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Wednesday, December 26, 2018


Ishwari ask Dev if Sona is readlly around here. Dev says Sona went to bring something, he will find out where she is. At Bose house, Sourav shows legal notices to Sona and shouts how can she be so careless. Bejoy says he did not expect from this. Dev calls Asha and asks when are they coming. Asha says Sona is also here and they are on the way. Dev asks what is Sona doing there, asks them all to reach party venue soon. Sona says she will call and mail clients personally and will sort out problem in the morning, but they all have to reach venue soon. Bejoy says again he did not expect this from her, Sourav cannot handle it alone.
Soha continues searching Sona. Elena brings Golu. Ishwari tells Golu that she was waiting for him and thanks Elena for coming. Elena says Vicky
is waiting for her and leaves. She returns home. Vicky says he wants to attend party as Soha insisted him to come. Elena says she will not let him go as she cannot see Dev insulting him. Vicky smirks and thinks he will go for sure.
Soha continues searching Sona. Dev sees Sona returning and says she must be in batman’s mask. Sona hears that, wears mask and comes in front. Soha gets very happy seeing her. Sona thanks Dev for giving her idea. They then ask Soha to cut cake. Soha wishes Dev forgives Vicky and bring him back home. Dev asks if it is her wish, then he will bring Vicky and leaves. Bejoy fumes hearing that and says Asha what was the need for calling Vicky. Ronita feels uneasy. Sourav asks Bejoy and Asha to enjoy party, he will go home with Ronita. Bejoy says let us also go home, Soha is intelligent and will understand their problem. Asha calls Soha and informs that Ronita’s baby is feeling uneasy, so they are going home. Soha says she will console baby. Sourav says she can when baby grows up. She asks if it is baby girl or boy. Asha says she does not know. Soha hopes it is twins as she wants both boy and girl so that they don’t separate from each other.
Elena prepares Vicky’s favorite dish. Vicky says he does not want to have it. Golu calls Vicky and asks him to get ready for party as Soha wished Dev to bring Vicky to party. Vicky gets happy hearing that. Dev rings bell reminiscing Vicky’s mistakes. Vicky opens door and asks him to come in. Dev says Soha wants him to attend her party, so he has to come along, if he does not, he will drag him. Vicky says even without dragging he will come. Elena confronts and says he does not wish Vicky to return by heart and just came here for Suhana’s sake. Vicky says if he had known this, he would not have come home hiding with Golu to wish Soha, they even cut vanilla cake. Dev reminisces Soha scolding Dev that she needed vanilla and not choc cake. He tells Vicky he will wait outside and waits for him. Children insist Soha to cut cake and says party is getting boring. Ishwari calls Dev and asks when is he coming, Soha is getting adamant not to cut cake without him and Vicky. Dev says he is waiting for Vicky and will come soon. Ishwari asks Sona what will Dev do. Sona says Dev is her son, so he will do what he promised to Soha. She calls Dev, but he disconnects call. Drama continues.
Vicky reaches Soha’s birthday venue and thinks Dev kicked him out of house, now he will kick him out of his daughter’s life, his son also loves Dev more, he will not let Dev celebrate his daughter’s birthday. Golu runs and hugs him and asks to wear cap. Vicky says he does not need it and thinks now Dev will see what he can do. He meets Soha who gets happy seeing him and asks where is papa. Dev enters with Sona and asks Vicky if he is not happy. Vicky fumes seeing Dev. Sona says they are happy seeing Vicky here and when Dev returned alone, he told Vicky will come soon. Sona happily says Dev gave him lots of gifts today, she will cut cake with both her parents. Dev and Sona cut cake with Soha. Vicky fumes in jealousy. Sona asks Soha to feed cake to Vicky chachu soon as
he has to go. Soha asks why he has to go. Vicky stammering says he has work and leaves. Dev stops him and asks why he was trying to get him away from his daughter. He reminisces calling Sona and informing that Vicky has not changed and is trying to get him away from his daughter and reminds Soha lied them because of Vicky. She asks him what she should do. He explains plan. He gives company papers to Vicky and says he opened this company when Golu was born thinking of securing his and Golu’s future. He would becoming better than me, but he did not want to put an effort. He says he lost his brother forever and asks not to betray his son and wife though. He walks away with Sona while Vicky stands shocked. Sona apologizes Dev for misunderstanding him. He jokes batman does not look good apologizing.
At night, Soha apologizes Dev and says she is not a good daughter, she lied to him and even failed in exam. Dev says her truth makes her special. Sona comes and Dev says Soha can sleep with her mother. Soha says she will sleep with them both. They all 3 sleep. Sona walkes reminiscing misunderstanding Dev and Sourav scolding her for her mistake. She calls Sourav, but he thinks why she is calling at midnight and disconnects call. She reaches Bose House and knocks door. He asks why did she come at this time, how did she enter in. Sona shows him key and says this is still her house. She apologizes him for mistake and reminds him their childhood incidents where he protected her. He calms down.
Dev wakes up at night and does not see Sona. Soha also wakes up and tells Dev that she got a dream where mamma is calling him Mr. Obodro. They both laugh. Dev thinks where Sona went at midnight and sees Sona’s message that she is going out with driver and will be back soon.
Sona finishes ice cream with Sourav and sits next to Ronita. Ronita wakes up and apologizes for leaving party in middle as she was feeling uneasy. Sona says that is okay, they finished whole ice cream, but she will get refill. Ronita goes back to sleep. Sona sees child’s bed and looks at it carefully. She goes out and sees Dev standing.
Recommendations accepted and warmly welcomed

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