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Wednesday, December 26, 2018


Shivaye says I decided to marry Tia, you started all this, you have to attend this marriage, its imp, you will do all arrangements. Shivaye hears Mrs. Kapoor and Tia. Mrs. Kapoor gives a packet to Tia and asks her to not open it, I don’t want anyone to see it. She sees Shivaye in the mirror. Some time before, Shivaye says you are in my life because I…… She looks at him and asks what happened, why did you get silent, I lost memory, you remember everything, what should I understand by this silence, if you can’t answer me, I have to find answers myself, the answer is, I m nothing but a problem in your life, so I should leave from your life, so that you can marry Tia.
He says you decided I should marry Tia right. She says yes, if I m wrong, then tell me the reason. He says what’s
the use if you don’t remember. She asks don’t you want to answer. He says now I don’t find it necessary to answer. She says fine I got my answer. He asks are you sure you don’t remember anything, there is no feeling, its all blank, fine if I leave you and marry Tia, it won’t matter to you right, I will marry Tia, you asked me something for the first time, how can I refuse. He holds her face and hits his hand angrily. He asks it does not matter to you. She says doesn’t. He says we will see.
Everyone look at Shivaye and Anika. Pinky asks him to say. He says I decided, I will marry Tia. Mrs. Kapoor and Tia smile. Pinky asks really. Dadi asks what are you saying. He says even Anika wants this, she does not care if Tia and I marry. Pinky says atlast you agreed to me. He says you were right, when to keep this marriage, tomorrow.. She says no, this time we will keep your marriage grand way with all rituals, Tia will come as bahu, all functions will happen, let Jhanvi get fine, let Omru come back, call them. Anika takes her bag and starts leaving. He calls her out and asks where are you going.
He says you started all this, till this ends, you will stay here, this marriage is happening because of you, so you have to attend this marriage, its imp, you will do all arrangements of this marriage. Pinky asks why will you make this unlucky girl do such auspicious arrangements. He says I know what I m doing, she came here for my and Tia’s wedding, she can get us married now, of course she will do this happily, she does not care. Anika says yes, I don’t care. He says okay then, start the marriage arrangements. He goes. Mrs. Kapoor says Anika, I hope you will do arrangements with all your heart, afterall its your husband’s marriage.
Shwetlana calls Rumi and says its good news, you can congratulate Tia, Shivaye finally agreed to marry Tia. Rumi congratulates Tia. Shwetlana asks Tia what is she thinking. Tia says my marriage happened, but unfortunately he is not in this world now. Rumi says I know what you are feeling, you remember our vow to ruin Oberoi at any cost, don’t backout now. Shwetlana says even Rumi lost, but she is still determined, its our family fight, but Rumi is supporting us. She says thanks Rumi, you are not our sister, even then you are doing a lot, thanks a lot. Rumi says its my fight also, Shivaye and Anika are my enemies too, so I will totally help you to ruin Oberois.
Shivaye asks Anika where are you going. She says out, I can’t sleep here in this room. He says till marriage happens, you are my wife, you sleep here. She asks why. He says I don’t want you to sleepwalk and go to Tia’s room, anything can happen and marriage can get postponed. She says I won’t harm Tia even in sleep. He says if anything happens to you, I don’t want anything to happen to my wedding planner, sleep here, so that I can see you are fine, sleep on the bed. She asks why. He says because I m saying, just sleep on the bed, just do it Anika, where is my knife….She says don’t threaten, I know you will also use that knife against me. He says I did not know you could tell my plan to family, if you could surprise me, I can also surprise you, I can do anything if I get adamant, just go and sleep.
She sits on the bed. He throws his coat and accessories on the bed. He unbuttons his shirt. She asks what are you doing. He says I m changing clothes. She asks him to go to bathroom and change. He says what’s your problem, you don’t care right, so just chill. She says yes, but you should not change in front of me. He says fine, I will go out, I m going to meet my would be wife Tia, she has no issues. Sbe says it does not look good. He asks why are you overreacting, you don’t care or do you care? She says no. He says fine and goes.
He reaches the pool side and hits his hand to the tree angrily. He buttons his shirt. Its morning, Shivaye goes to Dadi. Dadi gets annoyed and says I don’t want to hear any explanation, what you did, there is nothing to say or listen, you have not just made fun of emotions, but also made joke of my and Dada ji’s trust, you were our pride, we used to say Shivaye will make everything right, if you are doing wrong, who will make it right. He says listen to me. She asks him to explain to Omru, who are hurt by your decision. She calls Omru and asks them to explain them that we are not happy and will not be part of his marriage. Shivaye says I know my brothers will never go against my decision, they will support me. Dadi asks them to tell Shivaye what’s Anika for him. Om says Dadi’s anger is right, but I trust Shivaye’s decision.
Rudra says let Shivaye do it, he will make everything fine. Dadi says I will not let him do this. Shivaye says my decision won’t change. Dadi says do anything, but my blessing won’t be there. Om asks what’s happening. Shivaye says I know what I m doing. Rudra says Dadi is angry. Shivaye says I will make everything fine, I will talk later. He feels sorry to break promise, but I want that Daima’s video else Mrs. Kapoor will threaten me, maybe she told something to Tia, I will try to know. Shivaye hears Mrs. Kapoor and Tia. Mrs. Kapoor gives a packet to Tia and asks her to not open it, I don’t want anyone to see it. She sees Shivaye in the mirror. She says Shivaye you here. Shivaye checks the box and finds bangles. Anika falls over Shivaye’s lifesize pic. Everyone come to her and look on. Some time before, Shivaye asks what’s this Tia. Mrs. Kapoor says nothing, Tia go and keep the packet. She asks Shivaye why did she not sign on documents. He says you did not give me Daima’s video, I should get it as wedding present. She asks what’s the hurry, I will give it when marriage happens, sign the documents. He asks what’s the hurry, I will sign when I marry. She says you don’t need to play game, you know I have the recording. He asks her does she not get bored of this old threatening, I m fed up hearing this, try something else. He leaves.
Anika checks arrangements and fixes lights. Shivaye comes there and says green color is suiting you a lot. She looks at
him. Music plays….. Tia comes from behind. Anika sees Tia wearing green color dress. Tia asks really, you complimented me after many days. He says praising beautiful things make them catch bad sight. Tia says how sweet. He says sorry Tia, I ignored you, I was busy with some responsibilities, but any way, those responsibilities ended now, I will not give you chance to complain, I got a surprise for you. He shows a small box. Tia asks what’s this. He says my heart. Anika looks on. Tia checks the gift and smiles. She gets the ring and says this is beautiful. He says some people think I don’t have a heart, so I got this, now they won’t get chance to say anything, did you like it. She says I love it. Anika tries to see the ring and slips down the stool. Shivaye holds her in arms. Music plays……. Similar moments are shown. Ishq hai…..plays………….. They have an eyelock.
He drops her down. He asks where was your focus, you spoiled our romantic moment, I m going to make my would be wife wear the ring. He goes. Shivaye says Tia, whatever happened, will you forget that and marry me. Tia says ya of course. Everyone clap.
Shivaye sees Anika and says give me your hand. Tia gives her hand. He drops the ring purposely. Dadi says its bad shagun. Tia asks where did Tia go. Shivaye says don’t worry, Anika will get it, this marriage is her wish and responsibility, I m sure she won’t wish anything wrong to happen. Pinky asks Anika to find ring.
Anika finds the ring and gives it to Shivaye. He says give your hand. Anika forwards her hand. He says Tia, give your hand. Anika feels bad and goes away. Shivaye and Anika see each other in mirror. He makes Tia wear the ring. Everyone clap.
Pinky compliments Shivaye and Tia. She says Shivaye you surprised us by planning ring ceremony. He says there is one more surprise, I want you all to meet here in hall. Pinky asks what’s the surprise. He says let surprise be a surprise. They all come to hall to see the surprise. Shivaye thanks all of them for coming and says Tia and I are going to marry and make a new start

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