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Tuesday, December 25, 2018


Scene 1:
Location: Ammmaji’s residence
While ganga tries to avert the topic, niru insistently asks her to think about it, and settle things between herself and sagar and also balance out supriya and pulkit’s life. she is aghast as she walks out. MEanwhile, in her room, krishna tries to make madhavi talk to sagar by finding his number. she is able to to, and madhavi asks her to let be, but she continues to searcha nd out slips niru’s reports from ganga’s purse. before they can see, ganga comes in and hurriedly takes them saying that they are important papers from the court case. madhavi is boggled, as she lashes furiously at krishna for being so inquisitive and so guarded about the paper. they both walk out. unable to handle the situation anymore, she wonders what to
do and who to seek help from. she decides to call sagar, and goes to the study room, oblivious that ammaji was just there, for puja, but went to light up the earthen diya, and it doesnt light up. ammaji walks out, just when ganga enters. she dials the number, but it doesnt get through. then she decides to leave a voicemail. Ganga tells sagar on the phone, that she needs him, and as niru is very sick, and he needs to come and handle situation. she doesnt have the guts to tell ammaji that niru merely has six months to live. ammaji who has been hearing this from the doorstep, is aghast as her puja thali falls. ganga gets alert and is aghast to see this. ammaji gets berserk, and ganga desperately tries to calm her down. but she rushes out to go to her Shaligram Purohit, to seek a way. ganga decides to go along with her.
Scene 2:
Location: Shaligram
When they reach, ammaji is aghast as the purhoti tells her that there isnt any way out, and they need to accept fate. she goes berserk, and ammaji picks up red hot coal, and burns her hands with it saying that vshe shall continue doing so till there is a way out. ganga is distraught. a priest comes and asks her not to do so as there is a way out and thats to seek the blessings of ghunghat waali maata, and they are both boggled, as he starts enumerating the many miracles that she has done. ganga is boggled, but ammaji is convinced that now niru shall be saved, she is overjoyed as she takes down all the details. the crowd disperses. she happily expresses to ganga that now niru shall recover, while ganga helps calm and soothe her wounds with antiseptic.
Scene 3:
Location: Sagar’s residence
sagar comes back home, and orders food, while checking his voicemail messages. after the ususla ones from his friends, he gets the one from ganga. he gets alert and is just about to hear it, the food delivery rings the doorbell, and his wallet accidentally falls on the phone and deletes the message. he gets the food paying off the delivery guy, and is disgusted when he coems back to find the message gone. he wonders what could she be wanting to say that was so important. he decides to call and find out.
Scene 4:
Location: Ammaji’s residence
As they return home, madhavi asks her whats the need to hurry up like that. ammaji lashes at her saying that she shall do anything for niru. m,adhavi is taken aback. ammaji consoles her, and then rushes in the room and locks it. madhavi is boggled and asks ganga whats going on. just then, she gets sagar’s call, and gets tensed. he asks about the message, while ganga presumes that he is calling since he already heard the message. madhavoi wishes to talk and ganga hands the phone to her. she is tensed and wonders whats going on. the phone disconnects at the that time.
Later, when krishna video chats with sagar on the net, with niru by the side, its clear that ganga had called up, and not on krishna’s pretext. sagar wonders whether ganga wanted to talk to him.
Later in the night, while ammaji asks madhavi to hury up for the puja, she comes down without the vermillion. she lashes at her fo sucvh a mistake. ganga begins to get it for her, and drops the bottle on the floor, accidentally. ammaji is distraught. ganga apologises for the mistake. ammaji cites it as an omen, and behaves berserk. madhavi and ganga are tensed. while they try and calm ammaji down, krishna rushes from upstairs, to tell them that niru is sick and unconscious. they rush upstairs, and when ganga tries to take care of him, ammaji refuses to let her, citing her as bad influence on niru. after he recovers and is on the bed, ganga comes out and tries to convince ammaji, that this isnt her fault, while she is enraged. when she is unconvinced, ganga decides to be with her on her decision to go to the ghunghat waali maata. ammaji is shocked. the screen freezes on ganga’s tensed face.
Scene 1:
Location: Hissar
While ammaji begs the maata for another miracle, as she narrates niru’s condition, prabha is alert. ganga wonders how can ammaji have such faith, and maybe she actually has turned too doubtful. prabha and yash meanwhile are happy from inside, that today ammaji is at their feet, and has given her the perfect way to seek revenge. The ghunghat waali maata aka prabha gives ammaji a medicine, saying that is this is given to her son in the night, then his disease shall be cured definitely. ammaji hurriedly complies, while prabha thinks that this shall not cure him, but send him to his death. she is amused. ammaji is relieved.
Scene 2:
Location: Benaras, ammaji’s residence
As they are returning back, ammaji and others are hopeful that now niru
shall be cured soon, and if that happens, ammaji comments that she shall be blessed. they find commotion otuside the house, and wonder whats wrong. ganga assures ammaji that everything shall be fine, and niru is okay. but they find an amubulance stop at their doorstep, and they rush in. Niru is taken out on the stretcher, while madhavi and pulkit rush with him. madhavi is distraught, while he assures that he shall not let anything happen to her. ganga is apalled to see this, and madhavi narrates what happened. ganga asks her to stay behind, but madhavi insists on going. as they leave, ganga wonders how long would she be able to keep niru’s disease a secret from madhavi, if she is at the hospital. she too leaves, asking maharaj to take care of krishna.
Scene 3:
Location: Hospital
MAdhavi rushes for the doctor, while pulkit does the paperwork. they ask about the medical history, and madhavi says that its all normal, except for minor fluctutaions. she asks ganga to speak up, and ammaji too coaxes her. she complies. the doctor goes to check, while they all anxiously ask whats going on. ganga asks for the doctor who was handling the case, and is told he is on leave, by the current doctor. ganga takes him aside. ganga asks the doctor not tell this to madhavi. he complies. then he comes and checks niru. when madhavi asks whats the matter, the doctor says that mayve its due to weakness, and that he shall check, and he is then taken into icu. ganga finds madhavi stressed, and thinks that she shall break if she gets to know. ammaji takes ganga aside and says that they shall have to hide it from madhavi, as she wouldnt be able to bear. they comply. but madhavi overhears and asks whats the matter. they are speechless. just then, the nurse comes and asks them to arrange for blood transfusion. madhavi is shocked. she asks ganga whats going on, and why is this required. she is thoroughly boggled. she gets berserk, while ganga tries to calm her down. they make her sit, while ganga goes with the nurse to arrange for blood. ammaji continues to console madhavi, while she is herself distraught. Later, ganga asks pulkit to arrange for the blood group, and he hurriedly turns to comply, to find out from blood banks, and friends.
MEanwhile, madhavi waits outside. ganga comes to both of them. madhavi notices things tensed around her. she asks the doctor whats the matter, as she intuitively feels things are wrong. he lies, as per ganga told him. she asks about the blood transfusion, and he cites it as normal. but she is shocked, when the nurse comes and says that the blood needed for the cancer patient has been arranged. madhavi remembers the number the nurse used for the patient, and asks a wardboy, as she hopes her worset fears wont come true. he asks her to come along.
MEanwhile, a guy in black glasses steps down the car and enters in. Meanwhile, madhavi hopes that its someone else, as his reports were normal. she crosses paths with the guy, but they both dont notice each other. MEanwhile, she finds out from the wardboy that the concerned patient is niru suffering from blood cancer. she is aghast and shocked. Meanwhile, the guy notices ammaji praying, and thinks that they are of no use, as niru shall definitely die from the injection he gives to him. he walks past her.
MEanwhile, as she walks back, madhavi relates all the recent incidents together, and starts realising how she had been lied to by ganga. she sits on the chair collapsing. ganga comes just then and assures that the blood has been arranged, and niru shall be fine and soon come back with them. madhavi gets upset hearing this, and then asks her if they shall all go home. ganga is skeptic but complies. madhavi slaps her tight, and then asks how could she do this. she reprimands her for lying to her, just because she thought she couldnt take it. she says that being his wife, she had a right to know. she then finds ammaji hearing their conversation and understands that even she knew. she is aghast that only she was kept in the dark.
The guy meanwhile enters the locker room, and disguises himself as a doctor, and is about to administer the injection to niru, when the nurse comes and interrupts him. he leaves, but thinks that he would wait, till he is done with the work. he says that he shall get the work done anyhow.
MEanwhile, in the chambwer, ganga and madhavi ask the doctor to explain everything. he tells that the reports are right and that it has worsened. he also tells that niru doesnt have much time, and maximum he shall be able to spend six more months with them. madhavi and pulkit are aghast. the screen freezes on ganag’s distraught face.
Recommendations accepted and warmly welcomed

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