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Saturday, December 22, 2018


Rishi remembers how he pushed Indira out and made a mark on Indira’s forehead by hurting her. He says, I am world’s biggest fool. The way an owl can’t see in night, I also couldn’t see in day. I couldn’t differentiate my ‘landlady’ and that fake Zara. It’s all my fault. You have been right since always. People say it right that male gender is like that only. If I didn’t see your face in that witch, then I would have never loved her. I really love you. Both hug again.Rishi is going to kiss her, but she pushes him back. Rishi falls on wheelchair with Indira in his lap. He apologizes her and says, I won’t let that witch stay in this house for even a second more. Indira says, fine.. and this time pack her bags properly so she can’t come back. It’s male gender.. it won’t take long to change. Rishi says, I will do whatever you say. It’s just matter of time before I throw her out. He tells her that he is changed now. Indira gives a big smile and says, you’re forgetting that I am still upset with you. I haven’t forgiven you. So keep getting wet in the rain. Rishi apologizes again. Indira says, one more time. He says it again. He says, I know I will have to work very hard to make you happy which I will do. He tells Cheeku, see what your father will have to go through. Indira says, definitely and they both smile and are having a cute moment. Zara sees them from the upstairs and cannot believe it. She asks how Rishi cannot see how much she loves him, how he can insult her love one more time, how he can betray her. She says, can’t you see I can’t live without you? Tears in her eyes as she sees Rishi hugging Indira.
Indira tells Rishi they should continue their drama until they get rid off Zara completely because she is very smart. Zara comes down and Indira puts glasses, fake teeth on. Zara also acts as if she didn’t hear anything. She scolds Indira for coming near Rishi when she said not to and then takes Rishi to his room. She dries his hair and gives him medicine. Rishi gets unconscious after taking it as it was sleeping pill. Zara then calls police informing them that Zara is in Sharma Niwas.
Police come to Sharma Niwas saying they got information that Zara is in this house. Zara acts as if she doesn’t know anything. To make police believe she says I will introduce everyone to you. When it comes to Indira, she says, she just came 2 days ago. I don’t know much. My mother in law sent her for
work. Police go to her and take off her glasses, fake teeth. Zara acts as surprised and shocked that she let Zara stay in the house. Indira, Munna, Rishi tell police that she is lying, but police say if she was Zara, then why she was living as daughter of this house and why were you staying like this? Zara asks police to arrest her. Police arrest her and take her with them. Indu calls Rishi, but Zara tells her he won’t listen to you because he’s having a deep sleep. Zara goes outside to say good bye to Indira.
Zara comes to the room and gets Rishi ready in groom’s dress. She also gets ready as a bride and takes their photographs and then says,’made for each other’. She calls Indira. Indira tells her Rishi can never be yours in this life. Zara says, but he will be mine in next lives. Indira is not sure what are her intentions. She asks police to let her go, but they don’t.
They lock Indira in a lockup. Munna and Indu come there with Vanraj. Vanraj asks them to release her, but they don’t listen. In end, they lock police inside and leave for Sharma Niwas. In the jeep, Indira tells everyone Zara’s intentions are not good. Indu says when police were taking you, she told me Rishi Kumar is having a deep sleep. Indira gets worried and calls Kutumb. While she is talking, Zara goes out with Rishi. Indira asks Kutumb for Rishi. Kutumb doesn’t give useful answer and says he would in his room, I don’t know.
Zara puts Rishi in a jeep and takes him somewhere.
Indira, Indu, Munna, Vanraj come to his room and find whole decorated with Rishi and Zara’s photographs. Vanraj finds sleeping pill bottle there. Indira calls Zara and says, I will do whatever you say.. I will come there and beg you, but please don’t do anything to Rishi. Zara laughs off and disconnects. Zara tells unconscious Rishi, I loved you so much, but that stupid Indira keep coming between us. And you too can’t forget her. But now you will forget all memories. She takes out pistol and points at him. When Indira called Zara, Vanraj tracked down where Zara is. Munna and Indu also want to go, but Indira tells Munna to stay home and take care of Indu. Munna and Vanraj leave.
Zara says once her and Rishi die, both will be in different world together. She kisses Rishi’s forehead and is about to kill him first, but she doesn’t want to become widow, so decides to kill herself first. She points the pistol at her and is about to shoot herself, but then realizes if she dies first, then who will kill Rishi? She says sorry to Rishi and says you will have to go first. I will come after you. Rishi is starting to gain consciousness. She points the pistol at him and pulls the trigger. Indira comes on last moment and saves Rishi. The bullet gets fired in the air. Both are fighting to get the piston in their hand. Zara ends up getting it. She points it at Indira and says she will have to die as well. Indira tells her that she will go away from Rishi’s life and requests her
not to kill Rishi. Rishi asks Zara to put the pistol down, but she doesn’t. Rishi cannot do anything as he is tied up. Vanraj comes with two lady police and arrest her.
Indira releases Rishi and they hug. Zara doesn’t like seeing the two hugging each other. Rishi says to Zara, I got saved from your bad intentions once again because of Indira’s true love with me. True love passes all the tests that it faces. Zara laugh and says, Indira’s real test will start now. She is pregnant since 4 and half months, and she returned to Rishi 3 months ago which means it’s not Rishi’s child. Rishi and Indira think it’s just nonsense and she is trying to create problem in their lives before leaving. Police take Zara. Indira is still remembering Zara’s words and quietly leaves from there. Rishi turns and doesn’t find her there.
Indira is on the road, still saying herself that Zara is lying and she can prove it in a minute. She comes to a clinic to prove Zara wrong, but the doctor informs her that she is pregnant since 4 and half months. Indira is completely shocked and cannot believe it. She asks for the date when this happened. The doctor says, I don’t know exact date, but gives her estimated date.
Rishi returns home and finds house decorated. Taoji is there with gifts that Ammu sent here. He tells him, I heard Zara has finally gone from your life and now there is no danger for you. Come back to Jwala Niwas, Ammu’s house. Ammu and we all are waiting for your child to born. There is a challenge between me and Ammu. I said Tarkeshwar (rishi’s child) will be like you and Ammu said he will be like Indira. Taoji doesn’t see Indira there and asks about her. Right then Rishi receives a call from Indira’s number. It’s the clinic nurse. She tells Rishi that Indira came for the checkup and forgot her phone. Rishi asks if Indira said anything where she is going. Nurse says, no.. but she was very upset and kept asking when she got pregnant.
Zara gets 14 years in jail from the court. She is in the jail and is waiting for Indira. Indira comes. Zara says, so you did all the tests and doctor proved me right, right? Indira grabs her hair and asks how she knew about this. Zara says leave my hair, then I will say. Indira leaves her hair. Zara then says, day when you were transferred to Delhi mental hospital, someone took your advantage. Indira gets lost in thoughts. Zara says, your doubt is true. You were raped. But who did it.. that you will have to find it. You’re hitler didi and fight for others, right? So now find out who did this with you.

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