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Wednesday, December 26, 2018


Part 1
Pabho is pacing at the mansion hall recollecting Madhus words and says.. Madhu cant win.. coz her victory is.. loss for me and RKs life! She wonders what she can do..?
Pabho says. someone should be with me..whom Madhu obeys..and that person obeys me…!
Madhu tells Mehul din like this scene …! Mehul says.. know u had an issue.. but next scene will be relax.. next scene .all will be well!
Mehul explains next scene..! Mehul calls out to RK but he does not respond! Madhu too asks him to stop joking..! Madhu notices blood on her hand..! She rushes to RK..! She tries to wake RK up. .but no response.. all rush to RK…! They call for ambulance!
Pabho comes to Radha.. and acts nothing important.. but Radha insists to share..! Pabho says.. Madhu mite be shooting but a married cannot compromise her vrat like this …! She says i know u will say RK doesnt believe but compromising such vrat can create havoc..!
RK is rushed to hosp..! Roma asks Madhu to let RKs hand go. as he is rushed to emergency room.! Madhu feels guilty ..!! Radha-Pabho- Dips rush there..! Madhu tells all ..! She says. i stabbed RK..with my own hands! Radha is horrified..! Pabho tells Madhu ..she is right..she is to blame! Pabho says if Madhu had any guilt she would have stabbed herself..! Doc comes n asks to keep silence!
He says.. RK is in critical condition .. lot of internal bleeding.. next 72 hours are too crucial ..! News channels report .. RK is in hosp n serious..! They say maybe it could be a stunt too ..! Amar laufs out.. saying good if he dies..! Kuku is shocked..! Asks how did u do it? Amar points to Sikky ..!
Kuku fumes on Sikky ..! Amar says..told him not to tell u..! Kuku fumes on Amar n walks off ! Sikky follows..!
Part 2
Pabho tells Radha .. told u all is happening coz of Madhu ..n her stars..! Told u if we have to keep RK safe .. we have to do something with this girl! Radha is shattered.. ! Pabho says Madhu Rishabh ka KAAL hai..!
Part 3
Madhu comes to Bappa and recollects Pabhos words..! She prays her ill fate to go off ! She apologises to Radha..! Radha slaps her and blames Madhu for everything..! Pabho watches from afar!
Precap — Doc says RK is critical..! He says we have to pray that.. his situation doesnt deteriorate or else..! Madhu and all are shocked!
Part 1
Doc informs RK is in coma. ..and shares that next 72 houirs is crucial and pray things dun deteriorate. .or else! He shares its second time. .RKs chest has been injured so gravely..!
Dips blames Madhu ..
Security informs RKs fans are getting aggressive and throwing pieces of messages.. ‘GOD BLESS U RK’ ..! Reporters give update on channels about RKs critical condition and show fans screaming for RK! Bittu – Mehul giving bytes!
Madhu decides to address the fans.. Roma suggests her not to ..! Madhu says.. fans love RK without anything in return. .she says.. have hope on their unconditional love for RK ..!
Madhu comes before the media n fans..! Madhu thanks media n fans for their support! She tells all that we need ur blessings and prayers for RK …! Media asks if its publicity stunt? Bittu-Mehul chide media for such accusations..! Media asks if its true. .Madhu was the one responsible? She falls quiet!
Sikky comes to Amar.. who is watching all this news.. and rues .. he is worried for himself..! Amar reassures him ..saying he wore gloves so no one will track him all!
Madhu is quiet..! Fans get aggressive and are about to attack Madhu n security tries to stop them! One of the fans throw a rod on Madhu n it hits Madhu on the head.. n she bleeds from her head! Madhu comes to RK and looks at him from outside and says.. forgive me.. m really sorry! The folds are closed… its Pabho .. ! She asks Madhu what does she want?? RKs death??
Part 2
Madhu tells Pabho that RK is my hubby . .my love. .n i still tell ..that i love RK more than my own life.. so much that i can sacrifice my life for him ..or take anyones life for him!
Bittu calls Madhu as cops are there..! They talk of taking her to police station .. saying only she was present during the incident! Roma says RKs condition is too sensitive .. she is his wife..! Cop says dun interfere n says..we will talk here only ..! Mehul tells Gopal to find out about the knife!
Part 3
Madhu tells cop dunno how this happened! Cop asks u dinno from before about this scene? Madhu says.. this scene wasnt in was told to me during the shoot… i din like it.. n objected but all insisted.. so relented..!
She is asked u din check knife? Madhu says. .rehearsed with fake knife.. during actual shot. .din recheck ..n then this happened! Cop asks Madhu to detail it out! Madhu says.. he is my hubby. .i cant hurt him ever! Cop says.. relations dun matter. ..proofs do..! In this world.. relations change seconds.. !! Madhu asks to be let off.. cop agrees..!
RKs condition deteriorates .. n he is put on oxygen ..! Nurse calls Doc..! Madhu tries to comfort Radha but she jerks from her touch! Doc says we gotta operate on him ..! Madhu prays for RK .. n says .. hurt me. .but keep RK ok ..!
Recommendations accepted and warmly welcomed

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