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Friday, December 21, 2018


Scene 1:
Location: Ammmaji’s residence
madhavi and ammaji are hopeful that niru shall come in time and stop sagar from going. but when they see sagar coming down, they get alert. they try and stop him. he says that there is something that isnt his, nor does it want to be. he begs them not to stop him. they are saddened. krishna comes and holds his hand, and says that she hasnt come to make him stay back, as she has understood the matter, but has come to give him a krishna idol. they are tensed, while sagar gets emotional, hearing her explanation for the same. he takes it from her, and looks around searching for someone, while krishna tells him that she wont come. sagar is sure that he shall.
Ganga, while packing remembers her last conversation with sagar, about the anklets, and
ganga remmebers this and rushes out animatedly, remembering his love for her, and then his betrayal. she thinks that she cant stop him nor forgive him. he hopes that she dares to forgive him just once, and try and stop him. krishna says that she knew he wont come. ganga rushes to see from the balcony, but hides behind a pillar, when he looks up. he eyes the pallu of her saree sticking out, and comments that now just ganga knows him, but he knows her well too. krishna asks where is she. he says that she wont be seen, as she doesnt want to be seen. he comments how some people who do love, never express. they are boggled and look around. he thinks that she couldnt stay without seeing him, then how would she live without him. he picks up his bags. they try hard to stop him but he leaves. ganga is apalled, as she eyes them going away.
In his room, pulkit tries to make surpiya understand, while she holers at him not to come close to her, and not touch her, and is uncontrollably enraged. he begs her to listen to her just once. she begs him to get lost as she doesnt wish to see him. he orders her to listen to him, but she asks him how can he justify this at all. he is silenced.
Downstairs, niru comes and asks them where is sagar. they both tensedly say that he went. niru reprimands madhavi, for not stopping him till he came. she says that she tried but he went. niru is angry and enraged, and says that he shall go to the airport immediately to get him. but they are distracted by loud noises coming from pulkit’s room. they rush and find things broken, while they are shouting at top voices. they look away when he comes, and asks them. she says that pulkit wont answer as he isnt ready to show anyone his face yet too, and that she is ashamed to call him her husband. Niru asks supriya in front of everyone as to why so much hatred against him. she says that the rfeason for the same is because of his own son, pulkit who is about to become a father yet again. madhavi comments that this is wonderful then why are they upset. she responds that the reason is, that pulkit’s child is conceived by kashish and not her. they are apalled and aghast to hear this. madhavi slaps him while his hesitation confirms it. ammaji too laments it. madhavi and ammaji reprimand him, while niru slowly starts retreating. ammaji asks him not to get tensed as this is domestic life, and asks him not to bother himself and focus on working. he starts walking listlessly in the corridor, remembering everything about sagar and pulkit. he thinks that he has just two sons, and noone of them is at peace. he clutches at his heart in pain. ganga and krishna out with their suitcases, come to leave. ammaji is casually coming down. niru gets a heart attack, as he steps down the stairs, while ammji follows after him. she is aghast as he drops unconscious on the floor. ganga and krishna are apalled and aghast. they rush to his care. madhavi is distraught and apalled. ganga rushes to call the doctor, when ammaji tells her. ganga asks for an ambulance.
Scene 2:
Location: On the road
While all are tensedly eyeing niru, he is rushed to the hospital in an ambulance. they finally reach.
Scene 3:
Location: Hospital
Niru is rushed inside the hospital on a stretched while all rush down distraught. ganga is apalled to see her like this. they beg the doctor to take a look. he is rushed inside the examining room, while asking them too step out. they anxiously wait outside peeping through the glass hole. they wait in anticipation and despair. ganga comforts madhavi and makes her sit down, saying that both the children did this to him, as they both should have been here. ganga asks her to calm down, and then tries sagar’s number, but finds it switched off. krishna continuously assures madhavi. ganga thinks that this means he has gone and tells this to madhavi, who curses herself for having given birth to such worthless kids, who made their father go through this. ganga is tensed. madhavi has bitter words, while ganga asks her what good would that do, as niru would be okay soon. pulkit and supriya rush too. madhavi asks him not to think about even coming close or even see him, and asks why has he come, as he should go too like him. he tries to assure but she brands them as selfish, who brought niru to this. all are tensed. she asks him to get lost, while he is embarassed. he begs her but she is adamant and asks him to leave. supriya tries to talk, but madhavi stops them saying that its better that she died. the wardboy comesd and asks madhavi to control her temper. she asks ganga to tell them to go. she begs him in signals, and he complies and walks out, totally disheartened. madhavi rushes to see niru. The screen freezes on ganga’s distraught face.

Scene 1:

Location: Ammmaji’s residence and hospital

Ammaji is frantic and berserk, and keeps hollering maharaj to call and continue an update on niru’s condition. he hurriedly complies. she speaks to madhavi, who says that he hsnt regained consciousness and hopes for the best. ammaji assures her the same, and then asks her to call the minute he wakes up. she asks her not to be scared. meanwhile krishna signals ganga and leaves to freshen up. ammaji meanwhile asks maharaj to keep her updated, and then resorts to praying. MEanwhile, ganga remembers her first meeting with niru and how he had adopted in a small age, and how he had tended to her. she rushes off in despair to the temple. supriya stays behind with ammaji. ganga meanwhile finds krishna already there. she wipes her tears

and joins her. krishna assures her that she is praying for her father, and that very soon niru shall be okay and with them. ganga says that she loves him very much. krishna assures and comforts her. ganga says that she wants her father to be with her always. krishna says that she too likes to be with her father and doesnt want to lose him, just the way she feels for niru. ganga ignores her comment deliberately and asks her to come along to niru, saying that she too feels nothing shall go wrong. ganga comes back, and talks to supriya, that niru and madhavi need their sons right now, even if they are enraged. sagar is in flight, and hence pulkit remains the only option. supriya is scared of madhavi’s anger, but ganga assures that despite it, she should have pulkit by her side. supriya complies and rushes out to get him.

Outside, pulkit paces nervously, when he finds kashish coming to him, asking why is he here. he lashes out his anger at her, saying that he is responsible for all this. she is concerned for niru,. but he continues to lash at her. she asks what about their child. he says that he doesnt care for the child, and her too, and asks her to get lost. she is shocked and asks how can he say this to his own love and his child. supriya says that even if delayed, but he said the right thing. they are both shocked to see her there. she comes and asks kashish to get lost as she already ruined their lives, and that she along with her child shall have to go away, as neither the relation nor the child, is legitimate. she begs kashish to let them live in peace, he stays silent, and kashish comments that he was silent the other day when everyone got to know about their relation, and today too. she says that she never was a part of this relation, and his life, and that she shall leave this city, and his life too, as she has applied for a transfer. she sarcastically thanks him for everything, and turns around to leave. the couple eye her going tensedly.

Back home, ammaji is fervently praying, while maharaj comes with a glass of milk, and finds her ardently praying to the lord, for niru’s safety. he tries to get her to eat so that she can have meds. she asks how can she, when niru is battling with death. she starts panting, but then says that she shall go to her guruji rightaway, to seek any religious solution that he gives, and says that she never sought anything. he begs her not to ask him, as she isnt well to go. but she is adamant and hollers at him to comply to orders. he is in a dilemma, as she is adamant on her stance.

Madhavi starts getting impatient, as she waits outside, and bad thoughts keep flashing. ganga continues to assure her that everything shall be fine, and that their love and ammaji’s blessings are with him. she asks her not to think worse thoughts. As the doctor finally comes, MAdhavi hurriedly asks him about niru. tells them all that niru had an angioplasty and shall be fine, as it was a minor attack. they are relieved. but then the doctor asks him to get some tests done on niru. they are tensed. but comply. ganga asks whats tests and if its serious and niru is in trouble. the doctor says that they shall know and be able to tell for sure only after the test results. he leaves giving them permission to meet niru. madhavi is tensed as to what could be the reason and if its something serious. ganga assures that everything would be normal, and asks her to maintain her face, as she wouldnt want to meet niru in tension, since that would adversely affect him. madhavi complies and they both go in, while he groggily opens his eyes. madhavi asks him if he is okay and isnt in much pain. ganga and krishna ask this to him too, after ganga tells him that he can return home, after some tests. supriya and pulkit come too. all are alarmed.

Finally, they get niru home. ammaji is relieved to see him safe and sound, and hands him prashad. she sits by his bed, and continues to banter about her concern for his health, the same way that the doctor must have told him. she breaks down emotionally, having contained himself for so long. she says that she cant see him like this. he asks her not to worry, holding her hand, as he is absolutely fine. he says that he is tensed as both his sons are upset in their life. madhavi distracts him, and asks him not to think like this. ammaji complies. just then, ganga comes with a glass of water. they all eye her tensedly, as ganga gives him the meds. she then gives him the prescribed porridge asking him to simply have it and not look for taste. she then turns to leave, when he stops her. she turns around teary eyed, as he apologises. she asks him not to, but he insists that she shouldnt stop him today, as he almost felt he would be finished today. she begs him not to say so, as they need him. madhavi and ammaji are distraught. niru says that he couldnt do justice to her, as he wanted them to be together, and hopes that he had taken the right decision at the right time. ganga asks him to stop blaming himself, as time is at fault along with destiny and situation, and asks him not to bother for her, as she wont go anywhere, till she gets completely okay. she tries to get personal saying that he has to comply to what she says and if he doesnt, she shall scold him. he smiles amused. she asks him to have his food, and then kisses his palm, and leaves. niru eyes her.

In her room, ganga is distraught wondering what and why this is happening. she thinks that niru is broken apart by their differences, and wonders how to explain this to niru, that he isnt the reason why they are separate and there isnt any solution to why they are apart, and it cant be solved even. the doctor calls and tells ganga over the phone that niru’s test results have arrived, and she can come and collect, and hopefully if she can come alone, its best. ganga complies, but is extremely tensed. the screen freezes on her face.
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