. Vicky says Dev bhai will get angry. Golu says he will be happy instead. Vicky agrees.
Mamaji goes to Ishwari’s room and asks why Dev is shifting office to home, will Sona like it. Ishwari says they are husband and wife and should feel comfortable working from home. Mamaji says mother’s love is different than wife’s love and Sona would feel reserved working from home.
Sona asks her assistant about her next meeting with clients. Assistant says all her meetings are shifted to her home and she has already sent her changed corresponding address to clients. Sona scolds that she is her boss and asks to resend schedule to clients and from next time just follow her orders. She calls Dev angrily. Dev says where is she, her clients are waiting for her at home, she should reach home soon. Sona shouts Dev Dev.. He disconnects call.
Soha and Golu return home. Ishwari asks why did they come so late. Golu lies that they attended Math special classes as he is weak in math. Soha backs him. Golu asks Soha to help him in math and takes her along.
Ronita checks her weight and panics that she put on 3 more kilos. Asha says she should not check her weight often. Ronita says she will balloon up more than Sourav. Sourav munches food with Bejoy and says that will not happen as they have decided to put on weight with Ronita. Ronita happily pampers him.
Sona reaches home and shouts that is he doing. He says she looks so beautiful in anger. He says Dev…please. He says he is a bad husband that he does not take care of his wife, her hair have grown long and he did not notice it. She asks what he wants to say. He says what he wants to do is more important. She says Dev but.. He says there is no time for if..but.. takes her to room and shows her lots of new clothes. She excitedly asks who brought them. He says Delhi’s best designers designed clothes for her and best clothes are in front of her. He chose dresses with whole family, Asha maa, maa, Golu, Soha. She stands speechless. He gives her a dress and says he hopes she can see from his eyes how much beautiful she is. He turns her in front of mirror and says she will wear this dress. Sona silently sees his overpossessiveness.
Dev greets Sona’s employees in and asks them to sit. Sona comes. Dev says it is a lovely day. Sona scolds employees that she told them work from office, why did they come here. They say Dev sir called them. Sona scolds them to obey her order and sends them away.
Ishwari goes to Soha’s room with food and asks her to have it. Soha says she has to finish homework and had double lunch in her friend’s birthday party. Ishwari says she should have it later then and asks if she is fine. Soha says yes. Ishwari leaves. Soha guilty for lying daadi.
Sona confronts Dev that he cannot detain her in house like this. He says he loves her and wants to see her in front of his eyes always. She says she needs space. Dev says big room and asks how much space she needs. She
says she needs freedom to take her decisions and he is stopping her. He says he is not stopping her, it is his way of loving her, Soha and maa and everyone at home would agree to it. She continues arguing and says her love and his mom’s love are diffent. Ishwari enters and hears their conversation. Dev asks her to explain that his love is pure and how much he loves Sona. Sona walks away.
Golu informs GKB that he met papa and how much they enjoyed. GKB says papa loves him and he should meet papa often. Golu says papa also said same and says Soha lied that she went to her friend’s party and then special class to badi daadi. GKB asks is it. Elena enters and asks Golu why did not he finish homework yet. GKB asks him to go and finish homework first. They chat next.
Ishwari goes to Sona and asks her to explain what she is going through. Sona says she herself is confused. Ishwari says why did she say her love and my love is different for Dev. Sona explains that the way she loves Soha, she cannot love Dev similarly, each love is different. If each color mixes in water, water becomes dirty, similarly with love. She is Dev’s wife and has her own reservations and freedom, he cannot snatch it from her. She does not want Dev to hold her, her love did not hold him, then why is he holding her. She continues. Ishwari leaves.
Asha shows Soha’s childhood clothes to Ronita and describes how Sourav brought frock for the first time and Bejoy’s frock Soha never liked and did not wear. Bejoy enters with Sourav and asks if she is sending them to Sona, then she should keep them back. Asha says she took them for Sourav’s child. Sourav says he wants new clothes for his child. Asha says old cothes are more comfortable. Sourav says he wants to design new wardrobe for his child and walks away angrily. Bejoy says he has gone mad. Asha says he has gone on his father.
Ishwari walks towards Dev’s room and returns back. Mamaji stops her and says she has to explain Dev that he is doing wrong. Ishwari says how can she interfere between husband and wife. Mamaji says Dev lost Sona once and got her back and now he will lose her again because of himself, he cannot control her like that and she should explain her son before it is too late.
Ishwari enters Dev’s room and reminisces Sona’s words. Dev asks why is she looking at her as if he is a ghost. She says sometimes their past pass through their eyes and they feel horrified. She explains Dev what wrong he is doing. She continues explaining and says a wife needs husband’s love and his support, not his overpossessiveness. She asks him to assure his support to Sona and make her feel comfortable with him. She continues her moral gyaan.
Recommendations accepted and warmly welcomed

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