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Wednesday, December 26, 2018


Bindu says to soldier that we have to find Raj, charu comes there, Ashok leaves, Charu ask did you find about Raj? your son is becoming adult and he has started loving a girl and that is Ahenkara, Bindu is stunnes, Sushim comes and says i used to love her but i love my land most, ahenkara can give us clue about Raj.
Helena says to Nicator that if get caught then we are gone, we have to find Raj and make him understand that he should remain silent, they find someone coming, Helena acts like unconscious, Chanakya looks in their room and finds food there, chanakya says once Raj is found then she will become conscious too.
sushim says to Bindu that you should give death sentence to Ahenkara, Bindu ask why? Sushim says she knows about her father’s conspiracy still she doesnt want to give statement against Raj, bindu says but who is witness against her to tell that she is purposely saving her father, Sushim says i am witness, i am ready to give statement against her, Ashok is also there, Charu says you love her, sushim says when it is about my land then i can give up everything, before palace got fire, she told me that his father wants to revenge us, she even asked me to not tell this to anyone, Bindu says you broke her promise, Sushim says i did it for my land, it can be true that Ahenkara is involved in all this, Raj will definitely get caught but Ahenkara can become dangerous, she can have desire of revenge too in future, so its better to give her death sentence, Bindu says i cant give her as her fault is not proved yet, sushim says its ok if you dont want to punish her but you an announce her death sentence, this way Raj will definitely try to meet her and in process we will catch him, bindu thinks, Ashok says thinks till when this selfish person started talking about land and magdh? there is something more to it, i will talk to Ahenkara.
Scene 1
Soldier informs Ahenkara that Bindu has ordered that if they dont get Raj in 3 days then you will be punished for his deeds, you cant leave from here, Ahenkara says bindu doesnt give punishment to innocents, she says let me meet Sushin once, soldier says no, Sushim comes and ask soldier to leave her, she says Bindu has some misunderstanding, he thinks i am involved in all this conspiracy, you know truth, tell Bindu, Sushim says as much as i can try i have done that else you wouldnt be here but in jail and i cant do must for a betrayer’s daughter, he leaves, Ahenkara cries.
Soldiers announce in market that after 3 days, betrayer’s daughter Ahenkara will be given death sentence, Radha is shocked, Chanakya says Bindu thinks that by announcing this, Raj will
come to save her daughter but Raj’s conspirator will not let him come till here, i have to talk to Bindu.
Ahenkara comes to balcony, she recalls how soldier said that she will be punished, she recalls how Sushim ditched her, she stand on balcony fence and is about to do suicide, Ashok comes and says if you remain alive then you will get alot of wounds, Ahenkara ask him to be away, Ashok says if you die then all will think that you are involved in all this, Ahenkara says its easy to talk but you dont know what i am going through, one side my father left me, Ashok says like my father did to me, she says i loved a guy and he cheated me too, Ashok says same happened with my mother but she didnt give up, she fought and never runaway, she never lose hope, Ahenkara says when death is 3 days away then you have no hope, Ashok says death can come at any time, if you know that you have 3 days to live then you have to decide that how wanna live it, she says put yourself in my situation and then see, Ashok says if i was in your place then i would have thought to live my life in 3 days, i would do everything in 3 days, i wouldnt have done suicide like cowards but would have lived like warriors, till my death wouldnt have come, i wouldnt have have left hope of living because i had trust on my innocence, he extend his hand, Ahenkara looks at it, she holds his hand and gets down from fence, her broach falls on floor, Ashok takes it, she says i cant remove this allegation over my name, nor i can overcome the guilt that my father did this, she ask why you trust me? Ashok says all questions cant be answered, he leaves, she says whom i trusted, he ditched me and the one, whom i kept degrading and insulting, he showed trust in me today.
Scene 2
Nicator says Justin that what i did with Raj, do you think he will go to Mandir to meet us? justin says Raj must be thinking that we will not come there to meet him thus he will definitely go there as its safest place for him, bindu come there and says i will come with you justin to pray for helena, Justin is stunned and says its not good for security, Ashok says dont worry, i wont let anything happen to Bindu, they leave, chanakya sees all this and thinks that Ashok will trap all these enemies.
ahenkara is crying in her room, Sushim comes there and says everything can settle down in 1 minute and i can help you, she says you have put me in all this problem and you are talking about saving me now? you have cheated me, Sushim says putting blame of cheating on someone else doesnt suite you, your blood has cheating in it, your father, your uncle and your sister all have cheated, this is your upbringing, Ahenkara gets angry, Sushim says my soldiers are ready to kill you any minute, you are betrayer in their eyes, she says you love me, why you are doing this, Sushim says i used to love you but now when i know that you are daughter of betrayer, i hate you, ahenkara says you know i had not involvement in all that, i could have run away from palace but i waited for you in burning palace, you can show hatred but make me believe once that whatever was between us was not a lie, Sushim brings out bottle and says now i will make you believe that we had true feelings for each other, he says this poison, i cant see your pain so i have brought it, drink it and you will not know when you will leave this world easily, he leaves, Ahenkara cries.
Chanakya says to Radha that justin have not gone to Mandir to do pooja, he has gone there to meet Raj or Vrahmir thats why i have sent Bindu and Ashok with him but i dont know must powerful enemy is there, he says ask aakramak to be ready to go there, ask our secret agents to be alert, if anyone tries to run from there, he should be caught, Radha says if you know Helena is behind all this then why dont you tell it to bindu? Chanakya says Helena is like mother to bindu, he respect her alot and we dont have any proof against her, Raj and Vrahmir are important to get proof against Helena.
Helena sys to Nicator that Bindu has gone with justin and you didnt stop him? you know why Justin is going there, Nicator says how can i stop him? i have no right, he would have doubted me, Helena says how can you say that, you know if Raj meets bindu then what will happen, you know how much coward Raj is, he told us that if he get caught then he will blurt out everything about us and also his daughter is stuck here, he can do anything to save himself and his daughter, you have given him chance, Nicator says what have i done? did i ask bindu to go with justin? you are sitting in room peacefully, its easy to blame others, come outside and see how much strictness is there outside, you will see that your plan failed, we are in this mess because of your foolishness, if you had not called Ashok in marriage then he wouldnt have not known about conspiracy, Helena says what you have done all these years? i failed but i kept trying, what you did? you lost to Chandragupt once and ranawaym to save yourself, you gave everything to him, you sacrificed your daughter too, he says what you wanna say that you are being subjected to violence and all? because of me you are queen of magdh and even after being queen, you couldnt do anything against bindu, you should be ashamed, she says i just hope Justin meet Raj.
Justin, Bindu and Ashok are going to mandir, Justin says we should take rest, Bindu says mandir is near, we should continue, Justin says think about Ashok, he must be tired and hungry, if pooja starts in mandir then he will not get anything to eat, Bindu says yes we should take rest here, Aakramak comes there and says we couldnt get any idea of Raj, we are finding him in this area, justin says if Aakramak gets Raj before me then we will be gone, i have to do something, he says to bindu that we should not waste time, we should go to mandir, Bindu says but you said to take rest here, justin says i recalled Helena’s condition, she is in pain and we are thinking about rest? Ashok says i am ready to go, Ashok thinks Justin is like his mother, he cant stay at one point, mother says we should never trust people like him, i have to keep an eye on him.
Scene 1
Noor says to Khurasan that i told you Justin is not involved in this conspiracy, he has gone to mandir to pray, Khurasan says a much as i know Justin, he doesnt believe in praying and all, he cant go to Manidr, Noor says why not? cant he go to pray for his mother? why you always blame him? dont forget that he has saved me and Siamak, Khurasan says i cant trust Justin as he is from Greece, his mother always wanted to remove Bindu from way and make Justin king, before your marriage, Bindu was attacked, your brother died in that attack, we didnt know about Bindu and here Helena was ready to make Justin king, Noor says maybe Helena is involved in all this but justin is not involved, Khurasan says maybe you are saying right but he knew about it and if this is the case and Raj gets
caught then Justin will be called criminal, Noor says i love him, he has saved me and Siamak, Khursan says tell me truth if Justin knew about this conspiracy, Siamak comes and sys Justin knew about it as before attack he asked me and Noor to go from palace, he asked his soldier to take us away but soldier locked us in room there, Khurasan thinks if i tell Bindu about Jusitn saving Noor before attack then Bindu can doubt their relation, he says to siamak that dont tell this to anyone, not even Bindu, we cannot trust anyone, he curtly looks at Noor and leaves.
Bindu, Justin and Ashok comes to Mandir, Pundit says we have been told that you want to do havan for helena, he ask them to sit, Justin thinks if i sit then i wont be able to get up but i have come here to find Raj, Pundit says we need water for Pooja, Ashok says i will bring it, Justin says no, i want to do everything so that Lord gets happy with us, i will bring water, Bindu says i will come with you, Pundit says no, you have sat so you cant get up, Bindu ask Ashok to go with Justin then, Justin says no i will come back, let him be here, he leaves.
Scene 2
Raj is sitting in cave, he says dont know where are Ahenkara and Agnishika, he cries and prays for them, he says my daughter must be missing me, she used to not live without me, Aakramak comes in same cave from other side with soldiers, Raj sees him and hides, he removes his jewelry, turban and disguise as common person, soldiers come there, Raj is shocked and says i didnt do anything, soldier ask then why you are here? Raj says i was finding my goat, soldier says leave from here, they leave. otherside Justin is finding Raj too, Raj thinks i have to leave from here, justin comes there, Raj says i am farmer, Justin says you do good drama but i know who are you, he puts sword on his neck, he says listen to me carefully else i can call soldiers here, should i?
bindu ask pundit if river is away from here? Pundit says no, we dont have much time for pooja, Bindu ask Ashok to go and find Justin, Ashok says how can i leave you alone, Bindu says dont worry and leave, Ashok leaves.
Aakramak is looking for Raj, he sys to soldiers that betrayer should not escape, he finds someone running, he runs behind him and catches Raj, he is bald and wearing torn clothes, Aakramak ask who are you? he says i am farmer, aakramak says then why were you running from me? Raj sys i did robbery so i thought you were catching me, i will not steal again, let me go, Aakramak says ok, Raj is about to leave, Ashok comes and says he is lying, AShok puts sword on his neck and says he is our criminal, Aakramak says you mean Raj? he looks at him to find Raj has changed his get up, ashok ask Raj to surrender, Bindu comes and says why you are making this coward understand, Raj is shocked to see him, Bindu comes to Raj and says if you wanted to take revenge then you would have fought with me like a king, like warrior, he ask to arrest Raj, Bindu says to Ashok that today you have raise chandragupt’s sword on Magdh’s biggest enemy and have proved that you deserve it, you have respect for this sword.
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