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Thursday, December 20, 2018


Scene 1
Palace is burning, Agni says Justin is mine, she is about to attack Noor but Noor wakes up and moves away, Agni says i didnt want get my hands dirty with your blood but you have not left any choice for me, both ladies start fighting with each other, Noor beats Agni.
Soldier says to Ashok that now you are caught, Ashok thinks that if gate of dungeon gets closed then i wont be able to find enemies and also we will be stuck here, he starts fighting with soldier, he takes sword from him and leaves.
Raj and Nicator get out of dungeon and are closing gate, Ashok comes there, he stops closing of gate with his sword, he finds soldier and says you are betrayer, you cant win against Magdh, Solider says first win over me then say all this, other soldiers come there too, subaho
and Vasu comes there and fights with them, soldiers runaway, Ashok says i will bring all here, you both stay here, Vasu ask how will you remember way till here again? Ashok cuts his hand and says my blood drops will keep me aware of way to here, he leaves to bring Bindu and family.
Helena is finding Justin, she says why he doesnt understand priorities of his life, many noor can come in his life, justin comes in hall and finds soldier putting sword on Drupat’s neck, he says to Soldier that leave Drupat, he is innocent kid, Helena sees this and says i have planned everything to kill them and Justin is saving them only, he is a fool, Subhrasi ask soldier to leave Drupat, Justin says to Soldier that if you leave drupat then i assure you, you will not get punishment, we will free you, soldier says we dont need freedom, we wan end of Maurya dynasty, he is about to kill Drupat, Bindu attacks soldier, he is dead, Justin and Aakramak starts fighting with other soldiers, Bindu says before trying to finish Mauryas, first see their power, you will Magdh’s samrat? he kills soldiers, he says to other soldiers that you tried to kill my family, tried to kill royal family, you will get death, its on you how you want your death? soldiers get afraid of him and kills themselves, Bindu hugs Drupat, He hugs Subhrasi, siamak comes and hugs him too, palace is burning, Helena says to justin that come with me, i have dome all this for you, Justin says this my bad luck, Helena says if you dont go then i will not go too, Justin is shocked.
Scene 2
Noor says to Agni that justin is mine only, i am not only his love but also mother of his and Justin loves his son Siamak alot, Agni is shocked, Noor throws away Agni, she falls on floor and stone which is burning falls on her, Agni is burned in fire.
Radha says to Chanakya and Dharma that we should leave from here, dont know when Ashok will come, Ashok comes and says i have found way out of this palace, i have marked way with my blood drops, Dharma ties cloth on his wound, he says you people go out of palace, i will bring bindu and his family, Dharma says i will wait for you outside gate, Ashok says i will come for sure, Chanakya says to Ashok that go to bindu, this palace can fall down at any time.
Helena is taking Justin out, she finds Ashok running, she says this means Ashok got to know about our plan, why did i call him here? Justin finds Noor standing in corridor, he goes and hugs her, he says i wont let anything happen to you, Helena is stunned to see him hugging Noor, justin takes Noor with him.
Bindu says to soldiers that break gate of palace, Khurasan says no, if we break it then whole palace will fall down, Ashok comes there and says i have found way out of palace, all get happy listening this, he takes everyone with him, Bindy finds Helena in corridor and takes her too, charu finds Sushim and ask him to come with her, Sushim ask where is Ahenkara? he finds her standing near pillar and says i wont let anything happen to you, he takes ahenkara and Charu with him.
Soldier informs Nicator that royal family must have got to know about your conspiracy, Nicator kills soldiers, Nicator hurts himself, PRECap, Raj says you betrayed me and its beginning of our animosity, Nicator runs from there.
Ashok brings everyone to secret gate of palace, he takes off sword from it and gates starts closing again, Ashok holds gate, siamak and sushim helps him to hold gate so that it doesnt close, Ahenkara comes and helps too, sushim ask her to go out, all are going out of gate, bindu goes out too, all comes out of gate and its get closed, all members are going through dark way in dungeon to come out.
Chanakya says to Radha that we cant wait now, Radha says what about protection of royal family? Chanakya says i trust Ashok, he will save them, Dharma says i will not leave without taking Ashok, chanakya says Khurasan can see you here so lets leave, Ashok brings out everyone out of palace, he stops, Vasu ask him to come out too, Ashok says i feel like someone is still in palace, Vasu says all have gone out, palace is falling down, lets go, Ashok says no you go, i will come later, Vasu and subaho leaves.
nicator is injured, Helena meets him, she ask justin to help Nicator, justin doesnt helps first but then gives him support and takes him from there. Ashok goes in dungeon and ask if anyone is remaining? Ashok finds crown of Bindu on ground and is stunned, he finds Bindu unconscious there, he ask Bindu to get up, he cries and says i have always hated my father but i have always loved you as my father and now you are leaving me too.
Scene 1
everyone comes out palace, Subhrasi ask where is Samrat Bindu? all are shocked, Sushim says he left behind, Vasu says AShok has gone inside to find if someone is remaining in palace. in dungeon Ashok is crying for bindu, bindu coughs and becomes conscious, Ashok gets happy, he makes him wear his crown, he supports Bindu and both starts leaving. Dharma says to Chanakya that Ashok have not come out of palace, Radha sys Bindu has not come out too, palace is falling down, all are worried, Ashok and Bindu comes out, all are relieved, Dharma cries in happiness, chanakya says warriors never lose, Sushim goes and support Bindu, aakramak ask bindu are you fine? he nods, Siamak thanks Ashok for saving Bindu, subaho says Ashok has saved us all, they chant for Ashok, Bindu smiles, Chanakya
says fate cannot be cheated, Dharma says now i am understanding what Ashok have in him, if you had not brought Ashok here then who would have saved Maruyas and bindu? i have seen a son in Ashok but you have seen royal king in him. Helena faints, Bindu supports her, Chanakya says its time to talk to Bindu.
All kids are sitting, Vasu and subaho tells them about Ashok investigated the matter and how he saved everyone, Siamak says to AShok that what you have done today, nobody can do this, Ashok sys but many must have died in palace, i wish i could have saved them too, Siamak says but if you have not done what did then we would have not been alive, what if it happens again? Ashok says it will not happen, bindu will make sure and when you will become Samrat then i will be with you as army head, Sushim comes there and dreams are good to see but yu should not trust them, Ashok says its good to live in some dreams then be over confident, Sushim says i am competitor for Samrat, ashok says its true but you are not doing anything to become Samerat, Sushim says you have done good but you could have saved people who died in palace, you didnt tell anyone about conspiracy as you wanted reward and fame, AShok sys i am sad at deaths but its not true that i wanted reward, i came to talk to you but you insulted me, he leaves.
Scene 2
Bindu says to chanakya that Raj was conspiring such a big thing and i couldnt do anything, he finds deadbodies and says this is all my fault, i trusted that Raj and now my innocent people are bearing consequences, i will find Raj and will give him such a punishment that in future nobody will think to conspire like this, i am angry at myself that such conspiracy was going around me but i couldnt see it, you tried to alert me, you were against this marriage but i didnt listen to you, that small kid AShok could figure out that you are missing and there is something weird about it, i couldnt protect you, i didnt even know that you are kidnapped, i failed as king, i failed, Chanakya says its not time to curse yourself but to take measures for future.
Helena is unconscious, doctor says to Justin that it seems like she has some mental stress which she couldnt bear, Justin ask him to leave, he leaves, Justin sit beside helena, he holds her hand, she wakes up, he leaves her hand and says what if anyone knows that you are acting? you fail everytime and this means that dont have crown and throne in our fate, why dont you leave this stubbornness, helena says what i did was for you only but you dont value all this, we should not spend time in all this, chanakya has doubt on us, what if Bindu gets Raj, Raj will tell him everything, you have to make sure that Raj doesnt tell him anything, Jusint says but how can i do this, nicator has betrayed Raj so he will not trust me now, instead he will try to hide from us.
Raj is going from Magdh in cart, cart driver says that way is closed by soldiers, order has passed to close all borders of magdh, we cant go further, Raj thinks what to do? nicator have betrayed me, he must have filled Bindu’s ears against me, soldiers must be finding me, if i get caught then Bindu will not leave me, i have to hide him.
Prime minister says to bindu in court that Raj have conspired everything, Khurasan sys i will find him at any cost, justin says i was betrayed mostly as i was getting married to her daughter, Helena is unconscious because of all this, so i will go and find Raj, Bindu says i doubt that coward like raj can conspire such a conspiracy, he just made flammable palace, i want to know who tried to see dream of finishing Maurya dynasty, there is someone who knew about secret way out to palace, there was someone who wanted all of us to burn down, Bindu says there is someone betrayer among us only, who would close gates of palace? Prime minister says whom you doubt? Chanakya says i doubt you, you are prime minister but you couldnt see all this, he says i doubt Khurasan, he is army head but how could he allow flammable stones to come in magdh? he says i can doubt nicator as he gave suggestion to Bindu to allow Raj to make palace in his own style, he says we can doubt justin too because you had many marriage proposal but denied all that and you accepted proposal of Raj’s niece, or we can doubt Helena too, all are stunned.
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