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Monday, December 17, 2018


Helena ask all to enter palace, all enters, Khurasan is looking for Dharma, Helena ask him to come in, forget that you are army head, marriage is going to happen in family so enjoy it, Khurasan enters palace, Dharma enters palace too with other dasies, Helena blows off diya after all are gone. Nicator says to Bindu that first groom and bride will take bath then they will get married, Justin says i will come in a minute, he leaves, Nicator says to Bindu that because of this marriage, i got time to spend with you, Bindu thinks that where are you Dharma? please prove that my eyes was right seeing you, prove that our love was not false, come to me.
In room, Agni sees sweets and says when all will eat these sweets, their thinking power will stop and when palace will catch fire they wont be able to think how to go out, dharma is distributing sweets bewteen people, Helena comes to her and says find Ashok, he had to bring water from river for Agni, he is special in this marriage, go and find him, Dharma leave, she says Helena is definitely upto else why will she ask Ashok to bring water? i think Ashok is in danger, she comes out to find Ashok coming there with water, he thinks i have to send dharma away from this palace but how to alert her, Dharma says to Ashok that i will take water from here inside palace, she takes jar from him and leaves, Khurasan’s soldier sees her but didnt recognize her.
Scene 3
Helena says to nicator that Agni will take bath but dont know where is justin, Siamak comes there and says its great palace for my guru, justin is my guru, i have learned alot from him, what will happen now? Nicator says Agni will take bath and then we will ask if bride and groom agrees for marriage? Siamak says if they wer not ready then why would they do all this, Nicator says this is ritual, Siamak says what if groom backsout from marriage? Helena says dont say weird things, if you cant say good things then dont say bad either, first learn Maurya and Khurasani culture, Siamak says sorry and leaves, Nicator says he is just a kid, why you are angry on him? Justin used t ask questions like this too, Helena says i will like to answer questions of justin’s kids but i hate bindu’s kids, i want to strangle them, that noor has already trapped my son, Nicator says soon that Noor and Bindu’s sons will be lying on floor dead, Helena smirks.
Scene 1
Ahenkara and Sushim comes to Ashok, ahenkara says dont know how Helena invited this common cheap guy in royal marriage, dont know how you impress people, you do alot of buttering, Ashok sys i am same, dont know if they got impressed by my buttering or by my dedication and goodness, Sushim says to Ashok dont think that you are royal person, Helena has asked to do work like servant, Ashok says to Ahenkara that congrats for your sister’s marriage, Sushim says when cheap person congratulate you then it means he is asking for some tip, Ahenkara offers Ashok gold coin, Ashok sys its not needed, Ahenkara says commom people cant say no to tip from royal people, take it, Ashok takes it and says thanks, Sushim sys dont you know to say thanks to royal family, say that future king,
queen i pray that you live long life, Ashok gets angry and says i know you are doing this to humiliate me, but i prays for your long life from my heart, i pray that you are protected from all odds, he leaves, sushim says he do this drama and won my father’s heart, he says to Ahenkara that when marriage ceremony will start, we will leave from there, Ahenkara says but its my sister’s wedding, Sushim sys it doesnt mean you have to be there whole the time, leave it, you will not understand, Ahenkara says tell me when should i ceremony? Sushim smiles.
Scene 2
Bindu says to prime minister that Dharma gave me life, served me, protected me, gave place in her house thats why i fell in love with her, prime minister ask what happened then? Dharma who is passingby from therewater jar is about to fall from her hands but Bindu holds jar, Dharma gets tensed and leaves from there, Raja comes there and gives the sweets (which will make them lazy) to eat, Bindu doesnt eat it.
Dharma comes and pours water of river in bath tub, she is tensed, Agni sit in royal bath tub.
Justin comes to Noor and ask her to leave palace, she says i will see you marriage with my eyes, i know you cant marry infront of me, you cant promise her infront of me, you love me so much then why you are hurting yourself and me, justin says come in senses, i cant stop this marriage but you have to leave the palace, Noor says i will not leave, you are taking me as prick of your way, all your love, promises are a lie, justin says there is only one truth in my life and that is i love you, i am doing al this to save you, Noor says from whom? the time i spent with you is most precious to me, it will be good if die than to go away from you, you have courage to see me with Bindu but i am weak, i cant you see in Agni’s arms, i hate that Agni, when she sees you, i get jealous, everything is going wrong from the time she has come here, she has separated us and now i am afraid that she might separate you from your son, Jutsin is shocked and says my son? Siamak? he ask Noor if Siamak is his son? noor says have you ever thought why you love Siamak so much? why he wants to become like you? Justin hugs her and says he is my son? he smile, he says why you didnt tell me this before, Noor says i am sorry, i was afraid that you didnt accept him, justin says you made me father so how can defy it, he ask her to tel again that Siamak is his son, she says yes he is your son, he hugs her again in happiness, both smile, Justin says till now i used to love you but now you have given me one more reason to love you, you are my son’s father, where is he? i want to meet my son, Noor says he has gone to see palace, he is loving this palace thinking that you will live here, Justin recalls how nicator said that whole palace will burn down, Justin says no.. i will not let anything happen to Siamak, Noor ask why you are so worried, Justin says you have to leave from here, Noor says after knowing, that Siamak is your son you will marry? Justin says you will get your answers soon but trust me for now.
Scene 3
Aakramak says to soldiers that tighten security, Ashok comes and says it will not work, Aakramak comes to him and ask what happened? Ashok says this palace is not just palace but plan to kill everyone, this palace is made from flammable bricks, Aakramak says how is it possible that nobody knew about such big conspiracy, AShok takes dagger from him, he scratches wall and red bricks are shown, Ashok says if this palace catches fire then dont know what will happen, i have to tell this to Samrat, aakramak says i am sure Chanakya knew about this thats why he was kidnapped, he ask Ashok to find Chanakya only then we will know who is behind this conspiracy, Ashok nods and leaves.
Ashok is going when soldier catched him. Siamak is with subaho, justin comes there and shouts Siamak, he runs to Siamak and hugs him, Siamak hugs him back and smiles, Siamak ask everything? Justin says everything will be fine my son, i wont let anything happen to you, he ask soldier to take Siamak and noor to old palace, Siamak says but i wanted to see your marriage, Justin says just listen to me, he says to soldier that you have to protect Noor and Siamak, they are more important then my life, soldier says dont worry, he ask Noor to go with Siamak, noor and Siamak starts leaving, Noor turns back, she emotionally looks at Justin, composes herself and leaves, Noor ask soldier where you are taking us? Soldier says you will be safe here, he takes them to one room and closes door from outside, Noor and Siamak shouts to open door, soldier laughs and says Helena gave me alot of coins to put them in this room.
Subaho and Vasu are in palace, Ashok is also closed in separate room by soldier, Ashok is shouting to leave him,l Vasu and Subaho gets to know it, they think to bring Ashok out, they involve soldier in talks, Subaho beats him, soldier faints, Vasu opens door and brings Ashok out, Ashok exchanges clothes from Vasu.
Scene 1
Aaramak comes to soldiers and says to them keep positions behind Ujjain’s soldiers, we are less in numbers but its war of do or die so muster courage and fight, soldiers go.
Ashok comes in one room and finds many ants on floor, he says there must some stale food here but this palace is new, means food was brought in this room and Chanakya must have brought too alongwith it, he finds soldiers guarding room, he hides and sys now i am sure Chanakya is here, he brings out pricks (herbs) which Vasu gave to him, he says when i will pin these pricks on soldiers’ bodies, the poison on it will make them unconscious, he hits soldiers with pricks, they faint, Ashok starts searching for Chanakya, he opens lock of another room and calls out for Chanakya, he trips, looks
down to find Chanakya lying there, unconscious and tied with ropes, he tries to wake him, he ask him to get up, i found you, he cries and ask him to open eyes, Chanakya is unconscious.
Vasu is wearing Ashok’s dress, Helena’s soldier is following him thinking he is ashok. Ashok brings Chanakya in other room. Vasu comes in ceremony and starts mingling with people, soldier following him is confused, Vasu hides, then reappears, soldier goes and sees its Ashok only, Ashok fools him and runs from there.
Scene 2
Radha says to Aakramak that Chanakya is in this palace only, aakramak says conspiracy is chalked out to kill whole Maurya family, this palace is made from flammable stones, Radha says then we have to find Chanakya at any cost, Ashok comes and says i have found Chanakya but he is not in state to tell anything, he is unconscious, Aakramak says we dont know anything about attack and when it will happen, who is behind all this.
Justin and Agni comes as bride and groom, all smile, Khurasan finds Dharma hiding her face, he doubts her, Dharma leaves from there, Khurasan follows her.
Radha says to aakramak and Ashok that Chanakya have always doubted raj and Helena, if they are present in ceremony this means they have already made plan to get safely out from here, he ask Ashok when will attack happen? Ashok says i dont know, we can only hope to find any lead, ceremony is going on when door of palace gets closed, Bindu ask why gates are getting closed? Helena says so that ceremony is done nicely, its Greece’s ritual, Ashok says to Radha that we all are stuck here now, Ashok says to Radha that we dont have much time, Radha says this means they will attack after ceremony, Aakramak ask him to go and treat Chanakya while i will handle Ujjain’s soldiers, he ask Vasu and Subaho to accompany him.
Scene 3
Marriage ceremony starts, Helena ask Agni infront of all witnesses do you accept Justin as your husband? Agni looks at Justin and says i accept, Helena ask justin to remove her veil, he removes it, Sushim takes Agni from there.
Noor says how can Justin marry even after knowing all this? did he close us in this room? how can he cheat us? Siamak ask what happened? Noor says to Siamak that i have to go in marriage, do something, send me there, she cries, Siamak knocks door, Noor cries.
Dharma is running from Khurasan, she comes in store room and hides, Khurasan comes there, he says i know you are here, come out, Dharma is hiding behind sacks, Khurasan takes out his sword, he is about to come to Dharma when she throws red chilli powder in his eyes which was in store room, she runs from there, Khurasan goes behind her. Helena makes Bindu eat sweets, sweets are distributed in all, Subhrasi congratulate Agni, Raj comes and gives sweets to her too, Agni takes Raj aside and ask where is Ahenkara? our plan is coming closer and she is not seen anywhere.
Ashok and Radha are trying to wake up chanakya by rubbing his feet and fists, Radha starts crying, Radha says to Ashok that i have tried everything but Chanakya is not responding, Ashok gets tensed.
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