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Saturday, December 22, 2018


Dev angrily leaves. Vicky gives feedback sheet to Sona and asks her to fill it as he is new to this job. Soha gives feedback. Vicky says he is less qualified and got only this job, she insisted him to do internship, but he did not and was wrong.
Dev and Soha reach home. Dev tells Soha he will take her for an ice cream. Soha gets happy. Sona asks Golu how was his exam. Golu says he failed. Sona asks Soha how was her exam. She says even she failed. Soha gets angry and says she will not get ice cream. Dev says Sona is right, she will not until she improves. Sona says she will not get any choc or icecream here on. Soha shouts she does not need their ice cream now or ever and don’t need even them and angrily walks away. Golu walks behind him scolding them that they made his sister angry. Dev and Sona are shocked to see that.
After sometime, Ishwari comes to Dev’s room and asks where is Sona. He says she went to make Soha sleep. Ishwari says people say each child has its own personality, sometimes we don’t notice children, but they notice use carefully. She feels he and Sona are ignoring Soha and their problems are having a bad effect on Soha. Dev says she is right, he will do whatever he has promised Soha and thanks her
Elena comes to Sona and asks her if she spoke to Soha. Sona says she spoke, but how can Soha fail in math, she is confused. Elena says something must be happening at school. Sona says she will go and meet Soha’s teacher tomorrow. Elena asks how was her date with date. Sona says she is writing restaurant review. Elena reads review about restaurant manager Vikram Tripathi/Vicky and is surprised. Sona says maybe he does not want her to see him like that. Elena cries hugging him. Sona consoles that everything will be alright. GKB hears them and gets emotional.
Sourav tells Asha and Ronita that he is nauseous. Asha laughs that these are pregnancy symptoms. Sourav says these are sympathetic symptoms which happen when someone s around pregnant woman. Asha says there is
nothing like that. Bejoy comes and asks if they have antinausea pill. They both laugh. Sona comes. They all get happy. Ronita takes Bejoy and Sourav to give medicine. Sona shows Soha’s marks card to Asha. Asha says looks like Soha knew each answer and wrote wrong purposefully to grab parents’ attention. It seems Sona and Dev are ignoring her and should try to give attention to her.
Mamaji sees GKB crying and asks reason. GKB says their son is working in a restaurant aas a manager. Mamaji asks who told her. She says she heard Sona telling Elena. Mamaji hopes Vicky does not do any mistake in his new job and consoles her that all jobs are equal.
Elena takes Golu and Soha to Vicky’s restaurant. Vicky enters asking cleaners to clean tables and is shocked seeing them. Golu gets happy thinking papa came to give surprise. Vicky asks Elena who told her. She says Sona and tells Golu that pappa works here as manager. Golu say eww..why don’t he apologize big cha and join him back. Elena says they came here to wish good luck to papa. Soha says daadi told no job is big or small, all jobs are equal and should done honestly. Golu insists Vicky to take him out. Vicky says he can drop them to school and requests his boss to let him off today, he will do overtime. Elena feels sorry for him.
Vicky drops Soha and Golu to school and plays blindfold with them. Dev with Sona also walks towards school holding ice cream for Golu and Soha. Sona says he is getting more romantic and bought icecream for her. He says it is for Golu and Soha. They reach school. Dev sees Vicky playing with them and Soha falling down and shouts how dare he is to touch his daughter. Vicky says Soha is also like his daughter, why will he harm her. Dev asks Soha if she is fine and slaps Vicky tightly. Soha and Golu ask Dev to stay away, he is bad. Sona takes Dev home.
At home, GKB comes angrily to Dev and asks why did he slap Vicky in front of children, did he do right. Dev says yes, he did and will do in the future also. GKB says he also did many mistakes, he left Sona for 7 years, disowned his sisters and mother, even then he is not pushed because he is Dev and this house belongs to him. She continues that nobody wants her here, so it is better to go. Sona says they all love her. Mamaji drags GKB away. Dev asks Ishwari if she thinks he is wrong. Ishwari says he is wrong, he should not have slapped Vicky in front of children, her son is wrong.
Dev sits in a corner and cries. Sona sits next to him. He asks how can maa tell I am wrong, I am just protecting Soha and Sona and I can go to any extent to protect both and what I did is not wrong. Sona says sometimes we do things unknowingly which we think are write but are wrong, he is not exception. She leans on his shoulder to console him.
Mamaji consoles GKB that brothers fight and she should forgive Dev. Ishwari comes and apologizes GKB on Dev’s behalf. GKB says Dev did not forgive Vicky, but she is asking her to forgive Dev. Ishwari says even she wants Vicky come back home and all children live happily, she for the first time told Dev that he is wrong. She continues apologizing GKB. Mamaji asks her not to. Ishwari continues. Mamaji goes to Dev and says he is not wrong. Dev says Vicky tried to ruin our family many times, but they all are blaming me. Mamaji says he did write by slapping Vicky, but he should not have in front of children. Ishwari comes there.
Vicky is busy explaining his hotel staff when Elena enters. He smiles seeing her. Elena asks why did not he inform Dev slapped him. Vicky says
there is nothing to talk about it, he does not want to confront Dev bhai. Elena says Dev did wrong.
Golu informs Sona that Suhana is leaving house. Sona rushes to Soha’s room and sees her packing bags. Soha says she cannot see papa hitting Vicky chachu, she will not stay in this house. Golu says Daadi prepared pasta, she can have it and then go. Soha agrees. They both munch pasta. Dev joins them and asks to share. Soha says she will share it only with friends and he is not her friend.
At Bose house, Sourav insists to break Sona’s room and make it a child’s room for his baby. Bejoy fumes and says child needs love and not big room. Sourav continues insisting. Drama continues.
Golu runs to Soha and asks her to save him from mamma. Elena drags Golu away and says they will stay with Vicky. Family stops her. She says who has to stop her will not, she will go where she should be. Mamaji requests not to go as she may not be able to return back here. GKB says let her go. Elena drags Golu. Soha requests Dev to stop Golu. Dev stops Elena and requests not to go and separate him. He hugs Golu emotionally. Elena says Vicky needs them most in this situation and he is trying to change, will they allow him to return. Dev does not reply. Elena drags Golu, and Golu pleads he does not want o go. Dev stands silently.
Elena inform Vicky that she left home. He asks why did she do that. He thinks whatever he planned is happening, now everyone will be on his side, this time has hit Dev where it will hurt him most.
Dev searches his laptop anxiously. Sona asks him to relax, he can cry, she knows he loves Golu, hugs him and says it is okay. He cries and says when she and Suhana were not present with him, Golu was, will he return. Sona says everything will be fine. Dev reminisces time spent with Golu.
Recommendations accepted and warmly welcomed

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