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Sunday, December 30, 2018


Sofia explains to Gabriela that the reason why she slapped Fernando was because he’s still coming after her and that should even tell her that Fernando doesn’t love her one bit and needs to be careful but Gabriela states to her that, she’s just talking out of jealousy and wishes to have Fernando back but that won’t happen. As they continue argue, Luis approaches and Gabriela asks what the hell that brat is doing in her house and Sofia tells him to ask Fernando because he was the one who brought him in and she looked surprised.
Fernando then takes Gabriela to the study and makes her to understand that Sofia is only trying to spoil his reputation but he just wants to get closer to her and win her trust since Bernardo left all his properties in his care. Again, he tells Gabriela to stay calm and watch him do his thing because all he’s looking forward to is to see her defeat Sofia at the long run.
After Fernando’s conversation with Gabriela, he goes to make Sofia to understand that he has full control over her mother so whatever he says, she believes. Again, he states to her that, if she wants to see her mother getting another heart attack, then she can go ahead and declare to her that Luis is his son but she should bear in mind that, it’s her mother who will die and not his.
Gabriela pleads with Sofia to kindly stay away from Fernando because she has found true love and doesn’t want her or anyone to destroy it and ever since their father died, she has now gathered herself together to love again so, she should please stay off his man. She then asks Sofia to tell her what she wanted to say about Luis before Fernando took her to the study and there, Sofia remembered what Fernando said about her mother having a heart attack if she finds out the truth and so, she refuses to mention anything to Gabriela and tells her it’s nothing.
John quickly goes to show the will of his father to the lawyer and after reading through, he declares to him that indeed they’re the rightful owners of the properties.
Raquel rushes to Gabriela to help her out because she’ll be in big trouble if the lands are taken from her and the truth also pops up but Gabriela warns her not to push her to the wall else, she’ll also notify everyone about the baby girl she dashed her. Raquel then asks if that baby girl she was Eva’s daughter and immediately, Gabriela signs her a cheque to buy herself another land and stop bothering her with all those questions.
Peter speaks to his father Alex, to resign from the kind of business he’s into because it doesn’t speak well of him but Mr. Alex explains to him that he’s not wicked like people think he is yet, Peter assures him that if he doesn’t quit, he’s not going to take him as a father.
Father Teddy takes the sisters to the location where they can operate their new business properly and Sofia informs them that she has already spoken to their mother about the business but she didn’t take it serious and Jemima states that, they shouldn’t even bother about how she’ll take it because she only thinks about herself.
Raquel clarifies to Benito that she’ll do everything possible to protect their lands and properties but if it turns out bad, then she’ll have no choice than to use the money Gabriela gave to her to relocate. Benito then asks what kind of deal she has with Gabriela for her to have given her such a huge amount and she tells him lies. Raquel then receives a notification from the court to be present the following day for the final declaration of whom the rightful owners of the properties are and she begins to panic.
Fernando harasses Sofia once again and Gabriela gets to see them and she angrily asks what the hell is going on and Sofia clarifies to her that, ever since she returned to the hacienda, her lover boy Fernando has been harassing her always and so she wants her to be vigilant because he has no good intentions and is only after her wealth. Gabriela then fiercely draws nearer to them and surprisingly, she smacks Fernando.
“Who Killed Libia” akye saaaa!!!! utv brings your way Friday – Sunday 8:00pm and Repeat Tuesday – Thursday 4:00pm Utv it’s all about you!!!!

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